Implementing our selected wireframes

The three wireframes (that is, component templates) that I've selected to implement with you in this chapter are the following:

  • Create Listing (included because there are many sections and elements within the view)
  • Edit Listing (included for the same reason as Create Listing)
  • Preview Listing (included because there are very few elements within the view)

In the listing of the aforementioned wireframes , you may have noticed that there are three wireframes that have been marked as excluded from coverage in the book. Here is the wireframe exclusion list, along with the reason for its exclusion:

  • Edit Profile: This has been excluded because it is just another edit form (much like the Edit Listing screen)
  • Property Listing: This has been excluded because it is just another listing screen (much like the Photo Listing screen)
  • Property Details: This has been excluded because it is a static screen that is uninteresting to us, from an Angular perspective
  • Edit Photo: This has been excluded because it's yet again just another edit form

However, don't fret. All the code for the application that we'll be building together throughout the remaining pages, including the code for the four wireframes that we won't be implemented in the book, as well as the non-UI-based code (such as the Python-based APIs in Chapter 12, Integrating Backend Data Services, and more), are being made available to you as a download. I have you covered.

One last noteworthy point, and then we'll get on with some Flex-Layout coding. You can tell that our application will require some wireframes to be revisited more than once so that we can complete it—that is, we'll be building our application in pieces and in what seems like a chaotic back and forth fashion. This is not because the author is off his rockeras some of his friends would love to tell you stories that make a strong case for just the oppositebut rather, it is by design. Remember, the philosophy of this book is to maximize your effectiveness of the absorption of the material, so you embark on the journey to becoming an Angular guru as quickly as possible. To the extent possible, we will immediately implement what material we cover so that it makes immediate sense, and sticks. That's the goaland is also why I wanted to include the preceding table (that is, associating the wireframes with the chapters and topics).

There's typically a method to my madness (wink). Let's now turn our attention to the implementation of the three wireframes for this chapter.

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