List of figures

2.1 Flow chart illustrating how supremacy of EU law works
2.2 Diagram illustrating the possible means of enforcing rights contained in
3.1 Diagram illustrating the courts or tribunals hearing employment
4.1 Chart illustrating the consequences of distinguishing between
employees and self-employed
4.2 Diagram illustrating the operation of the control test
4.3 Diagram illustrating the operation of the integration test
4.4 Diagram illustrating the operation of the economic reality test
4.5 Diagram illustrating the operation of the mutuality of obligations test
4.6 Chart illustrating the relative merits of the four tests
5.1 Chart illustrating the information that must be contained in the
statement of particulars of employment as required by section 1
Employment Rights Act 1996
5.2 Sample statutory statement of particulars
5.3 Diagram illustrating how terms in the employment contract originate
6.1 Flow chart illustrating the conditions under which garden leave may
be granted
6.2 Flow chart illustrating how a court determines the legitimacy of a
restraint of trade clause in a contract of employment where the
employee fails to abide by the restraint
7.1 Diagram illustrating when terms may be implied by the courts
7.2 Do the implied duties help to create a balance in the employment
8.1 Chart of the rates of pay under the National Minimum Wage
9.1 Diagram illustrating the elements of a claim for direct discrimination
9.2 Diagram illustrating the elements of a claim for indirect
9.3 Diagram illustrating the elements of a claim for harassment
9.4 Diagram illustrating the elements of a claim for victimisation
10.1 Diagram illustrating the elements of an equal pay claim under the
Equality Act 2010
10.2 Diagram illustrating the elements of equal pay under EU law
11.1 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of discrimination
on grounds of sex
11.2 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of discrimination
on the grounds of marital status or civil partnership
12.1 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of discrimination
on racial grounds
13.1 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of disability
14.1 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of discrimination
on grounds of sexual orientation
14.2 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of discrimination
on grounds of gender reassignment
14.3 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of discrimination
on grounds of religion or belief
14.4 Flow chart illustrating the requirements for a claim of age
14.5 Flow chart illustrating the elements of possible claims under the
Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment)
Regulations 2000
16.1 Diagram illustrating the employer's common law liability for failures
to take care of the health, safety and welfare of the employee
17.1 Common procedures in handling grievances
17.2 Check list for an appropriate disciplinary procedure
18.1 Diagram illustrating the operation of the Transfer of Undertakings
(Protection of Employment) Regulations
20.1 Diagram illustrating when a contract of employment will be
considered frustrated
20.2 Diagram illustrating the differences between different types of
termination without dismissal
21.1 Flow chart illustrating the necessary elements for a claim for
wrongful dismissal
22.1 Flow chart illustrating the process for deciding if a dismissal is fair or
23.1 Diagram illustrating the factors for consideration in a redundancy
24.1 Diagram illustrating the immunity of trade union officials from
actions in tort
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