Generating our to-do list application

With the installation of what we need now being out of the way—meaning we have our CLI tool available to us—go to your terminal and type the following at your command prompt $ ng new to-dolist --style=scss --routing, and then hit Enter.

The ng command runs the CLI tool, and its new command instructs it to create a new Angular application. The application, in this case, is named to-dolist. You'll notice that there also are two command-line flags, which are special options for the new command. The style flag tells the CLI that we'd like to use scss, instead of css, and the routing flag tells the CLI that we'd like it to integrate and set up routing for us by default. We'll be using SASS, as opposed to CSS, in this book, and SCSS is the file extension for Sass files. As a reminder, we're going to have a crash course on Sass in Chapter 3Bootstrap – Grid Layout and Components.

The first time you use the CLI to create your Angular application, it will take anywhere from 45 seconds to well over a minute for it to create your project for you. This is because it needs to download and install various things for you before it creates the project's folder structure. However, when creating subsequent Angular applications, the CLI won't take nearly as long.

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