Typography, Referenced
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 396
Garamond, Claude,
9, 10, 74, 162
Garcia, Mario, 358
Garland, Ken, 358
Garofalo, Ariel, 117, 136
Gazette LH, 286
Geeraerts, Rudy, 102
Geneva, 83
Geometric class, 14,
15, 16, 20, 62, 87, 166,
167, 174, 177, 183
Georgia, 27
Gericke, Michael, 271
Gerschke, Chuck, 26
Geschke, Charles, 124
Giaccone, Diego, 117, 136
Gill, Eric, 15, 16, 20,
89, 97, 147, 175
Gill Sans, 15, 16, 17, 20,
52, 89, 97, 125, 147, 175,
239, 243, 253, 319
Givry, 50
Globale, 225
Glyphic, 57
glyphs, 34, 101, 202, 323
Golden Cockerel, 89
golden section, 210, 211
Golden Type, 9, 77
Gomez-Palacio, Bryony, 381
Goodhue, Bertram, 186
Gotham, 28, 153, 228,
232, 262, 267, 270,
275, 281, 286, 303
Gothic class, 10, 81,
230, 276, 324
Goudy, 18, 67, 90, 163
Goudy, Frederic, 13,
15, 86, 87, 90, 163
Grace, Tom, 50
grades, 41
Grain Edit Web site, 372
Grand Canyon, 249
Grandjean, Philippe, 73, 75
Granjon, Robert,
10, 25, 75, 165
Granjon. See Parnagon
de Granjon.
Gravur, 294
Great Primer Roman, 72
Grecs du Roi, 74
Greek lapidary letters, 8
Greta Grande, 83
Gridnik, 240
grids, 220–221
Gri th, Chauncey, 14
Gri th, Tim, 302
Gri o, 9, 76
Gri o, Francesco, 20,
76, 78, 155, 162
Grimshaw, Phil, 203
Groot, Luc(as) de, 91, 132
Grotesque class, 22, 42,
60, 63, 81, 166, 167, 170,
2, 178, 179, 180, 324
Guergis, Shelby, 232
Guerin, Maurice de, 158
Gulliver, 106
The Gutenberg
Museum, 363
Gutenberg Bible, 9, 142, 363
Gutenberg, Johannes,
9, 142, 192
Haaparanta, Tomi, 112
Haas Grotesk, 22, 96
Haas Type Foundry, 176
Haigh, Alex, 140
Hair, 129
A Half Century of
Type Design and
Typography: –
(Frederic Goudy), 90
Hamamoto, Chris, 378
Hamilton Wood Type
Museum, 363
Hammer, Victor, 15, 17
Handwritten class, 199
Hao In Kuan, 248
Hardys, 119
Harper, David, 250, 313, 315
Hasuike, Makio, 109
Hattenbach, Stefan, 112
Hayashi, Yuki, 233
Hayman, Luke, 256, 257
H. Berthold AG, 16, 19,
21, 126, 170, 176
Heck, Bethany, 370
Helfand, Jessica, 369
Helinda Rook, 65
Heller, Steve, 290
Helmling, Akiem, 139
Helms, Christian, 304
Helms Workshop, 304
Helvetica, 4, 16, 23, 29, 53,
96, 124, 167, 169, 176, 232,
240, 241, 257, 286, 287,
290, 297, 313, 317, 359
Helvetica (movie), 28, 29, 359
Henestrosa, Cristóbal, 148
Herrmann, Ralf, 374
hierarchy, 222–223, 224, 227
Highsmith, Cyrus, 127
Higonnet, René, 22
Hillman, David, 257
Hische, Jessica, 113
Hitler, Adolf, 192
Hochleitner, Michael, 35
Hochschule für Grafi k und
Buchkunst , 102, 347
Hoefer, Otmar, 359
Hoefl er & Frere-Jones
company, 24, 26, 87, 92, 132
Hoefl er, Jonathan, 24,
26, 87, 92, 132, 359
Hoefl er Text, 26, 92,
280, 281, 288
Hoff mann, Alfred, 359
Hoff mann, Edouard,
22, 96, 176
Hoff mann, Julia, 292–293
Hofrichter, Dieter, 17
Hollandsworth, Cynthia, 23
Hollaway, Tim, 37
Holmes, Kris, 23, 83
Home Run, 276, 311
Horizontal, 96
House Industries 128
 Magazine, 351
Humanist class, 52, 61,
151, 158, 166, 167, 175
company, 140
Identifont company, 141
IdN magazine, 352
I Love Typography
Web site, 372
Industria, 84
Infi del, 80
Information Design and
Typographic UC, 347
Ingeborg, 35
Insignia, 84
International Conference
on Typography and
Visual Communication
, 357
The International Society
of Typographic Designers
, 100, 355
International Typeface
Corporation , 14,
18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 80,
95, 101, 107, 112, 125, 128,
131, 134, 135, 156, 369
interpolation, 40, 41
Interstate, 87, 263
 System, 210, 211
Italienne, 12
Jacobs, Bas, 139
Jannon, Jean, 10, 76
Jaramillo, Brian, 373
Jelesijevic, Dusan, 137
Jelesijevic, Slobodan, 137
Jeludkov, Anton, 217, 218
Jenkins, Tracy, 114
Jenson, 9, 77, 78
Jenson, Nicolas, 9, 77, 158
Johnston, Edward, 89, 175
 gerine Web site, 373
Joos, 138
Jubilat, 111
Kaapeli, 112
Kabel, 13, 20, 166, 177
Kadan, Joel, 184
Kahn, Emil. See
Bernhard, Lucian.
Karbon, 119
Karlas, Otakar, 135
Karmina, 118
Kass, Eric, 233, 270, 287
Katz, Ian, 343
Kegler, Richard, 135, 362
Kelmscott Roman, 280, 288
Kennerley, Mitchell, 90
Kennerley Old Style, 90
kerning, 45–46, 324, 334
Kettler, Howard “Bud,22
Kinneir, Jock, 85
Klavika, 115, 298
Klingspor Brothers
Foundry, 13, 93, 197
Klingspor, Karl, 364
Klingspor Museum, 364
Klint, 129
Knockout, 243
Knopp, Justin, 379
Koch, Rudolf, 13, 15,
19, 20, 93, 177, 197
Korinna, 25
Kortemäki, Sami, 139
Kraftwerk, 239
Kramer, Friso, 86
Krimpen, Jan van, 15, 17, 85
Kshetrimayum, Neel, 39
Lange, Günter
Gerhard, 126, 170
Lanston Monotype
Machine Company, 16, 165
Lanston, Tolbert, 15
Larabie, Ray, 138
Larabies Fonts, 138
Lardent, Victor, 21, 97, 165
laser printers, 25, 42,
43, 95, 102, 124
Lauer, Shayna, 217
leading, 335
Legacy of Letters
family, 132
Lehrman Cameron
Studio, 208, 298
Lesmore, 310
LetterCult Web site, 373
LetterPerfect company, 132
Letterpress Daily
Web site, 374
letter size, 210
letter spacing,
45–46, 324, 334
Licko, Zuzana, 24,
94, 126, 154
Limehouse Script, 65
Linderman, David, 358
line spacing, 335
Lineto company, 132
Linotype company, 14, 15,
16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28,
47, 82, 87, 107, 112, 124, 125,
129, 160, 161, 164, 165, 176,
180, 195, 289, 339, 361, 366
Linotype: The Film, 361
Lipton, Richard, 202
Lithomat machines, 22
Lithos, 23, 105, 124
Living Social, 96
Liza, 139, 267
Locarno, 13
Lo Celso, Alejandro, 135
Logotype, 112, 310
Lombardic, 66
London Railway, 175
Louis , king of France, 75
lowercase characters, 332
Lubalin Graph, 95
Lubalin, Herb, 18, 19, 21,
24, 25, 80, 95, 128
company, 91, 132
Lucia, 288
Lucida, 23, 83
Ludlow Company, 15, 17, 21
Ludwig, Yve, 268–269
Lure Design, 216, 239,
243, 262, 290, 291
Lurie-Terrell, Joshua, 378
Maag, Bruno, 377
MacArthur, Kelly
Salchow, 166, 209, 236
Magnimo, 44
Mahogany Script, 65
Maiola, 109
Majoor, Martin, 95
Makela, Laurie Haycock, 38
Making Faces: Metal
Type in the st
Century (fi lm), 362
Mantinia, 266
Manuale Tipografi co
(Giambattista Bodoni), 71
Manuale, 12
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