This method has the following property.

Theorem 11.24

To show this theorem, let us first prove a few lemmas.

Lemma 11.25


Lemma 11.26


Lemma 11.27


Now, we are ready to prove Theorem 11.24.

Proof of Theorem 11.24. Part (1) holds trivially. We next show part (2).

Assume that a is an assignment for c11-math-1349 such that aX, the restriction of a on X, is δ-far from every satisfying assignment for Ψ for some c11-math-1355. (If Ψ is not satisfiable, let δ be any constant c11-math-1358.)

Case 1. L is δ-far from every linear function or Q is δ-far from every linear function.

In this case, the assignment testing proof system rejects, by Theorem 11.21, at step (1) with probability at least δ.

Case 2. L is δ-close to a linear function with coefficient vector c, and Q is δ-close to a linear function with coefficient matrix C.

Subcase 2.1. c11-math-1370 for some c11-math-1371.

Then, by Lemma 11.26, the assignment testing proof system rejects at step (2) with probability at least c11-math-1372.

Subcase 2.2. c11-math-1373.

If c does not satisfy c11-math-1375, then by Lemma 11.27, the assignment testing proof system rejects at step (3) with probability at least c11-math-1376.

Next, assume that c satisfies c11-math-1378. Then, cX, the assignment c restricted to X, is a satisfying assignment of Ψ. As aX is δ-far from every satisfying assignment of Ψ, aX is δ-far from cX. Note that L is δ-close to the linear function with coefficient vector c. By Lemma 11.22, c11-math-1392 with probability c11-math-1393. Therefore, with probability c11-math-1394, the assignment testing proof system checks atstep (4) whether c11-math-1395 for some c11-math-1396, and rejects with probability at least c11-math-1397.

From the above case analysis, we see that the assignment testing proof system must reject with probability at least c11-math-1398. Note that if Ψ is not satisfiable, then the assignment testing proof system must reject in step (1), (2), or (3), with probability at least δ. c11-math-1401


Finally, we note that we can convert the tests in steps (1)–(4) in the assignment testing proof system into constraints over variables in c11-math-1402 and variables corresponding to the values of L and Q. For instance, suppose that c11-math-1405 are variables for assignment a, c11-math-1407 are variables for L, and c11-math-1409 are variables for Q. Then, we can generate the following constraints for step (1):


and the following constraints for step (2):


for all c11-math-1413 and all c11-math-1414.

Note that each run of the assignment testing proof system consists of five tests, two for step (1) and one for each of steps (2)—(4). Each test can be converted to a quadratic equation over up to 6 variables, We can further combine these five constraints into a single constraint. That is, assume the constraints of step (1) are Ck,j, c11-math-1417, and c11-math-1418, and the constraints of step c11-math-1419, c11-math-1420, are Ci,j for c11-math-1422. Then, we generate c11-math-1423 constraints, each of the form c11-math-1424. It can be checked that such a constraint constains at most 19 variables. It is not hard to see that such a constraint c on 19 variables c11-math-1428 can be transformed into a constant set of binary constraints c11-math-1429 over a fixed alphabet Σ0, with possibly a constant number of additional variables c11-math-1431, that has the following property: If an assignment σ on variables in X does not satisfy c then, for all assignments c11-math-1435 on variables in Y, at least one of the constraints ci, c11-math-1438, is not satisfied by c11-math-1439 (cf. the proof of part c11-math-1440 of Proposition 11.5). It means that the rejection probability c11-math-1441 of the assignment testing proof system becomes unsatisfying ratio c11-math-1442 for the set of binary constraints generated from the tests.

With this conversion, we obtain, from the assignment testing proof system, an algorithm of assignment tester, that transforms a Boolean circuit Ψ on variables X to a constraint graph c11-math-1445, with c11-math-1446 and c11-math-1447 such that

  1.   If c11-math-1448 SATc11-math-1449, then there exists an assignment σ to all vertices in Y such that c11-math-1452; and
  2.   Ifa is δ-far from any satisfying assignment of Ψ for some c11-math-1456, then c11-math-1457 for all assignments σ on vertices in Y, where ε > 0 is an absolute constant.

This completes the construction of the assignment tester.

11.3 Probabilistic Checking and Inapproximability

We studied in Section 2.5 the approximation versions of NP-hard optimization problems. Recall that for an optimization problem Π and a real number r > 1, the problem r-APPROX-Π is its approximation version with the approximation ratio r. We have seen that some NP-hard optimization problems, such as the traveling salesman problem (TSP), are so hard to approximate that, for all approximation ratios r > 1, their approximation versions remain to be NP-hard. We also showed that for some problems, there is a threshold c11-math-1467 such that its approximation version is polynomial-time solvable with respect to the approximation ratio r0, and it is NP-hard with respect to any approximation ratio r, c11-math-1470. The TSP with the cost function satisfying the triangle inequality is a candidate for such a problem. In this and the next sections, we apply the PCP characterization of NP to show more inapproximability results of these two types. We first establish the NP-hardness of two prototype problems: the approximation to the maximum satisfiability problem and the approximation to the maximum clique problem. In the next section, other NP-hard approximation problems will be proved by reductions from these two problems.

For any 3-CNF Boolean formula F, let c(F) be the number of clauses in F and c11-math-1474 the maximum number of clauses that can be satisfied by a Boolean assignment on the variables of F. The maximum satisfiability problem is to find the value c11-math-1476 for a given 3-CNF Boolean formula F. Its approximation version is formulated as follows:

r-APPROX-3SAT: Given a 3-CNF formula F, find an assignment to the Boolean variables of F that satisfies at least c11-math-1481 clauses.

In order to prove the NP-hardness of approximation problems like r-APPROX-3SAT, we first generalize the notion of NP-complete decision problems. Let A,B be languages over some fixed alphabet Σ such that c11-math-1485. We write (A,B) to denote the partial decision problem that asks, for a given input c11-math-1487, whether c11-math-1488 or c11-math-1489. (It is called a partial decision problem because for inputs c11-math-1490, we do not care what the decision is. It is sometimes also called a promise problem because it is promised that the input will be either in A or in B.) The notions of complexity and completeness of decision problems can be extended to partial decision problems in a natural way. In particular, we say the partial problem (A,B) is in the complexity class c11-math-1494 if there exists a decision problem c11-math-1495 such that c11-math-1496 and c11-math-1497. Assume that c11-math-1498. Then, we say the problem (A,B) is polynomial-time (many-one) reducible to the problem (C,D) and write c11-math-1501, if there exists a polynomial-time computable function f such that for any c11-math-1503,


In Example 11.1, we introduced the c11-math-1505GAP-3SAT problem. Using the notation we just introduced, we can see that c11-math-1506GAP-3SAT is just the partial problem (SAT, r-UNSAT), where SAT is the set of all satisfiable 3-CNF formulas and r-UNSAT is the set of all 3-CNF formulas withc11-math-1509. From Proposition 11.5 and the PCP theorem, we get the following result.

Theorem 11.28

Corollary 11.29


It is not hard to see that there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that solves the problem 2-APPROX-3SAT (see Exercise 11.16). Thus the above result establishes that there exists a threshold c11-math-1537such that r0-APPROX-3SAT is in P and r-APPROX-3SAT is NP-hard for all c11-math-1540. Indeed, the threshold r0 has been proven to be equal to 8/7 by Hastad (1997) and Karloff and Zwick (1997).

Next we consider the maximum clique problem. For any graph G, we let c11-math-1543 denote the size of its maximum clique.

r-APPROX-CLIQUE: Given a graph c11-math-1545, find a clique Q of G whose size is at least c11-math-1548.

We are going to show that for all r > 1, the problem r-APPROX-CLIQUE is NP-hard. Similar to the problem r-APPROX-3SAT, we will establish this result through the NP-completeness of a partial decision problem. Recall that c11-math-1552. Let s-NOCLIQUE c11-math-1554.

Theorem 11.30


Corollary 11.31

The above result shows that the maximum clique c11-math-1640 of a graph G cannot be approximated within any constant factor of c11-math-1642, if c11-math-1643. Can we approximate c11-math-1644 within a factor of a small function of the size of G, for instance, c11-math-1646 (i.e., can we find a clique of size guaranteed to be at least c11-math-1647)? The answer is still no, unless c11-math-1648. Indeed, if we explore the construction of the PCP system for NP further, we could actually show that the maximum clique problem is not approximable in polynomial time with ratio c11-math-1649 for any ε > 0, unless c11-math-1651 (Håstad, 1996). On the positive side, the current best heuristic algorithm for approximating c11-math-1652 can only achieve the approximation ratio c11-math-1653 (Boppana and Halldórsson, 1992).

11.4 More NP-Hard Approximation Problems

Starting from the problems s-APPROX-3SAT and s-APPROX-CLIQUE, we can use reductions to prove new approximation problems to be NP-hard. These reductions are often based on strong forms of reductions between the corresponding decision problems. There are several types of strong reductions in literature.In this section, we introduce a special type of strong reduction, called the L-reduction, among optimization problems that can be used to establish the NP-hardness of the corresponding approximation problems.

Recall from Section 2.5 that for a given instance x of an optimization problem Π, there are a number of solutions y to x, each with a value c11-math-1661 (or, v(y), if the problem Π is clear from the context). The problem Π is to find, for a given input x, a solution y with the maximum (or the minimum) v(y). We let c11-math-1668 (or, simply, c11-math-1669) denote the value of the optimum solutions to x for problem Π.

An L-reduction from an optimization problem Π to another optimization problem Γ, denoted by c11-math-1675, consists of two polynomial-time computable functions h and g and two constants c11-math-1678, which satisfy the following properties:

  1. L1  For any instance x of Π, h(x) is an instance of Γ such that c11-math-1683.
  2. L2  For any solution y of instance h(x) with value c11-math-1686, g(y) is a solution of x with value c11-math-1689 such that

We show the L-reduction in Figure 11.1, where y denotes the optimum solution to h(x) and z denotes the optimum solution to x.


Figure 11.1 The L-reduction.

It is easy to see that the L-reduction is transitive and, hence, is really a reducibility relation.

Proposition 11.32


For any integer b > 0, consider the following two optimization problems:

VC-b: Given a graph G in which every vertex has degree at most b, find the minimum vertex cover of G.IS-b: Given a graph G in which every vertex has degree at most b, find the maximum independent set of vertices of G.
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