4.7 Random Oracles

Consider the class c04-math-0835 of all subsets of c04-math-0836 and define subclasses c04-math-0837 and c04-math-0838. One of the approaches to study the relativized c04-math-0839 question is to compare the two subclasses c04-math-0840 and c04-math-0841 to see which one is larger. In this subsection, we give a brief introduction to this study based on the probability theory on the space c04-math-0842.

To define the notion of probability on the space c04-math-0843, it is most convenient to identify each element c04-math-0844 with its characteristic sequence c04-math-0845 (i.e., the kth bit of αX is 1 if and only if the kth string of c04-math-0849, under the lexicographic ordering, is in X) and treat c04-math-0851 as the set of all infinite binary sequences or, equivalently, the Cartesian product c04-math-0852. We can define a topology on c04-math-0853 by letting the set {0,1} have the discrete topology and forming the product topology on c04-math-0855. This is the well-known Cantor space. We now define the uniform probability measure μ on c04-math-0857 as the product measure of the simple equiprobable measure on {0,1}, that is, c04-math-0859. In other words, for any integer n ≥ 1, the nth bit of a random sequence c04-math-0862 has the equal probability to be 0 or 1. If we identify each real number in c04-math-0863 with its binary expansion, then this measure μ is the Lebesgue measure on c04-math-0865.5

For any c04-math-0867, let Γu be the set of all infinite binary sequences that begin with u, that is, c04-math-0870. Each set Γu is called a cylinder. All cylinders Γu, c04-math-0873, together form a basis of open neighborhoods of the space c04-math-0874 (under the product topology). It is clear that c04-math-0875 for all c04-math-0876. The smallest σ-field containing all Γu, for all c04-math-0879, is called the Borel field.6 Each set in the Borel field, called a Borel set, is measurable.

The question of which of the two subclasses c04-math-0881 and c04-math-0882 is larger can be formulated, in this setting, as to whether c04-math-0883 is greater than c04-math-0884. In the following, we show that c04-math-0885.

An important idea behind the proof is Kolmogorov's zero–one law of tail events, which implies that if an oracle class is insensitive to a finite number of bit changes, then its probability is either zero or one. This property holds for the classes c04-math-0886 and c04-math-0887 as well as most other interesting oracle classes.

Theorem 4.18


Now we prove the main result of this section.

Theorem 4.19


The above type of random oracle separation results holds for many complexity classes. see Exercise 4.15 and Section 9.5.

4.8 Structure of Relativized NP

Although the meaning of relativized collapsing and relativized separation results is still not clear, many relativized results have been proven. These results show a variety of possible relations between the well-known complexity classes. In this section, we demonstrate some of these relativized results on complexity classes within NP to show what the possible relations are between P, NP, c04-math-1078, and UP. The relativized results on the classes beyond the class NP, that is, those on NP, PH, and PSPACE, will be discussed in later chapters.

The proofs of the following results are all done by the stage-construction diagonalization. The proofs sometimes need to satisfy simultaneously two or more potentially conflicting requirements that make the proofs more involved.

Theorem 4.20


Similar relations between relativized UP and the relativized P and NP can be proved using the same proof techniques. We leave them as exercises.

Theorem 4.21


4.1 Let k ≥ 1. An NTM M is k-ambiguous if for any input x, there are at most k distinct accepting computations in M(x). Let k-UP denote the class of sets acceptable by polynomial-time k-ambiguous NTMs. Prove that c04-math-1435 if and only if c04-math-1436-UP.

4.2 Let DGISO be the problem of determining whether two directed graphs are isomorphic. Show that DGISO and GISO are equivalent under the c04-math-1437-reducibility.

4.3 Prove Theorem 4.4.

4.4 Recall the notion of strong NP reducibility c04-math-1438 defined in Exercise 3.1. Prove that if c04-math-1439, then there is a set c04-math-1440 that is not c04-math-1441-complete for NP.

4.5 a. Prove Proposition 4.10(b).

  1. For any complexity class c04-math-1442, let c04-math-1443 denote the class c04-math-1444. Prove that there exists a one-way function c04-math-1445 such that c04-math-1446 restricted to c04-math-1447 is not polynomial-time computable if and only if c04-math-1448.
  2. Prove that there exists a one-way function c04-math-1449 such that c04-math-1450 and that c04-math-1451 restricted to c04-math-1452 is not polynomial-time computable if and only if c04-math-1453.

4.6 In electronic data communication, a digital signature sent by a party X to a party Y is a message M that has the following properties: (i) Y must be able to verify that M is indeed sent by X; (ii) It is not possible for anyone except X, including Y, to forge the message M; (iii) X cannot deny sending the message M. Describe how to implement digital signatures in a public-key cryptosystem (allowing a negligible error).

4.7 Intuitively, a pseudorandom generator is a function c04-math-1458 that takes a random seed s of length n and outputs a string x of length l(n), where c04-math-1463 such that no feasible algorithm can predict the last bit of x from the first c04-math-1465 bits of x. Formally, we say that a function c04-math-1467 is a pseudorandom generator if

  1.   for all inputs x of length n, c04-math-1470; and
  2.   for any polynomial-time computable function c04-math-1471, and any polynomial function p,
  3. for almost all n > 0, where c04-math-1475 and c04-math-1476.

A commonly used function to generate pseudorandom numbers is the linear congruence generator: Let m be a fixed integer and a,b be two integers less than m. Let c04-math-1480, where c04-math-1481 and c04-math-1482 for c04-math-1483. Prove that the function c04-math-1484 is not a pseudorandom generator in the above sense if c04-math-1485. In other words, find a polynomial-time algorithm g that, on given c04-math-1487, can find xk if c04-math-1489 and if c04-math-1490.

4.8 We continue the last exercise. Let n be a positive integer and c04-math-1492. Define c04-math-1493 if i ≥ 0, and let xn,i be the square root of c04-math-1496 if i < 0. Let c04-math-1498 be the parity of xn,i, that is, it is 1 if xn,i is odd and is 0 if xn,i is even. The quadratic residue generator is the function c04-math-1502. Prove that QRG is a pseudorandom generator if c04-math-1504 for some fixed polynomial p, assuming that the sets QRn are strongly unpredictable in the sense of Section 4.2. That is, prove that if QRn are strongly unpredictable, then there exists an infinite set N of integers such that for any polynomial-time computable function c04-math-1509 and any polynomial functions p and q,


for almost all c04-math-1513.

4.9 In this exercise, we study the application of one-way functions to the problem of finding a random bit to be shared by two parties. Suppose two parties X and Y need to have an unbiased random bit to be shared by both parties. One way to do it is to let each of X and Y pick a random bit bX and bY, respectively, write them down on a piece of paper, and then let them exchange the bits bX and bY and use c04-math-1518 as the random bit, where c04-math-1519 is the exclusive-or operation. As X and Y must commit their own bit before seeing the other party's bit, neither of the parties can create a biased bit c04-math-1520 as long as the other bit is unpredictable. Assume, however, that the two parties are in two remote locations and cannot exchange their random bits bX and bY both efficiently and reliably. Then, we need to use one-way functions to implement this idea. In each of the following communication environments, design a protocol to implement the above idea to find the shared random bit efficiently and reliably (assuming the existence of strong one-way functions).

  1. X and Y communicate in a computer network with the software capable of efficiently generating large primes and performing multiplications of large integers.
  2. X and Y communicate through a telephone line. They have two identical copies of a 1000-page telephone directory. (Note that this scheme should work even if c04-math-1523. Can this scheme be implemented in a computer network?)

4.10 For each set A, let c04-math-1525 denote the class of sets B for which there exist a polynomial-space oracle DTM M and a polynomial function p such that for every x, c04-math-1530 if and only if MA accepts x and the total number of queries made by M in the computation tree of c04-math-1534 is bounded by c04-math-1535. For any two sets c04-math-1536, let c04-math-1537.

  1. Prove that for each set A, c04-math-1539.
  2. Prove that c04-math-1540 if and only if c04-math-1541.

4.11 Recall the definition of tally and sparse sets in Exercise 1.30. Also recall the relativized polynomial-time hierarchy defined in Exercise 3.1. In this exercise, we study the power of tally and sparse oracles in relativization.

  1. Prove that c04-math-1542 if and only if for all tally sets T, c04-math-1544.
  2. Prove that for k ≥ 2, c04-math-1546 if and only if for all sparse sets S, c04-math-1548.
  3. Prove that c04-math-1549 if and only if for all sparse sets S, c04-math-1551.

4.12 Assume that c04-math-1552. Prove that for any polynomial-time oracle NTM M, there exists a polynomial-time oracle DTM M1 such that for any input c04-math-1555, c04-math-1556 outputs an accepting computation of c04-math-1557, and for any input c04-math-1558, c04-math-1559 rejects x.

4.13 Use the relativized separation results of Section 4.5 to show that the relation c04-math-1561 is not transitive.

4.14 a.  In the following, we let w be a fixed finite binary string in c04-math-1563 and β be a fixed infinite binary sequence in c04-math-1565. For any infinite binary sequence c04-math-1566, we write c04-math-1567 to denote the kth bit of α and write αk to denote the string of the first k bits of α. We say an infinite binary sequence c04-math-1573 is recursive if the set X with c04-math-1575 is recursive. For each set Λi, c04-math-1577, of infinite binary sequences defined below, verify that it satisfies the assumption of the zero–one law and, hence, c04-math-1578 is either 0 or 1:

  1. c04-math-1579 c04-math-1580 occurs in α infinitely often}.
  2. c04-math-1583 c04-math-1584 occurs in α for all c04-math-1586.
  3. c04-math-1587 c04-math-1588 is recursive}.
  4. c04-math-1590 c04-math-1591 the series c04-math-1592 converges}.
  1.   For each c04-math-1594, decide whether c04-math-1595 is equal to 0 or 1.

4.15 Prove that with probability one, (a) c04-math-1596 and (b) c04-math-1597.

4.16 a. Prove Theorem 4.20(a).

  1.   Prove that there exists an oracle A relative to which c04-math-1599.

4.17 Prove Theorem 4.21

Historical Notes

The existence of problems in c04-math-1600 that are not NP-complete was first suggested by Karp (1972), who listed the problems primality testing, GISO, and linear programming as candidates. (Linear programming was later shown to be in P; see Khachiyan (1979) and Karmarkar (1984). Primality testing was shown to be in P by Agrawal et al. (2004).) Theorem 4.3 is from Ladner (1975a). Schöning (1982) discussed the technique of delayed diagonalization. The complexity of problem QR has been widely studied; see, for instance, Kranakis (1986), Loxton (1990), and Bach and Shallit (1996) for more references. The complexity of the problem GISO will be further studied in Chapter 10. The class UP was defined by Valiant (1976). The relation between the class UP and one-way functions (Proposition 4.10) was first proved by Ko (1985a) and Grollman and Selman (1988). The notion of public-key cryptography was introduced by Diffie and Hellman (1976). The RSA cryptosystem was designed by Rivest et al. (1978). Rabin (1979) relates the security of the RSA cryptosystem and the complexity of integer factoring. The relativization results on P, NP, and coNP (Theorems 4.14 and 4.20) were first presented by Baker et al. (1975). The independence result of Theorem 4.15 is from Hartmanis and Hopcroft (1976), which includes some other independence results in computer science. The positive relativization result of Theorem 4.17 is from Book et al. (1984). Book et al. (1985) contains results on different types of positive relativization. Random oracles were first studied by Bennett and Gill (1981). Theorem 4.19 is from there. For more results on random oracles, see Chapters 8 and 9 and the survey paper by Vollmer and Wagner (1997). Relativization results on the relation between UP and NP (Theorem 4.21) were proved in Rackoff (1982).

Digital signatures and pseudorandom generators are important topics in cryptography; see any cryptography textbook for more references. For the linear congruence generator, see Plumstead (1982) and Frieze et al. (1984). For the quadratic residue generator, see Blum et al. (1986). In general, pseudorandom generators exist if strong one-way functions exist. See Håstad et al. (1999) for the detailed discussion. Exercise 4.11 is from Long and Selman (1986). The relativized separation of the second level of PH (Exercise 4.16(b)) was first proved by Heller (1984). The relativized separation of the higher levels of PH will be studied in Chapter 9.

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