Corollary 9.27


9.4 c09-math-1067 and the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy

In this section, we prove that c09-math-1068. From Theorem 9.26, we only need to show that c09-math-1069. The main idea is that the number of accepting computations of an NTM can be amplified without changing its parity. Recall that c09-math-1070 denotes the number of accepting computations of an NTM M on input x.

Lemma 9.28


Theorem 9.29


Corollary 9.30

The above proof actually gives a stronger result. Let MAJ be the following operator: c09-math-1154 if for all x, c09-math-1156 for some polynomial p. Also define, for a class c09-math-1158 of sets, MAJc09-math-1159.

Corollary 9.31


9.5 Circuit Complexity and Relativized c09-math-1167 and c09-math-1168

We have seen in the last two sections that the class c09-math-1169 is hard for PH under the polynomial-time randomized reduction and the class c09-math-1170 is hard for PH under the polynomial-time Turing reduction. These results imply that if c09-math-1171 or c09-math-1172 is actually contained in PH, then PH collapses into a finite hierarchy. On the other hand, if either c09-math-1173 or c09-math-1174 is provably not contained in PH, then c09-math-1175, because c09-math-1176. Therefore, it appears difficult to determine the precise relations betweenc09-math-1177, c09-math-1178, and the polynomial-time hierarchy.

In this section, we investigate the relativized relations between these counting complexity classes and the polynomial-time hierarchy. We prove that in the relativized form, the complexity classes c09-math-1179 and c09-math-1180 are not contained in PH. The proof technique is particularly interesting, as it demonstrates a simple relation between the relativized separation results on classes in PH and the lower bound results on circuit complexity. Using the lower bound results on constant-depth circuits of Section 6.6, we are able to separate the relativized counting complexity classes from the polynomial-time hierarchy and, moreover, to separate the polynomial-time hierarchy into a properly infinite hierarchy by oracles.

We first show how to translate a relativized separation problem involving the polynomial-time hierarchy into a lower bound problem about constant-depth circuits. Recall from Chapter 3 a set B in c09-math-1182 can be characterized by a c09-math-1183-predicate c09-math-1184: for each x of length n,

where Qk is c09-math-1189 if k is odd and is c09-math-1191 if k is even and R is a polynomial-time computable predicate relative to any oracle A. Also recall from Section 6.6 the notion of constant-depth levelable Boolean circuits. Such a circuit has alternating AND and OR gates at each level. Each gate of the circuit has an unlimited fan-in, and its input nodes can take an input value as it is or take its negated value. In the following, by a circuit we mean a constant-depth levelable circuit. We label each input node of a circuit C by a string z or its negation c09-math-1197. These labels are called variables of C. We say that a variable z in C is assigned with a Boolean value b to mean that each input node with the label z takes the input value b and each input node with the label c09-math-1204 takes the input value c09-math-1205.

Lemma 9.32


In Corollary 6.38, it has been proved that any circuit of depth k that computes the parity of n variables must have size c09-math-1299 for some constant c > 0. We apply this lower bound on parity circuits to show that c09-math-1301 is not in PHA for some oracle A.

The relativized counting complexity classes c09-math-1304 and c09-math-1305 can be defined naturally. Namely, a set B is in c09-math-1307 if there exist a set c09-math-1308 and a polynomial q such that for each x, c09-math-1311 if and only if there exists an odd number of y of length c09-math-1313 satisfying c09-math-1314. That is, c09-math-1315. Similarly, a function f is in c09-math-1317 if there exist a set c09-math-1318 and a polynomial q such that for each x, f(x) is the number of strings y of length c09-math-1323 such that c09-math-1324.

Theorem 9.33


The above theorem can actually be improved so that for a random oracle A, c09-math-1402. To prove this result, we recall the result of Theorem 6.47, in which it was proved that the parity function cannot be c09-math-1403-approximated by polynomial-size constant-depth circuits. In fact, Theorem 6.47 can be improved to the following form (see Exercise 9.15).

Theorem 9.34

Theorem 9.35


9.6 Relativized Polynomial-Time Hierarchy

In this section, we apply the lower bound results on constant-depth circuits to separate the polynomial-time hierarchy by oracles. Let c09-math-1470 be the depth-d levelable circuit that has the following structure:

  1. c09-math-1472 has a top OR gate.
  2. The fan-in of all gates is n.
  3. c09-math-1474 has exactly nd variables, each variable occurring exactly once in a leaf in the positive form.

Let the function computed by c09-math-1476 be c09-math-1477. From Exercise 6.20, we know that for any and sufficiently large n, a depth-d circuit D with fan-in c09-math-1482 and bottom fan-in c09-math-1483 cannot compute c09-math-1484 (because such a circuit has size bounded by c09-math-1485 for large n, where c is the constant given in Exercise 6.20). We apply this lower bound result to separate the relativized polynomial-time hierarchy.

Theorem 9.36


The above proof technique is not only strong enough to separate the polynomial-time hierarchy by oracles, but it also can be applied to collapse the polynomial-time hierarchy to any finite level. These results suggest that the relativized results on the polynomial-time hierarchy do not bear much relation to the nonrelativized questions, though the proof technique of using lower bound results on constant-depth circuits is itself interesting.

Theorem 9.37


Finally, we remark that it is unknown whether the relativized polynomial-time hierarchy is a properly infinite hierarchy relative to a random oracle. In Theorem 9.35, we applied the stronger lower bound result on parity circuits to show that c09-math-1565 is not contained in PHA relative to a random oracle A. Namely, the stronger lower bound implies that no circuit of a constant depth d and size c09-math-1569 for any polynomial p can approximate the parity function correct on more than c09-math-1571 inputs. Similarly, if we could show a stronger lower bound result on depth-c09-math-1572 Circuits that c09-math-1573-approximate c09-math-1574, then it follows that the polynomial-time hierarchy is properly infinite relative to a random oracle. Note, however, that the symmetry property of the parity function is critical to the proof of Theorem 9.34. Without the symmetry property, the lower bound on the approximation circuits for function c09-math-1575 appears more difficult.


9.1 Let c09-math-1576 be the problem of counting the number of Hamiltonian circuits of a given graph G and #SS be the problem of counting the number of ways to select a sublist, from a given list of integers, so that the sublist sums to a given integer K > 0. Prove that the problems c09-math-1580 and #SS are c09-math-1582-complete.

9.2 A matching in a bipartite graph G is a set of edges which do not share common vertices. The problem GENERAL MATCHING (GM) is to count the number of matchings of a given bipartite graph. Prove that the problem GM is c09-math-1584-complete.

9.3 Prove that the problem #SAT remains c09-math-1585-complete even if we restrict the input formulas to be of the form 2-CNF and be monotone. (A CNF Boolean formula is monotone if all literals in each clause appear in the nonnegated form.)

9.4 Let LE be the problem of counting the number of linear extensions of a given partial ordering on a given set A; that is, for a given set c09-math-1587 and a set c09-math-1588 of ordered pairs of elements in A, find the number of total ordering c09-math-1590 over A such that for each pair c09-math-1592 in B, c09-math-1594. Prove that the problem LE is c09-math-1595-complete. [Hint: Similar to the problem PERM, first show that for each fixed but sufficiently large prime number p, each Boolean formula F can be reduced to a partial ordering PF on a set A such that #SATc09-math-1601 is reducible to the number of linear extensions of PF.]

9.5 For a set c09-math-1603 and a subset c09-math-1604, a pair (T,a), with c09-math-1606 and c09-math-1607, is said to be consistent with B if [a = 0 and c09-math-1610] or [a = 1 and c09-math-1612].

  1. Prove that the following counting problem is #P-complete: for a given set c09-math-1614 and a set c09-math-1615, with c09-math-1616 and each c09-math-1617 for each c09-math-1618, find the number of subsets c09-math-1619 such that each pair c09-math-1620, c09-math-1621, is consistent with B.
  2. Prove that the above counting problem remains #P-complete if we only count the number of subsets B of A, which are of size d and consistent with all pairs in X, where c09-math-1628 is an additional input parameter.

9.6 In the proof of Lemma 9.23, we used the second Swapping Lemma to prove (9.1). This seems unnecessary: By Lemma 9.22(a), the error probability of (9.2) can be reduced to c09-math-1629, and then the inequality (9.1), with c09-math-1630, follows immediately. Discuss what was wrong with this simpler argument.

9.7 Let n ≥ 1. Identify the set c09-math-1632 with the vector space c09-math-1633 of all n-dimensional vectors over the field c09-math-1635. Then, for any two strings c09-math-1636, their inner product is c09-math-1637, where ui denotes the ith bit of u and c09-math-1641 denotes the exclusive-or, or the odd parity, operation.

  1. For any random strings w1, c09-math-1643, c09-math-1644, define c09-math-1645, for c09-math-1646. Prove that c09-math-1647 and c09-math-1648.
  2. Let S be a nonempty subset of c09-math-1650. For any random strings w1, c09-math-1652, c09-math-1653, definec09-math-1654, c09-math-1655, c09-math-1656. Prove that c09-math-1657.
  3. Apply part (b) above, instead of the Isolation Lemma, to prove Theorem 9.24.

9.8 Let PRIMESAT = c09-math-1658 SAT: the number of truth assignments t that satisfies F is a prime number}. Prove that SATc09-math-1662(PRIMESAT).

9.9 In this exercise, we prove a straight-line program characterization of the class #P. A straight-line arithmetic program (or, simply, program) is a finite sequence c09-math-1664 of instructions such that each pk, c09-math-1666, is of one of the following forms:

  1. pk is a constant 0 or 1,
  2. c09-math-1668 or c09-math-1669 for some c09-math-1670,
  3. c09-math-1671 for some c09-math-1672,
  4. c09-math-1673 for some c09-math-1674, or
  5. c09-math-1675 or c09-math-1676 for some c09-math-1677. (c09-math-1678 means the polynomial obtained from pj by substituting 0 for the variable xi.)

Such a program c09-math-1681 is said to compute the polynomial pt; we denote it by c09-math-1683. A family of programs c09-math-1684 is a uniform family if each c09-math-1685 has at most k variables c09-math-1687 and if there is a polynomial-time DTM transducer that prints the instructions of program Qk from input 1k. Prove that a counting function c09-math-1690 is in #P if and only if there is a uniform family of programs Qk such that, for all c09-math-1693 of length n, c09-math-1695, where wj denotes the jth bit of w.

9.10 Let c09-math-1699 be two counting functions, and c09-math-1700 an integer function. We say that function g approximates f with errors bounded by r(n) if for any c09-math-1704,

  1. Let c09-math-1706 denote the class of functions c09-math-1707 that are computable by a polynomial-time oracle DTM with respect to an oracle in c09-math-1708. Prove that for any c09-math-1709 and any polynomial function r, there exists a function c09-math-1711 such that g approximates f with errors bounded by r. In addition, the oracle DTM for g queries only the oracle for at most c09-math-1716 times.
  2. Let c09-math-1717 denote the class of functions c09-math-1718 that are computable by a polynomial-time oracle PTM with respect to an oracle in NP such that the error probability is bounded by 1/4. Prove that for any c09-math-1720 and any polynomial function r, there exists a function c09-math-1722 such that g approximates f with errors bounded by r. In fact, the oraclemachine for g queries only the oracle for at most c09-math-1727 times.

9.11 A fully probabilistic polynomial-time approximation scheme for a counting function c09-math-1728 is a PTM that on inputs x and ε computes, in time polynomial in c09-math-1731 and with probability 3/4, an approximate value to f(x) with errors bounded by ε.

  1. We say a bipartite graph c09-math-1734 with c09-math-1735 is dense if each node has degree at least c09-math-1736. A 0-1-matrix is called dense if it is the adjacency matrix of a dense bipartite graph. Prove that the problem PERM restricted to dense 0-1-matrices remains #P-complete.
  2. Prove that there is a fully probabilistic polynomial-time approximation scheme for computing the permanents of dense 0-1-matrices.

9.12 Prove that the class c09-math-1738 is closed under the Boolean operations union, intersection, and complementation.

9.13 Let FewP denote the class of languages L that are accepted by polynomial-time NTMs that have at most a polynomial number of accepting computation paths for any c09-math-1741. Prove that the class c09-math-1742.

9.14 Prove that there exists an oracle A such that c09-math-1744 and NPA are incomparable.

9.15 Prove Theorem 9.34. That is, do a more careful analysis of the proofs of Theorems 6.46 and 6.47 to get an exponential lower bound for the size of any depth-d circuit c09-math-1747-approximating the parity function pn.

9.16 Prove Theorem 9.37. In particular, prove that

  1. for each integer k > 0, there exists a set Ak such that c09-math-1751; and
  2. for each integer k > 0, there exists a set Bk such that c09-math-1754. [Hint: Use Exercise 6.21.]


  1. Prove that there exists an oracle C such that c09-math-1756 for all k ≥ 1.
  2. Prove that there exists an oracle D such that c09-math-1759 for all k ≥ 1.

9.18 In this exercise, we consider the low and high hierarchies in NP. For each k ≥ 0, let c09-math-1762 be the class of sets c09-math-1763 such that c09-math-1764 and c09-math-1765 be the class of sets c09-math-1766 such that c09-math-1767.

  1. Show that c09-math-1768 and c09-math-1769 for all k ≥ 0.
  2. Show that c09-math-1771 and c09-math-1772 equals the class of sets A that are c09-math-1774-complete for NP.
  3. Show that, for any k ≥ 0, if c09-math-1776, then c09-math-1777.
  4. Show that, for any k ≥ 0, if c09-math-1779, then c09-math-1780.

9.19 We consider the relativized low and high hierarchies in NP. For any set X, we let c09-math-1782 denote the class of sets c09-math-1783 such that c09-math-1784 and let c09-math-1785 denote the class of sets c09-math-1786 such that c09-math-1787. Note that Theorem 4.20(c) showed that there exists an oracle A such that c09-math-1789.

  1. Show that there existsan oracle X such that c09-math-1791 and c09-math-1792 for all k ≥ 0.
  2. Show that, for any k ≥ 0, there exists an oracle Y such that
  3. equation
  4. and
  5. Recall the class UP defined in Chapter 4. For k ≥ 0 and any set Z, let c09-math-1801. Show that there exists an oracle Z such that UPZ is not contained in the low and high hierarchies relative to Z, that is,

Historical Notes

The class c09-math-1806 was first defined in Valiant (1979a, 1979b), in which the c09-math-1807-completeness of PERM and other counting problems associated with NP-complete problems are proven. The natural reductions among many NP-complete problems are known to preserve the number of solutions; see, for example, Simon (1975) and Berman and Hartmanis (1977). The c09-math-1808-completeness of the problem LE (Exercise 9.4) is proved by Brightwell and Winkler (1991). Exercise 9.5 is from Du and Ko (1987). The straight-line program characterization of #P (Exercise 9.9) is from Babai and Fortnow (1991). Papadimitirou and Zachos (1983) studied the class c09-math-1810 and proved that c09-math-1811. Exercise 9.13 is from Cai and Hemachandra (1990). Theorem 9.24 was first proved by Valiant and Vazirani (1986), using a different probabilistic lemma (see Exercise 9.7). The use of the Isolation Lemma simplifies the proof; this was pointed out by Mulmuley et al. (1987). Lemma 9.23, Theorem 9.26, and the results of Section 9.4 are all from Toda (1991). Approximation to counting functions were studied by Stockmeyer (1985), Jerrum et al. (1986), Broder (1986), and Jerrum and Sinclair (1989). Exercises 9.10 and 9.11 are from these works.

The reduction from the relativization problem to the lower bound problem for constant-depth circuits was given in Furst et al. (1984) and Sipser (1983a). They also proved that the parity circuit complexity is super-polynomial. The separation of PSPACE from PH by oracles and the separation of PH into a properly infinite hierarchy by oracles are given in Yao (1985) and Hastad (1986a, 1986b). The collapsing of PH to any finite levels and the separation of PSPACE from a collapsed PH by oracles was proved in Ko (1989a). Theorem 9.35, showing that random oracles separate PSPACE from PH, was first proven by Cai (1986). Our simplified version is from Babai (1987). The low and high hierarchies were first introduced by Schöning (1983). Exercise 9.18 is from there. The relativized separation and collapsing of the low and high hierarchies (Exercise 9.19) was proved by Ko (1991b) and Sheu and Long (1992). Ko (1989b) contains a survey of the proof techniques that use the lower bound results for circuits to construct oracles.

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