6.5. Characterization of Everything in Existence

Following is a characterization of everything in existence.
1. Pure light (Noor in Arabic). PL, is absolutely intangible, nothing like rest of the items. For instance, this light does not change in space or time, not bound by time or anything else. This light has no source or boundary. This light is unique, it does not reflect nor does is it anything like other lights that we know (as per Qur'an 112:1–3). It does not have mass nor is it constrained by space. This light is all pervasive. Other “light” known as Dha'a in Arabic is “infected” or a different type of light. Note that this infected or deflected light is conflated with pure light in the sense that infected light is assigned zero mass, along with a finite speed, thereby, creating internal inconsistency. In addition, recent finding that neutrino has higher speed than light (Choi, 2011; Brumfiel, 2011) and subsequent refutation based on veracity of relativity theory (Brumfiel, 2012) highlights the need for having a consistent theory. Note that neutrinos are considered to be smaller than photon, whereas the mass of photon is already assumed to be zero. Further confusion arises from the definition of photon and neutrinos. Photons are considered to be particles of light. Neutrinos are particles of matter. This definition disconnects energy from mass. Qur'anic definition material eliminates this disconnection. Another misrepresentation occurs when photons are assumed to be traveling only through transparent material whereas neutrinos through opaque material. This definition makes neutrinos omnipresent (similar to aether) making it less mobile than light. This inherently makes a biased distinction between light and mass emitting from a radioactive substance. The current theory eliminates this mischaracterization.
2. Absolute time (Dahr in Arabic). As discussed before, in Arabic language the two words “Asr” and “Dahr” are very comprehensive. The former relates to creation whereas the latter relates to creator. This absolute time has no beginning or end. There is no English word to describe this absolute time and, therefore, we selected the word “absolute time”. This Time is absolutely intangible, just like pure light.
3. Time (asr in Arabic), a function of pure light. This word is the one used by physicists of modern age. Conventional definition of time is in terms of tangible movement in space. For instance, the unit of time, second, is chosen by dividing the entire year (measurement of the earth's movement around the sun) by the number of days, then hours, then minutes, and finally by the number of seconds. Similarly, atomic clock measures time by counting frequency of cesium radiation. With this definition of time (or unit of time), contradictions arise when Einstein's relativity theory is invoked. Such constraint or contradiction does not exist in Arabic language and time is independent of matter or space. The word Asr connotes the sweep of time or its swift flow. This time is intangible, but not in absolute sense as it can change, be initiated, ended, folded, all of which is supported by both relativity and quantum physics. However, the conventional approach is to make time a function of matter and thought material. For instance, gravitational forces are thought to be influencing time. Einstein invoked perception as another controller, whereas quantum physicists (e.g., Richard Feynman) assigned that to probability. Both these assumptions create contradictions in terms of multiplicity of the time function. This is equivalent to insulting the history, which is unique as per the fundamental logic of Aristotle (law of excluded middle). By contrast, Hadith Qudsi assigns time as a function of pure light. Pure light being unique and external to everything else (including time), t = f(PL) functionality does not create multiple solutions. This assumption leads to a single function of time from beginning to end of creation. Such uniqueness is in conformance with Qur'anic word, Qadr, that means unique pathway for every component of the universe. This word is often incorrectly translated as destiny. The existence of Qadr is recognized to be prepared much before creation of everything from nothing. Time also is something that has the following features:
a. it has a beginning and an end;
b. it can be folded, changed, altered;
c. it is a continuous function of pure light
d. it controls matter continuously
This time is a “tool” used to put material in motion. Time is intangible, but it becomes apparent to us through tangible expressions in material, events, HTM.
As stated earlier in this paper, characteristic time is necessary to drive everything in its cycles that connect to the rest of the universe.
4. Material. This is the original mass created from nothing (source of mass and energy). No distinction is made between “mass particles’ and ‘energy particles’. Therefore, contradictions such as the ones discussed earlier arise. We eliminate those contradictions by defining mass as the source of energy. However, we avoid the use of the word “mass,” which has a specific meaning in modern science.
This material does not get created from nothing all the time. We conserve the concept of “conservation of mass” as well as “conservation of energy” by default. In this analysis, conservation of energy is inherent to conservation of mass as at no time a mass becomes zero. For instance, the current model that assumes both neutrino and photon have zero mass obfuscates the possibility that mass is the source of energy. In effect, such assertion violates the principle of conservation of mass. For instance, the sun loses approximately four million tons of mass every second because of which we receive sunlight. Yet, this mass cannot be accounted for if photon mass is set to zero. The denomination of material to describe both mass and energy preserves conservation of mass and energy simultaneously. The underlying logic is simple:
a. there is no energy without mass, energy being the outcome of mass;
b. energy generation from mass is continuous and is due to the continuous state of motion of every entity.
The material is made into a function of time. Therefore.
Material, M = g(t). This functionality is reversed to the commonly introduced notion in Relativity, i.e., time is a function of perception and perception itself a function of the environment that contains material. By making material a function of time, the control is given to time, which remains intricately linked to every entity, from the largest galaxy to tiniest subatomic particle. This intricacy is shown in the previously presented yin–yang symbol.
HTM falls under this category. This analysis corrects the misconception that humans have freedom of thought. This false assumption leads to dogmatic contradiction and opens up controversies involving thought control (Ong, 2008).
5. Intention. This is the original entity created from nothing as a distinctive feature of humans (Islam et al., 2014). Intention is the one that defines conscience, which is the enabler of conscientious thoughts. Even though, thoughts are all part of universal order (material, as described in item four above), conscientious thoughts are in harmony with the universal order as they are rooted in the phenomenal intention (Khan and Islam, 2012).
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