Why FlexBox CSS is probably the best option

After reading the few preceding paragraphs in the previous section, who the winner is should come as no surprise to you. It's definitely FlexBox CSS. Let's summarize this with a list of factors that should be considered when selecting a layout option:

  • Browser reach: As developers, we care deeply about the reach of our web applications.
  • Ease of use: This one is a bit of a stretch, I know—both Bootstrap's grid and Flex-Layout are built on top of it, making it easier to use. But once you get your head around FlexBox CSS, most layout requirements can be handled fairly easily.
  • Ease of maintenance: This one follows from the previous bullet point. But something that most developers are surprised by is the fact that, during the lifespan of a typical application, 20% of the time that developers are involved with it is in building it, whereas 80% of developer time with the application is in maintaining itand so this last bullet point cannot be overemphasized.

Again, we're not considering Bootstrap and Flex-Layout to be layout techniques because they are tools/frameworks superimposed on top of the underlying layout techniques.

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