Theorem 2.15


Theorem 2.16


Theorem 2.17

SUBSET SUM (SS): Given a list of integers c02-math-0973 and an integer S, determine whether there exists a set c02-math-0975 such that c02-math-0976.

Theorem 2.18


A special form of the problem SS is when the sum of the whole list is equal to 2S. This subproblem of SS is called PARTITION: given a list of integers c02-math-1068, determine whether there is a set c02-math-1069 such that c02-math-1070.

Corollary 2.19


2.4 Polynomial-Time Turing Reducibility

Polynomial-time many-one reducibility is a strong type of reducibility on decision problems (i.e., languages) that preserves the membership in the class P. In this section, we extend this notion to a weaker type of reducibility called polynomial-time Turing reducibility that also preserves the membership in P. Moreover, this weak reducibility can also be applied to search problems (i.e., functions).

Intuitively, a problem A is Turing reducible to a problem B, denoted by c02-math-1079, if there is an algorithm M for A which can ask, during its computation, some membership questions about set B. If the total amount of time used by M on an input x, excluding the querying time, is bounded by c02-math-1085 for some polynomial p, and furthermore, if the length of each query asked by M on input x is also bounded by c02-math-1089, then we say A is polynomial-time Turing reducible to B and denote it by c02-math-1092. Let us look at some examples.

Example 2.20

The above example (c) illustrates a typical relation between a decision problem and the corresponding optimization search problem. That is, the optimization search problem is polynomial-time solvable if it is allowed to make one or more queries to the corresponding decision problem.

In the following, we define oracle Turing machines as the formal model for the notion of polynomial-time Turing reducibility. A function-oracle DTM is an ordinary DTM equipped with an extra tape, called the query tape, and two extra states, called the query state and the answer state. The oracle machine M works as follows: First, on input x and with oracle function f (which is a total function on c02-math-1195), it begins the computation at the initial state and behaves exactly like the ordinary TM when it is not in any of the special states. The machine is allowed to enter the query state to make queries to the oracle, but it is not allowed to enter the answer state from any ordinary state. Before it enters the query state, machine M needs to prepare the query string y by writing the string y on the query tape and leaving the tape head of the query tape scanning the square to the right of the rightmost square of y. After the oracle machineM enters the query state, the computation is taken over by the “oracle” f, which will do the following for the machine: it reads the string y on the query tape; it replaces y by the string f(y); it puts the tape head of the query tape back scanning the leftmost square of f(y); and it puts the machine into the answer state. Then the machine continues from the answer state as usual. The actions taken by the oracle count as only one unit of time.

Let M be an oracle TM. Then, M defines an operator that maps each total function f to a partial function g, the function computed by M with oracle f. We write Mf to denote the computation of M using oracle f, and let c02-math-1215 denote the set of strings accepted by M with oracle f (i.e., the domain of function g).

A special type of oracle machines are those that only use 0-1 functions as oracles. Each 0-1 function f may be regarded as the characteristic function of a set c02-math-1220. In this case, we write MA and c02-math-1222 for Mf and c02-math-1224, respectively. This type of oracle machine has a simpler but equivalent model: the set-oracle Turing machine. A set-oracle TM M has an extra query tape and three extra states: the query state, the yes state, and the no state. The machine behaves like an ordinary DTM when it is not in the query state. When it enters the query state, the oracle (set A) reads the query y and puts the machine into either the yes state or the no state, depending on whether c02-math-1228 or c02-math-1229, respectively. The oracle also erases the content y of the query tape. Afterwards, the machine M continues the computation from the yes or the no state as usual.

As we will be mostly working with set-oracle DTMs, we only give a formal definition of the computation of a set-oracle DTM. We leave the formal definition of the computation of a function-oracle TM as an exercise (Exercise 2.12). Formally, a two-tape (set-)oracle DTM M can be defined by nine components c02-math-1233. Similar to the ordinary DTMs, Q is a finite set of states, c02-math-1235 is the initial state, c02-math-1236 is the set of final states, Σ is the set of input alphabet, and c02-math-1238 is the set of tape symbols, including the blank symbol c02-math-1239. In addition, c02-math-1240 is the query state, qY is the yes state, qN is the no state, and δ is the transition function from c02-math-1244 to c02-math-1245.

A configuration of a two-tape oracle DTM is formally defined to be an element in c02-math-1246. A configuration c02-math-1247 denotes that the machine is currently in state q, theregular tape contains the string c02-math-1249, the tape head is scanning the leftmost symbol of y1, the query tape contains the string c02-math-1251, and the tape head of the query tape is scanning the leftmost symbol of y2; the string x2 is called the query string of α. We extend the transition function δ to configurations to define a move of the machine M. Let α and β be two configurations of M. We write c02-math-1260 to mean that α is not in state c02-math-1262 and β is the next configuration obtained from α by applying the function δ to it (see Section 1.2). If c02-math-1266, then we write c02-math-1267 if c02-math-1268 and write c02-math-1269 if c02-math-1270. The computation of an oracle DTM c02-math-1271 on an input x is a sequence of configurations c02-math-1273, satisfying the following properties:

  1. c02-math-1274;
  2. αm is not in the query state and it does not have a next configuration; and
  3. For each i, c02-math-1277, either c02-math-1278 or c02-math-1279 or c02-math-1280.

A computation c02-math-1281 of M on input x is consistent with an oracle set A, if for each i, c02-math-1286, such that αi is in state c02-math-1288, c02-math-1289 if and only if the query string in αi is in A, and c02-math-1292 if and only if the query string in αi is not in A. We say M accepts x, relative to oracle set A, if there exists a computation of M on x that is consistent with A and whose halting state is in F. We define c02-math-1302 accepts x relative to c02-math-1304.

We now formally define the notion of Turing reducibility based on the notion of oracle TMs.

Definition 2.21

The time complexity of a set-oracle TM can be defined in a similar way as that of an ordinary TM. The single extra rule is that the transition from the query state to either the yes state or the no state (performed by the oracle) counts only one step. Thus, for any set-oracle machine M, oracle A and any input x, c02-math-1329 is defined to be the length of the halting computation of M on x relative to A. We then define c02-math-1333. We say that c02-math-1334 for some function g if for any oracle A and any n ≥ 0, c02-math-1338. Note that the measure c02-math-1339 is taken over the maximum of c02-math-1340 over all possible oracle sets A. In the applications, we often find this measure too severe and consider only c02-math-1342 for some specific set A or for some specific group of sets A. An oracle TM M is called a polynomial-time oracle Turing machine if c02-math-1346 for some polynomial p.

The time complexity of a function-oracle TM can be defined similar to that of a set-oracle TM. A potential problem may occur though if the oracle function f is length increasing. For instance, iff can replace a query string y of length n by the answer string c02-math-1352 of length 2n, then it is possible that the oracle machine M can use z as the new query string to obtain, in one move, the answer c02-math-1356, which would have taken 2n moves if M were to write down the query string z on the query tape by itself. This problem cannot be avoided by requiring, for instance, that the length c02-math-1360 of the answer relative to the length c02-math-1361 of the query be bounded by a polynomial function, because repeated queries using the previous answers could create large queries in a small number of moves. Note, however, that we have carefully required that the oracle f must, after writing down the answer z, move the tape head of the query tape to the leftmost square of z, and yet M needs to move it to the rightmost square of z to query for f(z). Thus, this problem is avoided by this seemingly arbitrary requirement.

Definition 2.22

In addition to the notations FPg and PB, we also write c02-math-1383 to denote the class c02-math-1384 and c02-math-1385 to denote the class c02-math-1386, if c02-math-1387 is a class of sets.

The reader is expected to verify that the reductions described in Example 2.4 can indeed be implemented by polynomial-time oracle machines.

It is easy to see that c02-math-1388 is both reflexive and transitive and, hence, is indeed a reducibility. Furthermore, it is easy to see that it is weaker than c02-math-1389.

Proposition 2.23

Proposition 2.24


Let c02-math-1449 be a complexity class. Recall that a set A is c02-math-1451-hard for c02-math-1452 if c02-math-1453 for all c02-math-1454. We say a set is c02-math-1455-hard to mean that it is c02-math-1456-hard for class c02-math-1457.

The notion of the space complexity of an oracle DTM M is not as easy to define as the time complexity. The straightforward approach is to define c02-math-1459 to be the number of squares the machine M visits in the computation of c02-math-1461, excluding the input and output tapes. A problem with this definition is that the space complexity of accepting a set A, using itself as the oracle, would require a linear space, because we need to copy the input to the query tape to make the query. This seems too much space necessary to compute the identity operator. When we consider the set-oracle TMs, note that each query is written to the query tape and then, after the query is answered, is erased by the oracle. Thus, the query tape serves a function similar to the output tape, except that this “output” is written to be read by the oracle instead ofthe user, and it seems more reasonable to exclude the query tape from the space measure. To prevent the machine from using the space of query tape “free” for other purposes, we can require that the query tape be a write-only tape, just like the output tape. These observations suggest us to use the alternative approach for the space complexity of oracle TMs in which the query tape is a write-only tape and is not counted in the space measure. It should be warned, however, that this space complexity measure still leads to many unsatisfactory properties. For instance, the polynomial-space Turing reducibility defined by polynomial-space-bounded oracle TMs is not really a reducibility relation because it does not have the transitivity property (see Exercise 2.16). Furthermore, if we extend this notion to more general types of oracle machines such as nondeterministic and alternating oracle TMs (to be introduced in the next chapter), there are even more undesirable properties about polynomial-space-bounded oracle machines. Therefore, we leave this issue open here and refer the interested reader to, for instance, Buss (1986) for more discussions.

2.5 NP-Complete Optimization Problems

Based on the notion of polynomial-time Turing reducibility, we can see that many important combinatorial optimization problems are NP-hard search problems. We prove these results by first showing that the corresponding decision problems are c02-math-1463-complete for NP and then proving that the problems of searching for the optimum solutions are c02-math-1464-equivalent to the corresponding decision problems. In practice, however, we often do not need the optimum solution. A nearly optimum solution is sufficient for most applications. In general, the NP-hardness of the optimization problem does not necessarily imply the NP-hardness of the approximation to the optimization problem. In this section, we demonstrate that for some NP-complete optimization problems, their approximation versions are also NP-hard and, yet, for some problems, polynomial-time approximation is achievable. These types of results are often more difficult to prove than other NP-completeness results. We only present some easier results and delay the more involved results until Chapter 11.

We first introduce a general framework to deal with the approximation problems. Very often, an optimization problem Π has the following general structure: for each input instance x to the problem Π, there are a number of solutions y to x. For each solution y, we associate a value c02-math-1471 (or, simply, v(y), if Π is known from the context) to it. The problem Π is to find, for the given input x, a solution y to x such that its value v(y) is maximized (or minimized). For instance, we can fit theproblem MAX-CLIQUE into this framework as follows: an input to the problem is a graph G; a solution to G is a clique C in G; the value v(C) of a solution C is the number of its vertices; and the problem is to find, for a given graph G, a clique of the maximum size.

Let r be a real number with r > 1. For a maximization problem Π with the above structure, we define its approximation version, with the approximation ratio r, as follows:

r-APPROX-Π: For a given input x, find a solution y to x such that c02-math-1495, where c02-math-1496 is a solution to c02-math-1497.

Similarly, for a minimization problem Π, its approximation version with the approximation ratio r is as follows:

r-APPROX-Π: For a given input x, find a solution y to x such that c02-math-1505, where c02-math-1506 is a solution to c02-math-1507.

In general, the approximation ratio r could be a function r(n) of the input size. In this section, we consider only approximation problems with a constant ratio r.

We first consider a famous optimization problem: the traveling salesman problem. The traveling salesman problem is an optimization problem that asks, from a given map of n cities, for a shortest tour of all these cities. The following is the standard formulation of its corresponding decision problem:

TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM (TSP): Given a complete graph c02-math-1512 with a cost function c02-math-1513 and an integer K > 0,determine whether there is a tour (i.e., a Hamiltonian circuit) of G whose total cost is less than or equal to K.
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