Common game development mistakes

It is not always possible to look into each and every performance aspect at every development stage. It is a very common practice to use assets and write code in a temporary mode and use it in the final game.

This affects the overall performance and future maintenance procedure. Here are few of the most common mistakes made during game development.

Use of non-optimized images

An artist creates art assets, and the developer directly integrates those into the game for the debug build. However, most of the time, those assets are never optimized, even for the release candidate.

This is the reason there may be plenty of high-bit images where the asset contains limited information. Alpha information may be found in opaque images.

Use of full utility third-party libraries

The modern day development style does not require each and every development module to be written from scratch. Most of the developers use a predefined third-party library for common utility mechanisms.

Most of the time, these packages come with most of the possible methods, and among them, very few are actually used in games. Developers, most of the time, use these packages without any filtration. A lot of unused data occupies memory during runtime in such cases.

Often, a third-party library comes without an editing facility. In this case, the developer should choose such packages very carefully, depending on their specific requirements.

Use of unmanaged networking connections

In modern Android games, the use of Internet connectivity is very common. Many games use server-based gameplay. In such cases, the entire game runs on the server with frequent data transfers between the server and the client device. Each data transfer process takes time, and the connectivity drains the battery charge significantly.

Badly managed networking states often freeze the application. A significant amount of data is handled, especially for real-time multiplayer games. In this case, a request and response queue should be created and managed properly. However, the developer often skips this part to save development time.

Another aspect of unmanaged connections is unnecessary packet data transferred between the server and client. So, there is an extra parsing process involved each time data is transferred.

Using substandard programming

We have already discussed programming styles and standards. The modular programming approach may increase a few extra processes, but the longer management of programming demands modular programming. Otherwise, developers end up repeating code, and this increases process overhead.

Memory management also demands a good programming style. In few cases, the developer allocates memory but often forgets to free the memory. This causes a lot of memory leakage. At times, the application crashes due to insufficient memory.

Substandard programming includes the following mistakes:

  • Declaring the same variables multiple times
  • Creating many static instances
  • Writing non-modular coding
  • Improper singleton class creation
  • Loading objects at runtime

Taking a shortcut

This is the funniest fact among ill-practiced development styles. Taking a shortcut during development is very common among game developers.

Making games is mostly about logical development. There may be multiple ways of solving a logical problem. Very often, the developer chooses the most convenient way to solve such problems. For example, the developer mostly uses the bubble sorting method for most of the sorting requirements, despite knowing that it is the most inefficient sorting process.

Using such shortcuts multiple times in a game may cause a visible process delay, which directly affects the frame rate.

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