
You should now feel comfortable with what DI is, and what problem it solves. You should also be able to list a few of the advantages—thus being able to explain why DI is a good principle for us to follow in designing our applications. And you should also be comfortable in explaining away the seemingly magical feats that Angular performs in making everything work out of the box. And finally, you should also now know how to guard your DI code against code minification.

Armed with this DI knowledge, we can now continue our journey into discovering one of Angular's most useful services, its HTTP service, in Chapter 12, Integrating Backend Data Services. Once you complete the next chapter, you will be ready to write code to integrate your Angular application with virtually any RESTful API-compliant application and/or service that your application is authorized to talk to. That should sound exciting to you! If it does, turn the page and continue your journey to Angular enlightenment.

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