Different styles for different development engines

We have already discussed a few development tools and engines. The current gaming industry does not encourage the development of a game only for a specific hardware or operating platform. We can find a lot of games that are platform exclusive, but this implies a business decision.

It is quite obvious that the same development is not applicable on every development engine. For example, the development style in native Android will differ from the development style in the Unity3D game engine. The basic reasons are:

  • Different programming languages
  • Different work principles
  • Different target platforms

Different programming languages

Each and every programming language has its own style and structure of programming. Developing games with Android NDK through C++ is not the same as making games in Android SDK using Java. Developing games using third-party cross-platform engines is also different.

We are not talking about the syntactical difference here. It is about the coding style. Using C++ for Android NDK is different from using C++ for Unreal Engine 4 or Cocos2d-x. Although the C++ core library remains the same, each tool guides the developer to a different direction of styles to get the best result.

Not only C++ and Java, but also C#, Python, JavaScript, Lua, Boo, and so on are being used in the gaming industry. Many of the engines support multiple programming languages to attract maximum developers.

Different work principles

Different game engines or game making tools follow different working principles. A developer should be flexible enough to become accustomed to these different systems. There are always different code structures, folder structures, and program hierarchies for different engines.

For native development, it is the developer who sets the standard. Engines come with an integral set of standards, and it is expected that all the developers working on that particular engine will follow the same principle.

For example, the work principle of Unity3D is far different to Unreal Engine or Cocos2d-x. Cocos2d-x does not support visual programming, whereas Unreal Engine Blueprint has full visual programming support. So, the development approach must be different despite having the same deployment target.

Different target platforms

Modern age cross-platform game development tools have already minimized the difference in style and standard. However, for a very few tools, the style and standard is still different.

Now, if we talk only about Android here, then consider the different hardware platforms on it. Development style does not always mean programming. It is about maintaining the complete project, starting from design to deployment. Android console development is different from Android mobiles.

From the gameplay point of view, the general style of design varies with play session time, control, and look. An average session on a console may last up to 2 hours, whereas mobile session length is almost 5 percent of that. A touch interface is far different from a key interface, which also differs from a game controller interface. So, even if the developer plans to deploy the same game made with the same engine, the style of designing the interface changes for very obvious reasons.

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