
Since Android API level 15, the framework supports OpenGL ES 2.0. This gave immense flexibility to graphic programmers to implement shaders in Android games.

Almost every hardware configuration supports shaders to run on GPU. However, the scale of using shaders determines the performance. In modern day, this is not actually an issue.

Shaders are being used widely in games. In every aspect of graphical programming, shaders have already proven their place. All the famous and successful game developers have acknowledged the importance of shaders. Graphic artists need not worry about everything visual in the game, which reduces the development time significantly.

Shaders are, therefore, widely used in games. Newer shaders are coming up with additional features now. The upgrading cycle of shaders has become less. However, hardware is also being upgraded with newer technology to support the graphical updates.

It feels like magic to see a simple cube turn into anything that has the same orientation. This magic will keep happening on a larger scale in the future.

Just developing a game is not enough. Shaders help a lot in reducing memory usage, but they increase processing overhead. We will try to explore various optimization techniques of storage and processing in the next chapter.

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