
You learned about the whole game development cycle in this chapter. Developers should be capable of taking the right decision for the game to taste success. It is a well-known fact that success does not come easily. This chapter shows all the factors of a game that need to be taken care of to achieve success.

Making a good game is not enough; making a unique game is not enough; making good graphics is not enough; and having a good design is not enough. A game's developers must take help from other third-party services if they are not capable of doing it on their own. Using social platforms is also a must.

Finally, choosing the right publishing place and targeting the correct audience for the game can bring success. In the case of Android-specific gaming, there are already established publishing houses, stores, and other third-party service providers available. The developer needs to assemble all of them carefully after the game has been made. Otherwise, there is a strong possibility that a good game might be lost in the crowd of millions of Android games.

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