Exploring Android consoles

A small piece of adapter connected to a television and a controller device to control the adapter, together are called a console set. Android is a cheap, low-budget operating system, which can be used on any mobile hardware platform with ease.

One of the first Android-based consoles is OUYA (image source: http://cdn2.pu.nl/media/misc/ouya_wall_ins.jpg):

Exploring Android consoles

These consoles are called microconsoles. A few years ago, the specification of such consoles was the following:

  • Model: OUYA
  • Processor: ARM Cortex A9
  • Speed: 1.7 GHz quadcore
  • System chip: NVIDIA Tegra 3
  • Flash memory: 8 GB
  • RAM: 1 GB DDR3
  • Display: HD (720p) or Full HD (1080p)
  • Graphics processor: NVIDIA GeForce ULP GPU
  • Android version: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and LAN

Now let's have a look at the modern age Android console specification:

  • Model: NVIDIA Shield
  • Processor: ARM Cortex A57 + A53 (64 bit)
  • Speed: 1.9 GHz quadcore + 1000 MHz quadcore
  • System chip: NVIDIA Tegra X1
  • Flash memory: 500 GB HDD
  • RAM: 3 GB
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LAN, USB, and HDMI
  • Display: 4K resolution support

Here is the NVIDIA Shield Android console (https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/72vPz7fqWT7ButeiG17cW_jjP2Y=/0x0:1920x1080/1600x900/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/45812214/shield-hero-image.0.0.jpg)

Exploring Android consoles

Let's now take a look at another modern age Android gaming console called Razor Forge TV (image source: http://android.hu/img/2015/04/gallery-04.jpg):

Exploring Android consoles

Its specifications are as follows:

  • Model: Razor Forge TV
  • Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 805
  • Speed: 2.5 GHz quadcore
  • GPU: Adreno 420
  • Flash memory: 16 GB
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LAN, USB, and HDMI
  • Android version: 5.0 Lollipop

A console is a specific device for gaming. However, nowadays, consoles can be used for various purposes, but the main objective remains the same.

From the previous example specifications, we can have an idea of how Android console gaming is improving. Developers work on a specific target device for consoles. Even if the game is portable, console quality has to be maintained.

In a recent market study, it was said that PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Wii U will be the dominant platforms for hardcore console gamers. However, Android console offerings from Amazon, Google, and others are projected to grow at a much faster rate, and offer the casual to mid-core gamer an affordable way to play from the couch. It is pretty much clear that over time, the broader base of console gamers will likely consider Android.

This opens up a new era of Android game development. Console games are different to typical mobile games, which maximum Android game developers are into. However, with the growing number of Android consoles since 2014, more and more developers are taking interest in this.

Apart from the consoles discussed earlier, there are few more, such as the following:

  • Game Stick: This is a small dongle-sized console powered by Android Jelly Bean, having 1 GB DDR3 RAM and 8 GB Flash memory. However, this specification is being boosted (image source: http://cdn2.knowyourmobile.com/sites/knowyourmobilecom/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/5/05/gamestick-4.jpg?itok=kYGDnKgr):
    Exploring Android consoles
  • Mad Catz MOJO: This is a normal microconsole having 2 GB RAM, 16 GB Flash memory, and a Tegra 4 processor. This device runs on Android 4.2.2 (image source: http://cc.cnetcontent.com/inlinecontent/mediaserver/3m/8f8/607/8f8607ed9d2b4cee981f651125046895/original.jpg):
    Exploring Android consoles
  • GamePop: BlueStacks has manufactured this next generation Android gaming console with a target to set a subscription model like other top consoles. Most of the Android gaming consoles use store-based content. This is certainly a new venture with great expectations.

    A new feature introduced in this console is that this device is capable of running iOS games with the help of a visualization tool called Looking Glass. It would be wise to wait until the unit is in the wild before getting too excited about how this all works. But if it does, then the results could be astounding.

    Exploring Android consoles

The evolution of consoles running Android may be the future of gaming; however, it is established that the existence of other top consoles will not become extinct. The user base is increasing day by day, and so is the number of games on those platforms.

Being an Android game developer, one must not stick to the conventional gaming platforms such as smartphones and tablets. The era is changing rapidly. Developers should keep themselves up to date.

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