Theorem 3.28


A number of two-person games have been shown to be PSPACE-complete. Indeed, the alternating quantifier characterization of Corollary 3.20 suggests that every problem in PSPACE may be viewed as a two-person game. For instance, the problem QBF may be viewed as a game played between two playersc03-math-1509 and c03-math-1510. Without loss of generality, we may assume that a given QBF F has alternating quantifiers in its normal form:


where c03-math-1513 if m is odd, c03-math-1515 if m is even, and F1 is an unquantified Boolean formula over variables c03-math-1518. For any Boolean formula not of this form, we can insert a quantifier over a dummy variable between any two consecutive quantifiers of the same type to convert it to an equivalent formula of this form. On such a formula F, player c03-math-1520 tries to prove that F is true and player c03-math-1522 works as an adversary trying to prove that F is false (see Exercise 3.12). When the problem QBF is presented as a game, the notion of the player c03-math-1524 having a winning strategy is equivalent to the notion of F being true. Thus, the game QBF is PSPACE-complete.


Figure 3.2 (a) The digraphs Hi and Ki. (b) An example of digraph H.

In the following, we show a natural two-person game GEOGRAPHY to be PSPACE-complete. A game configuration of GEOGRAPHY is a directed graph c03-math-1526 with a starting node c03-math-1527 explicitly marked. There is a move from c03-math-1528 to c03-math-1529 (i.e., c03-math-1530) if H2 is the subgraph of H1 with the node v1 removed, and c03-math-1534 is an edge of H1. In other words, the players, starting with an initial graph H and a starting node v, take turns to visit one of the unvisited neighbors of the current node until one of the players reaches a node of which all the neighbors have been visited.

GEOGRAPHY: Given a digraph H with a marked node v, determine whether the next player has a winning strategy.

Theorem 3.29


3.6 EXP-Complete Problems

All complete problems studied so far are candidates for intractable problems, but their intractability still depends on the separation of the classes NP, PSPACE, and PH from the class P. Are there natural problems that are provably intractable in the sense that they can be proved not belonging to P? In this section, we present a few problems that are complete for EXP and, hence,

Our first EXP-complete problem is the bounded halting problem on deterministic machines with the time bound encoded in binary form.

EXPONENTIAL-TIME BOUNDED HALTING PROBLEM (EXP-BHP): Given a DTM M, a string x, and an integer n > 0, written in the binary form, determine whether M(x) halts in n moves.

Proposition 3.30


We note that in the above problem, if the time bound n is written in the unary form (as in the problem BHP), then the problem becomes polynomial-time solvable. Indeed, there is a simple translation of most P-complete problems1 to EXP-complete problems by more succinct encodings of the inputs. In the following, we demonstrate this idea on the famous P-complete problem, CIRCUIT VALUE PROBLEM (CVP).

Let C be a Boolean circuit2 satisfying the following property: C has n gates numbered from 1 to n; we let C(i) denote the gate of C numbered i. There are four types of gates in circuit C: ZERO gates, ONE gates, AND gates, and OR gates. A ZERO (ONE) gate has no input and one output whose value is 0 (1, respectively). An AND (OR) gate has two inputs and one output whose value is the Boolean product (Boolean sum, respectively) of the two inputs. If the gate i is an AND or OR gate, then its two inputs are the outputs of two gates whose numbers are lower than i. Note that this circuit C does not have input gates and so it computes a unique Boolean value (the output of gate n). If the circuit is given explicitly, then its output value is computable in polynomial time. (In fact, it is P-complete; see Theorem 6.41). In the following, we consider the encoding of the circuit by a DTM. We say that a DTM M generates a circuit C of size n in time m if for all i, c03-math-1645, M(i) outputs a triple c03-math-1647 in m moves, with c03-math-1649 and c03-math-1650 if b ≤ 1, such that

  1.   If b = 0, then c03-math-1653;
  2.   If b = 1, then c03-math-1655;
  3.   If b = 2, then c03-math-1657;
  4.   If b = 3, then c03-math-1659.
EXPONENTIAL-SIZE CIRCUIT VALUE PROBLEM (EXP-CVP): Given a DTM M; an integer t > 0, written in the unary form 0t; and an integer s > 0, written in the binary form, such that M generates a circuit C of size s in time t, determine whether circuit C outputs 1.

Theorem 3.31


In Section 3.5, we have shown that a polynomially boundedtwo-person game is solvable in PSPACE and that some natural games, such as GEOGRAPHY, are PSPACE-complete. In the following, we consider a game that is not polynomially bounded and show that it is complete for the class EXP.

Informally, the BOOLEAN FORMULA GAME (BFG) is a two-person game played on a Boolean formula F. The variables of the formula F are partitioned into three subsets: X, Y, and {t}. The game begins with an initial assignment τ0 on variables in c03-math-1757 such that F evaluates to 1 under τ0. The two players 0 and 1 take turns to change the assignment to variables, subject to the following rules:

  1. Player 0 must assign value 1 to the variable t and must not change the Boolean value of any variable c03-math-1761.
  2. Player 1 must assign value 0 to the variable t and must not change the Boolean value of any variable c03-math-1763.

A player loses if the formula F becomes 0 after his/her move.

We notice that a Boolean formula F of m variables has 2m different assignments for its variables and, hence, this game is not polynomially bounded. In fact, the game may last forever, with two players repeating the same assignments. It is easy to see, nevertheless, that these repeated moves can be identified and ignored as far as the winning strategy is concerned.

In the following formal definition of the game BFG, we write c03-math-1768 to denote a Boolean function with its variables partitioned into three sets A, B, and C. Now we define, following the notation of the last section, c03-math-1772, where

BOOLEAN FORMULA GAME (BFG): Given a Boolean formula c03-math-1774 and a truth assignment c03-math-1775 such that c03-math-1776, determine whether the player 0 has a winning strategy on the game configuration c03-math-1777.

Theorem 3.32


In the above, we have demonstrated some complete problems for the class EXP. In addition to these problems, there are problems that are known to have even higher complexity, for instance, complete for the classes NEXP, EXPSPACE, and so on. In the following, we list a few of these complete problems and leave their proofs asexercises.

First, using the technique of succinct encoding for the problem EXP-CVP, we can encode a Boolean formula of exponential size in a DTM and the corresponding satisfiability problem becomes NEXP-complete. We say a 3-CNF formula is of size (n,m) if it has n Boolean variables and m clauses. We say that a DTM M generates a 3-CNF formula F of size (n,m) in time t if for any c03-math-1934, M(j) outputs in t moves a 6-tuple c03-math-1937, with c03-math-1938 and c03-math-1939, such that (i) the three variables occurring in clause Cj are c03-math-1941 and (ii) for each c03-math-1942, c03-math-1943 occurs in Cj positively if and only if c03-math-1945.

EXP-SAT: Given a DTM M, integers n,m written in the binary form, and an integer t in unary form, such that M generates a 3-CNF formula F of size (n,m) in time t, determine whether F is satisfiable.

Theorem 3.33

In Theorem 3.27, we showed that the problem of determining the totality of a given regular expression (TRE) is PSPACE-complete. The idea of the proof is that regular expressions can be used to encode computation paths of a DTM in such a way that a computation path of length exponential in n can be encoded by a regular expression of length polynomial in n. We say a string is an extended regular expression if it is a regular expression with an additional intersection operation c03-math-1956. For any two languages A and B, c03-math-1959 simply denotes the set intersection of A and B. The following result indicates that even more succinct representations of a computation path of a DTM can be achieved by extended regular expressions.

TOTALITY OF EXTENDED REGULAR EXPRESSION (TERE): Given an extended regular expression R over set Σ, determine whether c03-math-1964.

Theorem 3.34


3.1 We say set A is strong-NP reducible to set B (c03-math-1967) if there is a polynomial-time oracle NTM M such that for each x, at least one computation path of c03-math-1971 halts in an accepting state, and all computation paths of c03-math-1972 halting in an accepting state output value 1 if c03-math-1973, and all such paths output value 0 if c03-math-1974.

  1. Prove that c03-math-1975 is indeed a reducibility (i.e., it satisfies the transitivity property).
  2. Prove that c03-math-1976 if and only if [c03-math-1977 and c03-math-1978] if and only if c03-math-1979.
  3. Prove that c03-math-1980 and c03-math-1981 imply c03-math-1982.
  4. Let c03-math-1983 denote the class NPA and, for k ≥ 1, let c03-math-1987denote the class c03-math-1988. Prove that, for k ≥ 1, if A is c03-math-1991-complete for the class c03-math-1992, then c03-math-1993.

3.2 Prove that there exist sets A,B, such that ASNPTB but not APTB.

3.3 In this exercise, we study the complexity class DP. A language A is in the class DP (D stands for difference) if there exist sets c03-math-1998 and c03-math-1999 such that c03-math-2000.

  1. The problem SAT-UNSAT asks for two given Boolean formulas ϕ and ψ, whether it is true that ϕ is satisfiable and ψ is unsatisfiable. Prove that SAT-UNSAT is DP-complete under c03-math-2005-reducibility.
  2. Recall the problem EXACT-CLIQUE defined in Example 2.20(b). Show that EXACT-CLIQUE is DP-complete.
  3. The problem CRITICAL HC asks for a given graph c03-math-2006 whether it is true that G does not have a Hamiltonian circuit but every graph G obtained from G by adding a new edge has a Hamiltonian circuit. Prove that CRITICAL HC is DP-complete.

3.4 In this exercise, we extend the class DP to the Boolean hierarchy of sets between P and c03-math-2011. For each n ≥ 0, define DPn as follows: c03-math-2015, c03-math-2016 if n is even, and c03-math-2018 if n is odd. Then, define c03-math-2021.

  1. In Exercise 2.14, we defined the polynomial-time truth-table reducibility c03-math-2022. We say set A is polynomial-time bounded truth-table reducible to set B, written c03-math-2025, if c03-math-2026 via a reduction function f and a set c03-math-2028 such that, for any x, c03-math-2030 for some constant m ≥ 1. Show that a set A is in BH if and only if A is the union of a finite number of sets in DP if and only if c03-math-2034 for some c03-math-2035.
  2. The classes DPn have complete sets. Define GCOLORk be the following problem: Given a graph G, determine whether the chromatic number c03-math-2040 of graph G (the minimum number of colors necessary to color graph G) is odd and is between 3k and 4k. Prove that for each odd k, GCOLORk is DPk-complete.
  3. Show that the Boolean hierarchy BH is properly infinite (i.e., c03-math-2048 for each n ≥ 0) unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses.

3.5 An integer expression E is defined like a regular expression. It contains integer constants and the c03-math-2051 and c03-math-2052 operations. Each integer expression E represents a set L(E) of integers: c03-math-2055, c03-math-2056, and c03-math-2057.

3.6 The problem INTEGER EXPRESSION EQUIVALENCE (IEE) asks, for two given integer expressions c03-math-2058, whether c03-math-2059. Prove that IEE is c03-math-2060-complete. The problem GRAPH CONSISTENCY (GC) asks, for two given sets A and B of graphs, whether there exists a graph G such that each graph c03-math-2064 is isomorphic to a subgraph of G and each graph c03-math-2066 is not isomorphic to any subgraph of G. Prove that the problem GC is c03-math-2068-complete.

3.7 In the following, each problem is formulated to be a minimax function f. Prove that the corresponding decision problem of determining whether c03-math-2070 for some given graph G and constant K is c03-math-2073-complete. In the following, we write Fn,m to mean the set of all functions c03-math-2075.

  1. MINIMAX-CLIQUE: For a given graph c03-math-2076 with its vertices V partitioned into subsets Vi,j, for c03-math-2079, c03-math-2080, find c03-math-2081 is a clique in c03-math-2082, where Gt is the induced subgraph of G on the vertex set c03-math-2085.
  2. MINIMAX-CIRCUIT: Given a graph G with its vertex set V partitioned into subsets Vi,j, for c03-math-2089, c03-math-2090, find c03-math-2091 has a circuit on c03-math-2092, where Gt is defined as in (a) above.
  3. MINIMAX-3DM: Given mutually disjoint finite sets Wi,j, c03-math-2095, c03-math-2096, and a set S of three-element subsets of c03-math-2098, find c03-math-2099 is a matching in c03-math-2100, where W(t) means the set c03-math-2102.
  4. LONGEST DIRECT CIRCUIT: Given a digraph c03-math-2103 and a subset E of E, find c03-math-2106 has a circuit on c03-math-2107, where GD is the subgraph of G with vertex set V and edge set c03-math-2111.

3.8 Let CFL denote the class of context-free languages, and let LOGCFL be the class of sets that are reducible to the class CFL under the logarithmic-space reductions.

  1. Prove that c03-math-2112.
  2. Prove that c03-math-2113.

3.9 The transitive closure of a relation R is the set c03-math-2115 there exists a sequence of strings c03-math-2116, such that c03-math-2117 for all i, c03-math-2119.

  1. Prove that for any relation c03-math-2120 with the property c03-math-2121, c03-math-2122.
  2. Prove that there exists a relation c03-math-2123 with the property c03-math-2124, such that R is PSPACE-complete.

3.10 The problem DETERMINISTIC FINITE AUTOMATA INTERSECTION (DFA-INT) asks, for a given sequence of deterministic finite automata c03-math-2126 over a common alphabet Σ, whether there exists a string c03-math-2128 that is accepted by each Mi, c03-math-2130. Prove that the problem DFA-INT is PSPACE-complete.

3.11 The problem MINIMAL NONDETERMINISTIC FINITE AUTOMATON (MIN-NFA) asks, for a given deterministic finite automaton M and an integer n, whether there exists an equivalent nondeterministic finite automaton that has at most n states. Prove that the problem MIN-NFA is PSPACE-complete.

3.12 Define formally the set GQBF of game configurations and the relations R0 and R1 for the game QBF.

3.13 Prove that it is a polynomially bounded game. Prove that the game GEOGRAPHY played on undirected graphs is solvable in polynomial time.

3.14 The game HEX played between two players 0 and 1 can be defined as follows: The game is played on a graph c03-math-2137 with four explicitly marked nodes s0, t0, s1, and t1. The goal of the game for player 0 is to find a path from s0 to t0 and for player 1 is to find a path from s1 to t1 by player 1. At the beginning, all but the four special nodes are uncolored, and the four special nodes are colored by c03-math-2146 and c03-math-2147. A legal move of player 0 (or player 1) is to mark any uncolored node with the color 0 (or color 1, respectively). The game ends when there is a path from s0 to t0 all colored with 0 (and player 0 wins) or when there is a path from s1 to t1 all colored with 1 (and player 1 wins).

  1. Define formally the set c03-math-2152 of game configurations and the relations R0 and R1. Prove that HEX is a polynomially bounded game.
  2. Prove that game HEX is PSPACE-complete.

3.15 Give a proof for Corollary 3.20 without using the notion of ATMs (instead, using the idea of the proof of Theorem 3.18 directly).

3.16 Verify that the size of the machine MC of Theorem 3.31 is bounded by c03-math-2156 for some polynomial p.

3.17 Consider the following variation of the game BFG:

  1. The variables of the formula F are partitioned into two subsets, X and Y.
  2. In one move, player 0 (player 1) can change the value of at most one variable in X (respectively, in Y).
  3. The initial assignment τ0 makes F false.
  4. A player wins if the formula becomes true after his/her move.

Prove that this version of the game BFG is also EXP-complete.

3.18 Prove Theorem 3.33.

3.19 Prove Theorem 3.34.

3.20 The problem ORACLE-SAT is defined as follows: Let G be a Boolean formula over five sets of variables c03-math-2166, Y, and Z, where c03-math-2169 for c03-math-2170, and c03-math-2171. Determine whether it is true that there exists a Boolean function c03-math-2172 such that for all assignments c03-math-2173, G is satisfied by π and τ, where c03-math-2177 is defined by c03-math-2178. (If c03-math-2179, then we write c03-math-2180 to denote the string of n bits: c03-math-2182.) Prove that ORACLE-SAT is c03-math-2183-complete for NEXP.

Historical Notes

The polynomial-time hierarchy was first introduced by Stockmeyer and Meyer (1973) as a polynomial-time analog of the arithmetic Hierarchy (Rogers, 1967). Stockmeyer (1977) and Wrathall (1977) contain complete sets SATk and the alternating quantifier characterizations. Stockmeyer (1977) also contains the c03-math-2185-complete problem IEE (Exercise 3.5). The c03-math-2186-complete problem GRN is from Ko and Lin (1995a). ATMs are first defined in Chandra et al. (1981). The simulations between ATMs, DTMs, and NTMs are proven there. The alternating quantifier characterization of PSPACE and the PSPACE-complete problems QBF are from Stockmeyer and Meyer (1973), and the PSPACE-completeness of TRE is from Meyer and Stockmeyer (1972). The first natural PSPACE-complete two-person game is HEX (Exercise 3.14), proved in Even and Tarjan (1976). Schaefer (1978b) contains many other PSPACE-complete games, including the game GEOGRAPHY. The idea of using TMs to encode objects of exponential size has been used in many applications; see, for instance, Ko (1992) for the EXP-complete problem EXP-CVP. The game BFG (Theorem 3.32 and Exercise 3.17) is from Stockmeyer and Chandra (1979). The EXPSPACE-complete problem TERE is from Hunt (1973).

The notion of strong-NP reducibility was introduced by Long (1982). A related strong-NP many-one reducibility was first used by Adleman and Manders (1977). The class DP and the corresponding DP-complete problems were studied in Papadimitriou and Yannakakis (1984) and Papadimitriou and Wolfe (1987). The Boolean hierarchy has been studied by a number of people. A comprehensive study was presented in Cai et al. (1988, 1989). The c03-math-2187-complete problem GC (Exercise 3.6) is from Ko and Tzeng (1991). The c03-math-2188-complete problems in Exercise 3.7 are from Ko and Lin (1995a). The class LOGCFL has been studied in connection with parallel complexity. Exercise 3.8(a) is from Ruzzo (1980) and Exercise 3.8(b) is from Sudborough (1978). The complexity of transitive closure was studied in Book and Wrathall (1982) and Ko (1985a). The DFA Intersection problem is from Kozen (1977) and the minimal NFA problem is from Jiang and Ravikumar (1993).

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