Regarding an AC0 circuit of depth d as a depth-c06-math-1430 circuit of the type considered in Theorem 6.37, we obtain the following.

Corollary 6.38

This corollary completes the proof of Theorem 6.34. Actually, we can obtain a better lower bound than that in Corollary 6.38 by using the argument in the proof of Theorem 6.37 once again. We leave it as an exercise.

The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of the Switching Lemma.

First, we notice that each AND-OR circuit corresponds to a CNF and each OR-AND circuit corresponds to a DNF. Recall, from Chapter 5, that for any Boolean function f, D(f) denotes the minimum depth of a decision tree computing f. Also recall that in a decision tree computing f, each path from root to a leaf with label 1 corresponds to an implicant. Therefore, if c06-math-1439, then f can be computed by an OR-AND circuit of bottom fan-in at most s. The above observation shows that to prove the Switching Lemma, it suffices to prove that for any AND-OR circuit G with bottom fan-in at most t,


The following is a stronger form.

Lemma 6.39


6.7 P-Completeness

From the discussion in Section 6.4, we see that the question of whether c06-math-1525 is a major open question in complexity theory. Intuitively, this question asks whether all polynomial-time computable problems (representing problems with efficient sequential algorithms) can be recognized by circuits of poly-log depth (representing efficient parallel algorithms). Thus, it is a question of interest not only to the theoreticians who are concerned with the time/space tradeoff but also to the algorithm designers who are interested in finding efficient parallel algorithms.

Similar to the study of the P versus NP question, we can use the notion of P-completeness to demonstrate that some problems are the hardest problems that can be solved in polynomial time by sequential machines. If a problem A is shown to be P-complete, then it is in NC if and only if c06-math-1531. Thus, this fact demonstrates that A is probably not in NC under the (commonly believed) assumption that c06-math-1534.

Definition 6.40

Our first P-complete problem is the following:

Theorem 6.41


Some special subproblems of CVP remain P-complete. The following are two examples.

Corollary 6.42


A circuit C is a planar circuit if it can be laid out in the plane.

Corollary 6.43

Figure 6.8

Figure 6.8 A planar circuit for c06-math-1565.

Figure 6.9

Figure 6.9 A crosser.

Figure 6.10

Figure 6.10 A network N and a flow f.

The next example is the odd maximum flow problem. A network c06-math-1568 is a digraph c06-math-1569 with two specific vertices, the source s and the sink t, and a positive-integer capacity c06-math-1572 for each edge (i,j) (see Figure 6.10). The source s has no incoming edge and the sink t has no outgoing edge. A flow in the network is an assignment of a nonnegative integer value c06-math-1576 to each edge (i,j) such that c06-math-1578 and that for each vertex other than the source and the sink the sum of the assigned values for incoming edges equals the sum of the assigned values for outgoing edges. The value of a flow f equals the sum of the assigned values c06-math-1580 for all outgoing edges at the source s (or the sum of the assigned values c06-math-1582 for all incoming edges at the sink t).

Theorem 6.44

Figure 6.11

Figure 6.11 Reduction from MCV to OMF.

Figure 6.12

Figure 6.12 The maximum flow for NC with the imaginary edges. The dark vertices are the false ones.

We remark that there is a rich collection of P-complete problems in literature. As we mentioned before, these P-complete problems are not in NC unless c06-math-1671. In addition to these P-complete problems, there also exist a number of problems in P for which one does not know whether it is P-complete or in NC. The following is an example.

A comparator gate has two output wires. In the first one, it outputs c06-math-1672 and in the second one, it outputs c06-math-1673, where x and y are its two inputs. The problem COMPARATOR CIRCUIT VALUE is the circuit value problem on circuits consisting of comparator gates. Again, it is easy to see that this problem is in P. It is, however, not known whether it is P-complete. All problems that are logarithmic-space reducible to this problem form a complexity class, called CC. It is known that c06-math-1676 but not known whether the inclusions are proper or not.

6.8 Random Circuits and RNC

A random circuit is a circuit with random variables. Let c06-math-1677 be a circuit of variables x1, c06-math-1679, xn and y1, c06-math-1682, ym, where y1, c06-math-1685, ym are random variables with the distribution satisfying


Let a and b be two real numbers satisfying c06-math-1690. We say a language c06-math-1691 is(a,b)-accepted by the random circuit c06-math-1693 with n input variables if for all c06-math-1695, we have c06-math-1696 and for all c06-math-1697, we have c06-math-1698.

In the following, we show that a random circuit can be simulated by a deterministic circuit with an increase of a constant number in depth and a polynomial factor in size. Let C be a random circuit and C1, C2, c06-math-1702, Ck be copies of C with different random variables. Define two new random circuits c06-math-1705 and c06-math-1706.

Lemma 6.45


Theorem 6.46


The following is an application of this result to the lower bound of the parity function. We say a (deterministic) circuit C c-approximates a function f if c06-math-1775 for at least c06-math-1776 inputs x.

Theorem 6.47


We now define a new complexity class based on random circuits. A language is in RNC if there is a uniform family of NC circuits, with polynomially many random variables, that c06-math-1793 accepts the language. It is obvious that c06-math-1794. It is not known whether the inclusion is proper. Note that Theorem 6.46 showed that a language in RNC can be computed bya family of polynomial-size deterministic circuits. However, the proof was nonconstructive and so this family is a nonuniform-NC family of circuits. It is not known whether there is a way to find the deterministic circuits uniformly.

It is known that c06-math-1795, but it is not clear whether c06-math-1796. (It is obvious that c06-math-1797, where R is the class of languages accepted by polynomial-time probabilistic TMs with bounded errors on inputs in the language and no error on inputs not in the language see Chapter 8). On the other hand, it is unlikely that c06-math-1799, and so, a problem is probably not P-hard if it is in RNC. The following is an example.

It is well known that PM is polynomial-time solvable (Lawler, 1976). Before we show that PM is in RNC, we first prove a probabilistic lemma, which will also be used in Chapter 9.

Lemma 6.48


Theorem 6.49



6.1 Design a monotone Boolean circuit with at most six gates and with fan-in at most three that computes the following Boolean function:


6.2 Construct a Boolean circuit computing the function fcon on graphs of n vertices (defined in Section 5.2). How many gates do you need?

6.3 Design a multioutput circuit that combines two levels of a branching program into one.

6.4 Prove that for a monotone increasing Boolean function f,


Using this formula, find an upper bound for C(f) when f is a monotone increasing Boolean function.


  1. Prove that any planar circuit that computes the product of two n-bit binary integers must have at least c06-math-1911 vertices.
  2. Prove that any planar circuit that computes the product of two c06-math-1912 Boolean matrices must contain at least c06-math-1913 vertices for some constant c.

6.6 Show that if c06-math-1915, then c06-math-1916.

6.7 Let x and y be Boolean variables, and let c06-math-1919 and c06-math-1920. Show that both c06-math-1921 and c06-math-1922 can be represented monotonely from x, y, u, and v (with only AND and OR operations).

6.8 The inverter is the collection In of functions c06-math-1928 of variables c06-math-1929 such that c06-math-1930. Design a circuit with n inputs and n outputs computing In with at most c06-math-1934 negation gates.


  1. Show that the problem of multiplying a given sequence of integers is in NC1.
  2. Show that the problem of multiplying a given sequence of permutations in Sn is in LOGSPACE.

6.10 Suppose that c06-math-1937 for some class c06-math-1938 that contains P as a subclass. Show that c06-math-1940 if and only if there exist c06-math-1941 and c06-math-1942 such that


6.11 Prove that P/poly contains nonrecursive sets.

6.12 Prove Propositions 6.9 and 6.10.

6.13 Let log be the class of all functions h from integers to strings over {0,1} such that c06-math-1946 for some constant c > 0. Prove the following statements:

  1. c06-math-1948.
  2. c06-math-1949.
  3. c06-math-1950.
  4. c06-math-1951.

6.14 A function f is called a slice function if for some positive integer k,

  1. Show that a general circuit computing a slice function can be converted into a monotone circuit by adding only a polynomial number of extra gates.
  2. Show that it is NP-complete to determine whether a given graph G with 2n vertices has a clique of size n.
  3. Show that it is also NP-complete to determine whether a given graph with 2n vertices has a clique of size n or at least c06-math-1960 edges.
  4. Define a sequence of slice functions that represents the above NP-complete problem.

6.15 Let G be an AND-OR circuit with bottom fan-in 1 and ρ a random restriction from Rp. Prove that the probability that c06-math-1964 cannot be switched to an OR-AND circuit with bottom fan-in less than s is bounded by qs where c06-math-1967.

6.16 We refer to the proof of Lemma 6.39. Prove that there exist values c06-math-1968 for c06-math-1969 such that


6.17 Prove that for sufficiently large n, the parity function pn cannot be computed by a depth-d circuit of size at most c06-math-1974.

6.18 Let c06-math-1975 denote the maximum size of minterms of a Boolean function f. Let G be an AND-OR circuit with bottom fan-in t. Let ρ be a random restriction from Rp. Then for any Boolean formula F and s > 0, we have


where q satisfies


6.19 Let c06-math-1986 be a partition of variables in a circuit. Let c06-math-1987 be a probability space of restrictions defined as follows: For each Bi, first randomly pick one value, denoted by si, from c06-math-1990 with probabilities


Then for every c06-math-1992, define


For each c06-math-1994, define a (deterministic) restriction c06-math-1995 as follows: For each Bi with c06-math-1997, let Vi be the set of all variables in Bi, which are given value c06-math-2000. The restriction c06-math-2001 selects, for each Bi, a variable yi in Vi and assigns value c06-math-2005 to yi and value 1 to all other variables in Vj. Let G be an AND-OR circuit with bottom fan-in c06-math-2009. Then from a random restriction ρ from c06-math-2011, the probability that c06-math-2012 is not equivalent to an OR-AND circuit with bottom fan-in c06-math-2013 is bounded by qs where c06-math-2015.

6.20 Let c06-math-2016 be the depth-d levelable circuit that has the following structure: (a) c06-math-2018 has a top OR gate, (b) the fan-in of all gates is n, (c) c06-math-2020 has exactly nd variables, each variable occurring exactly once in a leaf in the positive form. Let the function computed by c06-math-2022 be c06-math-2023. Prove that, for any k > 0, there exists an integer nk such that if a depth-d circuit D computes the function c06-math-2028, with c06-math-2029, which has bottom fan-in c06-math-2030 and fan-ins c06-math-2031 for all gates at level 1 to d − 2 (and with fan-ins of gates at level d − 1 unrestricted), then D must have size c06-math-2035 for some constant c > 0. [Hint: Use the random restriction of the last exercise.]

6.21 Let c06-math-2037 be a collection of AND-OR circuits of bottom fan-in c06-math-2038. Then for a random restriction ρ from c06-math-2040, the probability that every c06-math-2041 can be switched to an OR-AND circuit with bottom fan-in c06-math-2042 is greater than 2/3, if c06-math-2043, where c06-math-2044.

6.22 Show that the graph accessibility problem on undirected graphs is in LOGSPACE.

6.23 A language A is said to be NC-reducible to another language B if there exists a mapping f from strings to strings computable by a uniform family of NCi circuits for some i > 0 such that c06-math-2050 if and only if c06-math-2051. Prove the following:

  1. If A is NC-reducible to B and B is NC-reducible to C, then A is NC-reducible to C.
  2. If A is NC-reducible to B and B is in NC, then A is in NC.

6.24 Prove that NLOGSPACE c06-math-2062.

6.25 Prove c06-math-2063 by designing and combining three logarithmic-space algorithms that perform the following tasks:

  1. Generate a circuit in the given uniform family of circuits with logarithmic depth.
  2. Transform the generated circuit to an equivalent circuit with all outdegree one (i.e., a tree-like circuit).
  3. Evaluate the tree-like circuit.

6.26 A Boolean circuit is called an AM2 circuit if, in the circuit, (a) on any path from an input to the output the gates are required to alternate between OR and AND gates, (b) inputs are connected to only OR gates, (c) the output also comes from an OR gate, and (d) every gate has fan-out at most two. The problem AM2 CIRCUIT VALUE is defined as follows: Given an AM2 circuit and an assignment to its variables, determine whether the circuit value equals 1. Prove that AM2 CIRCUIT VALUE is P-complete.

6.27 An NAND gate can be obtained by putting a NOT gate at output of an AND gate. An NAND circuit is a Boolean circuit consisting of only NAND gates. The NAND CIRCUIT VALUE problem is to determine, for a given NAND circuit and a given assignment to its variables, whether the circuit value equals 1. Prove that NAND CIRCUIT VALUE is P-complete.

6.28 Show that the following problem is P-complete: Given a network c06-math-2064 and a nonnegative integer k, determine whether the maximum flow of N has value c06-math-2067.

6.29 Prove than if a bipartite graph has a perfect matching, then a perfect matching can be found in RNC.

6.30 Show that if c06-math-2068, then c06-math-2069.

6.31 An r-circuit is a circuit with AND and OR gates of fan-in two and at most r negation gates. Let c06-math-2072 denote the size of the smallest r-circuit computing f. Show that for any Boolean function f of n variables,


6.32 Prove that if a random circuit c06-math-2078 accepts A, then c06-math-2080 accepts A.

6.33 Show that if c06-math-2082, then c06-math-2083, where pn is the parity function of n variables.

6.34 Show that the problem of finding the determinant of an integer matrix is in NC2.

Historical Notes

Shannon (1949) first considered the circuit size of a Boolean function as a measure of its computational complexity. Lupanov (1958) showed the general upper bound c06-math-2087. Fischer (1974) proved the existence of Boolean functions with circuit complexity c06-math-2088. An explicit language with circuit complexity c06-math-2089 was found by Blum (1984). See Dunne (1988) and Wegener (1987) for more complete treatment on Boolean circuits. Karp and Lipton (1982) studied the class of sets having polynomial-size circuits and obtained a number of results on P/poly, including Theorem 6.11 and Exercise 6.13. Sparse sets are first studied in Lynch (1975) and Berman and Hartmanis (1977). They are further studied in Chapter 7. For the sets with succinct descriptions (such as sets with polynomial-size circuits), see the survey paper of Balcázar et al. (1997).

Razborov (1985a) obtained the first superpolynomial lower bound c06-math-2090 for the size of monotone circuits computing the function c06-math-2091. The exponential lower bound of Theorem 6.15 was given by Alon and Boppana (1987). Razborov (1985b) showed that the perfect matching problem for bipartite graphs also requires monotone circuits of superpolynomial size. Tardos (1988) showed an exponential lower bound for another problem in P. Berkowitz (1982) introduced slice functions and showed that circuits computing slice functions can be converted into monotone circuits with a polynomial number of additional gates (see Exercise 6.14). He also pointed out that there exist NP-complete slice functions. Yao (1994) adapted Razborov's technique to show that the connectivity requires depth c06-math-2092 in a monotone circuit. Goldman and Hastad (1995) improved the bound to c06-math-2093. There are also many references on circuits with limited number of negation gates; see, for instance, Beals et al. (1995).

The class NC was first defined by Nick Pippenger (1979); indeed, the term NC was coined by Cook to mean “Nick's Class.” There are, in literature, a number of models for parallel computation, including PRAMs (Fortune and Wyllie, 1978), SIMDAGs (Goldschlager, 1978),Alternating Turing machines (Chandra et al., 1981), and vector machines (Pratt et al., 1974). See, for instance, van Emde Boas (1990) for a survey of these models and their relations to the Boolean circuit model. The fact that LOGSPACE and NLOGSPACE are in NC2 was proved by Borodin (1977). Exercise 6.9 is from Beame et al. (1984), Cook and McKenzie (1987), and Immerman and Landau (1989). Exercise 6.22 is from Reingold (2008).

The fact that the parity function is not in AC0 was first proved by Furst et al. (1984) and Ajtai (1983). They proved that the parity function requires constant-depth circuits of superpolynomial size. Yao (1985) pushed up this lower bound to exponential size. Hastad (1986a, 1986b) simplified Yao's proof and proved the first Switching Lemma. Exercises 6.18 and 6.19 are from Hastad (1986a, 1986b). The idea of using the inversion formula in the proof of the Switching Lemma was initially proposed by Moran (1987). However, in his proof, he used c06-math-2098 instead of D(G), so that the inequality corresponding to (6.7) was incorrect. The current idea of using D(G) was suggested by Cai (1991). For other applications of the random restriction and the Switching Lemma, see, for instance, Aiello et al. (1990) and Ko (1989b). Exercise 6.21 is from Ko (1989a). Smolensky (1987) extended Yao's result to modulo functions. Fortnow and Laplante (1995) (see also section 6.12 of Li and Vitanyi (1997)) offer a different proof of Hastad's Lemma using the notion of Kolmogorov complexity.

P-complete problems were first studied by Cook (1973b). The P-completeness of the the problem CVP was established by Ladner (1975b). The circuit value problem for monotone and planar circuits was studied by Goldschlager (1977). Exercise 6.5 is from Lipton and Tarjan (1980). The problem OMF is proved to be P-complete by Goldschlager et al. (1982). Greenlaw et al. (1995) included a list of hundreds of P-complete problems. Mayr and Subramanian (1989) defined the class CC and studied its properties.

Random circuits were studied by Ajtai and Ben-Or (1984). Feather (1984) showed that finding the size of the maximum matching is in RNC. Karp et al. (1986) found the first RNC algorithm for finding the maximum matching. Our proof using the Isolation Lemma is from Mulmuley et al. (1987). The fact that the determinant of an integer matrix can be computed in NC was first proved by Csansky (1976) and Borodin, Cook and Pippenger (1983). See Cook (1985) for more discussions about the problem of computing integer determinants.

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