Chapter 10. Standardizing Security

Network and Internet security are dominated by security protocols. A veritable sea of cryptic abbreviations and acronyms can confuse and confound anyone new to the discipline of security. We will look at some specifics here, covering such protocols as SSL, SSH, and IPSEC. These protocols will be introduced here, and we will cover their histories.

As you may already know, the Internet works on the same principles as your typical local area network (LAN), just at a much larger scale. For this reason, we can look at network and Internet security as being essentially the same. Similar problems plague both small networks and the Internet. Some of these problems are due to uncontrollable factors, such as weather and the unpredictability of end-users. The problems may be concerted efforts from malicious individuals or organizations that have something to gain from stealing information or making use of the network difficult. However, both purposeful and unintended failures in the system compromise the security of your application.

Almost every communications protocol has some type of built-in security, but it is up to the application developer whether or not to use those options. This obviously leads to security problems, since lazy or hurried engineers are likely to skip robust security features in an effort to get the product to market. Though this could be a problem for the aforementioned protocols, we will now look at some of the various protocols designed explicitly for secure communications. Some of them, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are simply enhancements to existing, less-secure protocols (such as TCP). Others are stand-alone protocols that perform a specific service for the application—such as in the case of the Secure Shell protocol, or SSH, which provides a secure form of remote console (similar to Telnet).

Before we get started, we should point out a general feature of most secure communications protocols. In order to be generally useful, a secure protocol should not be limited to only supporting connections with known systems, but should allow for anonymous yet secure communications with any system. The reason for this is that it is extremely impractical to set up predefined trusted networks for some applications. Sometimes this is necessary, as when setting up a virtual private network (VPN), but most applications generally use some type of authentication, such as a password, to trust the remote machine. For this reason, most dedicated protocols utilize some form of public-key encryption, which allows for the sharing of cryptographic keys with unknown systems. The problem with using public-key encryption, as was mentioned earlier, is that the algorithms are extremely slow—sometimes thousands of times slower than their simpler, symmetric counterparts. In order to deal with this problem, many of the protocols utilizing public-key cryptography use a hybrid approach that uses the public-key algorithm to securely exchange keys for a faster symmetric algorithm.

For now, we will take a quick tour of some dedicated security protocols to introduce the reader to the technology and learn of the security options available to application designers.

10.1. Protocol Madness

The IT industry and the Internet are dominated by protocols. As was seen previously, there are many different protocols that play various roles in allowing two devices to communicate via a network. From the lowest levels of the hardware layer, to high level abstractions, protocols are everywhere. Logically, it follows that security is a concern for all these protocols, and even the security itself is defined by other protocols. Before we get into specific protocols, however, we are going to look at the security protocol and what it means, in general, for your application.

10.2. Standardizing Security—A Brief History

Security has long been a concern for computer applications developers, as there have been hackers wanting to compromise systems from the earliest days of computer networks. Indeed, the first networks were used by corporations and the military, both targets for espionage and both have information they want kept secret. In the beginning, security, like the machines being protected, was crude and often fatally flawed in execution. Not until there were those with the motives and cunning to push the boundaries of what well-behaved machines were supposed to do was there any great desire to mathematically ensure that a system was safe. However, with the growing threat of hackers in the 1970s it quickly became apparent that computer security needed some rigorous treatment if anything was ever to be secure at all.

There was a lot of work in the 1960s on security, but it was mostly unpublished. In the 1970s academics began to collect information on security and began analyzing the mathematical foundations of those ideas. They found various holes in the assumed security of preexisting systems and began a rigorous mathematical discipline to produce algorithms that would provide security and stand up to mathematical analysis. They abandoned the existing idea of “security by obfuscation,” which is essentially the practice relying on the hiding of security algorithms from attackers. This turns out to be a very insecure practice, as there are many ways to attack the algorithms used for security without actually knowing the algorithm. That being said, keeping the algorithm secret can help with security—at least on a superficial level. It is now generally assumed by security experts that allowing rigorous public scrutiny of algorithms is better than keeping the algorithms secret, since there is a higher chance of finding problems in the algorithms before an attacker finds them and uses them for malicious purposes.

Besides abandoning traditional security ideas, another major development in the 1970s was the development of a new type of cryptography. Since ancient times, there had been only one basic type of security—the shared-key, or symmetric, cryptography where both parties must have knowledge of a secret key shared ahead of the communications. This was OK for some applications, such as military communications, but it presented some problems with computer networks, since there was no effective way to share the key without compromising security or making the whole network idea much less useful (if you can just hand the key to someone, why not just hand them the data?). Some pioneers thought about how they could protect data without having to share a secret ahead of time. The basic idea was to develop algorithms that have a two-part key, with one half being public to share, and the other half being secret to provide the security. Public-key security was thus born.

There were a couple of different public-key algorithms developed, but one was basically universally adopted due to a couple of unique properties. RSA, named for its inventors Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman, was reversible, unlike the other primary algorithm of the day, Diffie-Hellman (also named for its inventors). This symmetry allowed for two different but complimentary applications. RSA could be used for basic public-key cryptography, using the public-key to send an encrypted message to the owner of its matching private key. The advantage was that with RSA, the private key allowed the owner to encrypt a message that could then be decrypted with the public-key, thus proving that the message was sent from the owner of the private key that matched the public-key. This allowed for authentication over a network—if Alice knows Bob’s public-key belongs to Bob, then she can decrypt an identifier sent by Bob and she will know that only he could have sent it, authenticating its validity (assuming that Bob’s key is still secret). With RSA and other public-key algorithms, the fledgling Internet finally had a mechanism that could make network communications safe and efficient.

As the Internet gained more users in the 1980s, primarily corporations and academic institutions, many different protocols were developed, many competing for adoption. However, since the Internet was used not by the public, but by large organizations, there were few standards developed—each organization just used their own security. Services provided by the network, like email and file transfer, just were not secured because either no one saw the need, or the performance penalty was unacceptable.

It was not until the early 1990s that security really began to gain a mainstream foothold. The invention of the World Wide Web led to an explosion of users, and it became more and more evident that security was needed badly. Companies like Microsoft and Netscape (you may recall that Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer became the two predominant web browsers in the mid 1990s) tried to increase the use of their products through the introduction of generic protocols that could be used to secure any and all Web traffic. In the end, it was Netscape who won, with their implementation of the Secure Sockets Layer protocol, or SSL. SSL caught on quickly, and finally settled at version 3,which is still in widespread use today (version 1 was never released to the public and version 2 was found to be fatally flawed and nearly completely insecure). SSL was finally standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), one of the standards organizations for the Internet, as Transport Layer Security, or TLS. TLS was introduced in the late 1990s and is available in essentially all Web browsers and servers. The existence of SSL was one of the major factors that made the e-commerce explosion happen.

Today, security is needed more than ever. More and more, everyday items are being networked. Ordinary items are finding new uses through network interfacing, and this trend will only continue to grow. With everything connected to the global Internet, it is obvious we need to protect all that information. Fortunately, there are ways to adapt security mechanisms and protocols to resource-constrained systems so that even the most modest devices can have some modicum of security. The rest of this chapter will focus on security protocols and mechanisms, and how we can adapt them to work in resource-constrained environments.

10.3. Standardized Security in Practice

As a result of the efforts of researchers and investment in the infrastructure, we today have a large number of standard algorithms, protocols, and models to choose from when securing an application. Indeed, as the Internet is dominated by standards, so too is the realm of cryptography and security. Obviously with the pace of technological innovation today, likely all of these protocols and algorithms will be obsolete within the next decade or so, but you do not want to choose anything that is on its way to being replaced or removed.

10.3.1. Cryptographic Algorithms

The state of security standards today is pretty exciting. New algorithms are being developed, and even new types of encryption are being created, like elliptic-curve encryption and quantum encryption. There are many options to choose from and it can be difficult to choose a particular algorithm or protocol.

Several venerable algorithms are being made obsolete, such as the Data Encryption Standard (DES), which was developed in the 1970s but has recently been showing its age. Originally, DES used a 54-bit key, and at the time, it was thought that 54 bits was large enough to not be broken using a brute-force attack in any reasonable amount of time. However, the advances in computing power in the 1980s were not predicted,[1] and by the 1990s 54-bit DES was broken using a distributed application. Today, a 54-bit key is easily broken. One answer to the aging DES was a variant called 3-DES (“triple-DES”), where the key actually consists of three 54-bit DES keys strung together for a total effective key size of 162 bits. This provides a fairly effective level of encryption, but the general algorithm is slow, and other algorithms were needed for higher performance. In older applications where speed is not as much of an issue, 3DES is still widely used.

1 Moore's law predicted in the 1960s that the density and performance of integrated circuits would double roughly every 18 months or so, but apparently none of the DES designers thought the prediction would hold true for so long.

A lot of cryptographic algorithms were developed in the 1990s, many of which were compiled into Bruce Schneier’s classic Applied Cryptography. One algorithm that has remained relatively popular due to its blazing performance is Rivest Cipher 4, or RC4 (Rivest is the “R” in RSA). Originally a trade secret of RSA Security (the company founded by the creators of RSA), RC4 was leaked to the Internet and has since become a very popular cipher, since it is extremely easy to implement, and it is exceedingly fast. However, RC4 has not been through a thorough mathematical analysis (as DES was) and it is a stream cipher (which means there are some caveats in using it), so though it seems to be secure, there is some doubt that accompanies the algorithm. These doubts have not prevented RC4 from being built into virtually every web browser as part of the SSL protocol, and a large number of secure Internet transactions are performed using 128-bit RC4.

With DES becoming obsolete and algorithms like RC4 not having the rigorous treatment to give everyone confidence, there was a big push to create a new standard algorithm. To create interest in developing a new standard, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a competition in the late 1990s that called for submissions of algorithms that would all undergo thorough public and internal analysis, with a committee to choose the final algorithm. A number of entries from top cryptographers were considered for what would become the Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES. After much public debate and scrutiny, the NIST committee chose an algorithm called Rijndael, named for its creators (the name was actually a combination of the author’s names). Now commonly known as AES, Rijndael is the standard encryption method used by the United States government and numerous other organizations. Essentially every security protocol today supports AES (except for those created before AES—and those protocols likely use a variant of DES).

In contrast to the variety of algorithms described above, which are all symmetric-key algorithms, there are relatively few public-key algorithms in use today. This is primarily due to the dominance of one particular public-key algorithm, RSA. Named for its inventors (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman), RSA is so simple to implement and so elegant in its execution that most other contenders are just not attractive enough to bother using. RSA was a patented algorithm, and for a number of years was available only under license from RSA Security, the company created by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman to govern not only RSA but a number of other security algorithms, protocols, and services. However, the patent for RSA recently expired, and with no barriers remaining it has become the primary public-key algorithm in use today. Despite RSA’s dominance of the field, however, there are some other algorithms that are available, such as Diffie-Hellman (one of the first public-key algorithms), PGP (Pretty Good Privacy, used for email encryption, among other things), and DSS (Digital Signature Standard, an open protocol that was designed for digital signatures). Due to the slow performance of public-key operations, all these algorithms are usually relegated to specific uses where the public-key encryption properties are explicitly needed; otherwise a faster symmetric algorithm is usually chosen.

10.3.2. Cryptography in Practice

Now let’s take a look at a couple of algorithms a little more in depth. Due to their widespread use, we will focus on four common algorithms, DES/3DES, RC4, AES, and RSA. Please note that the descriptions of these algorithms in the following sections are derived from publicly available specifications and from Bruce Schneier’s excellent reference, Applied Cryptography. Later on, in the case studies, we will look at the implementation of these algorithms and how we can apply them in our own applications. For now, we will just take a look at the algorithms, where they come from, why they are popular, and what they can and should be used for. DES

The Data Encryption Standard was developed in the early 1970s by a team from IBM with some help from the National Security Association (NSA). Many of the details of the implementation remained secret for many years, as the NSA did not want to reveal what techniques it had up its sleeves. The algorithm IBM had created was originally called Lucifer and was modified and tweaked by the IBM team and the NSA as a response to a call from the NIST precursor for a government standard encryption scheme. The public response was enthusiastic but underwhelming (no one was really studying cryptography at the time), so the design from the IBM team was a shoe-in. DES was originally intended to be implemented in hardware and was designed around the technology of the time. However, the published specification contained enough information for software implementations to be designed once general-purpose computers became more accessible. DES by itself is a fairly quick algorithm, but its standard 56-bit key is too small to be practical anymore (a 56-bit key can be broken using brute force methods over a distributed network in very little time). Triple-DES, or 3DES, uses 3 56-bit keys to achieve a higher level of security, and is more standard today. Despite its age and suspicious involvement of the NSA in its design, DES has stood the test of time and still remains a viable cryptographic algorithm.

The implementation of DES has some small challenges in software, as a couple of operations are trivial to implement in hardware but require some additional work to implement programmatically. The math behind DES is heavy-duty (you can read all about it in Applied Cryptography), but the implementation is straightforward, since most of the tricky math is actually wrapped up in a collection of constants that are used essentially to randomize the data being encrypted. These constants are put into what are called substitution boxes, or s-boxes, and permutation boxes (p-boxes). The real security of DES resides in the s-boxes and in the key—we aren’t going to worry about why DES is secure (plenty of books and papers have been written on the subject)—for our purposes we can just assume that it is.

Unfortunately, the use of DES is discouraged by pretty much everyone for new development and designs, so its utility is a bit limited. In fact, original DES should not be used at all, since it is considered too weak (see the explanation earlier in this chapter), so 3DES is really the only option. Despite the fact you shouldn’t use DES anymore, it is still implemented in a wide array of applications, and if you are attempting to interface with a legacy product, it may require DES, so we include it for this reason. RC4

RC4 is probably the simplest algorithm in existence for securing information. The entire operation is essentially an XOR and a swap in a 256-entry table. The operation is completely reversible (the same operation is used both to encrypt and decrypt), and extremely fast. RC4 was originally a trade secret of RSA Security, and was invented by Ron Rivest (the “R” in RSA). The introduction of RC4 to the public is rather unique as well. Someone managed to reverse-engineer the algorithm and this person then posted the source code on the Internet that was completely compatible with the proprietary implementation! Oddly enough, the public implementation was different enough from RSA’s implementation that they could not claim it was stolen. Since the algorithm was not sanctioned by RSA or Rivest, the public version of RC4 was referred to as Alleged RC4 (ARC4) for many years. The algorithms are exactly the same though, and as a result, there is no effective difference between the two.

RC4’s unique origins and its simple implementation have made it quite popular, and essentially every web browser and SSL implementation supports it. It can be implemented in just a few lines of C code, and is blazingly fast. The real downside to RC4 is that it has not been as rigorously studied as other algorithms, and this makes many security experts a little uncomfortable. Beyond that, the fact that RC4 is a stream cipher has some inherent drawbacks to implementation. Specifically, if an RC4 key is used twice to decrypt different messages, then the encrypted messages can be combined to retrieve the plaintext message without knowing the key. However, as long as you never reuse the same key (there are a lot of keys in 128 bits), then you should be OK (see below).

Other than the issues we mentioned, there are no known attacks on RC4 itself as of this writing, and it seems to be an OK cipher (the attacks we talk about are actually targeted at poor implementations of RC4 in a system). It is a good algorithm if you want a reasonable level of security for many applications, but be advised that the jury is still out, and there is always the possibility of a breakthrough that could make it obsolete. There are also a number of drawbacks to using stream ciphers that, if not accounted for, can lead to a compromise of the security.

One major caveat to point out with RC4 is that it is a stream cipher (as opposed to a block cipher like AES or DES). A major problem in using stream ciphers (or using block ciphers in a stream-cipher mode) is what is called a substitution attack. If the attacker knows the format and portions of the plaintext message, he can anticipate where parts of the message will be and actually modify the encrypted message without knowing the key. For example, it would be fairly trivial to change the word “Canada” to “Israel” in a message (note that the words are the same number of characters so the message would still make sense) if the attacker knew that the word “Canada” was in the message and knew its position within the message. This is especially problematic for banking or database transactions, since they may be automated and can be expected to follow a particular format. Protocols that utilize stream ciphers effectively use a checksum or hash of the message included in the encrypted payload to check for any tampering.

Another problem with stream ciphers is that you must never use the same key twice. The problem here is a mathematical property of stream ciphers—if an attacker has two different encrypted messages that use the exact same key then he can retrieve the message rather trivially. The solution to this problem is to use what is called an initialization vector, which is essentially a one-time random string of data that is combined with the secret key to produce a relatively unique key for transferring data (SSL and other protocols that use stream ciphers do this). The initialization vector must be large enough to ensure that the probability of using the same vector twice is extremely low.[2] This was one of the issues with WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), a broken Wi-Fi security protocol which we will discuss more later), since it used sufficiently short initialization vectors to increase the probability of a match to a level easily broken by a computer. Roughly once in a few thousand connections there would be two connections that had the same initialization vector, allowing for the aforementioned attack to work.

2 The so-called “birthday paradox” illustrates (somewhat counterintuitively) that the probability of two arbitrary numbers in a random set being the same is much higher than pure randomness would seem to dictate. This is the basis of a birthday party trick, since if there are more than 20 people in a room, the probability of two people having the same birthday is close to 50% (you just can't pick which 2).

RC4 (and other stream ciphers) can be used safely if the appropriate measures are taken to account for the caveats mentioned above. However, it is important to keep up on the state of cryptography to be sure no new attacks are found. If you really need security that is standard and backed by a lot of experts, you should look to AES instead—it isn’t as simple or as fast as RC4 (it’s close though), but it is a standard used by the US government, so at least your application will be in the same boat as everyone else. AES

As was mentioned previously, the Rijndael algorithm was chosen in the early 2000s by NIST to be the new government standard symmetric encryption algorithm, otherwise known as the Advanced Encryption Standard.[3] Intended as a replacement for DES, AES utilizes much of the knowledge gained in the 30 years between its development and the introduction of DES as a standard. AES is also designed to take advantage of modern computer architectures as well, so it is a little less cumbersome than its predecessor. The AES algorithm is a fairly simple design that lends itself to high performance and elegance of implementation. Also, one of the stipulations of the AES competition was that the algorithm should be designed to be easily implemented in hardware, so AES has some properties that make hardware acceleration a real possibility.

3 AES actually defines various modes of operation, which makes it more of a protocol than an algorithm. However, the AES moniker is usually used to refer to the basic Rijndael algorithm, which is how we will refer to it throughout this book.

AES can be implemented completely in software or completely in hardware. More recently, a hybrid approach has been taken, moving some of the more expensive operations into hardware while leaving the rest of the implementation in software. This new approach has several distinct advantages. The hardware, not being dedicated specifically to AES, can be more general and less expensive. Having the hardware acceleration, however, makes the software smaller and faster. Several companies provide various levels of AES acceleration, even going so far as to add specific AES instructions into a processor so that no external hardware devices are needed. Generally speaking, if you need a symmetric encryption algorithm for an application, you should use AES. It is the safest choice because it is the standard used by the US government and it is backed by some of the leading experts in cryptography. If AES is ever broken, it won’t be your fault (and it wouldn’t matter anyway, since everyone else would be in big trouble too). RSA

The three algorithms we have looked at so far are all symmetric-key algorithms that are very useful if you have a good way to exchange keys with the person or machine with which you want to communicate. In some cases, a physical transfer of the key may be possible and appropriate, but more often, an electronic means of key delivery is more applicable. Today, in most cases, this method is RSA. Developed and patented by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman in 1978, RSA is the most well-known and probably most useful public-key algorithm. One of the most useful properties of RSA is that it can be used both for the basic public-key operation (I send you my public-key so you can encrypt a message to send back to me), and for authentication (I encrypt a message with my private key which you can verify came from me using my known public-key). This property makes RSA especially useful for protocols that utilize both a public-key operation and authentication, like SSL.

RSA is an elegantly simple algorithm with some extremely complex math behind it. Essentially, RSA consists of a function that utilizes some unique properties of large prime numbers and modular mathematics. The key generation for RSA involves selecting two very large prime numbers and multiplying them together. The trick is that if you know the prime factors used to generate the key then the RSA encryption function is simple to reverse (thereby decrypting an encrypted message). If you don’t know those factors, then you have to find them by factoring a REALLY large number into its component prime factors, a process that takes an extremely long time using today’s math and technology. It is possible that we may discover a fast way to factor large numbers in the future, and this would be a very big problem, since it would render RSA completely useless. This prime factoring can be considered similar to the brute-force search required for the naïve attack on symmetric algorithms. However, factoring a number is inherently easier than searching through all possible symmetric keys represented by a number of the same size. It is for this reason that symmetric keys are often 128 bits long, but a similarly-secure RSA key will be 1024 or 2048 bits long. Unfortunately, these large numbers are hard to deal with, even on a computer, so RSA is significantly slower than any of the symmetric algorithms we have looked at.

RSA is too slow to be generally useful, but since it does have specific useful properties, it is usually used along with a faster symmetric algorithm, usually to exchange symmetric keys.

RSA should be used with some type of hardware acceleration if at all possible. Fortunately, like AES, there are a number of products available that either implement RSA entirely in hardware or provide some type of acceleration for software implementations. The primary part of RSA that benefits from acceleration is the modular math—literally millions of operations are done in a typical RSA operation and any improvement in their speed will result in a significant improvement in performance.

RSA is an extremely useful algorithm that is employed in thousands of applications. We will look more at how RSA is implemented, and what we can do to alleviate the performance bottleneck, when we look at SSL.

10.4. Cryptography and Protocols

Most of the time, cryptographic algorithms are not used on their own, but rather as part of a complete security system or protocol. Indeed, as was mentioned earlier, RSA is pretty much always used with some symmetric algorithm as a key exchange mechanism. Security protocols are designed to address specific problems in communications. Many protocols are designed to be used for a particular application, such as the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, which is designed to provide a remote text-based console, like Telnet but secure.[4] Some protocols are designed to be a general-purpose solution, encrypting everything that is sent between two machines on a network. Examples of this type of protocol include SSL and IPSEC.

4 SSH is actually now a more general purpose collection of secure utilities, but its original intent was as a secure replacement for Telnet.

When choosing a protocol for an application, you have to look at not only the features that the protocol provides, but also how the protocol has proven itself in the field. SSL version 2 (the first publicly available version, implemented as part of the Netscape web browser) seemed to be secure, but was later shown to be fatally flawed. The replacement, SSL version 3, has been in use for almost a decade now, and seems to work pretty well. You also need to look at who designed the protocol—was it “design by committee” or were there some security experts and cryptographers involved? A recent example of why you need to research a protocol before using it is the case of the Wired-Equivalent Protocol (WEP), used by the Wi-Fi protocol suite to provide basic security for wireless transmissions. The protocol was designed by a committee that did not include the appropriate experts, and once the protocol went public, it did not take very long for some real experts to show that the protocol was fatally flawed. Having learned their lesson, the committee used some real experts and cryptographers to implement the replacement, called WPA.

Implementing a security protocol can be a bit tricky, since there are a lot of places where you can go wrong. Probably the best defense against improperly implementing a security protocol is to strictly follow good software engineering practices. You should also look into hiring a real security or cryptography expert as a consultant—an expert will know exactly where the weak points of an implementation are and help you to fix them. The other problem is that a security breach is unrelated to the protocol, residing in another part of the system entirely. This means you can easily fall into the trap of believing that your system is secure since you used a secure protocol, but neglecting the rest of the application can make all your efforts with the protocol meaningless.

10.5. Other Security Protocols

To finish out the chapter, we will look at some of the most popular alternative protocols. Some of these protocols and algorithms are more specialized than the general-purpose SSL, which can be both an advantage and an issue. On one hand, the more specialized a protocol or standard is, the more likely it is that it can be implemented in a small footprint. On the other hand, the specialized nature of the protocols leaves less room for flexibility, but for some applications, this may not be an issue. The following is intended to be a brief overview of the protocols, rather than an in-depth analysis, so we can get to the discussion of the Secure Sockets Layer.

10.5.1. SSH

Sharing many similarities to a specialized version of SSL, the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol provides a secure Telnet-style console interface, as well as several other remote-access services. This is a highly useful tool for creating secure remote configuration interfaces, since it is geared toward remote shell functionality. Due to the similarity in abbreviations, SSH is often confused with SSL, but they are separate protocols developed by separate organizations (the Netscape Corporation created SSL, and SSH was developed by a Finnish researcher). The two protocols do share many similarities, such as the use of public-key encryption to exchange symmetric-key encryption keys and the inclusion of both authentication and encryption mechanisms. The current version of SSH is an updated variant of the original that provides more security and has been standardized by the IETF in RFC 4251.

The SSH protocol is an important security tool and as an implementation that is provided as a standard utility in many operating systems. Also, like SSL, there is an open-source implementation available ( For more information on SSH, check out RFC 4251 and Open SSH.

10.5.2. IPSEC

IPSEC is a protocol designed to work at the IP layer, and is widely used for implementing Virtual Private Networks. IPSEC is a security framework similar to SSL, but with a bit larger scope. The IPSEC protocol, described in RFC 2401, consists of various security mechanisms and policies that are used to build different kinds of secure tunnels between devices. The protocol is quite broad, and implementing it for an embedded system would represent many challenges. We mention IPSEC because it is an important component of network security, but SSL (or TLS) can be used for creating similar secure networking tunnels. SSL has the advantage of being a simpler protocol that is built on top of the underlying network stack (usually between the application and a TCP layer), whereas IPSEC is implemented lower in the stack, at the IP layer as seen in Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1. IPSEC vs. SSL in the network stack

10.5.3. Other Protocols

Finally, to close out our discussion on security protocols, we will briefly mention a few other protocols and standards. There are literally hundreds of protocols available for security, many of them freely available through the IETF RFC standards. There are also numerous security packages available from various vendors, and some of them are quite popular, but those products frequently use predefined and proven algorithms and mechanisms. For cryptographic algorithms, one need only look at the size of Applied Cryptography and glance through it to learn that those algorithms number in the thousands. In this chapter we have covered the most popular and recognizable standards, since they are proven in thousands of applications. There are many references on the more obscure algorithms, but they are generally of more academic than practical interest. A few remaining protocols that bear mentioning here are: HTTP authentication, the HTTPS protocol (HTTP over SSL), secure FTP, and PGP.

HTTP authentication is basically a simple mechanism that provides a minimum level of integrity checking. The only thing HTTP authentication does is authenticate a username and associated password for an HTTP session, but it does not do any encryption or other protection of information. HTTP authentication can use either a plaintext mode or a digest mode. In the plaintext mode, the protocol sends the username and password as plaintext over the network and checks them against a database of stored usernames. Other than maybe keeping out nosy (and stupid) kids, there is really no use for this mode. In digest mode, the authentication is a little more secure, since it utilizes a challenge-response mechanism that requires the password to be hashed before being sent. This is slightly more useful than the plaintext mode, but it still provides only a thin layer of security that really is an illusion. It may keep your kids from modifying your personal webpage, but it really doesn’t fit the bill for anything else.

Despite the basic uselessness of HTTP authentication on its own, it actually does have a use when it is paired with HTTPS. The HTTPS protocol, described in RFC 2818, is simply the HTTP protocol as used over TLS (or SSL). There are a few slight differences in the way the protocol works, but those differences will not affect most applications. We will actually discuss HTTPS more in later chapters, especially when we look at SSL and client-server protocols, but we mention it here for its use with HTTP authentication. The SSL protocol provides a secure channel between two devices on a network, and it even provides some level of authentication via the use of digital certificates. However, the authentication may not be enough in some cases, as when an SSL server does not provide client certificate authentication (SSL dictates that clients perform authentication on server certificates, but the reverse operation of servers authenticating clients is optional). If you have implemented an embedded device with an HTTPS interface and it does not support client certificate authentication, then anyone can connect to the device. The channel will be secure, but the device has no way of authenticating the user on the other end, unless you implement something yourself. This type of situation is where HTTP authentication can be useful as seen in Figure 10.2. The authentication mechanism is already built into HTTP, so all you have to do is enable it for your HTTP interface. Once the SSL session is established, the HTTP server will perform password authentication as normal, but in this case, the username and password will not be sent as plaintext over the network. As a result, the authentication is secure.

Figure 10.2. Authentication in HTTP vs. HTTPS

The last two security technologies we will mention are secure FTP (FTP over SSL) and PGP.[5] Secure FTP (not to be confused with SFTP, the Simple File Transfer Protocol), is simply the implementation of FTP over an SSL connection. It will behave in the same manner as FTP, but the information being transmitted will be encrypted. Quite different from Secure FTP, PGP is an overloaded name—it refers to a product, a company, and a technology. Originally written in the early 1990s, PGP started out as a program to secure emails using public-key cryptography (it used its own algorithm). Still in use today, PGP is provided in commercial products that provide various levels of security and authentication. The commercial products are targeted at specific platforms, but the original technology could be adapted to an embedded application. This would, of course, require you to obtain the source code for the old PGP technology, which is likely protected by copyright, but it would be an interesting project to see if it could be ported to an embedded system—encrypted email could be a useful feature in many embedded applications.

5 5PGP is a trademark of the PGP Corporation.

10.5.4. Wrap-Up

We have only scratched the surface of security protocols in this chapter, but it should be enough to get started. In the next chapter, we cover a single protocol in more depth, since it is so important to security in general. This protocol is used in virtually every secure Web transaction today: the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

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