Getting a list element

As we can now determine the number of elements contained within a list, it is time to retrieve one or more of those elements. To accomplish this, Tcl provides the lrange command. The syntax is as follows:

	lrange list first last

How to do it…

In the following example, we will pass a list to the lrange command to retrieve the elements contained with the indices provided. Return values from the commands are provided for clarity. Enter the following command:

% lrange {John Mary Bill Fred Tom Sally} 0 1
John Mary

How it works…

The lrange command accepts a valid Tcl list and returns a new list consisting of the elements referenced in the index values provided in first and last last inclusive. If the index contained in first is less than 0, it is treated as 0. If the index contained in last is greater than or equal to the number of elements, it is treated as if it were end, as described previously, where indexes are concerned.

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