Platform-specific specialties

We have already discussed about all the Android hardware platforms till now. Each platform has its own specialties in terms of configuration, size, shape, utilities, and features.

Let's summarize the platform-specific points that should be taken into consideration while developing a game for the same.

Android mobiles

This type of Android hardware platform is the most famous and widely used device across the world. Typical Android mobile-specific features are:

  • Small screen
  • High dpi display
  • Wide range of hardware configurations
  • Full touchscreen
  • Maximum sensor support
  • Multipurpose use
  • Maximum user base

Android tablets

This type of Android hardware platform is the second most famous and widely used devices across the world, with slightly different utilities. Typical Android tablet-specific features are:

  • Comparatively bigger screen
  • Low dpi display
  • Full touchscreen
  • Specific use device

Android televisions and STBs

This type of Android hardware platform is spreading rapidly as smart TVs with more features and abilities than a simple television gain popularity. Typical Android television- and STB-specific features are:

  • Biggest display unit
  • No touch interface
  • D-pad or controller-based input system
  • Fixed landscape orientation
  • Limited hardware support
  • Suitable for multiplayer games

Android consoles

Beside famous gaming consoles such as the PS3, PS4, and Xbox, Android gaming consoles are also gaining popularity nowadays. Typical Android console-specific features are:

  • Dedicated hardware system for gaming
  • Full controller-based input system
  • Multiresolution large display support
  • Hardware-specific development
  • Best Android platform for multiplayer gaming experience

Android watches

This is the most used wearable platform on Android. The main feature of this device is to provide health information. However, gaming is also spreading on this device. Typical Android watch-specific features are:

  • Very small display
  • Limited hardware support
  • Less memory and processing power
  • Touchscreen interface
  • Very portable
  • Separate wearable development environment needed
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