Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 51
030-051 03171 C2.indd 51 10/12/11 9:15 AM
Type Design and Development
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 51
Typeface designers have proven
extremely resourceful in their
search for new typographic forms.
Four areas seem to encompass
these eff orts.
1. Designers enter a dialog with
typographic history. There
are still many underexplored
sources of inspiration in old
type specimens and in the
challenge of updating older
styles to contemporary needs
(for example, the recent spate
of Modern typefaces).
2. New technology is informing
typographic design and opens
up possibilities. The profusion
of typefaces exploring glyph
is the most visible example.
3. Questioning of genres and the
design process waters down the
distinctions of historical classi-
cations and introduces hybrid
forms into the mainstream.
4. The challenge of developing
new typefaces for non-Latin
scripts can serve a widening set
of typographic conditions (for
example, typefaces for multiple
levels of emphasis in scripts
that had, until recently, only a
few typefaces at their disposal).
Depending on the brief and the
language in which a typeface is
expressed, there is more or less
room for pushing the envelope
of the acceptable. But in all cases
there is room for off ering new
interpretations on familiar shapes.
Octavio Pardo-Virto’s Sutturah pushes
the limits of how much a fl owing style
can be combined with an extra bold
stroke. The joining strokes and deep
cuts hint at a three-dimensionality that
can be exploited with interesting eff ects.
030-051 03171.indd 51 9/22/11 11:53 AM
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