Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 350
Type-Specifi c Publications
Many long-established magazines dedicated to graphic design subjects, and particularly
to discussions about typography, have established good quality online portals in support of
their printed product. Some sites act principally as marketing tools for their magazine,
while others feature unique information threads that build on the printed content of each issue.
8 Faces
 Faces is only at issue two at the time of
this writing, but has already caused quite
a stir in the design community. Its fi rst
issue, limited to , copies available by
subscription through the website, sold
out in less than two hours. The maga-
zine is a biannual publication, printed on
heavy stock with a foil-blocked cover, and
will continue to be produced in limited
print runs for future issues.
The premise for each issue is simple:
Eight leading designers answer the ques-
tion, “If you only had eight typefaces to
use for the rest of your life, which would
you choose?” Those who miss out on the
printed edition can purchase the maga-
zine online as a  download.
Codex: The Journal
of Typography
At the time of writing, this magazine
has just published its fi rst edition, and
its pedigree indicates that it should be
something to look forward to. The man
behind, John
Boardley, edits it, and it will publish
quarterly and feature articles about type
history and design, type reviews, essays,
and interviews.
Computer Arts Projects
A spin-off of the successful United
Kingdom–based monthly magazine
Computer Arts, this is not strictly a
specialist typography magazine.
However, the concept behind Computer
Arts Projects is that each month, the full
magazine works around a specifi c theme,
and periodically that theme is typog-
raphy. Each edition includes relevant
step-by-step tutorials and professional
tips alongside profi les of key industry
players and in-depth editorial features
based around the monthly topic.
Each issue also comes with a disk full
of additional tutorials and resources
exclusive to the magazine.
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Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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Type-Specifi c Resources
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 351
Creative Review
Computer Arts Projects
Creative Review includes topics cover-
ing all aspects of graphic design, but a
large percentage of the articles cover
type-related issues. Established in
London in  but with a global circu-
lation, the print magazine is recognized
as an authoritative barometer of what is
happening in the world of graphics and
typography. Furthermore, its extensive
website features subject-driven tabs that
lter all type-specifi c articles, although
only subscribers can access much of the
online content.
Eye Magazine
London-based Eye magazine is a quar-
terly graphic design journal with issues
themed around speci c design topics,
including typography. The design stan-
dards and quality of the writing are
extremely high, with a raft of knowledge-
able industry commentators. Its a must
read for professional designers, students,
and indeed anyone with an interest in
graphic design and visual culture. Sub-
scriptions are available worldwide and
collectors covet the back issues.
 Magazine
 magazine covers all the bases with
regard to its content, not just typogra-
phy, but each of the six issues per year
contains type-specifi c articles. There
are occasionally special, combined, or
expanded issues, and subscribers get a
lot for their money.
Founded in  and published by
Cincinnati, Ohio–based  Publica-
tions, the magazines goal is to give
designers advice about how to be more
creative, manage their workload and
business, improve software skills, and
so on. Profi les of in uential and success-
ful design professionals also make up a
key portion of the magazine’s content.
The brand now extends beyond the print
magazine through its program of annual
events and conferences, its design com-
petitions, and its book-publishing arm.
Plus its website, which acts as a portal for
the range of
activities, is also infor-
mation-packed and a useful bookmark.
This cover shows detail from Roger
Excoff on’s original artwork for his Fonderie
Olive typeface Calypso. See “Mr Mistral”
by Sébastien Morlighem, Eye issue ,
volume , Spring , pp. –. Simon
Esterson (Eye art director), Jay Prynne
(art director), John L.Walters (editor).
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Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 352
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Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 352
IdN magazine, with its six annual print
issues, is just one product from this large
collective of international designers. The
designers’ range of activities, refl ected
in the cutting edge and eclectic mix of
content in the magazine, is di cult to
pin down in one paragraph, so the best
advice here is to look at the wealth of
material showcased on the IdN website.
This is another design publication that
covers far more than simply typography,
but issues periodically feature type-
speci c articles about the latest trends.
.net magazine
Good typography online is just as impor-
tant as it is for print these days, especially
now that technological advances make
restrictions of the early Web design days
a thing of the past. This magazine is the
world’s best-selling magazine for Web
designers and developers and regularly
features expert advice and step-by-step
tutorials about typographic subjects.
Anyone serious about Web design involv-
ing a lot of type should look at this
Print Magazine
Print Magazine, in circulation since 1940,
is dedicated to showcasing the best work
from the world of design. The bimonthly
magazine has transcended its origi-
nal title in that it is no longer restricted
to that particular medium. It’s another
example of a magazine not specifi -
cally about typography but with regular
content that focuses on type and the
way todays designers use it. Its been
the recipient of many publishing awards.
Prints online portal is also excellent,
refl ecting the high journalistic values of
the magazine itself.
Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine is an online
resource that aims to provide useful and
innovative information for Web designers
and developers in particular, although a
brief trawl around the site reveals content
useful for just about anyone involved in
the graphic design industry. Founded
in 2006 and put together by the team at
Smashing Media, the magazine features
articles from a large group of contributors
who are independent—that is, likely
to present unbiased views on current
technology. A useful tagging system
lters by subject, with typography listed
as one of several main categories.
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Type-Specifi c Resources
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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Based in the Czech Republic and set
in both Czech and English, Typo is
a quarterly print magazine devoted
mainly to typography-related content.
The audience is primarily professional
typographers and font designers,
but graphic design students and
educators also fi nd much to enjoy
and inform in this publication.
It covers major events in the global
graphic design calendar alongside
articles about information graphics,
showcases of up-and-coming design-
ers’ work, interviews with prominent
gures from the world of typogra-
phy, and reviews of important new font
releases. Taking the view that typogra-
phy and design are major components
of overall culture, the magazine also
publishes articles about architecture,
photography, and even philosophy.
Unzipped is the blog of the well-known
type vendor FontShop (;) and is
therefore dedicated exclusively to type
and typography. This is a great destina-
tion to check for announcements about
new font releases and developments in
Web fonts, which are revolutionizing
the way readers view online typog-
raphy. A visit to the site for a browse
through the content reveals a wealth of
informative articles on just about every-
thing typographic. Even though it is
linked to FontShop, it doesn’t feel overly
like a marketplace for the company.
Voice: 
Journal of Design
Voice is an exclusively online publication
that acts as the ’s () discussion
board for all things design, including
interviews, essays, and criticism. The
site encourages respectful comments
from readers to expand on the subjects
covered in the articles. With Steven
Heller as editor and a raft of contribu-
tors drawn from the  membership,
the quality of the subject matter and
writing is consistently high. Of course,
the publication covers a wide range
of design-related subjects, but a quick
search for “typography” reveals dozens
of articles with type-specifi c content.
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