Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 378
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Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 378
Typographica is dedicated to reviewing typefaces and type-
related books and is maintained by Stephen Coles, former
FontShop (;) type director, also one of the main contribu-
tors to The FontFeed (). Joshua Lurie-Terrell founded the site
in , but it underwent a redesign by Chris Hamamoto and
Coles in .
The type reviews are a particularly useful feature of this site
because a user can simply scroll through the large selection of
samples to discover a new typeface. There is also a neat feature
that allows users to view fonts by designer, foundry, or classifi -
cation—a nice touch given the number of faces to peruse. Each
typeface appears against a large sample setting with an impar-
tial review, details of the typeface’s designer, and purchasing
information. At the time of this writing, the book review and
commentary sections are comparatively small, but the reviews
are in-depth and informative, and the articles are particularly
well written. They include some recorded interviews with well-
known fi gures from the design world. To cap all that, the overall
design of the site is really excellent.
Typography Served
Unlike most other sites listed in this book, Typography Served
is a collection of sites that showcases category-speci c content
selected from the well-known online platform Behance Network
where creative pros can showcase their work. The dedicated
team that curates the site is always on the lookout for work that
features good quality type design, lettering, illustrated typogra-
phy, plus work that utilizes a strong typographic treatment.
Any designer interested in getting his or her work featured
must fi rst create a portfolio with the Behance Network. Mem-
bership to Typography Served is free and by invitation only, but
there is a link that designers can use to request that invitation.
This seems like a slightly curious arrangement, but someone
is obviously busy accepting new applicants on a regular basis
because the site contains a huge amount of content to plough
through. It also lists job ads with a good international mix, too,
for anyone looking for a fresh career start.
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Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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Type-Specifi c Resources
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 379
A fi rm favorite among designers and typographers, Typophile
has been around for more than ten years and enjoys a large
membership of registered users. Registration is free and allows
the user to contribute to the thousands of separate threads split
between three categories on the home page—hottest, newest,
and hand-picked. A click on the Forums tab reveals a more spe-
cifi c division of the forums: general discussion, design, critique,
build, release, type , and special interest groups. It is rare not
to fi nd a lively debate on the merits of a particular font or the
suitability of a typeface for a particular application. In addition,
it includes a well-populated typowiki created by the site’s users,
and a Projects section with regular type battles open to anyone
who wishes to contribute ideas. Overall, it’s a very useful site
that every designer should bookmark.
Typoretum is a private press based in rural Essex, United
Kingdom, run by Justin Knopp. Launched in , the site is a
must-see for letterpress a cionados interested in the mechan-
ics of letterpress, as well as the way it looks once printed. Knopp
has documented much of the work he has done to restore his
equipment to its former glory, allowing viewers to read about
(and see in high-quality photographs and video) everything
from the ornamentation on the famous Columbian Press to
the di culties in moving an  Wharfedale cylinder press
into a workshop. The numerous links embedded in the articles
cover just about every letterpress-related site and article on the
Internet. This is a well-researched and informative site from
someone who plainly lives for letterpress.
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Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 380
We Love Typography
The man behind We Love Typography is John Boardley, who
also runs the site I Love Typography (). This site di ers
in that it is a bookmarking site given over completely to type-
related content. The intention is simply to inspire, and the
collection Boardley has put together is vast. An invitation-only
membership arrangement allows contributors to submit images
they deem worthy of inclusion. The arrangement ensures
content that is both appropriate and high quality. All images are
intelligently tagged so the search facility allows easy access to
groups of images; users can even search by predominant color.
Edited by Nick Sherman (also of Fonts In Use (), Woodtyper is
a journal site focusing on wood type and any related topics, with
subjects ranging from large-scale lettering and sign painting to
poster work and engraving. The site is pretty straightforward
and is not overly expansive in terms of amount of content, but
what is there is well worth a look. The site appears to have taken
a hiatus around June , though we hope this does not signal
the end of the site. Fingers crossed that Sherman has simply
been too busy to post recently.
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Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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Type-Specifi c Resources
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 381
Under Consideration
An ever-expanding network of sites dedicated to, in the words of
its founders, “the progress of the graphic design profession and
its practitioners, students, and enthusiasts. At times intangible,
its purpose is to question, push, analyze, and agitate graphic
design and those involved in the profession.
Under Consideration, begun in , is the considerable
undertaking of Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit. The site
was the fi rst dedicated design blog of its kind to catch the indus-
try’s attention with the nature of its articles on anything and
everything design; it has continued to deliver since day one.
There are six separate sites to date living under the Under Con-
sideration roof: Speak Up (now closed to new posts), Brand New,
Quipsologies, The Design Encyclopedia, Word It, and FPO, for
PRINT only. There is far too much in the collection of sites to
begin to describe it here. Rather, just go take a look, but set aside
plenty of time. Once again, this is not strictly a dedicated typog-
raphy site, but it is far too important to omit.
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