Example 11.33


Figure 11.2 Path px.

Example 11.34


The following property of L-reduction shows the precise relation between the corresponding approximation problems. (Recall the definition of r-APPROX-Π from Section 2.5.)

Proposition 11.35


From Proposition 11.35, we have the following relations:

  1. Assume that Π is a minimization problem. If c11-math-1858 and Γ has a polynomial-time linear approximation algorithm (meaning that the approximation ratio r is a constant), then Π also has a polynomial-time linear approximation algorithm.
  2. If c11-math-1862 and Γ has a (fully) polynomial-time approximation scheme, then Π has a (fully, respectively) polynomial-time approximation scheme.

We know from Corollary 11.28 that there exists a number s > 1 such that the problem s-APPROX-3SAT is c11-math-1867-hard for NP. The L-reduction can pass this inapproximability result from 3-SAT to other problems. We first consider the following restricted version of 3-SAT, which is a fundamental problem for proving inapproximability results.

3SAT-3: Given a 3-CNF formula6

F in which each variable appears in at most three clauses, find a Boolean assignment to the variables of F to maximize the number of true clauses.

We are going to show that c11-math-1871Sc11-math-1872-3. To prove this, we need a combinatorial lemma involving expanders. Recall that a d-regular graph c11-math-1874 is an expander if


for some constant δ > 0. From Lemma11.9, we know that there is a family c11-math-1877 of d0-regular expanders of n vertices that have c11-math-1880, where d0 and c11-math-1882 are global constants. In other words, for any c11-math-1883, with c11-math-1884, c11-math-1885. We now prove a lemma using these expander graphs as a tool.


Figure 11.3 Trees for fan-out, where the open circles denote new vertices.

Lemma 11.36


Theorem 11.37


Theorem 11.38


Figure 11.4 Graph H.

There is a big class of approximation problems that can be proved to be NP-hard using the L-reduction. The following is another example.

VC-IN-CUBIC-GRAPHS (VC-CG): Given a graph G in which every vertex has degree exactly 3 (called a cubic graph), find the minimum vertex cover of G.

Theorem 11.39


In Section 2.5, we divided the optimization problems into three classes, according to their approximability. The third class contains the problems with polynomial-time approximation schemes. The second class contains the problems for each of which there is a constant c11-math-2151 such that it is polynomial-time approximable with respect to ratio r0 but is inapproximable in polynomial time for any ratio c11-math-2153 unless c11-math-2154. We just showed that the maximum satisfiability belongs to this class. As L-reductions preserve linear-ratio approximation, all problems that are L-equivalent to 3-SAT belong to this class, including the problems VC-3, IS-3, 3SAT-3, and VC-CG studied above (cf. Exercise 11.16).

Next, we turn our attention to problems in the first class, the class of problems for which the corresponding approximation problems are NP-hard for all ratios r > 1. In the last section, we saw that the problem CLIQUE belongs to this class. We can actually further divide this class into subclasses according to the best approximation ratio r(n), where r(n) is a function of input size n. For instance, consider the following problem:

SET COVER (SC): Given a finite collection c11-math-2161 of subsets of a set U of m elements, find a minimum cardinality subcollection of c11-math-2164 such that the union of all subsets in the subcollection covers U.

It is known that SC has a polynomial-time approximation algorithm with approximation ratio c11-math-2166. In fact, this is the best-known result unless NP collapses to a deterministic subexponential time class.

Theorem 11.40


Note that both the problems SC and CLIQUE belong to the first class of inapproximable optimization problems, but they still have different approximation ratios: CLIQUE is so hard to approximate that it is not approximable in polynomial time within ratio c11-math-2170 for any ε > 0 (if c11-math-2172), but SC has a polynomial-time approximation algorithm to achieve the approximation ratio c11-math-2173.

The problem SC is a fundamental problem for classifying optimization problems to the first class. We show an application below.

SUBSET INTERCONNECTION DESIGNS (SID): Given a complete weighted graph H on vertex set X and given subsets c11-math-2176 of X, find a minimum-weight subgraph G (called a feasible subgraph) of H such that for every c11-math-2180, G contains a spanning tree for Xi.

Theorem 11.41



11.1 Show that co-RP = PCPc11-math-2231.

11.2 Show that there exists a constant c11-math-2232 such that for every Boolean function f with q variables, there exists a 3-CNF formula F with c11-math-2236 clauses such that f is satisfiable if and only if F is satisfiable.

11.3 For each 3-CNF Boolean formula F, construct a constraint graph GF such that F is satisfiable if and only if GF is satisfiable.

11.4 Show that for d-regular graph G, c11-math-2245.

11.5 Consider a d-regular graph c11-math-2247. Show that for all c11-math-2248,


11.6 Prove Lemma 11.14.

11.7 Prove Lemma 11.15.

11.8 Show that two different linear functions from c11-math-2250 to {0,1} differ in exactly a fraction 1/2 of locations.

11.9 Show Parseval's Identity used in the proof of Theorem 11.21.

11.10 Show that if for every Boolean function c11-math-2252, there exist q Boolean functions c11-math-2254, ..., c11-math-2255 such that f is satisfiable if and only if c11-math-2257 is satisfiable, then c11-math-2258.

11.11 Show that for every Boolean function c11-math-2259, there exist an alphabet c11-math-2260 and q functions c11-math-2262, ..., c11-math-2263 from c11-math-2264 to {0,1} such that f is satisfiable if and only if c11-math-2267 is satisfiable.

11.12 The goal of steps (3) and (4) of the assignment testing proof system of Section 11.2.3 is to verify that a satisfies Ψ. Why cannot we just verify this by testing directly whether, for a random c11-math-2270, c11-math-2271?

11.13 (Multiple Prover Interactive Proof Systems). We extend the formulation of the interactive proof systems of Exercise 10.1 to multi-prover interactive proof systems in which more than one provers work together to convince the verifier that the input x is in the language L. To make it more powerful than the one-prover systems, the provers in a multi-prover system are not allowed to communicate with each other, once the proof system is activated. Formally, let c11-math-2274 be k DTMs and Mv be a polynomial-time PTM. We say c11-math-2277 is a k-prover interactive protocol if they share a common read-only tape and for each i, c11-math-2280, c11-math-2281 and Mv share a communication tape Ti, and they compute in the same manner as the one-prover interactive protocol. That is, Mv and one of c11-math-2285, c11-math-2286, take turns in being active. Suppose Mv is activated by c11-math-2288; then it reads the string on tape Ti, computes a string y and an integer j, c11-math-2292, and then writes the string y on tape Tj and activates machine c11-math-2295 (or it may choose to halt and accept or reject). The activity of a prover c11-math-2296 is similar, except that it can only read from and write to tape Ti, that is, Mi cannot access tape Tj if c11-math-2300. We say that a set c11-math-2301 has a k-prover interactive proof system with error bound ε if there exists a PTM Mv such that the following hold:

  1.   There exist k DTMs c11-math-2306, c11-math-2307, c11-math-2308 such that c11-math-2309, c11-math-2310, c11-math-2311, c11-math-2312 forms a k-prover interactive protocol and for each c11-math-2314, the probability of these k + 1 machines together accepting x is at least c11-math-2317; and
  2.   For any k DTMs c11-math-2319 such that c11-math-2320 forms a k-prover interactive protocol and for any c11-math-2322, the probability of these k + 1 machines together accepting x is at most ε.
  1. Extend the above definition to allow the number k of provers being a function depending on the input size c11-math-2327. Show that if a set L is in c11-math-2329, then L has a k(n)-prover interactive proof system with error bound 1/4 for some polynomial function k.
  2. Prove that if L has a k(n)-prover interactive proof system with error bound 1/4 for some polynomial function k, then L has a two-prover interactive proof system with error bound 1/4.
  3. Show that if L has a two-prover interactive proof system with error bound 1/4, then c11-math-2338.

11.14 Show that c11-math-2339.

11.15 Extend the PCP characterization of NP to PSPACE and c11-math-2340.

11.16 Show that the problems 2APPROX-3SAT, 2-APPROX-VC-3, and 4-APPROX-IS-3 are solvable in polynomial time.

11.17 Show that if c11-math-2341, then the problem r-APPROX-CLIQUE is not polynomial-time solvable with ratio c11-math-2343 for all ε > 0.

11.18 Consider the problem 2SAT-4: Given a 2-CNF formula in which each variable occurs at most four times, find a Boolean assignment to maximize the number of satisfying clauses. Show that there exists a real number r > 1 such that r-APPROX-2SAT-4 is c11-math-2347-hard for NP.

11.19 Consider the problem STEINER MINIMUM TREES-IN-GRAPH (SMT-G): Given an edge-weighted graph G and a vertex subset S, find a minimum-weight subgraph interconnecting vertices in S. Show that there exists a real number r > 1 such that r-APPROX-SMT-G is c11-math-2354-hard for NP.

11.20 Consider the problem SMT-IN-DIGRAPH (SMT-DG): Given an edge-weighted directed graph G, a vertex x, and a vertex subset S, find a minimum-weight directed tree rooted at x and connected to every vertex in S. Show that

  1. For some ρ > 0, there is no polynomial-time approximation algorithm with the approximation ratio c11-math-2362 for SMT-DG unless c11-math-2363; and
  2. For any ε > 0, there exists a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for SMT-DG with the approximation ratio nε.

11.21 Consider the problem LONGEST PATH (LP): Given a graph G and two vertices x and y in G, find the longest path between x and y in G. For any graph c11-math-2373, let G2 be the graph with vertex set c11-math-2375 and edge set c11-math-2376. Prove that there exists a path of length k between two vertices x and y in G if and only if there exists a path of length k2 between (x,x) and(y,y) in G2. Use this fact to find the best approximation ratio of any polynomial-time approximation algorithm for LP.

11.22 Show that 3-SAT is L-reducible to TSP with the triangle inequality.

11.23 Recall the problem SHORTEST COMMON SUPERSTRING (SCS) of Exercise 2.20(c). Show that 3-SAT is L-reducible to SCS.

11.24 Consider the problem MIN-BISECTION: Given a graph G, divide G into two equal halves to minimize the number of edges between the two parts. Study the approximability of this problem.

11.25 Show that the following problems have no polynomial-time approximation with approximation ratio c11-math-2389 for c11-math-2390 unless c11-math-2391:

  1. Given a finite collection c11-math-2392 of subsets of a set U of m elements, find a minimum subset intersecting every subset in c11-math-2395.
  2. Given a finite collection c11-math-2396 of subsets of a set U of m elements, find a minimum cardinality subcollection of c11-math-2399 such that all subsets in the subcollection are disjoint and the union of all subsets in the subcollection covers U.

11.26 Show that for each of the following problems, there exists a real number c11-math-2401 such that the problem has no polynomial-time approximation with approximation ratio c11-math-2402 unless c11-math-2403:

  1. LP (defined above in Exercise 11.21).
  2. Given a system of n linear equations in m variables c11-math-2406 with integer coefficients and c11-math-2407, find the minimum number of equations such that removal of them makes the remaining system feasible (in the sense that the system has at least one solution).

11.27 An optimization problem Π is A-reducible to an optimization problem Γ if there exist three polynomial-time computable functions h,g, and c such that (i) for any instance x of Π, h(x) is an instance of Γ; (ii) for any solution y to h(x), c11-math-2419 is a solution to x; and (iii) if the error ratio of y to h(x) is bounded by e, then the error ratio of c11-math-2424 to x is bounded by c(e), where the error ratio of a solution z to an instance x is c11-math-2429. Prove that if Π is A-reducible to Γ and Γ is approximable in polynomial time with ratio r(n), then Π is approximable in polynomial time with ratio c11-math-2436.

Historical Notes

The celebrated result of the PCP characterization of NP started with the extension of the notion of interactive proof systems to the multi-prover proof systems (see Exercise 11.13) by Ben-Or et al. (1988). They defined MIP as the class of languages accepted by a multi-prover proof system in polynomial time. Fortnow et al. (1994) presented an equivalent formulation of the class MIP, based on the notion of randomized oracle TMs. Babai, Fortnow, and Lund (1991) showed that MIP = NEXPPOLY. Babai, Fortnow, Levin and Szegedy (1991) and Feige et al. (1996) further improved this result on problems in NP. Particularly, Feige et al. (1996) introduced a new notion of nonadaptive proof systems with restrictions on the number of random bits used and the number of queries asked by the verifier. Arora and Safra (1992, 1998) generalized it and called it the probabilistically checkable proof (PCP) system. They also introduced the idea of composing two proof systems into one and showed that c11-math-2437. The final characterization of c11-math-2438 (Theorem 11.4) was proved by Arora et al. (1992, 1998). A complete proof along above line can be found in Arora's (1994) Ph.D. thesis (also in the first edition of this book).

An important idea in the above development is to encode the proofs by some error-correcting coding scheme. For a complete treatment of the coding theory, see, for instance, Berlekamp (1968) and Roman (1992). The application of error-correcting coding to program checking has been studied by Blum and Kannan (1989), Blum, Luby, and Rubinfeld (1990), Gemmell et al. (1991), Lipton (1991), and Rubinfeld and Sudan (1996).

Our presentation of the proof of the PCP theorem follows from a short one given by Dinur (2007). This short proof uses the close relationship between the PCP theorem and approximation algorithms. For the general study of expander graphs and their applications to computer science, see Chapter 9 of Alon and Spencer (2011) and Hoory et al. (2006). The assignment tester has been studied in Dinur and Reingold (2006). The BLR test is from Blum, Luby, and Rubinfeld (1990). Radhakrishnan (2006) and Radhakrishnan and Sudan (2007) contain simplified proof of the graph powering step of Dinur's proof.

The study of approximation algorithms for optimization problems has been around for more than 30 years (see, e.g., Graham (1966) and Garey et al. (1972)). While a number of approximation algorithms have been found, the progress on negative results was slow before the 1990s. The first important work on inapproximability was given by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis (1991). They defined a class MAX-SNP that contains many NP-hard optimization problems that have polynomial-time linear approximation algorithms. They also studied complete problems for MAX-SNP under the L-reduction and showed that if any one of these problems has a polynomial-time approximation scheme, then every problem in MAX-SNP has a polynomial-time approximation scheme. The MAX-SNP-hardness was then widely used to establish the inapproximability results (see, e.g., Bern and Plassmann (1989)). In addition to the L-reduction, similar reductions, such as the A-reduction (Crescenzi and Panconesi, 1991) and AP-reduction (Crescenzi et al., 1995), have been proposed to prove inapproximability results. However, all these results relied upon the unproved assumption that r-APPROX-3SAT is not in P for some r > 1.

The breakthrough came in 1991, when Feige discovered the connection between the multi-prover proof systems of NP and approximability of the problem CLIQUE (see Feige et al. (1991, 1996); also see Condon (1993)). Following this piece of work and the PCP characterization of NP, the inapproximability results mushroomed. Arora et al. (1992, 1998) established that 3-SAT is inapproximable in polynomial time for some constant ratio r > 1 and, hence, all MAX-SNP-hard problems are inapproximable for some constant ratio. The best ratio 8/7 for the maximum 3-SAT problem was found by Hastad (1997) and Karloff and Zwick (1997). The problem VC-4 was shown to be one of the MAX-SNP-complete problems in Papadimitriou and Yannakakis (1991). Our result on VC-3 (Theorem 11.38) is from Du et al. (1998). Lund and Yannakakis (1994) built some new PCP systems to prove the inapproximability of problems beyond the class MAX-SNP, including the problem SET COVER. The optimum ratio c11-math-2446 for SET COVER in Theorem 11.40 was obtained by Feige (1996). Other results in this direction include Arora and Lund (1996), Bellare et al. (1993),Raz and Safra (1997), and Du et al. (1998). The hardest approximation problems belong to the maximum clique problem and the minimum chromatic number problem, which are known to be inapproximable with respect to ratio c11-math-2447 for any ε > 0 (Feige and Killian, 1996; Hastad, 1996). These inapproximability results also motivated some positive results. Among them, Arora (1996) proved that TSP on the Euclidean plane has a polynomial approximation scheme (see also Mitchell (1999)). Arora (1998) contains a survey of inapproximable results. Condon et al. (1993) and Kiwi et al. (1994) extended the PCP characterizations to classes PSPACE and PH. These papers and that by Ko and Lin (1995a, 1995b) also contain inapproximability results on optimization problems in PSPACE and PH.

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