Truth 8. You can’t give what you don’t have

The heat is on. As companies are developing a growing awareness of the real bottom-line value of employee engagement, the pressure to create that relationship is put directly on the shoulders of front-line managers. And that’s where it belongs. According to the Hay Group, as much as 30 percent difference in business performance can be attributed directly to the way managers treat employees. However, judging from the accountability that senior leadership places on managers to boost the engagement or satisfaction scores that come out of annual surveys, it would be natural for managers to feel at least 80 percent responsible for that difference in business performance. Engagement, no matter how satisfying it is, is a heavy burden for you to carry.

The question is this: Are you feeling that same level of engagement you’re expecting to provide your employees? If companies aren’t assuming responsibility for your needs as an employee, you’re not a catalyst for high-performing, engaged cultures. You are the scapegoat for the failures of your senior management, who may want the benefits of engagement but not the hard work that goes into it. If you’re not engaged yourself, you can’t inspire your employees to any level of emotional dedication to their work.

Companies that measure engagement rely on a certain set of characteristics that describe the ideal experience their employees have on the job. Some start with an off-the-shelf product, such as Gallup’s Q12 questionnaire. Others evolve their own custom list, usually with the help of consultants who specialize in engagement and surveys. No matter what the list is or how it’s specifically worded, the items most commonly reflect some or all of the following sentiments:

If you’re not engaged yourself, you can’t inspire your employees.

• My company’s values are similar to mine.

• I believe in my company’s future.

• I see how my job serves the company’s big-picture mission.

• I have what I need to get my job done.

• I have faith that the company can adapt to market changes.

• If I’m offered a comparable job at comparable pay, I’d choose to stay here.

• I’d recommend this company to all my friends.

• I happily go above and beyond the call of duty in my work.

• I know my boss cares about me, the work I do, and my professional future.

If your company performs an annual survey to measure employee engagement, those statements probably look at least somewhat familiar to you. But as an engaged manager of engaged employees, you have an additional set of needs and variables. Even though you might not see these statements on the survey, how would you answer them?

• My senior leadership stands by me, even when I have to make a tough people decision.

• My boss wholeheartedly believes in the mission of the company and how our department serves it.

• I have all the resources I need to attract and retain top talent.

• I respect and trust my boss.

• My boss respects and trusts me.

• My supervisor gives me the training I need to be a better people leader.

• My leadership knows that I’m trying hard and recognizes my efforts to improve as a manager.

• I believe in the initiatives I have to implement that directly affect my staff.

As a people manager, you deserve to experience all the same engagement characteristics that your employees do (and then some). You need the confidence and respect of all your coworkers—above you and below you on the org chart—to do your job brilliantly.

You need the confidence and respect of all your coworkers to do your job brilliantly.

So if you’re not feeling that you’re getting the engagement support from your boss that you’re expected to provide your direct reports, speak up! And preferably before survey season begins. Your initiative now will show up later in improved scores above you and below you.

But most importantly, performance and results will improve all around. And that, as a manager, is one of your chief responsibilities.

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