Improving Theorem 7.38 is not an easy job. First, it is known that every c07-math-1805-complete set for EXP is c07-math-1806-complete for EXP (see Exercise 7.20). So, the c07-math-1807-completeness of Theorem 7.38 is probably the best one can get without settling the exponential-time version of the Joseph–Young conjecture.

In a different direction, we may consider the overall structure of c07-math-1808-complete sets and study, for instance, whether c07-math-1809-equivalent sets in this class must contain non-p-isomorphic sets. To be more precise, let us call the equivalence classes with respect to the reduction c07-math-1811 (including c07-math-1812) an r-degree. It is obvious that an iso-degree (or an isomorphism type) is always contained in a (1,li)-degree, which, in turn, must be contained in an m-degree. The questions here are whether an m-degree collapses to a (1,li)-degree (i.e., any two sets in the m-degree are c07-math-1815-equivalent) and whether a (1,li)-degree collapses to an isomorphism type (i.e., any two sets in the (1,li)-degree are p-isomorphic). Theorem 7.38 showed that one-way functions exist if and only if there is a (1,li)-degree that does not collapse to a single isomorphism type. Can we improve Theorem 7.38 so that if one-way functions exist, then none of the (1,li)-degrees within the c07-math-1817-complete degree in EXP collapses to a single isomorphism type? The following result shows that this is not possible. Together with Theorem 7.38, it provides evidencethat the structure of c07-math-1818-complete sets for EXP is not simple.

Theorem 7.39


7.6 Density of P-Complete Sets

Starting with Corollary 7.23, the questions of whether a sparse set can be complete for a complexity class have been studied for different types of completeness and for different complexity classes. In this section, we show one more result of this type, the polynomial-time version of Theorem 7.24. The interesting part here is that it uses yet another proof technique from the theory of linear algebra.

Theorem 7.40

Recall that the following problem is complete for P under the c07-math-1826-reduction:

CIRCUIT VALUE PROBLEM (CVP): Given a circuit C and an input x to the circuit, determine whether the output of C is 1 or 0.

Suppose, by way of contradiction, that a sparse set S is c07-math-1831-hard for P. We will show that CVP c07-math-1832. To do so, we need to introduce a variation of the problem CVP.

PARITY-CVP: Given a circuit C of n gates c07-math-1835, an input x to the circuit, a subset c07-math-1837, and c07-math-1838, determine whether c07-math-1839, where c07-math-1840 denotes the exclusive-or operation and c07-math-1841 is the value of gate gi when C receives the input x.

It is clear that c07-math-1844 and so c07-math-1845 via a log-space computable function f. For any fixed C and x, let


As S is sparse, there exists a polynomial p such that


Note that c07-math-1853 and so many elements in AC,x are mapped by f to the same string in S. For each pair of c07-math-1857 and c07-math-1858 with c07-math-1859, we obtain an equation

where c07-math-1861. (Note that this is true whether or not c07-math-1862.)

The idea of the proof is to use the above property to find many equations of the form (7.1) and then explore the local relations between the gates and these equations to determine the value of the output gate. More precisely, let us assume that we can find enough equations to form a system of linear equations of rank c07-math-1863, with c07-math-1864. Then, we can find the values of the gates of C on input x as follows:

  1. Find c07-math-1867 many gates c07-math-1868 such that their coefficients in the system of equations form a submatrix of rank c07-math-1869.
  2. Solve the system of equations to find the values of the gates c07-math-1870.
  3. For each of the 2t many possible Boolean assignments of the remaining gates, check whether the values of gates c07-math-1872 are consistent with the local relations defined by C (such as c07-math-1874).

We remark that the problems of finding the rank of a given Boolean matrix and of solving a full-rank system of equations over c07-math-1875 are both known to be in NC2 (see Mulmuley (1987) and Borodin et al. (1982)). In addition, checking the local relations of gate values can be done in NC1, and the loop (3) of cycling through 2t Boolean assignments can be made parallel. Therefore, the whole procedure above can be implemented in NC2.

From the above analysis, all we need to do is to find polynomially many subsets I of gates that are guaranteed to generate a system of equations of rank at least c07-math-1881. For people who are familiar with the idea of randomization, it is not hard to see that a randomly selected collection of c07-math-1882 subsets I is sufficient. In the following, we use the theory of linear algebra to derandomize this selection process to get a deterministic selection of subsets I that will generate the desired system of equations.

First, we note that each subset I of gates can be represented by an n-dimensional vector over the Galois field c07-math-1887 such that each component corresponds to a gate and a component has value 1 if and only if the corresponding gate is in the subset. Let c07-math-1888 denote the n-dimensional vector space over c07-math-1890. Denote c07-math-1891 and c07-math-1892. Consider the Galois field c07-math-1893 as an m-dimensional vector space over c07-math-1895. Choose any basis c07-math-1896. Then every vector u in c07-math-1898 can be represented as c07-math-1899, with c07-math-1900. We can also define an inner product


for c07-math-1902 and c07-math-1903, where all arithmetics are done in c07-math-1904.

Now, for any c07-math-1905, define a vector


in c07-math-1907, and let c07-math-1908. Clearly, c07-math-1909. An important property of D is as follows.

Lemma 7.41


Let us identify a vector c07-math-1984 in D with the subset I of gates represented by c07-math-1987. We choose all subsets c07-math-1988, compute c07-math-1989 and c07-math-1990, and form equations of the form (7.1). We claim that the equations obtained from those c07-math-1991 in AC,x form a system of rank at least c07-math-1993.

To see this, we attach a label c07-math-1994 to each subset c07-math-1995, if c07-math-1996. Note that for each c07-math-1997, exactly one of c07-math-1998 and c07-math-1999 is in AC,x. Thus, each element in D receives exactly one label. It follows that D can be divided into p(n) subsets c07-math-2004 according to their labels, each subset containing elements with a same label. For c07-math-2005, let Li be the subspace generated by the differences of the vectorsin Di. Note that each equation (7.1) obtained from two sets I,J in a subset Di corresponds to the difference of two vectors I,J in Di. Thus, the rank of the system of equations cannot be smaller than the dimension of c07-math-2012. We check that, from Lemma 7.41, the dimension of L is at least c07-math-2014, because each Di, c07-math-2016, can be covered by c07-math-2017 for any fixed c07-math-2018 and, hence, D can be covered by c07-math-2020. This completes the proof of the claim.

Finally, we note that each c07-math-2021 can be represented as an m-dimensional vector over c07-math-2023 of length c07-math-2024. With this representation, the inner product c07-math-2025 of two elements c07-math-2026 can be computed in space c07-math-2027. The multiplication of u and v in the field c07-math-2030 can also be computed in space c07-math-2031. Therefore, set D can be constructed in logarithmic space. As c07-math-2033, the above algorithm for CVP is an NC2 algorithm and Theorem 7.40 is proven.

Theorem 7.40 can actually be improved to the following form. Recall that an c07-math-2035-reduction is a many-one reduction that is computable in NC1 (see Exercise 6.22).

Theorem 7.42

The main idea of the proof of Theorem 7.42 remains the same. It, however, involves much more work on computational linear algebra and we omit it here.


7.1 Prove that if c07-math-2039 and c07-math-2040, then c07-math-2041.

7.2 A set A is called a cylinder if c07-math-2043 for some set B. Show that the following four conditions are equivalent:

  1. A is a cylinder.
  2. For any B, c07-math-2047.
  3. c07-math-2048.
  4. A is paddable.

7.3 Show that A is a cylinder if and only if both c07-math-2051 and c07-math-2052 are cylinders.

7.4 Show that for every subset B of a paddable c07-math-2054-complete set A in NP, if B is in class P, then there exists a subset C of A such that c07-math-2060, c07-math-2061, and c07-math-2062 is infinite.

7.5 Show that every paddable c07-math-2063-complete set A in NP has an infinite p-immune subset B in EXP.

7.6 Show that if A is c-, d-, or tt-self-reducible and c07-math-2071, then B is also c-, d-, or tt-self-reducible, respectively.

7.7 A set L is T-self-reducible if there is a polynomially related ordering c07-math-2078 on c07-math-2079 and a polynomial-time oracle TM M such that c07-math-2081, where c07-math-2082. Show that a T-self-reducible set must be in PSPACE.

7.8 Complete the proof of Theorem 7.22(b).

7.9 Show that if B has subexponential density and c07-math-2085 via an almost one-to-one function f, then A also has subexponential density. In the following four exercises, we study the notion of creative sets. In these four exercises, we let pk,i denote the polynomial c07-math-2089, where c07-math-2090.

7.10 Let c07-math-2091 be a recursive enumeration of polynomial-time DTMs with the runtime of Mi bounded by c07-math-2093. A set A is called p-creative for P if there exists a polynomial-time computable function f such that

  1. Show that a set c07-math-2098 is p-creative for P if and only if A is c07-math-2102-complete for EXP.
  2. Show that A is p-creative for P if and only if there exists a polynomial-time computable function f such that

7.11 Let c07-math-2107 be a recursive enumeration of polynomial-time NTMs with the runtime of Ni bounded by c07-math-2109. A set A is called p-creative for NP if there exists a polynomial-time computable function f such that

  1. Show that a set c07-math-2114 is p-creative for NP if and only if A is c07-math-2118-complete for NEXP.
  2. Show that a set A is p-creative for NP if and only if there exists a polynomial-time computable function f such that

7.12 Let c07-math-2123 be a recursive enumeration of polynomial-time NTMs and k a positive integer. A set A is called a k-creative set if there exists a polynomial-time computable function f such that for all i, if Ni has a time bound c07-math-2130, then

  1. Let f be a polynomially honest polynomial-time computable function. Define c07-math-2133 accepts f(i) in time c07-math-2135. Show that c07-math-2136 is a k-creative set for each k ≥ 1.
  2. Show that for every k ≥ 1, a k-creative set is c07-math-2141-hard for NP.
  3. Define c07-math-2142 accepts (i,x) within time c07-math-2144. Show that Ak is a c07-math-2146-creative set in NP.

7.13 Let c07-math-2147. Prove that if A is k-creative and c07-math-2150 via f, which is computable in time c07-math-2152 (c07-math-2153), then B is c07-math-2155-creative.

7.14 Prove that an NP-complete set A is weakly paddable if and only if c07-math-2157.

7.15 Prove that, for any k ≥ 1, a sparse set cannot be c07-math-2159-complete for NP unless c07-math-2160.

7.16 A set c07-math-2161 is p-selective if there is a polynomial-time computable function c07-math-2162 such that (i) for any c07-math-2163, c07-math-2164, and (ii) c07-math-2165 or c07-math-2166 implies c07-math-2167.

  1. Prove that if A is p-selective, then c07-math-2170.
  2. Prove that a p-selective set cannot be c07-math-2172-hard for NP if c07-math-2173, and it cannot be c07-math-2174-hard for PSPACE if c07-math-2175.

7.17 We extend the notions of immunity and bi-immunity to general complexity classes. That is, a set A is immune relative to the complexity class c07-math-2177 if any subset c07-math-2178 which is in class c07-math-2179 must be a finite set. A set S is bi-immune relative to c07-math-2181 if both A and c07-math-2183 are immune relative to c07-math-2184.

  1. Show that if c07-math-2185 is fully time constructible and c07-math-2186, then there exists a set c07-math-2187 that is bi-immune relative to c07-math-2188.
  2. Show that there exists a set c07-math-2189 that is immune relative to NP.

7.18 We say a set X is a (polynomial-time) complexity core of set A if, for any DTM M that accepts A and any polynomial p, M(x) does not halt in time c07-math-2196 for all but a finite number of c07-math-2197. For instance, if c07-math-2198 is bi-immune, then c07-math-2199 is a complexity core of A.

  1. Show that for any c07-math-2201, A has an infinite complexity core.
  2. We say c07-math-2203 is a maximal subset of property c07-math-2204 if B has property c07-math-2206 and, for all c07-math-2207 that have property c07-math-2208, c07-math-2209 is finite. Let A be an infinite recursive set. Prove that A has a maximal subset B in P if and only if A has a maximal complexity core c07-math-2215.
  3. Show that if c07-math-2216 is length-increasingly paddable, then A does not have a maximal subset in P. (Such a set is called P-levelable.)

7.19 Prove that if EXP contains two non-p-isomorphic c07-math-2220-complete sets A and B, then there exist an infinite number of sets c07-math-2223, all c07-math-2224-complete for EXP but pairwisely non-p-isomorphic.

  1. a. Show that if a set A is c07-math-2227-complete for r.e. sets, then it is c07-math-2228-complete for r.e. sets.
  2. Show that if a set A is c07-math-2230-complete for EXP, then it is c07-math-2231-complete for EXP.

7.21 Prove Theorem 7.39.

7.22 Show that there exists an infinite number of sets c07-math-2232 such that all of them are c07-math-2233-complete for EXP but are pairwisely nonequivalent under the c07-math-2234-reducibility.

7.23 Discuss the polynomial-time isomorphism of PSPACE-complete sets. Check whether the results on collapsing degrees hold for the class PSPACE.

7.24 Prove that there exists a bi-immune set A in EXP that is not strongly bi-immune.

  1. a. Prove that there exists a P-immune set A that is c07-math-2237-complete for EXP. Therefore, there exists a set B that is c07-math-2239-complete for EXP but not c07-math-2240-complete for EXP.
  2. Compare complete sets in EXP under the following reducibility: c07-math-2241, c07-math-2242, c07-math-2243, and c07-math-2244. More precisely, show that the classes of complete sets for EXP under these different notions of reducibility are all distinct.
  1. a. Prove Theorem 7.42.
  2. Prove that if c07-math-2245, then a sparse set cannot be c07-math-2246-hard for P for any k ≥ 1.

Historical Notes

It has been noticed by many people, including Simon (1975) and Berman (1977), that many reductions among natural NP-complete problems are actually much stronger than the requirement of a c07-math-2248-reduction. Berman and Hartmanis (1977) proved the polynomial-time version of the Bernstein–Schröder–Cantor theorem, established the technique of paddability, and proposed the Berman–Hartmanis conjecture. The recursive version of this conjecture, that all c07-math-2249-complete r.e. sets are recursively isomorphic, is known to be true (Myhill, 1955). Berman and Hartmanis (1977) also proposed the weaker density conjecture, that sparse sets cannot be c07-math-2250-complete for NP. Berman (1978) was the first to use the self-reducibility property to attack the density conjecture. He showed that if c07-math-2251, then tally sets cannot be c07-math-2252-complete for NP. Meyer and Paterson (1979) and Ko (1983) further studied the general notion of self-reducibility. Meyer and Paterson (1979) and Fortune (1979) used the generalized self-reducibility to improve Berman's (1978) result. The density conjecture was proved to be equivalent to c07-math-2253 by Mahaney (1982). Our proof of Theorem 7.24 is based on the new technique of Ogiwara and Watanabe (1991). The related result, that sparse sets cannot be c07-math-2254-complete for NP if c07-math-2255, was proved in Chapter 6. Selman (1979) introduced p-selective sets. Exercise 7.16 is from Selman (1979) and Ko (1983).

Berman and Hartmanis (1977) proved that the weaker density conjecture holds true for the class EXP. The notions of P-immune sets, bi-immune sets, and strongly bi-immune sets have been studied in Berman (1976), Ko and Moore (1981), and Balcázar and Schöning (1985). Theorem 7.28 was first proved in Berman (1976) and strengthened by Balcázar and Schöning (1985). Exercise 7.25 is from Ko and Moore (1981) and Watanabe (1987). The notion of complexity cores was first defined in Lynch (1975). It has been further studied in Du et al. (1984), Ko (1985b), Orponen and Schöning (1986), Orponen, Russo, and Schöning (1986) and Du and Book (1989). Exercise 7.18 is from Du et al. (1984) and Orponen, Russo, and Schöning (1986).

Berman and Hartmanis (1977) also pointed out that all c07-math-2258-complete sets for EXP are c07-math-2259-equivalent. Our proof of Theorem 7.35 is based on a simplified proof given by Watanabe (1985). The relationship between one-way functions and the Berman–Hartmanis conjecture was first suggested by Joseph and Young (1985). They constructed a special type of NP-complete sets, called k-creative sets, and conjectured that if one-way functions exist, then k-creative sets are not polynomial-time isomorphic to SAT and, hence, the Berman–Hartmanis conjecture fails. Wang (1991, 1992, 1993) further studied the notion of creative sets and polynomial-time isomorphism. Selman (1992) surveyed the role of one-way functions in complexity theory. Theorem 7.38 was proved by Ko et al. (1986), and Theorem 7.39 was proved by Kurtz et al. (1988). Kurtz et al. (1990) included a survey of results in this direction. Exercise 7.20 is from Homer et al. (1993).

Hartmanis (1978) conjectured that there is no sparse P-complete set under log-space many-one reduction. Ogihara (1995) showed that the Hartmanis conjecture is true if c07-math-2263. Cai and Sivakumar (1995) improved this result by showing that the Hartmanis conjecture is true if c07-math-2264. Cai and Ogihara (1997) and van Melkebeek and Ogihara (1997) provide surveys in this direction.

The Berman–Hartmanis conjecture has also been studied in the relativized form. It has been shown to hold relative to some oracles (see Kurtz (1983), Kurtz et al. (1989), and Hartmanis and Hemachandra (1991)) and also to fail relative to some other oracles (see Goldsmith and Joseph (1986) and Fenner et al. (1992)). Rogers (1995) found an oracle relative to which the Berman–Hartmanis conjecture fails but one-way functions exist. Wang and Belanger (1995) studied the isomorphism problem with respect to random instances.

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