The (quick) roadmap

This chapter is a crash course on TypeScript and is meant to serve as a way to fast-track the transition from JavaScript to TypeScript for developers who are already comfortable with JavaScript. 

As was mentioned in Chapter 1, Quick Start, TypeScript is the language we'll be using throughout this book when working on Angular-specific things and so this chapter serves as your preparation for the programmatic part of getting up to speed for web development with Angular. You can think of Chapter 3, Bootstrap – Grid Layout and Components, as being this chapter's cousin, in that its goal is similar but for the presentation side (that is, the layout of the web pages) as opposed to the programmatic side. Together, Chapter 2ECMAScript and TypeScript Crash Course, and Chapter 3, Bootstrap – Grid Layout and Components, will round out the prerequisites for building client-side web applications in general—regardless of the client-side web application framework, but also specifically for Angular-based ones. From Chapter 5Flex-layout – Angular's Powerful Responsive Layout Engine, onward, it's going to all pretty much be Angular-centric. In a nutshell, that's our roadmap for this chapter and the next. Let's start warming up our technical muscles!

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