Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


Author Biography

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Summary

1.2. Unconventional to Mainstream: A Necessary Paradigm Shift

1.3. The Paradox of Unconventional Gas

1.4. Greening the Future of Unconventional Gas

1.5. Paradigm Shift in Reservoir Characterization

1.6. The Science of Unconventional Gas

1.7. Depicting the Future

1.8. The End Game

Chapter 2. World Gas Reserve and the Role of Unconventional Gas

2.1. Summary

2.2. Petroleum in the Big Picture

2.3. Petroleum Reserve around the World

2.4. Worldwide Gas Reserve

2.5. Unconventional Gas around the World

2.6. Summary and Conclusions

Chapter 3. Important Features of Unconventional Gas

3.1. Summary and Introduction

3.2. Overview of Unconventional Gas Reservoirs

3.3. Special Features of Unconventional Gas Reservoirs

3.4. Global Warming and Natural Gas

3.5. Distinguishing Features of Unconventional Reservoirs

Chapter 4. Future Potentials of Unconventional Gas: Challenges and Opportunities

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Lessons Learnt from Enhanced Oil Recovery

4.3. Carbon Sequestration Enhanced Gas Recovery

4.4. Enhanced Gas Recovery

4.4. Summary and Conclusions

Chapter 5. Reservoir Characterization of Unconventional Gas Formations

5.1. Summary

5.2. Introduction

5.3. Origin of Fractures

5.4. Seismic Fracture Characterization

5.5. Reservoir Characterization during Drilling

5.6. Reservoir Characterization with Image Log and Core Analysis

5.7. Major Forces of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

5.8. Reservoir Heterogeneity

5.9. Special Considerations for Shale

5.10. Special Considerations for Coalbed Methane

Chapter 6. Scientific Characterization of Unconventional Gas Reservoirs

6.1. Summary

6.2. Introduction

6.3. Science of Nature versus Natural Science

6.4. Delinearized History of Characterization of Matter and Energy

6.5. Characterization of Everything in Existence

6.6. Organic and Mechanical Frequencies

6.7. Redefining Force and Energy

6.8. what is a Natural Energy Source?

6.9. The Science of Water and Petroleum

6.10. Organic Origin of Petroleum

6.11. Placement of Unconventional Gas in the Energy Picture

Chapter 7. Overview of Reservoir Simulation of Unconventional Reservoirs

7.1. Introduction

7.2. Essence of Reservoir Simulation

7.3. Recent Advances in Reservoir Simulation

7.4. Comprehensive Modeling

7.5. Towards Solving Nonlinear Equations

Chapter 8. Economic Outlook and Conclusions

8.1. Summary

8.2. Economics of Unconventional and Economics of Intangibles

8.3. Conclusions and Recommendations



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