Game design standards

Game design is documented in almost every organization in the gaming industry. This is one of the standards used most often by almost all developers. Technical design is sometimes skipped to save some time, and some designers include the most required segments from a technical document in game design. However, this approach is not recommended.

A basic approach to maintain a standard game design contains the following sections:

  • Game overview
  • Gameplay details
  • Game progression
  • Storyboard and game elements
  • Level design
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Art style
  • Technical reference
  • Change log

Game overview

This section defines the nature of the game along with its target audience. This section contains a brief about the game concept, gameplay, and the look and feel. The working title is mentioned beforehand.

Game overview is basically the brief on almost all aspects of the game to be made. This section may project a market study to support the game concept and genre chosen for the game.

Gameplay details

Gameplay controls and the preferred user interface to control the gameplay is defined in this section. This is one of the most important parts of the game. Gameplay should be optimized for each hardware platform it is targeting. The game might be deployed for a mobile, tablet, and a console as well. So, different control schemes are defined for obvious reasons.

Game progression

Game progression defines the game life cycle and its evolution through time. A game is a dynamic entertainment system. So, users cannot be bored at any point in time, and this section is responsible for user retention.

Storyboard and game elements

This part of game design defines the background of the game concept. This does not mean having an actual story-based game background. However, every game must have some elements or objects around which the gameplay works.

For example, a side scrolling runner game will have a character, a few obstacles, environmental objects, and so on. They are termed as game elements. The reason for running is the background story.

In another example, let's assume a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. A background story is not necessary; however, crosses, circles, and the grid are the elements of the game, which need to be designed and stylized.

Level design

Levels are the consequence of game progression. Each level has a synopsis, introduction, materials or elements, and an objective. More information can be given depending on the game.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence helps the gameplay to be experienced in a real-time scenario. It may be the opponent, enemy, obstacle, friendly support, situation detection, collision detection, pathfinding, or anything that determines a state of the game automatically.

Artificial intelligence is mandatory for each and every game. It should imply a mathematical or physical algorithm to carry out a certain task within a domain.

Art style

A game design document also includes the style and direction of the look and feel. The designer may include few references as well. This gives the artist a headstart in thinking about the art direction. Art is the most powerful part of the game to attract users initially.

This section does not include the technical specification for the art. Developers may include a few technical directions here to optimize the asset to be used inside the game.

Technical reference

In this section of a design document, all the technical references are included. For Android game development, this section may include a range of devices with minimum specification, targeting platforms, base graphics engine, development engine, and so on. This is a miniature version of the actual technical design document. When a developer or an organization chooses not to make any separate technical document, they mention all the tech specs in this scope.

Change log

The change log holds a history of changes in the document with versions and dates. This serves the same purpose as any change log documentation.

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