Development insights on Android consoles

Today's modern mobile devices are well capable of running a moderate quality game with limited processing power, comparable with PC and consoles. It is being anticipated that the revenue for mobile games will surpass that of consoles and PC by the year 2015-2016. Now the question arises, "Will the console game market survive?" The answer is Yes.

Consoles are specially designed and configured to provide the best gaming experience, where smartphones are designed for better communication and networking with limited computing power. Android, as an operating system for consoles, has proved to be a success.

There is not much difference between the configurations of an Android mobile and an Android console. Processor, memory capacity, and another few changes can be seen, but the major and the most important difference is the input system. Mobiles, tablets, wearables, all have a touch interface, whereas consoles use the typical gaming controller.

Android gaming consoles are placed between mobiles and PCs from a development perspective. So, apart from the design, the engineering or programming section of console game development depends on mainly two parameters: controls and the use of hardware.

We have already discussed the various types of consoles available in the market. As a development platform, it does not have much uniqueness.

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