Compass framework

Compass is a CSS authoring framework that is built on top of Sass, providing some neat additions, and will also compile your Sass to CSS. A compass is an option for you if you're working on non-Angular projects (remember, the Angular CLI takes care of compiling Sass to CSS for us for our Angular projects). We won't be covering Compass in this book, but I wanted to at least bring the technology to your attention because I know that Angular is not the only technology you'll be using as a web developerhowever, as web developers, we can't avoid using CSS!

The takeaway point here is that you can simply use the Angular CLI for Sass for Angular projects, but do take a look at leveraging Compass for your non-Angular projects, especially if your project tends to be CSS heavy.

Large companies use Compass. Two of them that I know of, and whose online services I utilize on a daily bases, are LinkedIn (, the world's largest employment-oriented social networking service, and Heroku (, a super popular cloud application platform.

You can learn all you want to about Compass at their official website, which can be found here: Another nice online reference that provides tutorials on Sass and Compass is named The Sass Way, and can be found here:

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