Bootstrap crash course

In this section, we're going to take a look at Bootstrap, in particular, its responsive grid and its components. We're going to cover just enough of Bootstrap's grid to give you a solid start on how to use it. We're also going to cover just five of Bootstrap's components to get you started. Bootstrap has a lot more than five components, and there are many ways you can customize each one of them. However, this is a crash course on Bootstrap and not a comprehensive manualwhich is what would be needed to even attempt to cover Bootstrap in any level of detail. Bootstrap is a vast library with tons of options for its use, and thus it is far more important to just show you the basics and to show you where to go for further information on Bootstrap than it is to attempt to cover it exhaustively. The good news is that this crash course on Bootstrap is the fastest way to get you up and running with it.

The reasoning for taking this approach is the following:

  • We won't be using all of the Bootstrap components for our example application
  • Our example application will also be made from ng-bootstrap components, and Angular Material components (which we'll be covering in later chapters anyway: Chapter 8, Working with NG Bootstrap, and Chapter 9, Working with Angular Material)
  • The most important part of Bootstrap for us will be Bootstrap's Grid—and we'll be covering the grid in more detail than the five components we'll be looking at

However, unlike the Sass crash course, we will see how to use Bootstrap in a practical way, since we'll be using it directly in our example application as we lay out the home page in this chapter.

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