To establish a general lower bound for the randomized decision tree complexity of weakly symmetric functions, let us first show an inequality about weakly symmetric functions.

Lemma 5.38


Theorem 5.39


Next, we develop some tools for studying the lower bounds of random decision tree complexity.

Lemma 5.40


Lemma 5.41


Example 5.42

In general, the Yao–Karp conjecture states that for any nontrivial monotone graph property c05-math-1581, c05-math-1582, where n is the number of vertices.

Figure 1.9

Figure 5.9 From a decision tree to a branching program.

5.9 Branching Programs

Consider a decision tree as shown in Figure 5.9(a). We see that some subtrees are identical. For such subtrees, we may use a single procedure to realize them. To exhibit this property explicitly, we may use an acyclic digraph instead of a tree to represent a decision process (see Figure 5.9(b)). Such a “decision graph” will be called a branching program. In general, a branching program of n variables is an acyclic digraph that includes a single source node and some sink nodes. Each nonsink node is labeled by a variable and has exactly two out-edges labeled by 0 and 1, and each sink node is labeled by either 0 or 1. Note that in a decision tree, each variable appears at most once in any path from the root to a leaf. However, in a branching program, each variable may appear more than once in a path from the source to a sink. This relaxation provides a possibility to make a branching program scrawny.

The two most important complexity measures of a branching program are length (or, depth) and width. A bounded-width branching program of width w and length r is a branching program consisting of r levels, each with at most w nodes. Each directed edge goes from a node on one level to a node on the next level. Sink nodes exist only in the bottom level. The size of a branching program is the number of nodes in the program.

At the expense of increasing the size by a factor of w, a width-bounded branching program may sometimes be modified to have the property that all nodes in the same level have the same label. For such a branching program, one can give an algebraic interpretation: With a little modification on the first level, each level k (c05-math-1591) can be seen as an instruction to read the input value ti of a variable xi, where xi is the label of the nodes on this level, and then emit a mapping c05-math-1595. The mappings emitted at all levels are composed and the Boolean function computed by the branching program has value 1 at the input assignment if and only if the composite mapping maps number 1 to a number in c05-math-1596, which corresponds to a sink labeled by 1 at the bottom level. The set of mappings from c05-math-1597 into itself forms a monoid M. Let X be the set of mapping that maps 1 to a number in c05-math-1600 corresponding to a sink labeled by 1 at the bottom level. Then we obtain a program over monoid M consisting of a sequence of instructions


together with a subset X of M, where each gk is a mapping from {0,1} to M and each ik indicates the variable c05-math-1609 at the level k. On input assignment c05-math-1611, the program obtains the value 1 if and only if


A permutation branching program is a program over a group, that is, the mapping emitted at each level is a permutation. A permutation branching program is given in Figure 5.10, which computes the parity function c05-math-1613.

When the width is too small, the power of the permutation branching program is limited. The following is a simple example.

Figure 1.10

Figure 5.10 A permutation branching program c05-math-1614.

Example 5.43

Given a Boolean function, how do we design a branching program computing it? In the following, we study a method of constructing permutation branching programs. This method was first introduced by Barrington (1990).

Let σ be a permutation that is not the identity. We say a permutation branching program c05-math-1648, c05-math-1649, c05-math-1650 σ-computes a Boolean function f if


For example, the permutation branching program in Figure 5.10 (12)-computes parity function pn.

The main idea of Barrington's method is to build a branching program recursively by following the negation and disjunction operations in the formula. In fact, constructing a branching program computing a literal is easy and any Boolean function can be built up based on literals through the negation and disjunction operations because c05-math-1655, that is, conjunction can be represented through negation and disjunction. Let us first prove some properties of a permutation branching program that σ-computes a Boolean function for some cyclic σ. (A permutation is cyclic if it is composed of a single cycle on all of its elements.)

Lemma 5.44


Lemma 5.45


Lemma 5.46


The above lemmas suggest a recursive procedure to build up a permutation branching program computing a Boolean function. In order to guarantee that this procedure always works, we need to make sure that c05-math-1741 is cyclic.

Lemma 5.47


Now, let us look at an example.

Example 5.48

Barrington's method is simple and elegant. However, the branching program obtained by his method is a special kind of branching program. So, it is not necessarily of the minimum length. In fact, the permutation branching programs usually require length longer than the general branching programs. For example, consider function c05-math-1757. Clearly, a branching program of width 2 and length n could compute it. However, it requires length c05-math-1759 for any permutation branching program of a constant width w. To show this result, we first prove two combinatorial lemmas.

Lemma 5.49


Consider a sequence S of elements from c05-math-1794. For c05-math-1795, let SI denote the subsequence of S consisting of all occurrences of elements in I.

Lemma 5.50


Theorem 5.51


The above is an explicit lower bound for permutation branching programs. What can we say about the lower bound for general branching programs? By a counting argument, it is known that most Boolean functions have exponential lower bounds. However, the best known lower bound for an explicit function is only c05-math-1931 due to Neciporuk (1966).

Figure 1.11

Figure 5.11 Three graphs H1, H2, and H3.


5.1 Nonplanarity is a monotone increasing graph property. Characterize its minterms by using Kuratowski's theorem. (Kuratowski's theorem: A graph is not planar if and only if it has a subgraph isomorphic to c05-math-1932 or K5, that is, if the graph can be obtained from the complete bipartite graph c05-math-1934 or the complete graph K5 by adding some vertices and some edges.)

5.2 Prove that a graph property is monotone increasing if and only if there exists a family of graphs such that a graph has the property if and only if the graph contains a subgraph in the family.

5.3 Given a digraph c05-math-1936, construct a bipartite graph c05-math-1937 by setting c05-math-1938 and c05-math-1939. For any bipartite graph property c05-math-1940, define c05-math-1941. Is c05-math-1942 a digraph property?

5.4 Suppose c05-math-1943 and c05-math-1944. For each bipartite graph c05-math-1945, construct a digraph c05-math-1946 by setting c05-math-1947. Define


(A 1-factor is a union of vertex-disjoint cycles passing through all vertices.) For each c05-math-1949, determine whether c05-math-1950 is a bipartite graph property.

5.5 Prove that in a binary tree, the sum of distances from internal vertices to the closest leaves is less than the total number of edges in the binary tree.

5.6 Prove that c05-math-1951, c05-math-1952, and c05-math-1953.

5.7 If x is the variable labeling the root of a decision tree that is of depth D(f) and computes function f, then c05-math-1957 and c05-math-1958. If x is any variable of f, does the inequality still hold? Give a proof or show a counterexample.

5.8 Prove that c05-math-1961 and c05-math-1962, where y and z are two variables other than the variables in the parity function pn.

5.9 Let c05-math-1966. Find two ways to prove that c05-math-1967.

5.10 Let c05-math-1968 be a Boolean function with minterms of size at least n − 1. Suppose that for any variable xi, there exists a minterm not containing xi. Prove that f is elusive.

5.11 Let H be a graph with n vertices and c05-math-1975 the graph property consisting of all graphs isomorphic to H. Determine c05-math-1977, c05-math-1978, and c05-math-1979.

5.12 Let H1 and H2 be two different graphs on the same set of n vertices. Let c05-math-1983 be the graph property consisting of all graphs isomorphic to either H1 or H2. Prove that c05-math-1986 is elusive.

5.13 Let H1, H2, and H3 be three graphs as shown in Figure 5.11. Let c05-math-1990 be the graph property consisting of all graphs isomorphic to H1, H2, or H3. Prove that c05-math-1994 is not elusive.

5.14 Draw a decision tree for Example 5.2 with five players and a decision tree for Example 5.5 with four vertices.

5.15 A graph G of n vertices is a scorpion graph if it contains a vertex t of degree 1, a vertex b of degree n − 2, and a vertex a of degree 2 adjacent to t and b. Suppose that c05-math-2006 is the property of a graph being scorpion. Then c05-math-2007.

5.16 Is the Boolean function t in Example 1.1 a graph property? Is it a digraph property? Explain each of your answers by either a proof or a disproof.

5.17 If all graphs satisfying nontrivial property c05-math-2009 form a matroid, then c05-math-2010 is elusive. (A collection c05-math-2011 of graphs on the same vertex set V is a matroid if the following two conditions hold: (1) c05-math-2013. (2) For any c05-math-2014 and any edge e not in G, there exists an edge e in G such that c05-math-2019.)

5.18 Prove that the following graph properties are elusive:

  1. The graph is acyclic.
  2. The graph is 2-connected.
  3. The graph is a spanning tree.
  4. The graph has at most k edges.

5.19 Let c05-math-2021 be the following property of graphs of order n: there exists an isolated star of n − 4 leaves. Prove that c05-math-2024 is not elusive.

5.20 Prove that the assumption condition in Theorem 5.6 is necessary.

5.21 Use the algebraic criterion to prove that Boolean function c05-math-2025 is elusive.

5.22 Prove that every nontrivial symmetric Boolean function is elusive.

5.23 Define c05-math-2026 if and only if c05-math-2027 contains three consecutive 1's. Prove the following:

  1. c05-math-2028 is not elusive.
  2. For n ≡ 0 or 3 c05-math-2030, c05-math-2031 is elusive.

5.24Define c05-math-2032. Prove that c05-math-2033 is in the ideal generated by c05-math-2034, c05-math-2035 in the polynomial ring.

5.25 Let f be a Boolean function. Function c05-math-2037 is called the Mobius transform of f. Prove that if c05-math-2039, then c05-math-2040.

5.26 Show that c05-math-2041 implies c05-math-2042, where n is the number of variables. If we replace n by c05-math-2045, is the above relation still true?

5.27 Prove that if the number of truth assignments for Boolean function f is odd, then c05-math-2047.

5.28 Prove or disprove that if c05-math-2048 is a non-elusive property of graphs of order n, then the number of graphs satisfying c05-math-2050 can be divided by four.

5.29 Let c05-math-2051. Then the property of all graphs of order n which contains a complete subgraph of order r is elusive.

5.30 Let c05-math-2054. Then the property of r-colorable graphs of order n is elusive.

5.31 Let H be a given graph of order r and c05-math-2059 the property of graphs of order n containing a subgraph isomorphic toH. Prove that c05-math-2062.

5.32 Prove


where n is the number of vertices in Δ.

5.33 Let c05-math-2066. Draw a geometric representation of Δf and compute c05-math-2068.

5.34 Prove that the simple strategy is a winning strategy for proving the elusiveness of a monotone increasing Boolean function f if and only if Δf has no free face.

5.35Prove the following:

  1. If f and g are monotone increasing Boolean functions with the same variables, then c05-math-2073.
  2. If Δf or Δg is noncollapsible, then c05-math-2076 is noncollapsible.

5.36 Compute the Euler characteristic of the simplicial complex whose maximal faces are the following:


Prove that this simplicial complex is noncollapsible. (This is an example that a connected noncollapsible simplicial complex has the Euler characteristic 1.)

5.37 Prove that if Δ is collapsed to Σ by a sequence of elementary collapses, then c05-math-2080 can be collapsed to c05-math-2081 by a sequence of elementary collapses.

5.38 Let c05-math-2082 be a Boolean function. Let c05-math-2083. Prove the following:

  1. c05-math-2084.
  2. Δg is collapsible. (It is easy to prove it by the topological criterion. Can you also prove it by the definition of collapsibility?)

5.39 Prove that the linear extension of an automorphism has a fixed point on the geometric representation of the simplicial complex if and only if the automorphism has a nonempty fixed face in the simplicial complex.

5.40 Consider graphs G of order n for some even number n. Let c05-math-2089 be the property of G not being bipartite. Prove that every automorphism of c05-math-2091 has a nonempty fixed face.

5.41 Let vertices of a simplicial complex be labeled by elements in c05-math-2092 and ϕ an automorphism defined by c05-math-2094. Prove that if n is odd, then all edges can be decomposed into c05-math-2096 orbits of cardinality n and if n is even, then all edges can be decomposed into c05-math-2099 orbits of cardinality n and one orbit of cardinality c05-math-2101. Moreover, the set of edges c05-math-2102 is a system of distinct representatives for the orbits.

5.42 Prove that the property of graphs being bipartite is elusive.

5.43 Let c05-math-2103 be the set of graphs with n vertices whose maximum degree is at most k. Then c05-math-2106 is elusive for c05-math-2107.

5.44 Let c05-math-2108 be a nontrivial monotone property of graphs of order n. Apply the topological approach of Sections 1.6–1.8 to prove that c05-math-2110, where q is the largest prime power less than n.

5.45 A one-dimensional complex is a simplicial complex such that all its nonempty faces are edges and vertices. Prove that a collapsible one-dimensional complex having a transitive group of automorphisms is either a single vertex or an edge.

5.46 Let Δ be a nonempty simplicial complex over X, where c05-math-2115 with c05-math-2116, a prime power. Prove that if c05-math-2117 for every c05-math-2118 and Δ is invariant under Γ, a transitive group of permutations on X1, then Δ is elusive. (Δ is elusive if the function f with c05-math-2125 is elusive.)

5.47 Prove that acyclic property of digraphs is elusive.

5.48 Suppose that H is a graph whose automorphism group is transitive on its vertices. Then each component of H is either factor-critical or contains a 1-factor. (A graph is called factor-critical if, after deleting a vertex, it has a 1-factor.)

5.49 Is every program of length r over a monoid M equivalent to a branching program of width c05-math-2130 and length r?

5.50 Prove that c05-math-2132 (n ≥ 2) can be computed by a branching program of width 2 and cannot be computed by any permutation branching program of width 2.

5.51 Design a permutation branching program computing c05-math-2134. Is your program the shortest?

5.52 Let c05-math-2135 be three positive numbers. Consider a k-coloring of the set c05-math-2137. If c05-math-2138, then there exists a sequence


of integers such that all c05-math-2140 have the same color.

Historical Notes

The study of decision tree complexity was started with research on graph and digraph properties by Holt and Reingold (1972), Best et al. (1974), and Kirkpatrick (1974). Milner and Welsh (1976) discovered the simple strategy for the elusiveness of many graph properties. Aanderaa and Rosenberg (see Rosenberg (1973) and Best et al. (1974)) proposed the conjecture that for every nontrivial monotone graph property c05-math-2141, c05-math-2142. This conjecture was confirmed by Rivest and Vuillemin (1975, 1976) (our Theorem 5.18). Meanwhile, they proposed a new one, that every nontrivial weakly symmetric function is elusive. Illies (1978) found a counterexample to the Rivest–Vuillemin conjecture. This counterexample suggests a modified conjecture: every nontrivial, weakly symmetric, monotone function is elusive. Gao, Hu, and Wu (1999) and Gao et al. (1999) showed that this modified conjecture is true for n = 6 and n = 10. The lower bound in Theorem 5.18 was improved subsequently to c05-math-2145 by Kleitman and Kwiatkowski (1980) and to c05-math-2146 by Kahn et al. (1984). Karp conjectured that every nontrivial monotone graph property is elusive (see Kahn et al. (1984) and King (1989, 1990)). This conjecture was also proposed independently by other people (see Best et al. (1974) and Bollobas (1978)). The topological approach was first introduced by Kahn et al. (1984). They used this approach to prove Theorem 5.34. Theorem 5.31 is due to Yao (1986), and Theorem 5.35 is from Triesch (1994). The fixed point theorem on group actions on complexes (Theorem 5.32) came from Oliver (1975).

For random decision tree complexity, Yao (1977) conjectured that for any nontrivial monotone graph property c05-math-2147, c05-math-2148 for some constant c. Karp conjectured the bound can be improved toc05-math-2149. Yao (1987) and King (1989, 1990) made progress on this conjecture. Branching programs were first introduced by Lee (1959) as a model for switching functions. Borodin et al. (1983) studied branching programs of width 2. The work on permutation branching programs is due to Barrington (1990) and Barrington and Straubing (1991). Theorem 5.51 is from Cai and Lipton (1994).

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