Featuring Android games

A successful game means both profits and fame. A game can be profitable with a good monetization design and marketing. However, getting famous is not that easy. A game becomes famous if it gets featured in various places.

A game can be featured with the help of the following qualities and criteria:

  • Creativity and uniqueness
  • User reviews and ratings
  • Download count
  • Revenue amount

Creativity and uniqueness

There are many game critics and reviewers present in the game industry. There are many articles, blogs, magazines, and sites that follow, review, and talk about games. Game creativity and uniqueness are the biggest factors for such mediums. The quality of the game depends on these in terms of game art, game design, and playability. A good art style, good design, and playability can make a game get featured by game stores, magazines, or blogs. In such ways, the developer can make a game famous, which may lead to more users and revenue.

User reviews and ratings

After publishing the game, the game's fate depends on users. New users cannot be attracted to the game if the game receives bad reviews and a poor rating. Hence, the game will not be featured and gain momentum. The developer should always keep an eye on the game ratings and user reviews. The developer should actively respond to the issues that users are having and be thankful for the good ratings and reviews. Often, it has been noticed that the game does not do well in the early stages of publishing. However, with a positive attitude towards user reviews, they perform well in the later stages.

Download count

Download count is another game featuring criteria. As soon as the download count increases, there is more probability that the game will get featured by the store itself. However, the rating is also a factor in such featuring. The developer should concentrate on increasing the number of downloads as soon as possible to get featured or to be in the top list.

Revenue amount

An Android game can be featured with the amount of revenue generation in the top grossing list. Being in the top grossing list means users are paying for the game or the game is generating a significant amount of revenue. Getting featured in the top grossing list always increases the visibility of the game, which indirectly generates more download count and revenue. However, to remain in the top list, the developer should always update the game as per user requirements and heavily focus on user retention.

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