Chapter 3

The Polynomial-Time Hierarchy and Polynomial Space

One thing nice about space is that it keeps on going ...

—Willem de Kooning

We study complexity classes beyond the class NP. First, the polynomial-time hierarchy of complexity classes is introduced based on nondeterministic oracle machines. This hierarchy lies between the class P and the class PSPACE, and the class NP is the first level of the hierarchy. Characterizations of these complexity classes in terms of alternating quantifiers and alternating Turing machines (ATMs) are proven. Finally, we present some natural complete problems for this hierarchy and for complexity classes PSPACE and EXP.

3.1 Nondeterministic Oracle Turing Machines

We have defined in Chapter 2 the notions of polynomial-time Turing reducibility and oracle TMs, and have seen that many optimization problems, when formulated in the search problem form, are solvable in polynomial time relative to a set in NP. We now extend this notion to nondeterministic oracle TMs and study problems that are solvable in nondeterministic polynomial time relative to sets in NP.

A nondeterministic (function-)oracle Turing machine (oracle NTM) is an NTM equipped with an additional query tape and two additional states: the query state and the answer state. The computation of an oracle NTM is similar to that of an oracle DTM, except that at each nonquery state an oracle NTM can make a nondeterministic move. We require that the query step of the computation be a deterministic move determined by the oracle. Let M be an oracle NTM and f an oracle function. We write c03-math-0003 to denote the computation of M on input x, using f as the oracle function (note that this is a computation tree). If the oracle function is a characteristic function of a set A, we say M is a set-oracle NTM and write MA to denote Mf, and write c03-math-0013 to denote the set of strings accepted by MA.

The time complexity of a set-oracle NTM is also defined similar to that of a set-oracle DTM. In particular, the actions from the query state to the answer state count as only one step. For any fixed oracle set A, we let c03-math-0017 be the length of the shortest accepting computation path of c03-math-0019 and c03-math-0021 accepts x}). For a set-oracle NTM M, we say c03-math-0024 is bounded by a function g(n), if for all oracle sets A, c03-math-0028. An oracle NTM M is a polynomial-time oracle NTM if c03-math-0030 is bounded by a polynomial function p. Let A be a set and c03-math-0033 be a complexity class. We let NPA denote the class of sets accepted by polynomial-time oracle NTMs relative to the oracle A, and let c03-math-0037 (or, c03-math-0040) denote the class of sets accepted by polynomial-time oracle NTMs using an oracle c03-math-0041 (i.e., c03-math-0042).

Proposition 3.1

Let ANPTB denote that ANPB. It is provable that c03-math-0050 does not have the transitivity property and, hence, is not really a reducibility (see Exercise 4.13). Thus, property (d) above does not fully extend to the case when c03-math-0051. In Exercise 3.1, we give a partial extension of this property.

Proposition 3.2


3.2 Polynomial-Time Hierarchy

The polynomial-time hierarchy is the polynomial analog of the arithmetic hierarchy in recursion theory (Rogers, 1967). It can be defined inductively by oracle NTMs.

Definition 3.3

Thus, c03-math-0090, c03-math-0091, c03-math-0092, and so on. It is easy to verify that these classes form a hierarchy.

Proposition 3.4


Figure 3.1 The polynomial-time hierarchy.

Based on the above proposition, we show in Figure 3.1 the basic structure of the polynomial-time hierarchy. To further understand the structure of the polynomial-time hierarchy, we first extend Theorem 2.1 to a characterization of the polynomial-time hierarchy in terms of the polynomial-length-bounded quantifiers.

First, we observe some closure properties of the polynomial-time hierarchy under the Boolean operations.

Lemma 3.5


The following lemma can be proved in a similar way.

Lemma 3.6

In the following, we say a predicate c03-math-0156 of n variables c03-math-0158 is a c03-math-0160-predicate (or a c03-math-0162-predicate), where k ≥ 0, if the set c03-math-0164 is in c03-math-0165 (or, respectively, in c03-math-0166). Lemma 3.5 then states that if Q1 and Q2 are two c03-math-0169-predicates (or, c03-math-0170-predicates), then c03-math-0171 and c03-math-0172 are also c03-math-0173-predicates (or, c03-math-0174-predicates), and c03-math-0175 is a c03-math-0176-predicate (or, respectively, c03-math-0177-predicate).

Lemma 3.7


Theorem 3.8


Using the above characterization, we can prove that if any two levels of the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses, then the whole hierarchy collapses to that level.

Theorem 3.9


Corollary 3.10


The above corollary reveals an interesting property of the polynomial-time hierarchy; namely, if any two levels of the hierarchy collapses into one, then the whole hierarchy collapses to that level. Still, the main question of whether the hierarchy is properly infinite is not known. Many questions about relations between complexity classes are often reduced to the question of whether the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses. Notice that the assumption of the polynomial-time hierarchy not collapsing is stronger than the assumption of c03-math-0395. Thus, when the assumption of c03-math-0396 is not sufficient to establish the intractability of a problem A, this stronger assumption might be useful. We will present some applications in Chapters 6 and 10.

3.3 Complete Problems in PH

We have proved in Example 2.20 that the problem EXACT-CLIQUE is in c03-math-0398, and it is c03-math-0399-hard for NP. Therefore, it is c03-math-0400-complete for c03-math-0401, because all problems in c03-math-0402 are c03-math-0403-reducibleto a problem in NP. For most NP-complete optimization problems, it can be easily shown that the corresponding version of the decision problem of determining whether a given integer K is the size of the optimum solutions is c03-math-0405-complete for c03-math-0406.

In addition to complete problems in c03-math-0407, there are also natural problems complete for the classes in the higher levels of the polynomial-time hierarchy. First, we show that the generic NP-complete problem BOUNDED HALTING PROBLEM, or BHP, has relativized versions that are complete for classes c03-math-0408 for k > 1. Let A be an arbitrary set.

BHP relative to set A (BHPA): Given an oracle NTM M, an input w, and a time bound t, written in the unary form 0t, determine whether MA accepts w in t moves.

First, a simple modification of the universal NTM yields a universal oracle NTM Mu that can simulate any oracle NTM in polynomial time. Thus, c03-math-0421. Next, we observe that the reduction in Theorem 2.11 from any set c03-math-0422 to BHP relativizes. So, for any set A, BHPA is c03-math-0425-complete for the class NPA.

Now, define c03-math-0427, and for k ≥ 0, c03-math-0429.

Lemma 3.11


Theorem 3.12


Next, for natural complete problems, we show that for each k ≥ 1, there is a generalization of the problem SAT that is complete for the class c03-math-0457. In the following, we write c03-math-0458 to mean a Boolean assignment τ defined on variables in the set X. Let k ≥ 1.

SATk: Given k sets of variables c03-math-0465, and a Boolean formula F over variables in c03-math-0467, determine whether it is true that

where Qk denotes c03-math-0470 if k is odd, and it denotes c03-math-0472 if k is even.

In the above, c03-math-0474 denotes that the combined assignment c03-math-0475 satisfies F.

Theorem 3.13


Again, for the reductions from SATk to other c03-math-0618-complete problems, the restricted forms of SATk would be more useful. Recall that a 3-CNF formula is a formula in CNF such that each clause has exactly three literals defined from three distinct variables. A 3-DNF (3-disjunctive normal form) formula is a formula in DNF such that each term has exactly three literals defined from three distinct variables.

We let 3-CNF-SATk (3-DNF-SATk) denote the problem of determining whether a given 3-CNF (3-DNF, respectively) formula F satisfies (3.3). We also let 3-CNF-TAUk (3-DNF-TAUk) denote the problem of determining whether a given 3-CNF (3-DNF, respectively) formula F satisfies


where c03-math-0631 if k is odd, and c03-math-0633 if k is even.

Corollary 3.14


In addition to SATk, there are a few natural problems known to be complete for the complexity classes in the first three levels of the polynomial-time hierarchy but very few known to be complete for classes in the higher levels. In the following, we show a generalization of the maximum clique problem to be c03-math-0653-complete for c03-math-0654. Some other examples are included in exercises.

We say that a graph c03-math-0655 is k-colored if it is associated with a function c03-math-0658. The Ramsey number Rk, for each integer k > 0, is the minimum integer n such that every two-colored complete graph G of size n contains a monochromatic clique Q of size k (i.e., all edges between two vertices in Q are of the same color). The existence of the number Rk for each k > 0 is the famous Ramsey theorem. A generalized form of the question of computing the Ramsey numbers is the following:

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