6.9. The Science of Water and Petroleum

Petroleum is the second most abundant fluid available on earth. Only water is more abundant than oil. While the role of water in creating and sustaining life is well recognized, the role of petroleum has been mischaracterized. Such mischaracterization is unique to the modern epoch and is paradoxical (Islam et al., 2010). This “bad name” comes from the original paradox, called “water–diamond paradox,” first reported by Adam Smith, the father of modern economics. This paradox (also known as paradox of value) is the apparent contradiction that, although water is on the whole more useful, in terms of survival, than diamonds, diamonds command a higher price in the market. In a passage of Adam Smith's An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, he discusses the concepts of value in use and value in exchange, setting stage for bifurcating trends in value in utility and value in exchange:
Picture 6.3 Gas hydrate burning offers some of the most environment-friendly combustion available to mankind. Picture from USGS.
Figure 6.14 Unconventional gas around the world. From EIA.
Figure 6.15 Shale gas and coalbed methane in Europe.

“What are the rules which men naturally observe in exchanging them [goods] for money or for one another, I shall now proceed to examine. These rules determine what may be called the relative or exchangeable value of goods. The word VALUE, it is to be observed, has two different meanings, and sometimes expresses the utility of some particular object, and sometimes the power of purchasing other goods which the possession of that object conveys. The one may be called “value in use;” the other, “value in exchange.” The things which have the greatest value in use have frequently little or no value in exchange; on the contrary, those which have the greatest value in exchange have frequently little or no value in use. Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarce anything; scarce anything can be had in exchange for it. A diamond, on the contrary, has scarce any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it.”

Figure 6.16 Tight gas plays in the United States.
He, then explained, “the real value.” Furthermore, he explained the value in exchange as being determined by labor:

“The real price of every thing, what every thing really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it.”

Instead of removing this paradox by finding a direct function that relates price with utility, pragmatic approach led to the resolution of this paradox by imposing price–production relationship and detaching consumers from the equation. In essence, this denomination of “value” created the basis for an inherently unsustainable pricing that in itself became the driver of technology development (Zatzman, 2012a; 2012b). Figure 6.17 shows how assigning artificial value has led to a preposterous functionality between real value and natural state.
Figure 6.17 Natural state is synonymous with low value with current mode of energy pricing. From Islam et al., 2010.
In scientific term, the above manipulation amounts to removing time function from each processes. Only then, the utility of carbon in charcoal and carbon in diamond can be conflated (Picture 6.4).
A proper historical discourse, termed as delinearized history by Zatzman and Islam (2007a), can unravel the mysteries of sustainability. Figure 6.18 was produced by Khan and Islam (2007) shows how natural cycles are inherently sustainable. Note how the only source of energy is used to transform inorganic materials into organic ones. Such transformation cannot take place in absence of water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). During this transformation, sunlight plays the role of a catalyst and its contribution is quantifiable with proper science (Khan and Islam, 2012). However, sunlight is not sufficient as the onset of life is the phenomenon that triggers conversion of inorganic matter into organic matter. Scientific description of this process is nonexistent or weak at best (Islam et al., 2014).
Picture 6.4 The difference between charcoal and diamond can be captured in the time function, which is either linearized or altogether eliminated in various economic models that drive modern technology.
Figure 6.18 Scientific characterization is inherently sustainable. From Khan and Islam, 2007.
Scientifically, water represents the onset of life, whereas oil represents the end of life. Indeed, water and oil contain an array of contrasting, yet complimentary properties. Water is polar and is a good solvent due to its polarity. Oily materials are known to be hydrophobic. The ability of a substance to dissolve in water is determined by whether or not the substance can match or better the strong attractive forces that water molecules generate between other water molecules. If a substance has properties that do not allow it to overcome these strong intermolecular forces, the molecules are “pushed out” from the water and do not dissolve. Contrary to the common misconception, water and hydrophobic substances do not “repel,” and the hydration of a hydrophobic surface is energetically favorable. The process of hydration can be best described by the process in which water molecules surround the molecule of another compound. Because, water molecules are relatively smaller, a number of water molecules typically surround the molecule of the other substance. Properties of water and oil are different and complementary. For instance, water and oil can form stable emulsions and eventually create soap. Life begins with water but ends with oil in its most stable and stabilized form. In fact, other than honey, oil is the most effective antibacterial natural liquid.
Petroleum is opposite to water in a complementary sense and form stable entities, such as soap that can act as a cleansing agent that works on both oil and water. Indeed, life begins with water and ends with oil. In molecular level, oil is hydrophobic but it is not water repellant. In fact, water molecules form very stable bonds around oil molecules. However, in broader scale, oil kills but water gives life. In microscale, they are opposite in every property but they are essential for life. This entire thing is like the Yin–Yang symbol that not only bonds together opposites (historically it meant fire, water; life, death; male, female; earth, sky; cold, hot; black, white) but also are embedded inside white background, while holding within each another circle that itself has similar Yin–Yang structures. The cycle continues all the down to Higgs boson (until 2013) and beyond (in future), never reaching the same trait as the homogenous, anisotropic, monochrome, boundary-less surrounding. At every stage, there is also another combination of opposite, i.e., intangible (time) and tangible (mass), which essentially is the program that defines the time function.

6.9.1. Comparison Between Water and Petroleum

Water is the source of life whereas petroleum is the end of a life cycle. These two form harmony in nature and coexist much like the Yin–Yang symbol. This fact was recognized throughout history and at no time petroleum products were considered harmful to the environment.
In its fundamental unit, snowflakes represent modules of water, whereas diatoms represent organic units of petroleum (Picture 6.5). In its original form, symmetry exists but only in broad sense. There is no local symmetry. Picture 6.6 shows various images of snow flakes. If diamonds are from charcoal, petroleum is from diatoms (Picture 6.7). Table 6.10 shows various sources of water on earth.
Picture 6.5 This single-celled green diatom won Rogelio Moreno Gill of Panama fifth place in the BioScapes Imaging Competition. Specimens for this composite image came from a lake (from National Geographic). Picture on the right is a snow flake. From U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Water and hydrocarbon are both essential to life, even though they play contrasting roles. Table 6.11 shows some of the unifying and contrasting features of water and petroleum.
The above opposites signal complimentary nature of water and petroleum. At a molecular level, the following reactions of opposites can be observed.


image (6.1)

The result is water vapor, with a standard enthalpy of reaction at 298.15 °K and 1 atm of 242 kJ/mol. While this equation is well known, it cannot be stated that original water or natural water is created this way. In fact, all evidence suggest that it is not and the suggestion that oxygen and hydrogen combined to form water as the basis of life bears the same first premise as the one imposed for the Big Bang theory. What we know, however, is if hydrogen burns in oxygen, it produces intense heat (around 2000 °C) as compared to heat of a natural flame (e.g., from candle) that is around 1000 °C. The above reaction does not take place unless there is a presence of two other components, one tangible (catalyst) and one intangible (spark), that produce a flame. A discussion on what constitutes a flame and its consequences is presented later on in this chapter.
Picture 6.6 Snow flakes are fundamental units of water.
This reaction needs a spark that itself has catalysts (tangible) and energy (intangible). However, in nature water does not form by combining oxygen and hydrogen. One theory indicates water is the original matter as contrast to popular theory that puts hydrogen as the original mass (Islam et al., 2014b). Only recently this theory has gained ground as astrophysicists continue to find evidence of water in outer space (Farihi et al., 2011). Table 6.12 lists the fundamental properties of oxygen and hydrogen. Table 6.13 highlights qualities that unite and contrast oxygen and hydrogen.
Picture 6.7 Pictures of diatoms. Picture from Colorado State geological survey, 2013.

Table 6.10

Various Sources of Water on Earth

Sea water
The oceans97.2%
Inland seas and saline lakes0.008%
Fresh water
Freshwater lakes0.009
All rivers (average levels)0.0001
Arctic icecap1.9
Arctic icecap and glaciers0.21
Water in the atmosphere0.001
Ground water within half a mile from surface0.31
Deep-lying ground water0.31


(data from USGS)


image (6.2)

The above reaction takes place at all temperature (e.g., low-temperature oxidation). However, the most natural, yet rapid conversion takes place with fire. Fire itself has tangible (mass of fire) and energy (heat of reaction, intangible). Table 6.14 lists the fundamental properties of oxygen and carbon. Table 6.15 highlights qualities that unite and contrast oxygen and carbon.

Table 6.11

Contrasting Features of Water and Petroleum

Source of all organic matterEnd product of all organic matter
Most abundant fluid on earthSecond most abundant fluid on earth
Oxygen 85.84; Sulfur 0.091
Hydrogen 10.82; Calcium 0.04
Chloride 1.94; Potassium 0.04
Sodium 1.08; Bromine 0.0067
Magnesium 0.1292; Carbon 0.0028
Carbon, 83–87%
Hydrogen, 10–14%
Nitrogen, 0.1–2%
Oxygen, 0.05–1.5%
Sulfur, 0.05–6.0%
Metals < 0.1%
Mostly homogeneousHydrocarbon (15–60%), napthenes (30–60%), aromatics (3–30%), with asphaltics making up the remainder.
Reactivity of water towards metals: Alkali metals react with water readily. Contact of cesium metal with water causes immediate explosion, and the reactions become slower for potassium, sodium, and lithium. Reaction with barium, strontium, calcium are less well known, but they do react readily.Non-reactive toward metal.
Nonmetals like Cl2 and Si react with water
Cl2(g)+ H2O(l) →HCl(aq)+ HOCl(aq)
Si(s)+ 2H2O(g) →SiO2(s)+ 2H2(g)
Some nonmetallic oxides react with water to form acids. These oxides are referred to as acid anhydrides.
Reaction with nonmetals is faster
High cohesionLow cohesion
Unusually high surface tension; susceptible to thin filmUnusually low surface tension
Adhesive to inorganicAdhesive to organic
Unusually high specific heatUnusually low specific heat
Unusually high heat of vaporizationUnusually low heat of vaporization
Has a parabolic relationship between temperature and densityHas monotonous relationship between temperature and density
Unusually high latent heat of vaporization and freezingUnusually low latent heat of vaporization and freezing
Versatile solventVery poor solvent
Unusually high dielectric constantsUnusually low dielectric constants
Has the ability to form colloidal solutionsDestabilizes colloids
Table Continued


Can form hydrogen bridges with other molecules, giving it the ability to transport minerals, carbon dioxide, and oxygenPoor ability to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
Unusually high melting point and boiling pointUnusually low melting point and boiling point
Unusually poor conductor of heatUnusually good conductor of heat
Unusually high osmotic pressureUnusually low osmotic pressure
Nonlinear viscosity pressure and temperature relationship (extreme nonlinearity at nanoscale, Hussain and Islam, 2010)Mild nonlinearity in viscosity pressure and temperature relationship
Enables carbon dioxide to attach to carbonateAbsorbs carbon dioxide from carbonate
Allows unusually high sound travelAllows unusually slow sound travel
Large bandwidth microwave signals propagating in dispersive media can result in pulses decaying according to a non-exponential law (Peraccini et al., 2009)Faster than usual movement of microwave
Unusually high confinement of X-ray movement (Davis et al., 2005)Unusually high facilitation of X-ray movement


From Hutchinson, 1957; Attwood, 1949; Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 1981.

The above contrasting and complementary properties of hydrogen and oxygen and oxygen and carbon give rise to water and fire, respectively, creating a new set of contrasting and complementary components. Together, they form the basic ingredients of life on earth and exemplify natural sustainability.
Historically, water has always been recognized as the source matter of everything (Islam et al., 2010). As in early ancient Greek, ancient Chinese, and ancient Mesopotamia, water has been considered as the one that gives life while fire is the one that causes death. For fire to exist and complete the cycle of life, it must be accompanied with fuel, which is the essence of energy. The most efficient source of this fuel is natural gas.

Table 6.12

Fundamental Properties of Oxygen and Hydrogen

Atomic number81
Atomic mass15.999 g/mol1.007825 g/mol
Electronegativity according to Pauling3.52.1
Density1.429 kg/m3 at 20 °C0.0899 × 10-3 g/cm3 at 20 °C
Melting point219 °C259.2 °C
Boiling point183 °C252.8 °C
Van der waals radius0.074 nm0.12 nm
Ionic radius0.14 nm (2)0.208 nm (1)
Electronic shell[He] 2s2 2p41s1
Energy of first ionization1314 kJ/mol1311 kJ/mol
Energy of second ionization3388 kJ/mol
Energy of third ionization5300 kJ/mol
Discovered byJoseph Priestly in 1774Henry Cavendish in 1766
The existence of water as a fundamental element is important. Ancient literature as well as Qur'an places the existence of water before anything else. In every culture water is synonymous with life and liveliness. Opposite to water is fire (number Two) at the lower left corner. The role of fire is opposite to water, yet it is essential to life. Without fire, there is no carbon dioxide, the essence of plant, and therefore, life. Fire represents transition from cold to hot, from life to death, from tangible (water or liquid) to intangible (vapor or gas). This phase change is typical of creation. In fact, the very fact that everything is moving (a function of time) makes it essential to go through this phase of tangible and intangible. Overall, this continues in an eternal circle.
Qur'an mentions water (m’aa) as the original creation. This “water” is not a combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms as asserted in New Science, it is the essence of life in Arabic. The word, m’aet that stands for dehydration actually stands for moribund or dying. The following verse of Qur'an states:

And it is He who created the skies and the earth in six periods - and His Dominion (extends) upon water - that He might test you as to which of you is best in deed. But if you say, “Indeed, you are resurrected after death,” those who rebel (against Allah) will surely say, “This is not but obvious magic.” (11:7)

Table 6.13

Common and Contrasting Features of Oxygen and Hydrogen

Fundamental component of water (89% in mass and 33% in mole), which is ubiquitous on earth (70%).Fundamental component of water (11% in mass and 67% in mole), which is ubiquitous on earth (70%)
Believed to be 3rd most abundant element in universeBelieved to be most abundant element in universe
If mass-energy discontinuity is removed, most abundant mass in universeIf mass-energy discontinuity is removed, second most abundant in universe
It is the essential element for respiratory processes for all living cells.
It's the most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Nearly one-fifth (in volume) of the air is oxygen. Noncombined gaseous oxygen normally exists in form of diatomic molecules, O2, but it also exists in triatomic form, O3, ozone.
Hydrogen is the most flammable of all the known substances. There are three hydrogen isotopes: protium, mass 1, found in more than 99,985% of the natural element; deuterium, mass 2, found in nature in 0.015% approximately; and tritium, mass 3, which appears in small quantities in nature.
Oxygen is reactive and will form oxides with all other elements except helium, neon, argon, and krypton. It is moderately soluble in water (30 cm3/L of water dissolve) at 20 °C.
Oxygen does not react with acids or bases under normal conditions.
The dissociation energy of molecular hydrogen is 104 kcal/mol. Molecular hydrogen is not reactive. Atomic hydrogen is very reactive. It combines with most elements to form hydrides (e.g., sodium hydride, NaH), and it reduces metallic oxides, a reaction that produces the metal in its elemental state. The surfaces of metals that do not combine with hydrogen to form stable hydrides (e.g., platinum) catalyze the recombination of hydrogen atoms to form hydrogen molecules and are thereby heated to incandescence by the energy.
Strong bond with hydrogen (110 kcal/mol); slightly stronger bond with oxygen (119 kcal/mol).Strong bond with oxygen; lesser strength bond with hydrogen (104 kcal/mol); lesser strength bond with carbon (98 kcal/mol).
The crust of earth is composed mainly of silicon-oxygen minerals, and many other elements are there as their oxides.The earth crust has some 45 times less hydrogen than oxygen
Table Continued


Oxygen gas makes up one-fifth of the atmosphere. The oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere comes from the photosynthesis of plants, and has built up in a long time as they utilized the abundant supply of carbon dioxide in the early atmosphere and released oxygen.Only 0.000055% of earth atmosphere is hydrogen. Sunlight causes photosynthesis that utilizes hydrogen and releases oxygen, forming a closed loop.
Oxygen is fairly soluble in water (0.045 g/kg of water at 20 °C), which makes life in rivers, lakes, and oceans possible. The water in rivers and lakes needs to have a regular supply of oxygen, for when this gets depleted the water will no longer support fish and other aquatic species.Low solubility in water (0.0016 g/kg of water at 20C).
Nearly every chemical, apart from the inert gasses, bind with oxygen to form compounds. Water, H2O, and silica, SiO2, main component of the sand, are among the more abundant binary oxygen compounds. Among the compounds which contain more than two elements, the most abundant are the silicates, that form most of the rocks and soils. Other compounds that are abundant in nature are calcium carbonate (limestone and marble), calcium sulfate (gypsum), aluminum oxide (bauxite), and various iron oxides that are used as source of the metal.At normal temperature, hydrogen is a not very reactive substance, unless it has been activated somehow; for instance, by an appropriate catalyzer. At high temperatures it is highly reactive and a powerful reducing agent (anti-oxidant). It reacts with the oxides and chlorides of many metals, like silver, copper, lead, bismuth, and mercury, to produce free metals. It reduces some salts to their metallic state, like nitrates, nitrites, and sodium and potassium cyanide. It reacts with a number of elements, metals and nonmetals, to produce hydrides, like NAH, KH, H2S, and PH3. Atomic hydrogen produces hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, with oxygen.
Oxygen is essential for all forms of life since it is a constituent of DNA and almost all other biologically important compounds. Is it even more dramatically essential, in that animals must have minute by minute supply of the gas in order to survive. Oxygen in the lungs is picked up by the iron atom at the center of hemoglobin in the blood and thereby transported to where it is needed.All compounds and elements produced through hydrogen reduction (see above) are potent toxins for all living organisms. However, organic form of the same toxin is necessary for living organisms. For instance, lack of organic H2S can trigger Alzheimer's disease.
Table Continued


Departure from normal atmospheric composition of oxygen (both too high or too low concentrations) causes lung damageHigh concentrations of this gas can cause an oxygen-deficient environment. Individuals breathing such an atmosphere may experience symptoms that include headaches, ringing in ears, dizziness, drowsiness, unconsciousness, nausea, vomiting and depression of all the senses. Under some circumstances, death may occur.


Table 6.14

Fundamental Characteristics of Carbon

Atomic number6
Atomic mass12.011 g/mol
Electronegativity according to Pauling2.5
Density2.2 g/cm3 at 20 °C
Melting point3652 °C
Boiling point4827 °C
Van der waals radius0.091 nm
Ionic radius0.26 nm (4); 0.015 nm (+4)
Electronic shell[He] 2s22p2
Energy of first ionization1086.1 kJ/mol
Energy of second ionization2351.9 kJ/mol
Energy of third ionization4618.8 kJ/mol
Discovered byThe ancients
Also, see the following hadith that compliments the above notion and clarifies the fundamental traits of both creator and creation, as well as the purpose of humans:

It was narrated that Ibn Mas'ood (R) said: Between the first heaven and the one above it is (a distance of) five hundred years. Between each of the skies is (a distance of) five hundred years. Between the seventh sky and the Throne is (a distance of) five hundred years. Between the Throne and the water is (a distance of) five hundred years, and the Throne is above the water, and Allah is above the Throne, and nothing whatsoever of your deeds is hidden from Him.

Table 6.15

Contrasting and Unifying Features of Oxygen and Carbon

Fundamental component of water (89% in mass and 33% in mole), which is ubiquitous on earth (70%). The most abundant in mass and numbers.Fundamental component of living organisms, second most abundant in mass, and third most abundant in atomic numbers.
Most abundant in (65%) of a living bodySecond most abundant (18%) of living body
Believed to be 3rd most abundant element in universeBelieved to be 4th most abundant element in universe
If mass-energy discontinuity is removed, most abundant mass in universeIf mass-energy discontinuity is removed, third most abundant (after oxygen and hydrogen) in universe.
Oxygen recycled through water cycle for sustenance of lifeCarbon recycled through carbon cycle for sustenance of life
Oxygen burns hydrogen with the largest heat of reaction for any element (141.8 MJ/kg)
Oxygen burns carbon with the second largest heat of reaction for any element (32.8 MJ/kg)
Table Continued


It is the essential element for respiratory processes for all living cells.
It's the most abundant element in the earth's crust. Nearly one-fifth (in volume) of the air is oxygen. Noncombined gaseous oxygen normally exists in form of diatomic molecules, O2, but it also exists in triatomic form, O3, ozone.
It is the second (second to hydrogen) most important fuel for living organism and sustenance of life.
Carbon is the 15th most abundant in earth's crust.
Oxygen, major component of water, is essential for life. By far the largest reservoir of earth's oxygen is within the silicate and oxide minerals of the crust and mantle (99.5%). Only a small portion has been released as free oxygen to the biosphere (0.01%) and atmosphere (0.36%). The main source of atmospheric free oxygen is photosynthesis, which produces sugars and free oxygen from carbon dioxide and water.
Carbon, major component of all organic matter
The sun contributes to water mass through photosynthesis and thereby contributes to carbon cycle.A mass of about 7 × 1011 tons of carbon is in the atmosphere as CO2 and about 4.5 × 1011 tons of carbon in vegetation as carbohydrate. The nominal percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 0.034%.
Oxygen is reactive and will form oxides with all other elements except helium, neon, argon, and krypton.Carbon's best reactant is oxygen that produces CO2—the one needed for synthesis of carbohydrate.
Strong bond with hydrogen (110 kcal/mol); slightly stronger bond with oxygen (119 kcal/mol).The C–O bond strength is also larger than C–N or C–C. C–C = 83; C–O = 85.5; O-CO = 110; CO = 192 (CO2); CO = 177 (aldehyde); C=O (ketone) = 178; CO(ester) = 179; CO(amide) = 179; CO = 258; CC = 200 (all values in kcal/mole)
Table Continued


The crust of earth is composed mainly of silicon-oxygen minerals, and many other elements are there as their oxides.Carbon is the major component of CO2.
Oxygen gas makes up one-fifth of the atmosphere. The oxygen in the earth's atmosphere comes from the photosynthesis of plants, and has built up in a long time as they utilized the abundant supply of carbon dioxide in the early atmosphere and released oxygen.After nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, carbon dioxide is the most abundant component of earth's atmosphere.
Oxygen is fairly soluble in water (0.045 g/kg of water at 20 °C), which makes life in rivers, lakes, and oceans possible.Very low solubility in water
Nearly every chemical, apart from the inert gasses, bind with oxygen to form compounds. Oxygen is essential for all forms of life since it is a constituent of DNA and almost all other biologically important compounds.The two most important characteristics of carbon, as a basis for the chemistry of life, are that it has four valence bonds and that the energy required to make or break a bond is just at an appropriate level for building molecules that are not only stable, but also reactive. The fact that carbon atoms bond readily to other carbon atoms allows for the building of arbitrarily long complex molecules and polymers. Uniquely suited for metabolism.
Departure from normal atmospheric composition of oxygen (both too high or too low concentrations) causes lung damage.In its elemental form (graphite and diamond), is completely a benign and great fuel, only second to hydrogen as an elemental energy generator. Some simple carbon compound can be very toxic, such as carbon monoxide (CO) or cyanide (CN).
Carbon 14 is one of the radionuclides involved in atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. It is among the long-lived radionuclides that have produced and will continue to produce increased cancer risk for decades and centuries to come. It also can cross the placenta, become organically bound in developing cells and hence endanger fetuses.


Another verse of Qur'an has issued the following warning to humans:

Say: Have you considered if your water should go down then who would bring you back the flowing water? (67:30)

Water is the essence of life and it is to be noted that Allah calls Himself “Al-Hayyu” (The Alive), who never feels drowsiness or slumber (Qur'an 2:255). Death is associated with every entity of the creation and sleep is called synonymous to death (soul removed when someone sleeps). So, life and death are part of being creation.
“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” (Qur'an 21:30)
It is of interest to note, New Science puts water as the first indicator of life. The search of water continues even in outside of our galactic reach. Only recently, such existence has been “confirmed” (Farihi et al., 2011).
According to Qur'anic narration, universe has no void and it is filled with water, which is the essence of life. However, at no time this means isolated water molecules and any other “fundamental” unit of water. Each particle is tagged with its own time function and forms integral part of the universal order.

6.9.2. Combustion and Oxidation

In a complete combustion reaction, a compound reacts with an oxidizing element, such as oxygen, and the products are compounds of each element in the fuel with the oxidizing element. The oxidation with oxygen is the most commonly occurring phenomena in nature. It is because of the abundance of oxygen as well as the ability of oxygen to react at all temperatures. In terms of generating energy, most notably heat generation, is through oxidation of hydrogen. Even though, in nature it is rarely the case, the oxidation of hydrogen produces the most intense heat in presence of a flame (2000 °C). This is the principle used in rocket engines. The second most intense heat is with carbon (1000 °C). This is the principle used in all forms of fossil fuel burning. Unlike hydrogen and oxygen, this reaction is natural and takes place at all temperatures, albeit as a strong function of temperature. The low-temperature oxidation is continuous and follows Arrhenius equation, which is an exponential relationship with temperature. However, oxidation of elemental carbon (e.g., graphite and diamond) are both rare because of rarity of those elements, compared to compound form of carbon. For instance, diamond and graphite both burn at 800 °C in presence of oxygen but in absence of oxygen they melt at very high temperature (3600 °C for graphite and 3800 °C for diamond). The next most heat generating combustion is with methane. This reaction is written as follows


image (6.3)

The standard enthalpy of reaction for methane combustion at 298.15 °K and 1 atm is 802 kJ/mol. The symbol Σ signifies the time function that stores information regarding intangibles (Islam et al., 2010a), such as the history of methane (organic or otherwise), history of oxygen (organic or mechanical, as well as the collection of all elements that are present in nonmeasurable quantities. The usefulness of Σ is in its ability to track the history in order to chart the future pathway in terms of harm and beneficial quality. For instance, if the oxygen supply is restricted, the following reaction will take place, in stead of Eqn (6.2).


image (6.4)

This reaction is typical of industry-standard producer gas that is produced by injecting oxygen through hot coke. The resulting gas is a mixture of carbon monoxide (25%), carbon dioxide (4%), nitrogen (70%), and traces of hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), and oxygen (O2). In addition to this information, Σ will also contain information regarding any other trace elements that can be present due to use of catalyst, heating mechanism, existence of flames, etc. In essence, Σ is the tracker of intangibles.
Any combustion reaction is known to be accelerated dramatically in presence of a flame. A flame is a mixture of reacting gases and solids emitting visible, infrared, and sometimes ultraviolet light, the frequency spectrum of which depends on the chemical composition of the burning material and intermediate reaction products. A standard and beneficial flame is fire, arising from burning wood. This process of heat and light generation is entirely sustainable (Chhetri and Islam, 2008) and produces no harmful or by-product, therefore, it is waste-free (Khan and Islam, 2012). The fundamental characteristic of this wood flame is that combustion is incomplete, thereby generating incandescent solid particles, called soot. It comes with red-orange glow of fire. This light has continuous spectrum, similar to sunlight spectrum. Even though it is rarely talked about, the orange glow of wood fire is also similar to the glow of sun. See Picture 6.8.
Picture 6.8 Sun picture taken at 9:19 a.m. EST on Nov. 10, 2004, by the SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) spacecraft. NASA/European Space Agency, 2004.

6.9.3. Natural Energy versus Artificial Energy

The sun, a natural source of light is an essential element of the ecosystem. One of the benefits of the sun is day light and night light via the moon. The sun does not produce waste since all its resulting particles and effects are used by nature. The sun light service life is infinite. The sun consists of heterogeneous materials and particles. Then, this type of light sources is natural, heterogeneous, clean, vital, and efficient. Figure 6.19 shows the natural light pathway.
Light intensity or energy, efficiency, and quality are functions of the light source composition. The light source is composed of infinite particles with different sizes, di, masses, mi, and temperature, Ti. The light source mass equals:


image (6.5)

A particle energy function equals:


image (6.6)

where ai is a constant, and fi is the frequency for the particle i.
Figure 6.19 Natural light pathway.
The light energy of a particle i is also defined as follows:


image (6.7)

where vi is the speed of the particle i.
Combining Eqns (6.6) and (6.7) yields:


image (6.8)

Then, the frequency fi for the particle i comes to:


image (6.9)

where bi, pi, qi are the constants defining the particle composition and properties.
As a result, the particle speed vi amounts to:


image (6.10)

The total light energy is the sum of all particle energy values.


image (6.11)

The wavelength is the inverse of the frequency:


image (6.12)

where vi is the speed of the particle i:


image (6.13)

li is the distance traveled by the particle i and ti the travel time.
The distance traveled by a particle i is a function of its size, di, mass, mi, and temperature, Ti. The particle mass, mi, depends on the particle composition. Since this particle i consists of the smallest particle in the universe, its composition is unique and corresponds to one material.
The density of the particle i is:


image (6.14)

where Vi is the particle volume:


image (6.15)

αi and βi are the particle size constants.
The distance traveled by light particle is described by:


image (6.16)

which is equivalent to:


image (6.17)

The solar light spectrum is shown in Figure 6.20. Sunlight as the source of energy on earth must be understood in the context of photosynthesis reaction that creates vegetation on earth. Table 6.16 shows the composition of the sun. Considering some 8000 tons of loss of mass per second from the sun, it is reasonable to assume most of the mass loss involves hydrogen. Consequently, this hydrogen must constitute the most active role in photosynthesis. It is indeed the case. Compare the picture with the following picture of wood burning fire (Picture 6.9). Furthermore, this composition is important in terms of overall elemental balance of the ecosystem. It is also important for consideration of beneficial energy. If nature is taken to be perfect and beneficial, solar energy as well as the elements present in the sun must be in beneficial form and should be considered to be the standard of energy.
Figure 6.20 Wavelength spectrum of sunlight.

Table 6.16

Sun Composition

ElementAbundance (percentage of total number of atoms)Abundance (percentage of total mass)

Chaisson and McMillan, 1997.

All vegetation on earth starts off with solar energy. If the artificial barrier between energy and mass is removed, immediate consequence of solar irradiation would be manifested in the light spectrum of sunlight. Interestingly, the most abundant section of the solar light spectrum is the section that produces visible light (wavelength range of 400–750 nm). Table 6.17 lists wavelengths of various visible color lights.
Picture 6.9 Wood fire is natural, beneficial, and sustainable.

Table 6.17

Wavelengths of Various Visible Colors

Wavelength (nm)Color
<400Ultraviolet (invisible)
630–670Bright red
670–750Dark red
>750Infrared (invisible)
All wavelengths beyond these wavelengths of visible light are inherently harmful. The premise that nature is perfect leads to the conclusion that other rays are also necessary but their intensity must be very low, in line with the corresponding low intensities Table 6.18 lists wavelengths of various known waves.

Table 6.18

Wavelengths of Known Waves

Type of raysWave length
Gamma ray102–106 nm
X-ray10–101 nm
Ultraviolet10–400 nm
Visible (by humans) lightViolet400–450 nm
Blue450–490 nm
Green490–560 nm
Yellow560–590 nm
Orange590–630 nm
Bright red630–670 nm
Dark red670–750 nm
Infrared800–1000 nm
Microwave0.001–0.3 m
Radio wave1–1000 m


It is important to identify the sources of nonvisible rays. While we know all of them are emitted from the sun, Table 6.19 shows artificial sources of the same waves. Because artificial sources render these rays inherently unnatural, they make natural materials vulnerable to harm.
For every natural ray, there is an artificial version. While each of the natural rays is essential and beneficial, the artificial counterpart is harmful to natural objects. Khan et al. (2008) demonstrated the nature of such artificial mass or energy by eliminating the assumption that transition from mass to energy is discrete and nonreactive.

6.9.4. From Natural Energy to Natural Mass

In nature, we have the most spectacular example of conversion of energy into mass. The process is called photosynthesis. For most plants, photosynthesis occurs within chlorophyll bodies. Chlorophylls are arranged in something called “photosystems,” which are in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. The main function of chlorophyll is to absorb light energy and transfer it to the reaction center chlorophyll of the photosystem.
Chlorophyll a has an approximate absorption peak of 665 nm and 465 nm.
Chlorophyll b has an approximate absorption peak of 640 nm and 450 nm. In addition, there are accessory pigments that are able to absorb light. Chlorophyll a & b are green and are able to best absorb light in the 450 nm (violet-blue) and 650 nm (red) area of the light spectrum. That leaves the green, yellow, and orange parts of the spectrum unusable. This is why plants have extra pigments (colors), in order to take in light from different wavelengths that chlorophyll is not good at absorbing.

Table 6.19

Artificial Sources of Various Waves

Type of raysArtificial sources
Gamma rayCo-60 or Cs-137 isotopes. When an unstable (radioactive) atomic nucleus decays into a more stable nucleus, the “daughter” nucleus is sometimes produced in an excited state. The subsequent relaxation of the daughter nucleus to a lower-energy state results in the emission of a gamma-ray photon.
X-ray30–150 kV with tungsten, molybdenum, or copper. X-rays are produced when electrons strike a metal target. The electrons are liberated from the heated filament and accelerated by a high voltage towards the metal target. The X-rays are produced when the electrons collide with the atoms and nuclei of the metal target.
UltravioletUV rays can be made artificially by passing an electric current through a gas or vapor, such as mercury vapor.
InfraredTungsten, kanthal filaments, sapphire, calcium fluoride, zinc selenide, silicon nitride, laser, etc.
MicrowaveKlystron (high power amplifiers), and reflex klystron (low power oscillators).
Magnetron (high power pulsed oscillator)
Specialized transistors and integrated amplifiers, especially using gallium arsenide instead of silicon. Often found in wireless networking devices, GPS receivers, etc.
Radio waveWhen a direct electrical current is applied to a wire the current flow builds an electromagnetic field around the wire. This field sends a wave outward from the wire. When the current is removed, the field collapses which again sends a wave. If the current is applied and removed over and over for a period of time, a series of waves is propagated at a discrete frequency. If the current changes polarity, or direction repeatedly, that could make waves, too. This phenomenon is the basis of electromagnetivity and basically describes how radio waves are created within transmitters.
Carotene is an orange pigment capable of photosynthesis. This pigment transmits light energy to chlorophyll. As well as photosynthesis, these pigments also help protect against too much light, photoinhibition.
Phaeophytin a are gray-brown in colour.
Phaeophytin b are yellow-brown.
Xanthophyll are yellow pigments in the carotenoid group. These pigments seem to absorb best at 400–530 nm. These are involved with photosynthesis with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is often much more abundant than xanthophylls, and this is why the leaves are still a green color. When fall arrives in many countries and the leaves change color, the chlorophyll “dies back” and the xanthophylls are more apparent in the yellow color you see (like a maple tree)
The xanthophyll cycle is a wonderful skill a plant has. In order to protect itself from absorbing too much light, and thus causing photoinhibition, xanthophyll cycle converts pigments that do not quench energy into ones that do. When a plant receives too much light, the xanthophyll cycle changes violoxanthin to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin, which are photoprotective pigments.
Anthocyanin pigments are often red, purple, or blue. These pigments have been said to help a plant against light stress and act to help protect a plant from blue-green and UV light. Cacti do not have these, they have betalain instead.
Betalain are pigments found in caryophyllales (cacti and beets for example). They are often a red–yellow–purple color that is often found in flower color, but it can also be found in leaves, stems, fruits, and roots of these plants as well. It is not really known what the exact purpose of these pigments are.
Betacyanins are reddish to violet betalain pigments. They absorb light best at 535 nm.
Betaxanthins are yellow to orange betalain pigments. They absorb light best at 480 nm.
Given the various pigments, and the areas they are most abundant, that Chlorophyll a & b, and to a lesser extent, the various carotenoids (such as carotene and xanthophyll) would be the most productive in the absorption of light for photosynthesis. When applying this to cultivation and artificial lights, it would seem logical to choose lights that peak in the 430–470 nm and 640–680 nm range, to allow the two main chlorophyll types to gather the most energy. Light in the blue spectrum may also be a little stronger to allow the carotenes and xanthophylls to absorb more light as well. Figure 6.21 shows the existence of these wavelengths in visible light.
If the fundamental premise that natural is beneficial and artificial is harmful (Khan and Islam, 2012) is invoked, the picture depicted by Figure 6.22 emerges.
Figure 6.21 Colors and wave lengths of visible light.
Figure 6.22 Artificial and natural lights affect natural material differently.
Of importance in the above graph is the notion that artificial rays are harmful at all times. As the exposure is increased, the harm is accentuated. For the short-term, artificial visible light is less harmful than artificial nonvisible rays (e.g., gamma ray, X-ray, etc.) on both sides of the spectrum (both long wavelengths and short ones). The reason for such behavior has been discussed by Khan and Islam (2012) and will be discussed later in this section. The above graph follows the same form as the wavelength spectrum of visible sunlight (Figure 6.23).
Figure 6.23 Wavelength spectrum of visible part of sunlight.
Figure 6.24 Visible natural colors as a function of various wavelengths and intensity of sunlight.
Figure 6.24 recasts visible colors on intensity of solar radiation for the visible light section. This figure confirms that green vegetation should be the most abundant color on earth for which the sun is the only natural source of energy. This figure also shows that the area under the intensity–wavelength curve is the greatest for green materials. Red has longer wavelength but their intensity in sunlight is much smaller than green lights.
Figure 6.25 plots radiance values for various wavelengths observed in forest fire as compared to grass and warm ground. For the visible light range, forest fire follows the same trend as grass very closely. Also, comparable is warm ground. For the invisible range, however, forest fire produces high radiance values for larger (than infrared) values. For wavelengths larger than 2 mm, both fire and warm ground produce similar radiance, whereas grass does not show any radiation.
Figure 6.25 Wavelength and radiance for forest fire, grass, and warm ground. From Li et al., 2005.
Oxidation of butane creates a blue flame. Typically, the separation of one particular component of a natural material skews the balance that a whole natural material would have. The burning of butane is, therefore, a skewed version of forest fire. Figure 6.26 shows how the butane flame produces spikes in the wavelength versus irradiance graph. This light, even though they are from a natural source, lacks balance—the likes of which persisted with sunlight and forest fire. Such imbalance would lead to harm of organic bodies, similar to the one shown in Figure 6.39 (bifurcation graph above) However, modern engineering typically ignores this fact and manufactures artificial material (energy or matter) that are similar to the natural counterpart only in the external features. For instance, for the case of electronic books, the main feature is to produce writings/pictures on a white background. All colors are artificial but white background is the most toxic because of its deviation from natural light spectrum. Figure 6.27 shows the light spectrum for Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7, and new iPad. Compare these spectra with that of sunlight and further consider irradiation from a white page compared to irradiation from an electronic device. It becomes clear that the artificial device is both imbalanced and will create long-term harm to humans as well as the environment.
Figure 6.26 Blue flame radiance for butane.
Figure 6.28 shows sunlight along with light produced from a paraffin candle, incandescent light, and other light sources. Note how red LED is the most skewed from sunlight spectrum. The deviation is the most in visible light zone (wavelength of 400–750 nm). With the exception of two spikes at 600 nm and 700 nm, red LED produces very little irradiation in the visible light zone, whereas it produces much higher irradiation in the infrared zone and beyond. Fluorescent light produces similar spikes at 600 nm and 700 nm points but with less intensity than red LED. Overall, candle is the only one among artificial light that produces a broad band of wavelengths. In terms of harm to the environment, red LED is the worst offender, followed by fluorescent, then incandescent, and finally candle light. This vulnerability ranking is done by comparing the area under the curve within the visible light zone (Figure 6.29).
Figure 6.27 Artificial light spectrum.
Figure 6.28 Comparison of various artificial light sources with sunlight.
If sunlight represents the original and the most beneficial energy source, any natural process emerging from sunlight will become beneficial. Let us consider forest fire. It comes from a flame that trees or vegetation as the most important ingredient. All vegetations are indeed a product of natural processing of sunlight, air, water, and carbon components.
When a flame is visible, oxidation of wood is rapid. As oxidation takes place, movement of each particle within the system is greatly enhanced, creating a sharp increase in natural frequencies of every particle. For instance, a solid can burn into gases unleashing natural frequency change for each particle. The recent model developed by Islam et al. (2014a) describes this process as equivalent to merger of two galaxies in which each of them has numerous components with respective natural frequencies. However, after the reaction occurs (oxidation in this case), the resulting products have a frequency that is different from previous ones. If each particle is tagged, this model can help track a natural process apart from an artificial process. Figure 6.30 shows how this model casts the number of particles with their respective numbers in a natural system. Here, no distinction is made between light and mass particles as imposing such a distinction is contrary to natural order and renders the model aphenomenal.
Figure 6.29 Comparing within the visible light zone will enable one to rank various artificial light sources.
Figure 6.30 shows how any natural flame will have a smooth spectrum as shown in the spectrum of the sunlight. Any alteration of light source would create a spectrum that is not natural, hence harmful. The above figure also indicates that photon emission is similar to any other radiation from a body of mass. This emission within the visible wavelengths is related to the existence of a flame. Even though a flame is typical of visible light emission, most recent theories indicate the presence of continuous emission throughout the entire spectrum.
Figure 6.30 Number of particles versus particle size (not to scale). Modified from Khan and Islam, 2012.
Figure 6.31 Particle size versus characteristic speed of matter (not to scale).
As a flame burns, the characteristic features of each particle changes drastically. Figure 6.31 shows how dust specks (similar to pulverized graphite) present an optimum case in terms of stability. This state is typical of a solid state. This state represents the most stable as well as most nonreactive or conservative state of matter. At subatomic level, a reversal in characteristic versus particle size trend line takes place and the speed increases as the particle size becomes smaller.
Such transition from matter to energy (light) can explain the existence of a flame. In addition, this treatment of matter and energy enables one to track the source of light pollution. The onset of flame is invariably associated with a temperature rise, which in turn triggers vigorous changes in particles, leading to the formation of different structures that are similar to the galaxy in mega scale.
Because of the change in characteristic speed due to the onset of a flame that invariably follows changes in temperature, heat being the result of particle motion triggers radiation. Such connection of radiation with particle movement and heat of reaction is new (Islam et al., 2014a).
The rate of emission is a strong function of temperature and is responsible for changing color of the flame. As stated earlier, radiation takes place in all values of spectrum. Much of the radiation is emitted in the visible and infrared bands, as seen earlier in the context of forest fire. The color of a flame depends on temperature (for the black-body radiation), and on composition of the emission spectra. The photo of the forest fire in Canada is an excellent example of this variation (Picture 6.10).
Picture 6.10 Forest fire in Canada is an excellent example of natural flame.
Let us review the colors of a flame (with carbon particles emitting light) for various temperatures. Table 6.20 shows the temperature for various colors of flame. With these colors, one can analyze the above forest fire.
Near the ground, where most burning is occurring, the fire is white, the hottest color possible for organic material in general, or yellow. Above the yellow region, the color changes to orange, which is cooler, then red, which is cooler still. Above the red region, the flame is no longer visible. The black smoke that is visible is essentially pulverized carbon particles. These particles form the soot. The common distribution of a flame under normal gravity conditions depends on convection, as soot tends to rise to the top of a general flame, as in a candle in normal gravity conditions, making it yellow. In micro gravity, such as an environment in outer space, convection slows down significantly, leading to a more symmetric shape of the black smoke. This is almost a spherical flame with a blue center. While the presence of blue indicates perfect combustion, such flame cannot be sustained as the produced CO2 tend to smother the flame, especially around the connection between carbon matter and the flame. There are several possible explanations for this difference, of which the most likely is that the temperature is sufficiently evenly distributed that soot is not formed and complete combustion occurs. Experiments by NASA reveal that diffusion flames in micro gravity allow more soot to be completely oxidized after they are produced than diffusion flames on earth, because of a series of mechanisms that behave differently in micro gravity when compared to normal gravity conditions. Existing theories cannot account for such dependence of gravity on color of a region within the flame. This is because zero mass is assigned for both photon and Higgs boson. If that spurious assumption is removed, flames in any location can be explained with the emerges of a flame as the trigger event.

Table 6.20

Various Colors versus Temperature for an Organic Flame

ColorTemperature (°C)
Just visible525
Cherry, dull800
Cherry, full900
Cherry, clear1000


Picture 6.11 show the color of burning cars. They essentially represent burning of artificial carbon material (e.g., plastic, refined oil, etc.) The color yellow and red are dispersed throughout the flame body and there is no segregation between red and yellow colors.
This is not unlike the existence of a trigger that onsets life within inorganic bodies. The Picture 6.12 shows a depiction of onset of fire as well as of life.
Consider what happens with life, a living plant and a dead plant have little tangible difference for some time period. The reason the exact time of death cannot be identified is it is an intangible. Similar to what was discussed in terms Yin–Yang duality, both life and death have itself tangible and intangible components within them. When a seed becomes alive, no tangible change occurs in the seed or the surrounding. Similarly, when death occurs in plant, there is no tangible change. It is not until a few cycles have passed that one notices tangible changes. This cycle is characteristic of a living object.
Picture 6.11 Burning vehicles are examples of artificial flame.
Picture 6.12 Depicture of a flame.
Similarly, extinction or onset of a flame involves an intangible. When a flame is onset, there is no tangible change, for instance, in terms of temperature, ingredient. When a flame is extinguished, the only change that is visible is the disappearance of flame's glow.
While it is true, heat alone can act as spark for a flame, the fact that a spark triggers a flame cannot be explained with conventional science. It is because New Science is grossly deficient of details of factors that are not amenable to linearization (Zatzman et al., 2007b).
Following are some of the typical temperatures for various types of flames and fires.
1. Oxyhydrogen flame: 2000 °C
2. Bunsen burner flame: 1300 to 1600 °C
3. Blowtorch flame: 1300 °C
4. Candle flame: 1000 °C
5. Smoldering cigarette: Always hotter in the middle.
a. Temperature without drawing: side of the lit portion; 400 °C; middle of the lit portion: 585 °C
b. Temperature during drawing: middle of the lit portion: 700 °C
This confirms that the minimum temperature associated with a flame is 1000 °C. The highest temperature is recorded for the case of oxyhydrogen flame. However, this flame is not natural because no such reaction takes place on earth under natural conditions. Bunsen burner, on the other hand, represents natural gas burning. Natural gas is such that it does not oxidize in any substantial amount if there is no flame. However, if there is a flame, ambient conditions offer the best condition. When the exposure to air is reduced, the completeness of oxidation reaction is affected. Less air yields an incomplete and thus cooler reaction, while a gas stream well mixed with air provides oxygen in an equimolar amount and thus a complete and hotter reaction. The hottest flame emerges with a blue color when air is mixed freely with the fuel. If the mixing is reduced by choking the inlet of air, the flame will be less hot, however, the brightness of the flame will be increased. The yellow flame is called “luminous flame.” In contrast, when the burner is regulated to produce a hot, blue flame it can be nearly invisible against some backgrounds. The hottest part of the flame is the tip of the inner flame, while the coolest is the whole inner flame. Increasing the amount of fuel gas flow through the tube by opening the needle valve will increase the size of the flame. In brief, the Bunsen burner offers a contradictory behavior between heat and light generation, higher light leading to less efficient burning. This is in sharp contrast to the trend observed in natural flame (Figure 6.32)
Figure 6.32 Natural flame colors and temperature.
Bunsen burner produces luminosity by decreasing air supply. In another word, there is a reverse relationship between yield (or efficiency) and luminosity. In the simplest case, the yellow flame is luminous due to small soot particles in the flame which are heated to incandescence. The flame is yellow because of its temperature. To produce enough soot to be luminous, the flame is operated at a lower temperature than its efficient heating flame. The color of simple incandescence is due to black-body radiation. This phenomenon is captured with Planck's law that models black-body radiation as an inverse function of temperature, going from blue to yellow. Luminosity is similarly affected by pressure. These factors are captured in designing artificial lights.
Such behavior is typical of artificial light that employs chemical alteration. Such is typical of a pyrotechnic colorant that triggers chemical reaction to “burn” into a certain color. These colorants are used to create the colors in pyrotechnic compositions like fireworks and colored fires. The color-producing species are usually created from other chemicals during the reaction. Metal salts are commonly used; elemental metals are used rarely (e.g., copper for blue flames).
The color of the flame is dependent on the metal cation, while the anion of the salt has very little direct influence. The anions however influence the flame temperature, both by increasing it (e.g., nitrates, chlorates) and decreasing it (e.g., carbonates, oxalates), indirectly influencing the flame brightness and brilliancy. For temperature-decreasing additives, the limit of colorant may be about 10–20 wt% of the composition. Table 6.21 shows how various colors can be produced with artificial flames.
Picture 6.13 shows fire from wood (top left) is part of the organic cycle whereas smoke from a tungsten bulb (bottom right) is that of mechanical (hence implosive and non-sustainable) cycle. While these extremes are well known, confusion arises as to how to characterize plastic fire (top right) and smoke from a cigarette (bottom left) that have very similar CO2 emission as in natural wood burning.
The visible particulate matter in such smokes is most commonly composed of carbon (soot). This is the most tangible part. Other particulates may be composed of drops of condensed tar, or solid particles of ash. The presence of metals in the fuel yields particles of metal oxides. Particles of inorganic salts may also be formed, e.g., ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, or sodium chloride. Inorganic salts present on the surface of the soot particles may make them hydrophilic. Many organic compounds, typically the aromatic hydrocarbons, may be also adsorbed on the surface of the solid particles. Metal oxides can be present when metal-containing fuels are burned, e.g., solid rocket fuels containing aluminum. Depleted uranium projectiles after impacting the target ignite, producing particles of uranium oxides. Magnetic particles, spherules of magnetite-like ferrous ferric oxide, are present in coal smoke. New Science does not have any means of characterizing these emissions based on artificiality, thereby failing to distinguish between organic and nonorganic emissions (Islam et al., 2010a; 2012a; Khan and Islam, 2012).
The following table (Table 6.22) shows the relative amount of various elements in the earth crust as well as the lithosphere. It shows oxygen as the most prevalent in the earth crust, followed by silicon, aluminum, iron, and others in lesser quantity. Hydrogen, the component of water, is 10th in the list. The essential component of living organism, viz., carbon is a distant 15th.
In order to determine the overall mass balance of the ecosystem, one should look into the source of carbon as well as hydrogen. It is known that the atmosphere is composed of approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and less than 1% argon. Theoretically, all other elements in the earth crust should also appear in the atmosphere. This composition remains fairly constant throughout the atmosphere. However, as the altitude goes up, the density is decreased, leading to “thinning” of the air. This thinning leads to the formation of various degrees of ozone within the stratosphere. This ozone layer acts as shield against some of the nonvisible emission of the sunlight. The high distribution of visible light, as reported earlier in this chapter, is possible in part due to the presence of this shield. Figure 6.33 shows how such protection is done with a clear and dark lens.

Table 6.21

Colors and Sources of Artificial Flames

ColorCompound nameChemical formulaNotes
RedStrontium nitrateSr(NO3)2Common. Used with chlorine donors. Excellent red, especially with metal fuels. Used in many compositions including road flares.
RedStrontium carbonateSrCO3Common. Produces good red, slows burning of compositions, decomposes yielding carbon dioxide. Fire retardant in gunpowders. Inexpensive, nonhygroscopic; neutralizes acids. Superior over strontium oxalate in absence of magnesium.
RedStrontium oxalateSrC2O4Decomposes yielding carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. In presence of magnesium fuel, carbon monoxide reduces particles of magnesium oxide, yielding gaseous magnesium and eliminating the black-body radiation of the MgO particles, resulting in clearer color.
RedStrontium sulfateSrSO4Common. High-temperature oxidizer. Used in strobe mixtures and some metal-based red compositions.
RedStrontium chlorideSrCl2Common. Produces bright red flame.
OrangeCalcium carbonateCaCO3Produces orange flame. Yields carbon dioxide on decomposition. Often used in toy fireworks as a substitute for strontium.
Table Continued


ColorCompound nameChemical formulaNotes
OrangeCalcium chlorideCaCl2
OrangeCalcium sulfateCaSO4High-temperature oxidizer. Excellent orange source in strobe compositions.
OrangeHydrated calcium sulfateCaSO4(H2O)x∗
Gold/YellowCharcoal powderC
Gold/YellowIron powder with oxygen based carbon OC12Fe + C
YellowSodium bicarbonateNaHCO3Compatible with potassium chlorate. Less burning rate than sodium carbonate. Incompatible with magnesium and aluminum, but reacts evolving hydrogen gas.
YellowSodium carbonateNa2CO3Hygroscopic. Significantly decreases burning rate, decomposes evolving carbon dioxide. Strongly alkaline. Very effective colorant, can be used in small amounts. Corrodes magnesium and aluminum, incompatible with them.
YellowSodium chlorideNaClLoses hygroscopicity on heating. Corrodes metals.
YellowSodium oxalateNa2C2O4Nonhygroscopic. Slightly reacts with magnesium, no reaction with aluminum.
YellowSodium nitrateNaNO3Also acts as oxidizer. Bright flame used for illumination.
Table Continued


ColorCompound nameChemical formulaNotes
YellowCryoliteNa3AlF6One of the few sodium salts that is nonhygroscopic and insoluble in water.
GreenBarium chlorideBaCl2
GreenBarium chlorateBa(ClO3)2Classic exhibition green with shellac fuel. Sensitive to shock and friction. Oxidizer.
GreenBarium carbonateBaCO3Pretty color when ammonium perchlorate is used as oxidizer.
GreenBarium nitrateBa(NO3)2Not too strong effect. With chlorine donors yields green color, without chlorine burns white. In green compositions usually used with perchlorates.
GreenBarium oxalateBaC2O4
BlueCopper(I) chlorideCuClRichest blue flame. Almost insoluble in water.
BlueCopper(I) oxideCu2OLowest cost blue colorant.
BlueCopper(II) oxideCuOUsed with chlorine donors. Excellent in composite stars.
BlueCopper carbonateCuCO3Best when used with ammonium perchlorate.
BlueBasic copper carbonateCuCO3·Cu(OH)2, 2 CuCO3·Cu(OH)2Occurs naturally as malachite and azurite. Good with ammonium perchlorate and for high-temperature flames with presence of hydrogen chloride. Not easily airborne, less poisonous than Paris Green.
Table Continued


ColorCompound nameChemical formulaNotes
BlueCopper oxychloride3CuO·CuCl2Good blue colorant with suitable chlorine donor.
BlueParis GreenCu(CH3COO)2.3Cu(AsO2)2Copper acetoarsenite; Emerald green; toxic. With potassium perchlorate produces the best blue colors. Nonhygroscopic. Fine powder readily becomes airborne; toxic inhalation hazard. Used in majority of Japanese blue compositions as it gives very pretty color.
BlueCopper arseniteCuHAsO3Almost nonhygroscopic; Almost as good colorant as copper acetoarsenite; Toxic; Can be used with chlorate oxidizers.
BlueCopper sulfateCuSO4·5H2OCan be used with nitrates and perchlorates. Acidic, incompatible with chlorates. With red phosphorus in presence of moisture liberates heat; may spontaneously ignite. Less expensive than copper acetoarsenite. Anhydrous copper sulfate is hygroscopic, can be used as a desiccant. With ammonium perchlorate produces almost as pretty blue color as achievable with copper acetoarsenite.
Table Continued


ColorCompound nameChemical formulaNotes
BlueCopper metalCuRarely used, other compounds are easier to work with. Yields pretty blue color in ammonium perchlorate based compositions; but reacts with ammonium perchlorate and liberates ammonia in presence of moisture. The composition must be kept dry.
PurpleCombination of red and blue compoundsSr + Cu
PurpleRubidium compoundsRbRarely used
Silver/WhiteAluminium powderAl
Silver/WhiteMagnesium powderMg
Silver/WhiteTitanium powderTi
Silver/WhiteAntimony (III) sulfideSb2S3
InfraredCaesium nitrateCsNO3Two powerful spectral lines at 852.113 nm and 894.347 nm
InfraredRubidium nitrateRbNO3


Picture 6.13 Fire from wood (top left) is part of the organic cycle, whereas smoke from a tungsten bulb (bottom right) is that of mechanical (hence implosive and nonsustainable) cycle.
This figure shows that how the presence of an even “transparent” lens can alter the wavelength spectrum significantly.
Above the mesosphere, the composition changes significantly, both in content and form. The overall composition is still dominated by nitrogen and oxygen, gases are highly ionized, and bond between oxygen atoms are broken. Conventional theories cannot explain these phenomena, but it is considered to be essential for earth's sustainability. In the exosphere, the outer layer of Earth's atmosphere, air molecules can easily escape the earth's gravity and float into space. This process is similar to atomic radiation, which can be captured as long as the artificial boundary between mass and energy is removed (Islam et al., 2014).

Table 6.22

Various Elements in Earth Crust and Lithosphere

NElementSymbolLithosphere (ppm)Crust (ppm)
14Silicon [A]Si277,200270,000
6Carbon [B]C3001800
Table Continued


NElementSymbolLithosphere (ppm)Crust (ppm)


Figure 6.33 Formation of a shield with dark and clear lenses.
In this context, the composition of human body is important. Table 6.23 presents the elemental composition of a typical human body (70 kg). This table does not contain some trace elements. Through continuity, all elements of the earth crust should also be present in a human body. Interestingly, carbon is the 2nd most important component of a human body, followed by hydrogen, nitrogen, and calcium, etc.
Obliviously, human needs for various chemicals are met through breathing and consumption of food. The composition of the atmosphere shows that breathing alone would provide very little carbon, which has to be taken from plants. In this regard, the composition of plant is of utmost importance. The exact chemical composition of plants varies from plant to plant, and within different parts of the same plant. Chemical composition also varies within plants from different geographic locations, ages, climate, and soil conditions (Reimann et al., 2001; Shtangeeva, 1994). However, the most abundant chemical in plants as well as other living bodies is cellulose. The basic component of this chemical is sugar or carbohydrate. This also forms the basis for all petroleum products, irrespective of their physical state. Also, plants are known to show variable compositions in terms of Cd, V, Co, Pb, Ba, and Y, while maintain a surprisingly similar levels in all plants in some other elements, e.g., Rb, S, Cu, K, Ca, P, and Mg (Reimann et al., 2001).
Even though no evidence exists in nature that hydrogen combined with oxygen in their elemental form to produce water, it is commonly accepted that elemental balance in oxygen and hydrogen exists independently. This connection comes from the Big Bang theory that assumes that the original mass was hydrogen. This new version of atomism has been challenged by several researchers and remains a subject of ongoing debate (Islam et al., 2014a). In every cycle, however, there are components that cannot be accounted for with conventional scientific analysis. Figure 6.35 shows how oxygen cycle is complete within the echo system. In every step, there is involvement of living organism. That itself is a matter of intangible as “life” cannot be quantified or even qualified and is inherently intangible. The first reaction identified in the following figure is photolysis. This is a term coined to include the role of sunlight in sustaining the terrestrial ecosystem. Photolysis is part of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. The general reaction of photosynthetic photolysis can be given as

Table 6.23

Table of elements in the human body by mass

Oxygen43 kg (61%, 2700 mol)
Carbon16 kg (23%, 1300 mol)
Hydrogen7 kg (10%, 6900 mol)
Nitrogen1.8 kg (2.5%, 129 mol)
Calcium1.0 kg (1.4%, 25 mol)
Phosphorus780 g (1.1%, 25 mol)
Potassium140 g (0.20%, 3.6 mol)
Sulfur140 g (0.20%, 4.4 mol)
Sodium100 g (0.14%, 4.3 mol)
Chlorine95 g (0.14%, 2.7 mol)
Magnesium19 g (0.03%, 0.78 mol)
Iron4.2 g
Fluorine2.6 g
Zinc2.3 g
Silicon1.0 g
Rubidium0.68 g
Strontium0.32 g
Bromine0.26 g
Lead0.12 g
Copper72 mg
Aluminum60 mg
Cadmium50 mg
Cerium40 mg
Barium22 mg
Iodine20 mg
Tin20 mg
Titanium20 mg
Boron18 mg
Nickel15 mg
Selenium15 mg
Chromium14 mg
Manganese12 mg
Arsenic7 mg
Lithium7 mg
Cesium6 mg
Mercury6 mg
Germanium5 mg
Molybdenum5 mg
Cobalt3 mg
Antimony2 mg
Silver2 mg
Table Continued


Niobium1.5 mg
Zirconium1 mg
Lanthanum0.8 mg
Gallium0.7 mg
Tellurium0.7 mg
Yttrium0.6 mg
Bismuth0.5 mg
Thallium0.5 mg
Indium0.4 mg
Gold0.2 mg
Scandium0.2 mg
Tantalum0.2 mg
Vanadium0.11 mg
Thorium0.1 mg
Uranium0.1 mg
Samarium50 μg
Beryllium36 μg


From Emsley, 1998.


image (6.18)

The chemical nature of “A” depends on the type of organism. For instance, in purple sulfur bacteria, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is oxidized to sulfur (S). In oxygenic photosynthesis, water (H2O) serves as a substrate for photolysis resulting in the generation of diatomic oxygen (O2). The Σ symbol includes information about the pathway, f(t), for the photons. For instance, for sunlight it would be something intangible that is beneficial in the long term and for artificial light, it would be something intangible that is harmful in the long term (Figure 6.34). This is the process that returns oxygen to earth's atmosphere (Figure 6.35). Photolysis of water occurs in the thylakoids of cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts of green algae and plants.
Figure 6.34 Benefit to environment depends entirely on the organic nature of energy and mass.
Figure 6.35 Oxygen cycle in nature involving the earth.
Photosynthesis is the next process that involves the sunlight. Similar to photolysis, photosynthesis also involves living organisms. Photosynthetic organisms are photoautotrophs, which means that they are able to synthesize food directly from carbon dioxide and water using energy from light. However, not all organisms that use light as a source of energy carry out photosynthesis, since photoheterotrophs use organic compounds, rather than carbon dioxide, as a source of carbon. In plants, algae and cyanobacteria, photosynthesis releases oxygen. This is called oxygenic photosynthesis. However, there are some types of bacteria that carry out an oxygenic photosynthesis, which consumes carbon dioxide but does not release oxygen. In that case, they act as an oxygen sink.
Carbon dioxide is converted into “sugars” in a process called carbon fixation. Carbon fixation is an endothermic redox reaction, so photosynthesis needs to supply both a source of energy to drive this process and the electrons needed to convert carbon dioxide into a carbohydrate. This addition of the electrons is a reduction reaction. In general outline and in effect, photosynthesis is the opposite of cellular respiration, in which “glucose” and other compounds are oxidized to produce carbon dioxide and water, and to release exothermic chemical energy to drive the organism's metabolism. In this process, the intangibles are captured by another set of Σ2. This symbol contains two sets of information, one regarding the source of carbon dioxide and the other regarding the source of light. The general equation for photosynthesis is:


image (6.19)

In oxygenic photosynthesis water is the electron donor and, since its hydrolysis releases oxygen, the equation for this process is:


image (6.20)

Figure 6.36 shows the cycle involving hydrogen balance. Figure 6.37 shows the overall water balance. Scientifically, water balance is the only natural balance.
Figure 6.36 Hydrogen cycle in nature involving the earth.
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