Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 356
ATypI Conference
The ATypI conference is an annual event organized by
the Association Typographique Internationale ().
The conference, held internationally, moves to a diff erent
city each year. This gives local institutions and members
of the society the chance to help organize events. The
 conference will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland. Spanning
ve days, the conference includes seminars and workshops
covering developments in type technology, calligraphy,
lettering, and type design. This important and highly
regarded typographic event has run every year since ,
ATypI’s inaugural year.
Type-Specifi c
Conferences and Events
Typographic designers are, of course, passionate about their work, and a conference is the best way to share
that passion with fellow designers. There are a number of excellent annual conferences that cover all aspects
of graphic design; here we list only the conferences dedicated speci cally to typography and type design.
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Type-Specifi c Resources
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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International Conference
on Typography and Visual
Communication ()
The year  marked the fourth occurrence of the
International Conference on Typography and Visual
Communication. The University of Macedonia in
Thessaloniki hosted previous conferences—in ,
, and —with the support of the department
of typography and graphic communication at the
University of Reading () in the United Kingdom
and the Association Typographique Internationale
(), as well as a range of local sponsors. In , a
change of venue took the conference to the University
of Nicosia on the island of Cyprus, though it still
enjoyed the collaboration of its previous supporters.
A large number of international speakers and a
selection of supporting workshops form an impressive
program of events spanning fi ve days, with details
available through the conference website.
TypeCon is an event organized by the Society of
Typographic Afi cionados () that has run annually
since . Like other conferences of its kind, TypeCon
moves from city to city within the United States, with the
thirteenth conference, in , held in New Orleans.
Previous topics covered have included type design and
font production, type for the screen and new media, the
history of printing, book arts, Dutch design, type in motion,
calligraphy and hand-lettering, the American Arts and
Crafts Movement, experimental typography, and
Web fonts. An exhibition of international typographic
design accompanies the six-day conference.
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Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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 Berlin
At the time of this writing, the sixteenth  Berlin
conference is set to run during three days and feature the
mix of international typographic stars that conference-
goers have grown to expect. With previous speakers
including Neville Brody (), David Carson, Mario Garcia,
David Linderman, Kurt Weidemann, Ken Garland, Erik
Spiekermann (), Jakob Trollbäck, Stefan Sagmeister, and
Louis Rossetto, the credentials of this conference are clear.
The conference website, which can be viewed in English
or German, clearly states the conference objectives:
To shift is to pick up speed, to push the envelope, to change
your perspective. All three are useful strategies for  ,
in order to bring visual communications in line with the
latest developments in technology.
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