Accordions and expansion panels

One other very cool UI component is accordions, or expansion panels. It's very handy to use when we need to group data together. We will need to use <mat-accordion> and <mat-expansion-panel>, which are provided in the MatExpansionModule module, to implement the accordion functionality in our application. Take a look at the following sample code:

<mat-card class="z-depth" >
<mat-card-title>Material Expansion Panels</mat-card-title>
Personal Details
<mat-expansion-panel >
Professional Details
<p>I'm visible because I am open</p>

Each <mat-expansion-panel> will have a <mat-expansion-panel-header>, where we can provide the title and description for the expansion panel, and we place the content inside the <mat-expansion-panel> directive itself. The output of the preceding code is as follows:

There will be use cases where we need to walk the user through a series of steps. That's where our next component comes into the picture. It's called a stepper. As the name suggests, this will be used to design steps either horizontally or vertically, and will group a series of steps that the user can navigate to.

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