Chapter 10

Interactive Proof Systems

Those who consider a thing proved simply
because it is in print are fools.


The complexity classes RP and BPP are the probabilistic extensions of the deterministic feasible class P. In this chapter, we study interactive proof systems as the probabilistic extension of the polynomial-time hierarchy and the class PSPACE. Although the original motivation of interactive proof systems is for their applications in the theory of cryptography, they have found many interesting applications in complexity theory too. In particular, we will discuss characterizations of complexity classes between NP and PSPACE in terms of interactive proof systems. We also demonstrate an interesting application of this study in which some intractable problems in NP are proved to be not NP- complete unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses.

10.1 Examples and Definitions

The notion of interactive proof systems is most easily explained from a game-theoretic view of the complexity classes. In the general setting, each problem A is interpreted as a two-person game in which the first player, the prover, tries to convince the second player, the verifier, that a given instance x is in A. On a given instance x, each player takes turn sending a string yi to the other player, where the ith string yi may depend on the input x and the previous strings y1, c10-math-0010, c10-math-0011. After a number m of moves, the prover wins the game if the verifier is able to verify that the strings x, y1, c10-math-0015, ym satisfy a predetermined condition; otherwise, the verifier wins. Depending on the computational power of the two players, and on the type of protocols allowed between the two players, this game-theoretic view of the computational problems can be used to characterize some familiar complexity classes.

As a simple example, consider the famous NP-complete problem SAT. To prove that a Boolean formula F is satisfiable, the prover simply sends a truth assignment t on the variables that occurred in F to the verifier, then the verifier verifies, in polynomial time, whether t satisfies F or not and accepts F if t indeed satisfies F. Thus, we say that SAT has a proof system with the following properties:

  1. The verifier has the power of a polynomial-time DTM, and the prover has the unlimited computational power.
  2. The game lasts for one round only, with the prover making the first move.
  3. A formula F is in SAT if and only if the prover is able to win the game on F.

Indeed, it is easy to see that the class NP consists of exactly those sets having proof systems of the above properties.

A more interesting example is the proof systems for the polynomial-time hierarchy. Recall the following alternating quantifier characterization of the polynomial-time hierarchy (Theorem 3.8): A set A is in c10-math-0028 if and only if there exist a polynomial-time computable predicate R and a polynomial q such that for all x,


where c10-math-0033 if k is odd and c10-math-0035 if k is even. From the game-theoretic point of view, the above characterization means that a set A in c10-math-0038 has a proof system of the following properties:

  1. The verifier has the power of a polynomial-time DTM, and the prover has the unlimited computational power.
  2. The game lasts for exactly k rounds, with the verifier making the first move.
  3. An instance x is in A if and only if the prover has a winning strategy on x.

The above game-theoretic view of the complexity classes in PH, though helpful in our understanding of the problems in these classes, does not help us to prove them efficiently in practice. For instance, consider the above game for some set c10-math-0043. This game consists of only two moves: the verifier sends to the prover a string y1 and the prover responds with a string y2. Following these two moves, the verifier verifies whether c10-math-0046 holds and decides who wins the game. In this game, even if the prover is able to win the games on the same input x polynomially many times (with respect to different strings y1), the verifier is not necessarily convinced that the prover has a winning strategy. The reason is that the verifier has an exponential number of choices for the first string y1 and only polynomially many of them have been defeated by the prover. The prover might simply be lucky in winning in these special cases. An exhaustive proof by the prover would convince the verifier that x indeed belongs to A but it would, unfortunately, take an exponential amount of time.

Following the spirit of probabilistic computing, we studied in Chapter 8, it is possible, however, that for a subclass of problems A in c10-math-0053, the prover is able to demonstrate probabilistically that astring x is in A in polynomial time. To do this, the prover first shows the verifier that if c10-math-0056, then there exist not just one but many bad strings y1 such that c10-math-0058 c10-math-0059. (Therefore, only a subclass of problems A in c10-math-0061 qualify.) Assume, for instance, there are c10-math-0062 such bad y1's for some constant c > 0. Then, the verifier may randomly choose a string z1 of length c10-math-0066 and has the probability c to win the game with this string z1. If this game on x is played repeatedly for a number of times and the prover is able to win the game consistently, then the verifier is more convinced that x is indeed in A (or, the verifier is extremely unlucky). This type of probabilistic game is called a probabilistic interactive proof system or, simply, an interactive proof system. The main difference between the probabilistic proof systems and the deterministic proof systems described earlier is that the verifier is allowed to use a random number generator to help him/her to compute new strings yi, as well as verifying the final accepting condition. That is, an interactive proof system for a set A is a proof system with the following properties:

  1. The verifier has the power of a polynomial-time PTM, and the prover has the power of a PTM, without a limit on time or space bound.
  2. If an instance x is in A, then the prover is able to win the game of x with probability c10-math-0077; and if c10-math-0078, then the probability that the prover is able to win the game of x is c10-math-0080, where ε is a constant strictly less than 1/2.1

We look at some examples before giving the formal definition of interactive proof systems.

Example 10.1

Example 10.2

The above two examples demonstrate simple interactive proof systems for some problems in coNP that are not known to be complete for coNP. The next example shows a more complicated interactive proof system for a c10-math-0162-complete problem, with a hint of the general theorem that all problems in PSPACE have interactive proof systems (Theorem 10.26).

Example 10.3

Weak Interactive Proof System for PERM.

Input: An c10-math-0165 Boolean matrix A and an integer q. (The prover needs to prove that c10-math-0168.)

Initially, let c10-math-0169 and c10-math-0170.

Stage i, c10-math-0172. Ai is an c10-math-0174 matrix. The prover sends integers c10-math-0175, c10-math-0176, to the verifier, where Bi,j is the submatrix of Ai obtained by deleting the first row and the jth column of Ai. Next, the verifier verifies that

(10.1) equation

If the above equation does not hold, then the verifier rejects the input (A,q). Otherwise, the verifier chooses a random c10-math-0183 and lets c10-math-0184 and c10-math-0185. He/she sends c10-math-0186 and c10-math-0187 to the prover and goes to the next stage.

Stage n. The verifier has a c10-math-0189 matrix An and an integer qn. The verifier accepts the input if and only if c10-math-0192.

Assume that c10-math-0193. Then the prover can always compute the correct values c10-math-0194 at each stage i and, hence, can prove that c10-math-0196 with probability 1.

On the other hand, when c10-math-0197, the error probability could be very large. More precisely, assume that at stage i, c10-math-0199. Then, the prover could give c10-math-0200 correct values c10-math-0201 and only one incorrect value qi,j and could still satisfy (10.1). The probability that the verifier chooses this incorrect value to be c10-math-0203 is c10-math-0204. As a whole, the probability that all pairs c10-math-0205 are incorrect in all stages i is only c10-math-0207. Thus, the above proof system is too weak.

To remedy this problem, we modify the above proof system to reduce the error probability. Let us call a pair (C,r) of a matrix C and an integer r incorrect if c10-math-0211. We have just seen that if at each stage i, the verifier only recursively tests the correctness of a random pair c10-math-0213, then the error probability is too large. On the other hand, if the verifier recursively tests every pair c10-math-0214 at stage i, then it would take an exponential amount of time. The idea here is to combine all c10-math-0216 pairs c10-math-0217 to create a single pair that, with a large probability, is incorrect as long as one of the original pairs is incorrect. Therefore, the total number of pairs c10-math-0218 considered is polynomially bounded, and yet the error probability is kept small.

Interactive Proof System for PERM.

Input: (A,q).

Choose a large prime number p such that c10-math-0221. (It could be done in polynomial time by the verifier; or, the prover could send the prime number, together with a short proof that it is indeed a prime, to the verifier.)

Let c10-math-0222 and c10-math-0223.

Stage i, c10-math-0225. The prover needs to prove that c10-math-0226.

Substage c10-math-0227. The prover finds c10-math-0228, c10-math-0229 and sends them to the verifier, where Bi,j is the submatrix of Ai obtained by deleting the first row and the jth column of Ai. Next, theverifier verifies that


If the above equation does not hold, then the verifier rejects the input (A,q). Otherwise, let c10-math-0236 and c10-math-0237, and go to substage c10-math-0238.

Substage c10-math-0239, c10-math-0240. The verifier forms an c10-math-0241 linear-polynomial matrix


and sends D(x) to the prover, asking forits permanent f(x) (a polynomial of degree c10-math-0245). When the verifier receives the permanent polynomial f(x) from the prover, he/she checks that c10-math-0247 and c10-math-0248; if either equation fails, he/she rejects the input. Otherwise, the verifier chooses a random integer c10-math-0249 and let c10-math-0250 (i.e., C is the c10-math-0252 integer matrix obtained by substituting the integer a for the variable x in D) and c10-math-0256.

At the end of substage c10-math-0257, let c10-math-0258 and c10-math-0259.

Stage n. The verifier has a c10-math-0261 matrix An and an integer qn. The verifier accepts the input if and only if c10-math-0264.

First notice that an c10-math-0265 Boolean matrix A must have c10-math-0267, and so, for any c10-math-0268, c10-math-0269 implies c10-math-0270. Thus, we do not lose any generality using arithmetic modulo p. (In the following lemma, we say (C,r) is incorrect if and only if c10-math-0273.) Next, we observe again that if c10-math-0274, then the prover can always compute correct permanent values, including the permanent f of the polynomial matrix D in each substage c10-math-0277, and wins the game with probability 1. We only need to prove that when c10-math-0278, the probability of the prover winning the game is small.

Lemma 10.4


We observe that if c10-math-0309 is incorrect, then after substage c10-math-0310, one of the pairs c10-math-0311 is incorrect. Now, following the above lemma, the error in the pair c10-math-0312 at stage i will be passed to the next pair c10-math-0314 at stage i + 1 with probability c10-math-0316. The total error probability of the above interactive proof system is thus bounded by


which is negligible when n is reasonably large.

From the above examples, we can see that an interactive proof system consists of an honest verifier who wants to learn whether or not a given instance x is in a set A and an unreliable prover whose task is to answer questions of the verifier to maximize his winning probability. As the prover is potentially treacherous, it is the verifier's job to detect the cheating to minimize the error probability. Thus, it is natural to define the interactive proof systems from the verifier's point of view, that is, we define the verifier as a probabilistic machine and let the prover take the role of an oracle. Formally, we define an interactive Turing machine to be a polynomial time oracle PTM Mv that uses an oracle function fp with the following special rule of making queries: The machine Mv makes a query y to the oracle fp by writing on the query tape (1) the input x, (2) the whole history of queries and answers exchanged between the machine Mv and the oracle fp, and (3) the new query y. (This special rule reflects the assumption that the prover can send a message yi based on the input x as well as the history of the messages exchanged between the prover and the verifier.) Note that the polynomial-time bound on Mv implies that it can only work with polynomial-length-bounded oracle functions fp. The notion of interactive proof systems can be defined by interactive TMs, working with unreliable oracles. (See Exercise 10.1 for an alternative formulation of the notion of interactive proof systems.)

Definition 10.5

The time complexity of an interactive TM is restricted to be polynomially bounded. In addition to the time complexity, an important complexity measure of an interactive proof system c10-math-0351 is the number of queries made by Mv to the oracle fp. Recall that a computation of a probabilistic oracle machine M, relative to an oracle f, is a sequence of successive configurations of Mf, from a starting configuration to a halting configuration. We define the number of rounds of a computation of an interactive proof system c10-math-0357 to be the number of messages (queries and answers) exchanged between the machine Mv and the oracle fp in this computation. For an integer function r, we say that a set A has an r(n)-round interactive proof system if there exists an interactive proof system c10-math-0363 for A such that the number of rounds of all the computations of the system c10-math-0365 on all x is bounded by c10-math-0367.3

Definition 10.6

Similar to the probabilistic complexity classes RP and BPP, the classes IP and IPk remain the same if we change the error bound 1/4 to any constant c10-math-0372.

Proposition 10.7


Finally, we observe the simple relations that c10-math-0384 and c10-math-0385, and that the problems c10-math-0386 and QNR of Examples 10.1 and 10.2 above are both in c10-math-0387.

10.2 Arthur–Merlin Proof Systems

In order to analyze the computational power of interactive proof systems, we first study a weaker type of probabilistic proof system called the Arthur–Merlin proof system. An Arthur–Merlin proof system is similar to an interactive proof system where Arthur is a verifier with the power of a polynomial-time PTM and Merlin is a prover, except that Merlin is even more powerful than an ordinary prover so that he is able to read the whole history of the computation of Arthur on the given input, including the random numbers generated by Arthur. If we examine the interactive proof systems of Examples 10.1 and 10.2, we can see that the secrecy of the random bits used by the verifier is critical to the correctness of the system. Indeed, if in Example 10.1 the prover knows the random bit b chosen by the verifier, then he/she can always win the game by sending back the bit b, regardless of whether c10-math-0390 or not. Thus, the extra power of Merlin appears to be a strong restriction to the notion of interactive proof systems. Later, however, we will show that this restriction is not really so strong and that the two notions of proof systems are essentially equivalent. Yet, the simplicity of the Arthur–Merlin proof systems allows us to perform detailed analysis of its computational power.

As Merlin is so powerful that Arthur is not able to hide his random numbers from Merlin, we may as well require that in an Arthur–Merlin proof system, Arthur always sends the random numbers he used to Merlin. Furthermore, Merlin can alwayssimulate Arthur's computation to compute the next query to be asked by Arthur from the history of the computation and the new random numbers received from Arthur. Thus, Arthur really does not have to send Merlin anything except the new random numbers generated by the random number generator. In other words, Arthur really plays a passive role whose only task is to verify, at the end, whether the computation satisfies a predetermined condition and whether to accept the input. Formally, we define an Arthur machine to be an interactive TM such that

  1. each new query of Arthur is simply a new sequence of random bits; and
  2. every random number generated by Arthur must be sent to Merlin as a query, even if Arthur does not expect an answer from Merlin (so that the last random number generated by Arthur counts as one round of communication between the two players).

To understand how such a simplistic communication protocol could work, it is helpful to review the interactive proof system of Example 10.3 for the problem PERM and observe that it is actually an Arthur–Merlin system. In particular, at each substage c10-math-0391, c10-math-0392, the verifier only needs to verify that the answer f satisfies the two equations, c10-math-0394 and c10-math-0395, and then sends a random number c10-math-0396 to the prover. At the next substage, the prover can compute the matrix D by itself and sends its permanent f to the verifier.

Definition 10.8

The notion of the number of rounds in an Arthur–Merlin proof system is defined exactly the same as that of an interactive proof system. Here, we distinguish the proof systems in which Merlin sends the messages first from those in which Arthur sends the messages first.

Definition 10.9

Again, the classes AM and c10-math-0424 remain unchanged for any constant error probability ε > 0. We omit the proof.

Proposition 10.10

In the above, we have defined the Arthur–Merlin proof system from Arthur's point of view, that is, we view such a proof system as Arthur working with an unreliable oracle Merlin trying to prove that an instance x is in A. As Merlin knows every random bit Arthur uses and has the unlimited computational power to simulate Arthur's computation, we may also look at this proof system from Merlin's point of view. Namely, we may think that Merlin tries to convince Arthur, who is a passive verifier, that an instance x is in A by showing the complete probabilistic proof to him, where the two players share a common trustable random number generator. That is, Merlin can demonstrate the proof by playing both roles in the game: he nondeterministically generates his messages for himself and randomly generates messages for Arthur. To formalize this idea, we consider a new computational model of probabilistic NTMs.

A probabilistic NTM is an NTM M attached with a random number generator ϕ. The machine M has two nonstandard states: the nondeterministic state and the random state. When the machine enters the nondeterministic state, it generates a bit nondeterministically, and when it enters a random state, it obtains a random bit from the random number generator. We call a probabilistic NTM a Merlin machine if there exists a polynomial p such that for each input x, it always halts in c10-math-0446 moves.

To simplify the notion of the accepting probability of a Merlin machine, we assume that such a machine M has two extra read-only tapes, called the Merlin tape and the Arthur tape, in addition to the input/output/work tape. The Arthur tape is just the random-bit tape of a PTM, where a sequence of random bits is supplied by the random number generator ϕ. The Merlin tape contains the messages to be sent from Merlin to Arthur. We assume that when a Merlin machine enters the nondeterministic state, it reads the next bit from the Merlin tape and when the machine enters the random state, it reads the next bit from the Arthur tape. Thus a configuration of a Merlin machine consists of the following information: (1) the current state q, (2) the current string s in the input/output/work tape to the left of the tape head, (3) the current string t at and on the right of the tape head in the input/output/work tape, (4) the current string α on the Merlin tape (from the beginning cell to the cell scanned by the tape head), and (5) the current string β on the Arthur tape (from the beginning cell to the cell scanned by the tape head). We define the successor relation c10-math-0454 on configurations and the concept of accepting configurations similar to that for PTMs (see Section 9.2). In particular, a configuration c10-math-0455 in the random state (or in the nondeterministic state) has two successor configurations, c10-math-0456 and c10-math-0457 (or, respectively, c10-math-0458 and c10-math-0459) for some states q0 and q1.

To define the notion of the accepting probability, we first define the accepting probability c10-math-0462 of a configuration c. For any configuration c10-math-0464, we let c10-math-0465 if q is an accepting state and c10-math-0467 if q is a rejecting state. If q is a regular deterministic state and c1 is the unique successor configuration of c, then let c10-math-0472. If q is a random state and c0 and c1 are two successor configurations of c, then let c10-math-0477 be the average of c10-math-0478 and c10-math-0479. If q is a nondeterministic state and c0 and c1 are two successor configurations of c, then let c10-math-0484 be the maximum of c10-math-0485 and c10-math-0486. For any input x, the accepting probability of a Merlin machine on x is equal to c10-math-0489, where cx is the starting configuration for x. We also write c10-math-0492 to denote the accepting probability c10-math-0493 of M on x. As a Merlin game always halts in polynomial time, the probability c10-math-0496 is well defined.

The concept of rounds can also be defined in a Merlin machine. We define a random round of a computation of a Merlin machine M to be a maximum-length sequence of configurations that are either in a deterministic state or in the random state. Similarly, a nondeterministic round of a computation of a Merlin machine M is a maximum-length sequence of configurations that are either in a deterministic state or in the nondeterministic state. For k ≥ 1, a k-round Merlin machine M is one all of whose computations have at most k random and nondeterministic rounds.

Proposition 10.11


It is interesting to observe that the above conversions between the two types of machines preserve the number of rounds in each machine.

10.3 AM Hierarchy Versus Polynomial-Time Hierarchy

In this section, we consider the complexity classes AMk of sets having Arthur–Merlin proof systems of a bounded number of rounds. It is clear that these classes form a hierarchy:


We are going to see that this hierarchy collapses to the second level. In addition, they are contained in the second level c10-math-0537 of the polynomial-time hierarchy.

To begin with, we first give an alternating quantifier characterization for the AM hierarchy like that for the polynomial-time hierarchy in Theorem 3.8. Intuitively, a move by Merlin demonstrates a new piece of proof to Arthur, and so it corresponds to an existential quantifier c10-math-0538, while a move by Arthur is simply a sequence of random bits, and to a probabilistic quantifier c10-math-0539. (Recall that c10-math-0540 means “for at least c10-math-0541 strings y of length m,” and c10-math-0544 is the abbreviation for c10-math-0545.)

Recall that two predicates R1 and R0 are complementary if R1 implies c10-math-0549.

Definition 10.12

A simple induction shows that complementary c10-math-0577- and c10-math-0578-predicates are indeed complementary if c10-math-0579. We are going to show that if c10-math-0580, then the predicates c10-math-0581 and c10-math-0582 are complementary AMk-predicates. Before we prove that, we need to show that the notion of complementary AMk-predicates remains unchanged with respect to different values r. This can be proved by the majority vote technique. As it is more involved than the proofs of Theorems 10.7 and 10.10, we give a complete proof below. In the following, we write c10-math-0586 to mean “for more than c10-math-0587 numbers c10-math-0588.”

Lemma 10.13


Theorem 10.14

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