Appendix E. Values

As a representative sample, the following basic beliefs were crafted at Concurrent Computer Corporation in the early 1990s as the senior management team began its successful efforts to revitalize the company.

  • We will operate to the highest standard of ethics in all that we do.
  • We respect each other as individuals and value our individual and cultural differences, teamed together in an environment of dignity and trust. We need and encourage one another's ideas and suggestions, shared in an open spirit of trust.
  • Our quality culture will be built upon a foundation of teamwork and accountability for continuous improvement in everything we do, so that we meet our commitment to our customers.
  • We will operate as an international organization. We will address cultural and global issues so as to successfully compete on a worldwide basis.
  • We believe in an enjoyable and healthy working environment that fosters initiative, creativity, prudent risk-taking, and encourages personal development.
  • As stewards of our corporate resources, we will generate profits to support the long-term viability of our business, to reward all those who contribute to our growth, and to enhance value to our shareholders.

You will note that these statements are concise, readily understandable, and universal in their application. Most importantly, they were created using a participatory approach, and there was consensus about their final form.

An example of values with supporting behaviors

Obviously, values systems must be tailored to the organization. In doing so, it's advantageous to also identify the specific behaviors that support the articulated values.

The following values and correlating behaviors are from Kyowa Pharmaceutical, Inc., in Princeton, New Jersey:



By identifying these specific behaviors, organizational participants have a clearer understanding of expectations.

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