
Corollary 7.23


Unfortunately, the results of Theorem 7.22 are not known to hold for d-self-reducible sets, because the depth-first pruning procedure does not work for d-self-reducing trees. However, we can still prove that, assuming c07-math-0888, NP-complete sets are not sparse by a different pruning technique on the d-self-reducing trees of SAT.

Theorem 7.24



7.4 Density of EXP-Complete Sets

In view of the difficulty of the Berman–Hartmanis isomorphism conjecture, researchers have studied the conjecture with respect to other complexity classes in order to gain more insight into this problem. One of the much studied direction is the exponential-time version of the Berman–Hartmanis conjecture. Oneof the advantages of studying the conjecture with respect to EXP is that we can perform diagonalization in EXP against all sets in P. Indeed, in this and the next sections, we will show some stronger results that reveal interesting structures of EXP-complete sets that are not known for NP-complete sets.

We begin with the notion of p-immune sets that is motivated by the notion of immune sets in recursion theory. Recall that a set A is called immune if A does not have an infinite r.e. subset. Thus, an r.e. set whose complement is immune (such a set is called a simple set) has, intuitively, very high density (because it intersects with every co-r.e. set) and, hence, cannot be c07-math-1011-complete for r.e. sets. Here, we argue that P-immune sets cannot be c07-math-1013-complete for EXP.

Definition 7.25

There is an interesting characterization of bi-immune sets in terms of c07-math-1021-reductions. We say a function c07-math-1022 is finite-to-one if for every c07-math-1023, the set c07-math-1024 is finite.

Proposition 7.26


A generalization of the bi-immune set based on the above characterization is the strongly bi-immune set.

Definition 7.27

One might suspect that the requirement of almost one-to-oneness is too strong for any set to have this property. Interestingly, there are even sparse sets that are strongly bi-immune. We divide the construction of such a set into two steps.

Theorem 7.28


Corollary 7.29


From the above theorem, we obtain a stronger version of Theorem 7.24 on EXP. First, we give some more definition.

Definition 7.30

Obviously a sparse set has subexponential density. A set of density c07-math-1202 also has subexponential density. We note that if a set B has subexponential density and c07-math-1204 via an almost one-to-one reduction, then A also has subexponential density (Exercise 7.9). Thus, let B be any EXP-complete set and A a strongly bi-immune set in EXP. We can see that B does not have subexponential density because otherwise both A and c07-math-1210 have subexponential density, which is impossible. (Note that if B is c07-math-1212-complete for EXP, then so is c07-math-1213.)

Corollary 7.31

7.5 One-Way Functions and Isomorphism in EXP

In Section 7.3, we mentioned that one of the difficulties of proving the Berman–Hartmanis conjecture (for the class NP) is that it is a strong statement that implies c07-math-1214. Another difficulty involves with the notion of one-way functions. Recall that a function c07-math-1215 is a (weak) one-way function if it is one-to-one, polynomially honest, polynomial-time computable but not polynomial-time invertible (see Section 4.2). Suppose such a one-way function f exists. Then, consider the set c07-math-1217. It is easy to see that A is NP-complete. However, it is difficult to see how it is p-isomorphic to SAT: the isomorphism function, if exists, must be different from the function f, for otherwise we could use it to compute c07-math-1221 in polynomial time. (If f is a strong one-way function, then the isomorphism function would be substantially different from f, as we cannot compute even a small fraction of c07-math-1224). Thus, if one-way functions exist, then it seems possible to construct a set A that is NP-complete but not p-isomorphic to SAT. On the other hand, if one-way functions do not exist, then all one-to-one polynomially honest reduction functions are polynomial-time invertible, and so the Berman–Hartmanis conjecture seems more plausible.

Based on this idea and the study of the notion of k-creative sets, Joseph and Young proposed a new conjecture:

Joseph–Young Conjecture: The Berman–Hartmanis conjecture is true if and only if one-way functions do not exist.

Although this conjecture has some interesting ideas behind it, there is not much progress in this direction yet (but see Exercises 7.12 and 7.13 for the study on k-creative sets). In this section, instead, we investigate the isomorphism conjecture on EXP-complete sets and its relation with the existence of one-way functions.

We first generalize the notion of paddable sets to weakly paddable sets and use this notion to show that all EXP-complete sets are equivalent under the c07-math-1229-reduction.

Definition 7.32

In Section 7.2, we showed that a paddable NP-complete set must be p-isomorphic to SAT. The following is its analog for weakly paddable sets.

Lemma 7.33


Thus, it follows immediately that all c07-math-1244-complete sets in EXP are equivalent under c07-math-1245, if all EXP-complete sets are known to be weakly paddable.

Lemma 7.34


Combining Lemmas 7.33 and 7.34, we get the following theorem.

Theorem 7.35

From Theorem 7.4, we know that if two sets A and B are equivalent under length-increasing polynomial-time invertible reductions, then they are p-isomorphic. Observe that if one-way functions do not exist, then a c07-math-1338-reduction is also a c07-math-1339-reduction. So, we get the following corollary.

Corollary 7.36

In the following, we show that the converse of the above corollary holds for sets that are c07-math-1340-complete for EXP.

In order to prove this result, we need one-way functions that are length-increasing. The following lemma shows that this requirement is not too strong.

Lemma 7.37


Theorem 7.38


Figure 7.3 Chains for x that ends with 1.


Figure 7.4 Chains for x that ends with 0.


Figure 7.5 Chains for x that ends with c07-math-1430.


For convenience, we will define sets A and B over the alphabet c07-math-1370. Before we construct sets A and B, we first define two one-way functions f0 and f1 and discuss their properties.

Let c07-math-1375 be a length-increasing one-way function. Extend f to c07-math-1377 on c07-math-1378 as follows:

Case 1. If c07-math-1379, then c07-math-1380.

Case 2. If c07-math-1381 for some c07-math-1382, then c07-math-1383.

Case 3. If x contains more than one c07-math-1385's, then c07-math-1386.

Now, define c07-math-1387 and c07-math-1388. It is clear that both f0 and f1 are length-increasing one-way functions on c07-math-1391.

Next, define, for each c07-math-1392, four sets as follows:


Each of these sets is called a chain (because f0 and f1 are length-increasing). We call c07-math-1396 the A-chain for x and c07-math-1399 the B-chain for x. (Note thatthe A-chain for x could be the B-chain for some other string y.) We list their basic properties in the following (see Figures 7.37.5).

  1. For any c07-math-1406, c07-math-1407.
  2. If x ends with 0, then x is the smallest element in c07-math-1410 and c07-math-1411 is the smallest element of c07-math-1412.
  3. If x ends with 1, then x is the smallest element in c07-math-1415 and c07-math-1416 is the smallest element of c07-math-1417.
  4. If x ends with c07-math-1419, then x is the smallest element of both c07-math-1421and c07-math-1422, c07-math-1423 is the smallest element of c07-math-1424, and c07-math-1425 is the smallest element of c07-math-1426. Let c07-math-1431be an enumeration of polynomial-time TMs, ϕi the function computed by Mi, and pi a polynomial bound of the runtime of Mi. Then the following holds:
  5. Let c07-math-1436 be finitely many chains. For any c07-math-1437, either
    1. c07-math-1438, or
    2. c07-math-1439.
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