6.3. Science of Nature versus Natural Science

Table 6.1 shows the characteristic features of nature. These are true features and are not based on perception. Each is true insofar as no example of the opposite has been sustained. It is important to note that the following table describes everything in existence as part of universal order and applies to everything internal, including time, and HTM. However, the source of Human thought material (HTM), i.e., intention is not part of these features.
A lengthy discourse on the topic reveals that intention is external and the ownership belongs to every mature, awake, and sane adult (see for instance the chapter: Role of Intention in Zatzman and Islam (2007), Islam et al. (2013) and Islam et al. (2014)).
Table 6.2 lists the fundamental features of the external entity. The existence of an external entity is necessary condition to eliminating the notion of void that had been inherited from atomism philosophy and was carried forward first by Thomas Aquinas and then by subsequent scientists, without exception.
This external entity was first recognized as God (ancient Greek philosophers all the way to Avicenna and Averroes of Islamic golden era), then conflated as plenum and aether (Islam et al., 2013, 2014). While the existence of such entities has been denied and sometime “proven” to be nonexistent, the traits of these external entities have been included in all forms of “fundamental” particles, ranging from photon to Higgs boson. In addition, such features have also been invoked in galactic models in the form of various entities, ranging from “dark matter,” “black hole” to “absolute void.” Newton introduced this as “external” force and defined it as the originator of differential motion. The original Averroes concept, as supported by the Qur'an was that such originator of motion is the creator, whose traits are all different from the traits of creation.

Table 6.1

Typical Features of Natural Processes that Are Part of Universal Order

Feature No.Feature
4Unique (every component is different), i.e., forms may appear similar or even “self-similar,” but their contents alter with passage of time
6Nonsymmetric, i.e., forms may appear similar or even “self-similar,” but their contents alter with passage of time
7Nonuniform, i.e., forms may appear similar or even “self-similar,” but their contents alter with passage of time
8Heterogeneous, diverse, i.e., forms may appear similar or even “self-similar,” but their contents alter with passage of time
15Open system
20Zero degree of freedoma
22Continuous function of space, without boundary
26Continuous function of time

Table 6.2

Features of External Entity

Feature No.Feature
1Absolutely external (to everything else)
2All encompassing
3No beginning
4No end
5Constant (independent of everything else)
9Absolutely true
11All pervasive in space
12All pervasive in time
13Infinite degree of freedom
16Open system
17Dissimilar to everything else
Table 6.3 shows many currently used “laws” and theories, all of which emerged from the New Science after renaissance. Note how the first premises of practically all of these theories violate fundamental features of nature. Only conservation of mass that in fact has root in ancient times does not have an aphenomenal first premise. New Science has given us only theories and “laws” that have spurious first premise, as can be evident by using Averroes criterion for phenomenality (Zatzman and Islam, 2007a).
If all theories of New Science are based on premises that violate fundamental traits of nature, such laws and theories should weaken considerably or worse, implode, if applied as universal laws and theories. They can be applied only to certain fixed conditions that pertain to “idealized” situations not extant in nature. For example, it can be said that the laws of motion developed by Newton cannot explain the chaotic motion of nature due to its assumptions that contradict the reality of nature.
The experimental validity of Newton's laws of motion is limited to describing instantaneous macroscopic and tangible phenomena. However, microscopic and intangible phenomena are ignored. Classical dynamics as represented by Newton's laws of motion, emphasize fixed and unique initial conditions, stability, and equilibrium of a body in motion (Islam et al., 2010). With the “laws” and theories of Table 6.3, it is not possible to make distinction between the natural products and their corresponding 

Table 6.3

Natural Features Are Violated in the First Premise of Various “Laws” and Theories of the Science of Tangibles

Law or theoryFirst premiseFeatures violated (see Table 6.1)
Conservation of massNothing can be created or destroyedNone, but applications used artificial boundaries
Quantum theoriesAnything can be created from nothing; everything has multiple history4, 6, 22, 23, 26
Conservation of energyNo energy can be created or destroyed in isolation with mass22, 23, 26
Big bang theory14 billion years ago, there was a super hot entity of infinite mass and zero volume that has been expanding after the big bang, super hot1,3,6,9,14,24,26
Big chill theory14 billion years ago, there was a super chill entity of infinite mass and zero volume that cracked and exploded into infinite pieces1,3,6,9,14,24,26
Saul Perimutter and Brian Schmidt (2011 Nobel Prize)Universe is expanding with acceleration1,3,6,9,14,24,26
Higgs boson (2013 Nobel Prize)Uniform, discrete, symmetric, fundamental particles of zero mass, empty space in between4, 7, 22, 23
Atomic theoryUniform, symmetric, discrete, fundamental particles of finite mass4, 7, 22, 23
Einstein's light theoryPhotons of zero mass and constant speed4, 7, 13, 22, 23, 26
Genetic theoriesGenes—fundamental building blocks of living organism in isolation4, 6, 13, 22, 23, 26
Defective genesInherent defects of genes in isolation4, 6, 13, 17, 22, 23
Probability theoriesSteady state, repetitive, and repeatable4, 5, 6, 13, 16, 22, 23, 26
RelativityTime function of perception, perception function of person4, 7, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27
GravitationalForce function of mass, steady state, time function of gravity4, 7, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27
Table Continued


Law or theoryFirst premiseFeatures violated (see Table 6.1)
Cosmic theoriesEmpty space between celestial bodies that are expanding or contracting4, 7, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27
Lavoisier's deductionPerfect seal15
Phlogiston theoryPhlogiston exists16, 22, 23, 26
E = mc2Mass of an object is constant13, 22, 23, 26
Speed of light is constant13, 22, 23, 26
Nothing else contributes to E14, 19, 22, 20, 23, 24
Planck's lawIf the medium is of homogeneous and isotropic constitution, then the radiation is homogeneous, isotropic, unpolarized, and incoherent5, 8, 10, 17, 22, 23, 26
Aether theoryZero mass, zero energy16, 22, 23, 26
Quantum cosmic theoryInfinite mass, zero energy16, 22, 23, 26
Charles lawFixed mass (closed system), ideal gas, constant pressure24, 3, 7
Boyle's lawA fixed mass (closed system) of ideal gas at fixed temperature24, 3, 7
Kelvin's lawKelvin temperature scale is derived from Carnot cycle and based on the properties of ideal gas3, 8, 14, 15
Thermodynamics 1st lawEnergy conservation (the first law of the thermodynamics is no more valid when a relationship of mass and energy exists)22, 23, 26
Table Continued


Law or theoryFirst premiseFeatures violated (see Table 6.1)
Thermodynamics 2nd lawBased on Carnot cycle, which is operable under the assumptions of ideal gas (imaginary volume), reversible process, adiabatic process (closed system)3, 8, 14, 15
Thermodynamics 0th lawThermal equilibrium10, 15
Poiseuille's lawIncompressible uniform viscous liquid (Newtonian fluid) in a rigid, noncapillary straight pipe7, 22, 23, 25, 26
Bernouilli's lawNo energy loss to the sounding, no transition between mass and energy15, 22, 23, 26
Newton's 1st lawA body can be at rest and can have a constant velocity13, 22, 23, 26
Newton's 2nd lawMass of an object is constant; force is proportional to acceleration; external force exists7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 22, 23, 26, 27
Newton's 3rd lawThe action and reaction are equal3, 22, 23, 26
Newton's viscosity lawUniform flow, constant viscosity7, 13, 22, 23, 26
Maxwell's equationUniform, spherical, rigid balls form energy4, 7, 22, 23, 26
Newton's calculusLimit Δt  022, 23
Fractal theorySingle pattern that repeats itself exists1–4, 6, 8, 10


Table 6.3a

Analysis of “breakthrough” technologies (revised from Khan and Islam, 2012)

ProductPromise (knowledge at t= ‘right now’Current knowledge (closer to reality)
Microwave ovenInstant cooking (bursting with nutrition)97% of the nutrients destroyed; produces dioxin from baby bottles
Fluorescent light (white light)Simulates the sunlight and can eliminate ‘cabin fever’Used for torturing people, causes severe depression
Prozac (the wonder drug)80% effective in reducing depressionIncreases suicidal behavior
Anti-oxidantsReduces aging symptomsGives lung cancer
VioxxBest drug for arthritis pain, no side effectIncreases the chance of heart attack
CokeRefreshing, revitalizingDehydrates; used as a pesticide in India
TransfatShould replace saturated fats, incl. high-fiber dietsPrimary source of obesity and asthma
Simulated wood, plastic glossImprove the appearance of woodContains formaldehyde that causes Alzheimer
Cell phoneEmpowers, keep connectedGives brain cancer, decreases sperm count among men.
Chemical hair colorsKeeps young, gives appealGives skin cancer
Chemical fertilizerIncreases crop yield, makes soil fertileHarmful crop; soil damaged
Chocolate and ‘refined’ sweetsIncreases human body volume, increasing appealIncreases obesity epidemic and related diseases
Pesticides, MTBEImproves performanceDamages the ecosystem
DesalinationPurifies waterNecessary minerals removed
Wood paint/varnishImproves durabilityNumerous toxic chemicals released
Leather technologyWon’t wrinkle, more durableToxic chemicals
Freon, aerosol, etc.Replaced ammonia that was ‘corrosive’Global harms immeasurable and should be discarded
artificial substitutes (see below). Consequently, the same theories that formed the basis of engineering the artificial products cannot be called upon to make the reversal.
Wood  plastic
Glass  PVC
Cotton  polyester
Natural fiber  synthetic fiber
Clay  cement
Molasses  Sugar
Sugar  Sugar-free sweeteners
Fermented flower extract  perfume
Water filter (Hubble bubble)  cigarette filter
Graphite, clay  chalk
Chalk  marker
Vegetable paint  plastic paint
Natural marble  artificial marble
Clay tile  ceramic tile
Ceramic tile  vinyl and plastic
Wool  polyester
Silk  synthetic
Bone  hard plastic
Organic fertilizer  chemical fertilizer
Adaptation  bioengineering
The above transition is the hallmark of modern technological developments that have been characterized by Nobel laureate chemist, Robert Curl as “technological disaster.” Table 6.3 shows how every promise made in technology development has been reversed in the most spectacular way.
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