Lemma 8.31


From this Swapping Lemma, we obtain the following decisive characterization of BPP.

Theorem 8.32


By changing the above quantifier c08-math-1085 to c08-math-1086, we obtain immediately the following relation.

Corollary 8.33

Observe that in the direction (a) c08-math-1088 (b) of Theorem 8.32, the proof did not use the fact that Q is polynomial-time computable. Thus, it actually shows that if a set A satisfies (8.3) with respect to any predicate Q and any polynomial function q, then it can be characterized as in (8.1), with the predicate R polynomial-time computable relative to Q. This observation will be useful in Chapter 10, when we study other complexity classes defined by alternating c08-math-1095 and c08-math-1096 quantifiers. We state this more general result as the generalized BPP theorem.

Theorem 8.34

8.8 Relativized Probabilistic Complexity Classes

In the last section, we proved that BPP is contained in the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy, but we do not know whether BPP is contained in NP or whether NP is contained in BPP. In this section, we study this question in the relativized form. First, we need to define the oracle PTMs and to extend the class BPP to the relativized class BPPA relative to a set A.

The oracle probabilistic Turing machine M can be easily defined as an oracle DTM c08-math-1112 together with a random-bit generator ϕ. For any fixed c08-math-1114, the computation of c08-math-1115 is just the same as an oracle DTM. The concepts of accepting probability, error probability, and time complexity of M can be defined exactly as those of an ordinary PTM. Let A be an arbitrary set. The class PPA is defined to be the class of sets accepted by polynomial-time oracle PTMs M, relative to the oracle A. The classBPPA is the class of all sets accepted by polynomial-time oracle PTMs M relative to A such that the error probability of c08-math-1124 is bounded by some constant c08-math-1125.4 The class RPA is defined, in a similar way, to be the class of sets accepted by polynomial-time oracle PTMs M relative to A such that the error probability of c08-math-1133 is bounded by some constant c08-math-1134 and the error probability of c08-math-1135 for c08-math-1136 is 0. It is easy to verify that all the properties of BPP and RP proved in the previous sections also hold with respect to BPPA and RPA, respectively, for all sets A.

To allow simulation and diagonalization, we need an effective enumeration of polynomial-time oracle PTMs. Such an enumeration exists because the class of all polynomial-time deterministic oracle machines c08-math-1140 satisfying properties (1) and (2) of Section 8.1 is enumerable.

We now consider the relation between BPPA, PA, and NPA. First, we show that relative to a random oracle A, c08-math-1145. That is, given a random oracle A, a deterministic machine is able to use oracle A to simulate the random bit generator of a randomized machine. For the notion of random oracles, refer to Section 4.7.

Theorem 8.35


Next we consider the relation between BPP and NP. The following result follows immediately from the above result and Theorem 4.19.

Corollary 8.36

In the following, we show that some other possible relations between the classes P, RP, coRP, BPP, and NP are possible. First, we show separation results.

Theorem 8.37


Corollary 8.38


Finally, we remark that it is possible that the class NPA collapses to the class RPA but not to PA(see Exercise 8.19), and it is possible that NPA is different from PA and yet RPA collapses to PA (by Theorems 4.19 and 8.35).


8.1 Based on Lemma 8.5, find a polynomial-time algorithm that computes the Legendre–Jacobi symbols c08-math-1492.

8.2 The problem STRING MATCHING asks, for given strings c08-math-1493, whether w occurs in s as a substring. Assume that c08-math-1496, c08-math-1497 and for each c08-math-1498, let sj be the jth bit of s. The brute-force deterministic algorithm B compares w with each substring c08-math-1503, character by character, and needs deterministic time c08-math-1504 in the worst case. For each string c08-math-1505, let iw be the integer such that w is its binary expansion (with leading zeros allowed). For each prime p > 1, let c08-math-1509. Now consider the following two randomized algorithms R1 and R2:

Algorithm R1
Let p be a random prime in the range c08-math-1514.
div class="featureextract">For c08-math-1515 to c08-math-1516 do
  1. If c08-math-1517 then if c08-math-1518 then accept and halt;
Algorithm R2For c08-math-1520 to c08-math-1521 doBegin
  1. Choose a random prime p in the range c08-math-1523
  2. If c08-math-1524 then if c08-math-1525 then accept and halt
  1. Show that the probability of the algorithms R1 and R2 finding a mismatch (i.e., c08-math-1528, but c08-math-1529 for some j) is bounded by c08-math-1531.
  2. Analyze the expected time complexity of the algorithms R1and R2. (Note that c08-math-1534 can be computed from c08-math-1535 in time c08-math-1536 as follows: c08-math-1537. Also, to generate a random prime p, we can use the randomized algorithm for PRIME of Example 8.4 to test whether a random integer p is a prime.)

8.3 Prove Proposition 8.8. Note that if c08-math-1540 halts in c08-math-1541 moves and c08-math-1542 halts in c08-math-1543 moves with c08-math-1544, then neither c08-math-1545 nor c08-math-1546.

8.4 Consider the following alternative model of probabilistic Turing machines. A PTM M is a DTM equipped with a random-bit generator and three distinguished states: the random state, the zero state, and the one state. When M is not in the random state, it behaves exactly the same as a deterministic machine. When M is in the random state, the random-bit generator generates a bit c08-math-1550 and then M enters the zero state or the one state according to the bit b. In other words, machine M requests a random bit only when it needs it.

  1. Give the formal definition of the concepts of halting probability and accepting probability of such a PTM.
  2. Prove that this model of PTM is equivalent to the model defined in Section 8.1, that is, prove that for each PTM M defined in Section 8.1, there exists a PTM M defined as above such that their halting and accepting probabilities on each input x are equal and vice versa.

8.5 The above PTMs use a fixed random-bit generator ϕ. We extend it to allow the random number generator to generate a random number in any given range. Let M be a PTM defined as in Exercise 8.4 that is equipped with a random number generator ψ that on any input k > 0 outputs a number c08-math-1561 with c08-math-1562 for all j, c08-math-1564. Show that for any ε > 0, there exists a PTM M1 with the standard random-bit generator ϕ such that c08-math-1568, and for all x of length n, c08-math-1571.

8.6 For any polynomial-time PTM M, let c08-math-1573 be the number of accepting paths of M(x) subtracting the number of rejecting paths of M(x). For any two polynomial-time PTMs M1 and M2, show that there exist polynomial-time PTMs M3 and M4 such that for all x,

  1. c08-math-1581, and
  2. c08-math-1582.

8.7 Show that the class PP is closed under union, intersection, and complementation. [Hint: For intersection, we need to find a PTM M such that c08-math-1584 if and only if c08-math-1585 and c08-math-1586. Such a function c08-math-1587 cannot be realized as a polynomial on c08-math-1588 and c08-math-1589. However, if we treat c08-math-1590 and c08-math-1591 as continuous functions, then the function c08-math-1592 can be approximated by a rational function on c08-math-1593 and c08-math-1594. (This is well known in numerical analysis.) Now apply Exercise 8.6 to show that such a rational function can be defined as fM for some polynomial-time PTM M.]

8.8 A polynomial-time oracle DTM M is called a log-query machine if for any input x of length and for any oracle A, it makes at most c08-math-1600 queries, where c is a constant. Let c08-math-1602 denote the class of sets computable by polynomial-time c08-math-1603-query oracle machines with an oracle in NP. Prove that c08-math-1605.

8.9 Compare the class c08-math-1606 with PP. That is, prove that c08-math-1608 or find an oracle A such that c08-math-1610.

8.10 Formally, define the notion of space complexity of a PTM. Let c08-math-1611 be the class of sets accepted by PTMs with space bound s(n).

  1. Prove that c08-math-1613.
  2. Prove that c08-math-1614.
  3. Prove that c08-math-1615 is closed under complementation.

8.11 Prove the following second form of the Swapping Lemma: Let c08-math-1616 be a predicate that holds only if c08-math-1617 and c08-math-1618 for some polynomials p and q. Assume that for some x of length n, it holds that c08-math-1623. Then, for some polynomial r, it holds that c08-math-1625, where c08-math-1626 with each wi of length q(n), and c08-math-1629 means “for the majority of c08-math-1630.”

8.12 Let c08-math-1631 denote the union of all classes BPPA for all c08-math-1633. Prove that c08-math-1634. Is it true that c08-math-1635? Why or why not?

8.13 Let c08-math-1636 be the class of sets A for which there exist a polynomial-time predicate R and a polynomial p such that for all x,


Let c08-math-1642 be the class of sets A for which there exist a polynomial-time predicate R and a polynomial p such that for all x,

  1. Prove that c08-math-1648.
  2. Prove that c08-math-1649 and c08-math-1650.
  3. Prove that if c08-math-1651, then the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses to BPP.

8.14 Recall the notion of pseudorandom generators introduced in Exercise 4.7. We say a pseudorandom generator f is an nc-generator, where c > 0 is a constant, if c08-math-1655, and an nc-pseudorandom generator f is strongly unpredictable if the range of f is strongly unpredictable as defined in Definition 4.12.

  1. Prove that if, for every c > 0, there is a strongly unpredictable nc-pseudorandom generator f, then c08-math-1662 for every ε > 0.
  2. We say that a collection c08-math-1664 of circuits approximates a set c08-math-1665 if for every polynomial function p, c08-math-1667 for almost all n ≥ 1. Prove that if there exists a set c08-math-1669 that is not approximable by any polynomial-size circuits c08-math-1670, then for every c > 0, there exists a strongly unpredictable nc-pseudorandom generator f and, hence, c08-math-1674 for every ε > 0.

8.15 For each n ≥ 1, let c08-math-1677. Prove that c08-math-1678.

8.16 Let almost-P be the class of sets that are computable in deterministic polynomial time with respect to a random oracle, that is, c08-math-1679. Prove that c08-math-1680.


  1. Prove Theorem 8.37(c) by constructing the oracle directly.
  2. Construct directly an oracle B such that c08-math-1682. [Hint: cf. Theorem 4.21.]

8.18 Prove that there exists an oracle A such that c08-math-1684.

8.19 Prove that there exists an oracle A such that c08-math-1686.

Historical Notes

Randomized algorithms can probably be traced back to the early days of programming. Two seminal papers on randomized algorithms for primality testing are Rabin (1976, 1980) and Solovay and Strassen (1977). Our Example 8.4 is based on Solovay and Strassen's algorithm. Adleman and Huang (1987) gave a proof that the problem PRIME is in ZPP. Rabin (1976) also includes randomized algorithms for problems in computational geometry. Our Example 8.2 is based on the algorithms given in Schwartz (1980), and Example 8.24 is from Adleman, Manders, and Miller (1977). For a more complete treatment of randomized algorithms, see Motwani and Raghavan (1995). PTMs were first formally defined and studied in Gill (1977). The complexity classes PP, BPP, RP, and ZPP and their basic properties were all defined there. Theorem 8.22 was first observed in Rabin (1976). The fact that RP has polynomial-size circuits was first proved by Adleman (1978). Theorem 8.27 is based on the same idea and was first pointed out by Bennett and Gill (1981). Theorem 8.30 is from Ko (1982) and Zachos (1983). The result that BPP is contained in the polynomial-time hierarchy was first proved by Sipser and Gacs (see Sipser (1983b)). A simpler version was later published in Lautemann (1983). Our proof using the Swapping Lemma is from Zachos and Heller (1986). Zachos (1986) contains a survey on the relations between probabilistic complexity classes.

The algorithm for the string matching problem in Exercise 8.2 is due to Karp and Rabin (1987). Beigel, Reingold, and Spielman (1991) showed that PP is closed under intersection (Exercise 8.7). Exercise 8.8 is from Beigel, Hemachandra, and Wechsung (1991). The space-bounded probabilistic classes have been studied in Gill (1977), Simon et al. (1980), Simon (1981), Ruzzo et al. (1984), and Saks and Zhou (1995). Exercise 8.10 is from these papers. Yao (1982) and Nisan and Wigderson (1994) studied the existence of pseudorandom generators and the collapsing of complexity classes. Exercise 8.14 is from these papers. The notion almost-P was first defined by Bennett and Gill (1981). Exercise 8.16 is from there. This notion can be generalized to almost-c08-math-1688 for any complexity class c08-math-1689. See, for instance, Nisan and Wigderson (1994). The relativized separation of BPP and RP from P was first studied by Rackoff (1982). Exercises 8.17(b) and 8.19 are from there. Rackoff (1982) also gave a constructive proof for the result that c08-math-1690. Our proofs are based on the random oracle technique developed in Bennett and Gill (1981). Ko (1990) contains more results on relativized probabilistic complexity classes.

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