Chapter 12. Cryptography

In this chapter we will look at choosing and optimizing cryptographic algorithms, particularly for resource-constrained systems, such as embedded systems. We will look at various strategies for choosing algorithms for specific applications, and look at some specific algorithms as well as some strategies to avoid some of the more expensive cryptographic operations without compromising security.

First of all, we will look at whether cryptography is even necessary. Some applications can actually get away without using traditional cryptography. These applications utilize other mechanisms, such as hashing algorithms, in order to provide some assurance about data. The big advantage here is that hashing algorithms are typically many orders of magnitude faster than symmetric or public-key cryptography. One classification that will help us make the decision is whether or not we care about eavesdropping. If we only care that the data is reliable, and do not care who gets it, we can definitely avoid cryptography. We will look at these types of applications and come up with some other general rules for determining if an application requires the more expensive operations, or can get away with less.

We will look at cryptographic hashing, and discuss some optimizations and other tricks that can be used to speed up commonly used algorithms. Due to recent discoveries of weaknesses in the commonly used algorithms MD5 and SHA-1, we will also look at the future of hashing, and see if there is an alternative method, or new algorithms we can choose.

For those applications that require absolute secrecy, there are many options that will help the embedded developer meet the goals of performance, cost, and security. We will look at some specific algorithms, such as DES/3DES, which is slow and obsolete but still necessary for some applications. AES, the replacement for DES, will also be covered, and specifically, some of the hardware options available. Additionally, we will look at RC4 and other ciphers that provide a marked performance advantage over the bulkier DES and AES, but are not as provably secure.

Finally, we will cover public-key algorithms, and specifically, RSA, by far the most commonly used public-key cipher. Unfortunately, RSA and other public-key algorithms are extremely slow, requiring hardware assistance on many platforms—not just small embedded systems. However, these algorithms are essential to certain protocols (primarily SSL and SSH), so we will look at ways of handling the computationally intense public-key operations, including software tricks and hardware assistance.

12.1. Do We Need Cryptography?

One of the first steps in building a secure embedded system is to see if cryptography is actually needed. Whenever security is discussed, many engineers will immediately think of cryptography as the solution, when in fact, many options may exist that do not strictly require cryptography. Sure, cryptography is an important part of securing applications, but it is not a security panacea, nor is it always necessary for building a secure system. To many people, cryptography is a mysterious and confusing, almost magical area of computer science that is reserved for cloistered geniuses at top academic institutions and the US National Security Agency. The NSA is mysterious and secretive, and it is believed to employ some of the greatest cryptographers in the world, only adding to the idea that cryptography is an untouchable discipline.

There have been some attempts over the last couple of decades to bring cryptography out from behind its cloak of mystery, most notably with the publication of Applied Cryptography by renowned security expert Bruce Schneier. Schneier, more than any other individual, has brought cryptography into mainstream computer science by unveiling the techniques employed in most common cryptographic algorithms. That being said, a stream of inaccurate portrayals of cryptography in Hollywood and television, combined with unrelenting advertising campaigns for various security products, have only served to keep those not involved directly in computer science in the dark. For this reason, it can be difficult to explain to managers or hardware engineers what exactly cryptography is, let alone convince them that it will not solve their security problems.

Given the confusion surrounding cryptography, it can be extremely difficult for a systems engineer to determine what type of cryptography, if any, is needed. The truth is that in some circumstances, no cryptography is needed at all. For instance, if you do not care about anyone seeing the information being transmitted, but rather you are only concerned that it is not tampered with in transit, you really do not need a complete cryptographic suite to suit your needs. For example, let’s take a look at publicly available stock market reports. For many investors, keeping tabs on the latest price of a stock can mean thousands or millions of dollars being made or lost. The price of stock in a public company is readily available, but if someone were able to change that price in transit during a trading session, that person would be able to wreak havoc upon unknowing investors. Obviously, there is a security risk for any system that transmits this data, but we do not need to hide it from anyone (unless your goal is to provide only your customers with the most up-to-date information, but that is another matter). Instead, we can just use a simple hash algorithm to verify the integrity of the data being transported. Not being a full-blown encryption scheme, the system’s requirements can be lowered to support just the hashing (or those resources could be used for improving the performance of other parts of the system).

In order to see what type of security an application will need, we can divide applications into several distinct categories based upon the type of information each application deals with. After all, the purpose of computer security is to protect information, so this is a good place to start. The following categories should be sufficient for most applications, ordered from the lowest level of security to the highest level of security:

  • No security required (may be optional)—applications such as streaming video, noncritical data monitoring, and applications without networking in a controlled environment.
  • Low-level security (hashing only, plaintext data)—applications delivering publicly available information such as stock market data, data monitoring, networked applications in a controlled environment, and applications requiring an extra level of robustness without concern about eavesdropping. Another example of this would be the distribution of (usually open-source) source code or executables with an accompanying hash value for verifying integrity, usually an MD5 or SHA-1 hash of the files that is to be calculated by the end user and compared to the provided hash.
  • Low-medium security (hashing plus authentication)—general industrial control, some web sites, and internal corporate network communications.
  • Medium-level security (cryptography such as RC4 with authentication, small key sizes)—applications dealing with general corporate information, important data monitoring, and industrial control in uncontrolled environments.
  • Medium-high security (SSL with medium key sizes, RSA and AES, VPNs)—applications dealing with e-commerce transactions, important corporate information, and critical data monitoring.
  • High-level security (SSL with maximum-sized keys, VPNs, guards with guns)—applications dealing with important financial information, noncritical military communications, medical data, and critical corporate information.
  • Critical-level security (physical isolation, maximum-size keys, dedicated communications systems, one-time pads, guards with really big guns)—used to secure information such as nuclear launch codes, root Certificate Authority private keys (hopefully!), critical financial data, and critical military communications.
  • Absolute security (one-time pads, possibly quantum cryptography, guards with an entire military behind them)—used to secure information including Cold War communications between the United States and the Soviet Union regarding nuclear weapons, the existence of UFOs, the recipe for Coca-Cola, and the meaning of life.

The above categories are intended as a rule-of-thumb, not as strict guidelines for what level of security you will want for a particular application. Obviously, your particular application may fit into one of the above categories and require a higher level of security than indicated. You could also reduce the recommended level of security, but remember that security levels are always decreasing as hardware improves—what we consider to be “high” security today may not be very secure at all in 10 years. The prime example of this is the fact that 56-bit DES was considered nearly “unbreakable” when it was first introduced, but was broken just 20 or so years later with a concerted effort. Now, more than 10 years after that, DES is practically obsolete, and even the beefed-up triple-DES is showing its age.

If you haven’t figured it out by this point, this chapter is primarily focused on applications requiring security up to medium level and some medium-high level (as described in the categories above). If your application falls into the medium-high category or higher, you will definitely want to do some serious research before jumping into implementation. In fact, you should do a lot of research if your application needs security at all. This book and others will be useful to determine what you need for your application, but you shouldn’t ever take one person’s or book’s viewpoint as gospel. It is highly likely (pretty much guaranteed) that any single viewpoint on security will miss something important that can come back to haunt you later. That being said, we will move forward and attempt to make some sense of cryptography for systems not strictly designed for it.

12.2. Hashing—Low Security, High Performance

Ideally, we would not need any security in our applications at all, instead having the luxury to focus all resources on performance. Unfortunately, this is not reality and we have to balance security with performance. Fortunately, the security-performance tradeoff is relatively linear—higher security means some performance loss, but the balance can be adjusted fairly easily by choosing different algorithms, methods, and key sizes. For the best performance with some level of security, you can’t beat the hash algorithms. As far as resources are concerned, they use far less than other types of cryptographic algorithms. Not strictly cryptography in the classic sense, hash algorithms provide integrity without protection from eavesdropping—in many applications this is all the security that is really needed.

How do we actually make hashing work for us in our applications? Probably the most common use of hashing is to provide a guarantee of integrity. The concept behind cryptographically secure hashing is that hash collisions are very difficult to create. Therefore, if you hash some information and compare it to a hash of that information provided to you by a trusted source and the hashes match, you have a fairly high certainty that the information has not changed or been tampered with in transit.

Another mechanism that employs hashing to provide a level of security is called “challenge-response,” after the way the mechanism works. In a challenge-response operation, the system or user requesting the information provides a “challenge” to the sender of the requested information. The sender must then provide an appropriate “response” to the requestor, or the information is deemed invalid. There are many variants of this simple method for verifying the authenticity of information, but for our purposes, the variant we will talk about uses hashing to prove that the requestor and sender (client and server) both know some shared secret only known to those systems. The challenge is typically some cryptographically secure random number that is difficult to predict, and it is sent by the client to the server (or from the server to the client, as is the case with some HTTP applications). Once the server receives the challenge, it calculates a hash of the challenge and the secret, and sends the hash back to the client. The client also performs the same operation on its copy of the secret, so when it receives the hash it will know that the server knows the same secret.

The reason the mechanism works is because the server could not produce the correct hash value unless it knew the secret. The random number for the challenge ensures that every hash sent back to the client is different; otherwise an attacker could simply send that value to the client and there would be no security. The challenge-response hashing described here does suffer from a man-in-the-middle vulnerability, since an attacker could intercept the message in transit from the server back to the client. This attack requires the attacker to have access to the routing system of the network in order to spoof the address of the server and the client so it can intercept and retransmit the messages. However, for security at this level, it can usually be assumed that breaking the network routing will be sufficiently difficult to provide a decent level of security.

So now we know how hashing can be used to provide different types of security, how do we actually use it in practice? There are several hashing algorithms available, but the most common are MD5 and SHA-1. Unfortunately, the MD5 algorithm has been shown to have some weaknesses, and there is a general feeling of uneasiness about the algorithm. SHA-1 has been the focus of some suspicion as well, but it has not had the same negative press received by MD5. In any case, both algorithms are still heavily used in the absence of anything better. For this reason, we will look at MD5 and SHA-1 for our examples. Though there is some risk that these particular algorithms will become obsolete, the methods described here for their use in cryptographic systems can be applied to any similarly structured hash algorithms.

In practice, many embedded development tool suites provide libraries for MD5, SHA-1, or both hashing algorithms. The algorithms themselves are not too difficult to implement (they actually consist of a number of quite repetitive operations), but the convenience of having a pre-tested implementation to use is quite nice. Hashing algorithms are fairly easy to optimize as well, so it is quite likely that the provided implementations will already be fairly optimal for your target hardware.

Using hash algorithms is quite easy, since they have only three basic operations that are provided in the user API:

  1. Initialization, which sets up the state data structure used to actually perform the hash.
  2. Hashing, which operates on the incoming data, typically in raw bytes (may also be text).
  3. Finalization, which finishes up the hash, and copies the result into an output buffer.

In this chapter, we focus primarily on C-based development tools, so the following examples of hashing in practice directly apply to the C language, but the principles can be applied to other similar languages (such as Java or C++).

The basic operation of hashing algorithms uses a buffer, in C an array of char type, as a workspace for the hashing. The algorithms utilize a structure that provides state information across hashing operations, allowing for the hash to be added to in multiple operations, rather than all at once in a single hashing operation. This feature is the reason that each of the hashing APIs has three distinct operations. The algorithms are set up so that they can utilize the state structure to keep the in-progress hash intact without requiring separate support from the application designer. With this setup, once the user application is ready, it can provide an output buffer for the finalization operation. This is important for networked environments where several hashes may be in progress simultaneously—the user need only keep track of the hash state structures.

So what does hashing look like in a real application? In the following C program, the user input is hashed into an output buffer (actual SHA-1 API may vary):

Listing 12.1: Hashing with SHA-1

  • #include <sha1.h>
  • #include <stdio.h>
  • main () {
  • char input_buf[128], output_buf[20];
  • struct SHA1_state sha_state;
  • int i, input_len;
  • // Initialize the state structure, requires only a reference to the struct
  • SHA1_init(&sha_state);
  • // Get user input, make sure buffer is cleared first
  • memset(input_buf, 0, sizeof(input_buf));
  • scanf(“%127s”, input_buf);
  • // Hash the input, with a length equal to the size of the user input. Note that
  • // the input to the SHA1_hash function can be of any length
  • // !!! Danger, strlen can overflow, so we terminate the buffer for safety
  • input_buf[127]=0;
  • input_len=strlen(input_buf);
  • SHA1_hash(&sha_state, input_buf, input_len);
  • // Finally, finalize the hash and copy it into a buffer and display
  • SHA1_finish(&sha_state, output_buf);
  • for(i=0; i<20; ++i) {
  • printf(“%X “, output_buf[i]);
  • }
  • printf(“ ”);
  • } // End program

That’s it—hashing is a very simple operation in code. Notice that we do some defensive programming when using the strlen function. Unfortunately, the C programming language does not have very good standard library support for protecting against buffer overflow.

In our little program example, if the user entered enough data to fill up the buffer to the end (more than 127 characters), we are relying on scanf to be sure that the last element of the array contains a null-terminator. In our program, the scanf “%s” type is used in the format string with the optional width format parameter, so it should not cause any issues for the call to strlen later. However, if someone was to change the scanf to some other form of input, then the assumption may be violated. For this reason, we add an unconditional null-terminator to the end of the array to be sure that strlen will terminate appropriately.

The hashing example above illustrates the use of a cryptographic algorithm to protect data, but it also highlights the fact that anything in the program can become a security issue. The use of standard C library functions such as strlen can lead to unexpected and unintentional behavior. Sometimes this behavior goes unnoticed; sometimes it leads to a crash. All it takes is one malicious attacker to find the flaw in your program and exploit it somehow. It may not be that the attacker gains access to the whole bank, but shutting down a few hundred automated teller machines could do a lot of financial damage. All that the attacker needs is for you, the developer, to stop paying attention. The example has a trick or two that help to keep the program safe, such as terminating the buffer (a simple operation that could be easily overlooked), but what if the algorithms themselves were the problem. In the next section we will look at some recent developments with two major hash algorithms (MD5 and SHA-1) that cast doubt on their continued utility.

12.2.1. Is Hashing Considered Dangerous?

In the past few years, cryptography has come into a lot of visibility, and the old faithful algorithms that have served us well for years are now being put to the test. The vast amount of information on the public Internet that needs to be protected has lead to a virtual stampede of corporations, governments, organizations, and individuals studying the security mechanisms that form the foundation of that protection. People on both sides of the law (and with varying levels of ethics) are racing to discover flaws in the most commonly used algorithms. After all, boatloads of money can be made if a security breach is discovered. For the “good” guys, the rewards are recognition and (hopefully) prompt fixing of the issue. The “bad” guys profit in numerous different ways. The end result is always the same, however: If an algorithm is broken, it usually means it’s useless from that point on.

This insane virtual arms race has revealed that it is extremely hard to develop secure cryptographic algorithms (it’s easy to write broken cryptographic algorithms), and it appears that hashing may be among the most difficult. The two major hash algorithms in use today (notably by SSL and TLS) are MD5 and SHA-1. At the time of the writing of this text, MD5 is considered “mostly broken” and SHA-1 is “sorta broken.” What does that mean? Well, there are various ways a hash algorithm could be broken from a cryptographic standpoint. Some of these are:

  • Take two arbitrary but different messages and hash them. If you can easily calculate a hash value that is the same for these different messages (a “hash collision”), then the algorithm is somewhat broken, and potentially seriously broken.
  • Given a hash value, compute an arbitrary message to hash to that value. If this is easy, then the algorithm is a little more broken, since this starts to get into the area where the flaw can be exploited.
  • Generate a meaningful message that generates a hash collision with another meaningful message. If this is easy, then the algorithm is mostly broken, and it is highly likely it provides no security whatsoever. If this is true for an algorithm, it is very easy to fool someone into accepting incorrect information (or worse, damaging information such as a virus or Trojan horse).

Each of the above levels of compromise is based on the idea that performing these operations on the algorithm is “hard” (infeasible given current technology and future technology for at least a few years). They all feed into one another as well, so if you can find an arbitrary hash collision, it is often easier to discover the other attacks.

Unfortunately, both MD5 and SHA-1 have been discovered to have vulnerabilities. For MD5 there are several demonstrations of ways to generate different meaningful messages that generate the same MD5 hash value. Granted, these operations are currently somewhat contrived and generally a little tricky, but it is only a matter of time until someone figures out how to do it fast and easy. Generally speaking, we don’t need to rush out and pull MD5 out of all our applications, but if it isn’t too difficult to do so, it is recommended. MD5 should not be used in new applications whenever possible.

The MD5 algorithm is fairly broken, but fortunately for us (and the rest of the world), SHA-1 is not as broken (yet). Researchers have discovered something akin to the first vulnerability (the arbitrary hash collision) in SHA-1, but as yet, there does not seem to be a way to translate that vulnerability into a security breach (as seems to be the case with MD5). Possibly by the time you read this, however, both SHA-1 and MD5 will be considered obsolete and will be replaced by something new (or at least in the process of being replaced).

SHA-1 and MD5, albeit broken, are still in heavy use today and will continue to be for some time. They are so integrated into the security mechanisms that we have come to rely on that it will take years to pull them all out and replace them. Even then, many legacy systems may still require them in some capacity. This scenario obviously assumes there is a decent replacement. There are some contenders in the same family as SHA-1, but if that algorithm fails, it may be hard to tell if the SHA-1 vulnerabilities translate to its brethren.

One ray of hope, however, is that there may be another competition to develop a new cryptographic algorithm as was done with AES. Only this time, the target would be a hashing algorithm to replace the aging and ailing MD5 and the slightly less damaged SHA-1. Only time will tell what ends up happening with this. Heck, we might see a quantum computer implemented in the next few years that could make all of our current strategies obsolete overnight. We still need something in the meantime, however, and it worked for AES, so it may work for this too.

12.3. To Optimize or Not to Optimize…

So far in this chapter we have focused on the choice of a single class of algorithms, hashes, as a way to get the most performance out of our security. While hashes are extremely useful for a wide variety of applications, they really cannot provide the same level of data protection that a “true” cryptographic algorithm, such as AES, can provide. One of the problems with hashes is that they produce a fixed-size output for arbitrary-length data. It doesn’t take much thought to realize that if the message is larger than the size of the hash (and maybe even if it is smaller), some information is lost in processing. While hashes can work to give you a guarantee (large or small) that the data is intact and represents the original information, they cannot be used (at least directly) to encode the data such that it is extremely difficult for an attacker to get at it, but also can be decoded back into the original information given the proper “key.” Hashes are, by nature, one-way operations, there is no way to build the original data from a hash value (in general, anyway—you may be able to guess at it if the message was small enough). To be able to effectively communicate information securely, it is vital that the data remains intact, albeit obfuscated, in the encrypted message. For this we need “true” cryptography as is found with symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms.

We talked about encryption algorithms and what they do in previous chapters, so we will not go into too much detail about symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms here, but the important things to remember are the essential properties of the different classes of algorithms. For your reference, we summarize the useful properties (and consequences of using) each of the classes of algorithms:

  • Hashes—fast, efficient algorithms generally useful for verifying the integrity of data but provide no means to otherwise protect information.
  • Symmetric—fast (relatively slow compared to hashes in general though), general-purpose encryption algorithms. The problem is that the keys need to be shared between receiver and sender somehow (and that sharing obviously cannot be done using a symmetric algorithm—keys must be shared physically or using another method).
  • Asymmetric—slow, special-purpose algorithms that provide the useful ability to facilitate communications without having to share secret keys (public-keys obviously need to be shared, but that’s generally pretty easy).

The rest of this chapter will cover the basics for optimizing cryptography for embedded applications. We covered hashing above because those algorithms are already very fast and can be used to provide a small level of security (assuming you don’t care about eavesdroppers, anyway). The other cryptographic algorithms (symmetric and asymmetric) are much slower in general, and their relative performance may affect embedded applications significantly. With hashes out of the way, we can focus on the slower algorithms and just what we can do to make them a little faster.

12.3.1. Optimization Guidelines: What NOT to Optimize

Before we start any discussion about optimizing cryptographic algorithms, we need to cover a very important issue: what NOT to optimize. This is an extremely important concept, so it will be a dominant theme throughout this chapter. The reason there are parts of these algorithms that cannot be optimized is that, in order to do their job correctly, they require some significant processing. If you go into optimization with your virtual machete blindly, you are more likely than not to remove something important. Optimization is not to be taken lightly, so the rule to remember is: “if you aren’t sure about it, don’t do it.” A corollary to that rule is to always check with an expert if security is truly important—if you are just interested in keeping curious teenagers out of your system, then it may not be as important as, say, protecting credit card numbers.

So what are these things that should never be touched? Primarily, we want to be sure that any optimization or performance tweaking does not affect the proper functioning of the algorithm itself. Fortunately, this is usually easier to find than it sounds. Almost all cryptographic algorithms have test vectors that can be found to check basic functionality of implementations (be suspicious of algorithms that aren’t easily tested). You can also use another implementation (Open Source software is always a good place to start since it is free and you can look at source code—just be sure to heed all the legalities inherent in using it). If you have broken the algorithm in your efforts to make it faster, it usually shows up quickly—one of the properties of cryptographic algorithms is that they are usually either broken or not, there are few cases where an implementation is “partially functional.” The problems in implementations are usually with the handling of data once it has been decrypted (this is where buffer overflow and other issues come into play). The one case to watch for is if you are implementing the algorithm on both ends of the communication channel—you may break the algorithm, but since you are implementing both sides in the same fashion, you may not notice. It is always a good idea to check your algorithm against a known good (if you cannot, then it is a good sign you need to rethink what you are doing).

Another important rule for optimizing cryptography is that you should never try to tweak the algorithm itself. For one example, the AES algorithm uses a number of “rounds” to produce a secure encoding. A “round” is generally a sequence of actions that can be repeated any number of times, with the property that each additional round further increases the security of the resulting encoding (the concept of rounds is found in some symmetric-key algorithms such as DES and AES, but is missing in others, such as RC4). A typical AES mode such as 128-bit (key size) may use, for example, 18 rounds to encrypt a message. If you were to adjust your implementation to use fewer rounds, AES would still function and it would run faster. This may at first seem like a goodidea, but you have compromised the security of your implementation—in fact, there are known attacks on AES when the number of rounds is reduced. Round reduction is one of the first things cryptanalysts look at when trying to break an algorithm, so you can be sure it is a bad idea to do it purposefully. Fortunately, if your implementation has to be compatible with other implementations, reducing the number of rounds will break the basic functionality of the algorithm. Again, the situation to watch for is when you are implementing both ends.

The example of round reduction in AES (or DES or any number of other algorithms) is just a specific case that can be used to demonstrate the more general rule. Don’t try to change the design of a cryptographic algorithm (unless you are, in fact, a cryptographer). If the algorithm says that a certain property must be maintained or a certain feature must be present, it is there for a reason. That reason may be “the designer felt like it,” but unless you know what you are doing, it is likely a bad idea to second-guess a cryptographer.

The third rule basically follows from the first two: cryptographic primitives need to be properly implemented or you might as well not even use cryptography. So what is a cryptographic primitive? Cryptographic primitives are the random number generators, entropy sources, and basic memory or math operations that are required by the cryptographic algorithms. For example, the Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) functions that generate random numbers from some seed value are extremely important to the security of your cryptography. You can have the strongest cryptography available, at even ridiculous levels (1024-bit AES? Why not? It may eventually be broken but for now it’s pretty good), but if you always use the same predictable key value the implementation can be trivial to break. Case in point, the original implementation of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL version 2) in the Netscape web browser was broken by a couple of grad students in a few hours. Did they find a way to attack RSA and DES? No, they simply looked at the random numbers that feed into the key generation in SSL and realized that the random numbers were being seeded with a very predictable source—the system date and time. Once they knew this, they could easily reduce the amount of work needed to break the encryption since the keys being used would always fall within a relatively predictable range. As a result of this, SSL version 2 actually became almost as insecure as a plaintext communication, and sent Netscape back to the drawing board (the fact that SSL version 2 is still in use today by some systems is baffling). The moral of the story is that you should always be sure that everything used by your cryptography is appropriately secure. Random numbers better be as close to unpredictable true randomness as you can get them—a physical source is usually best. For one solution, a combination of network traffic and external interrupts works fairly well. It isn’t completely random, but it gets close enough for many applications (network traffic can be manipulated by an attacker to be more predictable, thereby making it less than an ideal source of randomness). Even better would be something based upon fluid dynamics or quantum physics. Unfortunately, however, the use of lava lamps for generating true random numbers was patented by Silicon Graphics in the 1990’s.[1] If you do need truly random numbers, some manufacturers produce entropy-generating hardware, usually based on interference in electronic circuits. The author is a software engineer, so the principles behind this are a bit of a mystery, but if a physicist says it’s random, who can argue (besides another physicist)?

1 Patent #5,732,138: “Method for seeding a pseudo-random number generator with a cryptographic hash of a digitization of a chaotic system.”

Now that we have expounded on the merits of having true randomness to make your system more secure, we will briefly cover the other parts of the third rule, such as making sure your PRNG is implemented correctly and your memory routines aren’t doing something stupid. For the PRNG, it must have the property of not decreasing the entropy provided by the random seed. You could have a purely random seed, but if your PRNG always produced the same 10 numbers, it wouldn’t be very effective. When implementing a PRNG, the same basic rules apply as when implementing a cryptographic algorithm. Don’t change anything unless you really know what you are doing.

The final part of the third rule is to make sure that your memory and math operations are behaving properly. A perfect example of this is the use of a secure, on-chip memory to store a cryptographic key. If the chip is properly implemented, then that key should never leave that internal memory. As a programmer, however, you may have access to the key so that you can use it for your cryptographic operations. If you implement a copy routine that moves the key out into the primary system memory and leaves it there, you have essentially defeated the purpose of the internal memory. If you need to copy that key into system memory, make sure that you do it quickly and clear that memory as soon as you are done. It’s not ideal (someone could access that memory while the key is there), but as long as there is a small window of opportunity, it is unlikely that an attacker would be looking and be able to extract the key.

To summarize our discussion of the basic rules of what not to optimize, we provide a brief description of the rules:

  1. The implementation should not affect the basic functionality of the algorithm.
  2. You should never try to optimize a cryptographic algorithm by reducing rounds or changing properties of the algorithm’s design.
  3. Obey basic cryptographic rules such as using an appropriate random source.

These rules are of course very generic, but should serve to protect you from most of the common mistakes that can be made when attempting to optimize cryptographic algorithms.

We have so far spent most of our time covering the basic ideas about what not to optimize, without providing much in the way of what actually can be optimized. The next section will cover some of the basics, providing a basis for any implementation effort. However, as we discuss the possibilities for optimization, keep the ideas from the above discussion in mind, since the line between what can be optimized and what should not be optimized can often be quite blurry. Most importantly, if you are not comfortable with the optimization (or even simply unsure), don’t do it!

12.3.2. Optimization Guidelines: What Can We Optimize?

The basic rules of optimization apply to cryptography as they do in all other computer engineering disciplines—in other words, there are no rules! Unfortunately, optimization is somewhat cryptic (it is similar to cryptography in many ways) and often is considered “black magic” or “voodoo” by many engineers. While this is the case for some of the more esoteric optimization techniques (usually used on platforms employing some of the more advanced performance-enhancing features such as multistage pipelining, multithreading, instruction-level parallelism, and out-of-order execution), the optimizations we will discuss here are far more mundane, but can be extremely useful for certain architectures, especially those seen in the low-cost embedded hardware we are focusing on. For discussions on general optimization techniques, there are many excellent books written on the subject, but we are going to focus on simple tricks that are easy to spot and easy to implement.

The first thing to think about when looking to optimize a cryptographic algorithm is the math employed by the algorithm. Most cryptographic algorithms are very math-heavy, and utilize a number of mathematical primitives that may or may not be implemented in the most efficient manner possible. Two of the most common operations are the modulus and XOR, and though the latter is usually quite fast, the modulus can be quite expensive—especially if the hardware does not natively support division operations. The real trick in optimizing individual operations is to know what the compiler you are using will do to optimize the code, as well as what the underlying hardware is capable of. In some cases, it may be fine to simply let the compiler do the work for you, as would likely be the case with a multiple-thousand-dollar optimizing compiler from a company specializing in development tools, like something from Green Hills. However, with some of the less-expensive options, such as the GNU tools (gcc), C compilers for the Microchip PIC, or Dynamic C for the Rabbit microprocessors, you may need to help the compiler out a little by doing some creative manipulation of the C code or even resorting to hand-coding in assembly language. If you are used to working with embedded hardware, assembly should not be too unfamiliar, but even if it is, there are usually an ample number of samples that can provide some insight into the types of things you can do. When dealing with limited resources, concerns about portability of the code take a back seat to efficiency and code size.

So what can we do to speed up these operations? If you are looking at an XOR operation, something implemented in hardware on most (all?) platforms, then there probably is not much you can do. If the data type is larger than the basic unit supported by the hardware (such as a 32-bit value on a machine with 16-bit integers), then look at what the compiler does. It is likely that the compiled code will be as good as anything you could write by hand. However, if the operation that you are looking at is a division or modulus operation, it may be (and is likely) that your compiler will utilize a more generic version of the operation than can be implemented in your particular situation. One trick employed by programmers who know the limitations of their tools is to look for powers of 2. Since we are dealing with binary machines (try finding a non-binary machine in production), anything that can be decomposed into powers of 2 (which is essentially everything) can benefit from some reworking of the code to utilize the inherent binary capabilities of the underlying hardware. Though this is by no means the only type of math trick we can use, it can be quite powerful when properly executed.

As an example of the power-of-2 type of optimization, let’s take a look at one of the most common operations in cryptography—the modulus. A staple of cryptography, the modulus is used in algorithms from the simple RC4 to the more complex RSA. For our example, we will look at an operation that is specifically used in RC4, a modulus on an index into the internal RC4 lookup table:

Listing 12.2: Power-of-2 optimization example part 1

  • char index;
  • int data;
  • // Derive new index from data
  • index=data % 256;

In the example, notice that the table size is a fixed 256 bytes. Conveniently (or by design), this happens to be a nice power of two (two to the eighth power, to be exact). This allows us to write the index calculation in a manner that may not be provided by the compiler itself (granted, this is a simplistic example using a constant that a good compiler should be able to do something with, but it is easy to explain). There are various ways to redo the expression, but we will look at an optimized solution utilizing a bit-mask. As it happens, a modulus by 256 will result in an integer in the range of 0 to 255, or FF in hexadecimal. Using what we know about binary, we can rewrite the modulus operation using FF as a mask:

Listing 12.3: Power-of-2 optimization example part 2

  • char index;
  • int data;
  • // Derive new index from data using bit-mask in place of modulus
  • index=data & 0xFF;

The trick works because the remainder of any division by 256 will be represented by the lowest 8 bits (byte) of the result. This convenient property means that we do not care what is represented by the upper portions of the result since the result of the division will never have any bits set beyond the eighth bit (an astute reader will notice that we could simply assign the integer to the character and rely on the inherent truncation that occurs when assigning to a character in C, but it is usually a bad idea to rely on the language like that). As a result of the observation above, we can omit the division operation entirely. In an algorithm like RC4 where this operation or something similar is performed on every byte of the data being processed, the performance improvement can be staggering. In many cases, a function call to a complicated division routine will be replaced by one or two instructions, at a savings of potentially large numbers of clock cycles.

Generally speaking, anything that you can optimize that is related to the repetitive and mathematical nature of cryptography will be a boon for developing a secure but efficient application. The modulus example above is illustrative of a specialized trick that happens to work for a few different algorithms. Unrolling loops and other generic optimization techniques can also be quite effective, but as with anything there is usually a tradeoff between efficiency and code size (which can be a big deal).

If you are implementing a cryptographic algorithm from a specification, you can make some design decisions about how the algorithm is implemented, but remember to make sure that none of the optimizations cuts any corners that may lead to a breach of the integrity of the security provided by the algorithm. If you are using a prewritten library or source code, you may be limited to the options for optimization provided by the original author. When we look at building a secure application using a Microchip PIC processor, we actually utilize an open-source implementation of AES ported to the PIC. The implementation actually allows us to choose between a compact and slow variant and a larger, faster version, controlled with macro pre-processing. On the PIC, code space is plentiful, but RAM is limited.

We can optimize certain algorithms to get a little more speed out, but unfortunately, there is only so much that we can optimize. In many cases, pure software optimization may be enough, but some applications require better performance than can be provided. One obvious choice is to move the critical operations into hardware, but that may not be an option. In the next section we will look at some performance differences between different algorithms and how algorithm choice may give your application the performance it needs.

12.4. Choosing Cryptographic Algorithms

In the last section we discussed the potential for optimizing algorithms, which can be done, but sometimes may not result in the type of performance required. As was mentioned, you can always move the critical cryptographic operations into hardware, but this may not always be possible, especially considering the additional expense and the fact the design is locked into a particular scheme for encryption. In fact, this was exactly the problem with the Wired-Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol originally implemented for the 802.11 wireless network protocols. Many 802.11 applications utilized specialized hardware to speed up WEP, but once WEP was discovered to have some serious security flaws, it was impractical to update all that hardware. The solution (WPA) was implemented to utilize the existing WEP hardware, but this limited the capabilities of the new protocol and took a rather significant effort to implement.

Fortunately, there is a way to get the performance you need for your application without some of the drawbacks of a hardware-based solution. The answer is to design algorithms with a natural performance advantage into your application. Obviously, this will not always work since you may have external requirements that dictate the use of particular algorithms. However, if you do have the choice, you can sometimes trade security for performance. There are enough algorithms available that you actually can choose from a relatively wide array of performance characteristics. Unfortunately, this can also be a tradeoff, since additional security often translates to more repetitions or more complex math. The RC4 cipher algorithm, for example, is extremely fast and simple to implement. Unfortunately, RC4 is usually considered less secure than more rigorous algorithms like AES. It must be noted, however, that there are no known practical attacks on RC4 as long as it is used properly (remember the caveats to using a stream cipher). The WEP protocol used RC4, and this is often cited as a reason why the protocol failed, but the problem was in how WEP generated keys in combination with RC4.[2] If you are careful, you can still utilize RC4 to provide both high performance and a relatively acceptable level of security. In fact, SSL implementations use RC4 more commonly than most other symmetric algorithms (see Chapter 4)—looking at how SSL uses RC4 and generates keys would be a good starting point to implementing an appropriate RC4 solution.

2 From an RSA Laboratories technical note; RSA Security Response to Weaknesses in Key Scheduling Algorithm of RC4 (

The other common symmetric algorithms include AES and DES. DES is essentially obsolete, replaced by AES, but it may still be required for communication with some legacy applications. DES is a dinosaur and can be quite slow when implemented in software, since its original design was optimized for implementing in hardware in the 1970s. Its original replacement, 3DES (“triple-DES”) is simply a method of running the algorithm over the same data three separate times, each with a different piece of the key. The key was essentially 3 DES keys strung together, and each operation used a third of the larger key. Since 3DES was the same algorithm run three times, it can be expected to be three times as slow as plain DES, making its performance characteristics even worse. 3DES, like DES, is essentially obsolete, though its significantly larger key size provides some additional security.

Compared to DES and 3DES, AES is a much more modern algorithm, and it was even designed with performance on limited-resource platforms in mind (part of the AES competition rules stated that the algorithm should be easy to implement with reasonable performance on all machines from tiny 8-bitters to supercomputers). At this point in time, choosing AES is generally a good idea for any application, since it is a standard, commonly used algorithm that provides some of the best security currently available. AES is also scalable to different key sizes and the number of rounds can be increased to increase the relative security provided. The reason AES can be implemented efficiently is due to the fact that the algorithm is essentially modular, and can be implemented in different ways that take advantage of the underlying hardware. That being said, AES is still significantly slower than RC4, but for compatibility and security, it really cannot be beat for applications requiring symmetric key encryption.

Figure 12.1. Relative performance of common cryptographic algorithms

AES, RC4, and other symmetric-key algorithms are fine algorithms as long as you can arrange to share a key either before the application is deployed or somehow distribute keys afterwards. For many applications, especially embedded applications, distributing a key after deployment can be extremely difficult or simply infeasible. Presharing a key is not often an ideal situation either, since the keys are either difficult to manage (which device has which key?) or if the keys are all the same, there is a serious security hazard (if one device is compromised, they all are). With these inherent difficulties in key management for symmetric cryptography, it is sometimes necessary to employ an asymmetric (public-key) algorithm in order to have the ability to handle key management without having to pre-share symmetric keys. In some cases, it may even be useful to have the public-key algorithm handle all data transfers. An example of the use of public-key cryptography for all data transfers would be a system where the amount of data to be sent was very small (tens of bytes) and sent very infrequently, such as an irrigation controller that usually runs in an automated fashion, but occasionally needs to be overridden. If code space is extremely limited (such as on a PIC), and speed is not a factor, implementing a single cryptographic algorithm may be desirable, and an algorithm like RSA can be implemented in a small amount of code. Generally speaking, however, public-key algorithms are so slow and cumbersome in execution that they are rarely (if ever) used as the sole encryption method. More often, they are paired with more efficient symmetric-key algorithms in protocols like SSL or SSH.

Public-key algorithms are usually rolled up into a protocol like SSL, but that does not mean your application has to implement a complete security protocol. However, if you need public-key cryptography for your application and you aren’t sure about needing a full protocol, you probably should opt for the full protocol, since it will be more generally useful and may save headaches later (especially for compatibility with other applications). If you absolutely must have public-key algorithm support and cannot implement a full protocol like SSL, then it should be fairly obvious how to proceed. The public-key algorithm is used for distributing the key and the symmetric-key algorithm handles the bulk of the communications encryption.

The astute reader may have noticed that the public-key algorithm does not completely remove the requirement of pre-sharing keys, since each device may require a private key. It would be possible to make each device a “client,” which would allow a central machine to send out public-keys to each device (the central system has the associated private key), but this may not be feasible for many applications. However, even if each device requires a private key, the only problem is at deployment when each device is assigned its own key. Once deployed, the device can simply provide its public-key to the client at any time, thus obviating the need for any key management. For more information on how public-key algorithms are used with symmetric-key algorithms in practice, refer to the sections on SSL—the SSL protocol is a good example of the pairing of algorithms to provide the benefits of each type.

We have so far discussed the basics of how public-key algorithms are used, but the real issue is their performance. The problem is that the nature of public-key algorithms requires far more computationally intense mathematical operations than their symmetric cousins. The reason for this is the fact that the security they provide is based upon the difficulty of factoring large numbers. Modern computers are good at doing factoring by using brute-force methods on small numbers, so the numbers employed by public-key algorithms must be large enough to ensure that there will be little possibility of someone being able to factor them quickly using a computer. The result of this requirement is a much larger key size than symmetric-key algorithms for an equivalent amount of security. As an example, 512-bit RSA is considered to be about the same level of security as a typical 64-bit symmetric operation. This order-of-magnitude difference in key size translates to a similar order-of-magnitude difference in performance. The reason for this is that part of the RSA key is actually used as an exponent to derive an even larger number. Now, it should be fairly obvious that if you were to apply a large exponent to another large number, the size of the number would grow extremely rapidly. However, RSA works on the principles of modular arithmetic, so the result is truncated by the modulus (part of the public-key) after each multiplication. Even though we can store the truncated results, all this multiplication takes an extremely long time and even being able to do millions of operations a second, the result is still a significant slowdown. Without hardware assistance, a 512-bit RSA operation can take 30 seconds or more on an embedded microcontroller running at 50 MHz.

The RSA operation for encryption and decryption is relatively simple as compared to other cryptographic algorithms, but the magic of RSA lies in the keys. Key generation in RSA is less simple than the encryption operations, but it reveals the security of the algorithm. Each RSA key is derived from a couple of large prime numbers, usually denoted as p and q. The public modulus n is the product of p and q, and this is where the security comes in[3]—it is generally considered to be impossible to determine the prime factors of very large numbers with any method other than brute-force. Given a sufficiently large number, even a modern computer cannot calculate the prime factors of that number in a reasonable amount of time, which is usually defined in terms of years of computing power. A secure algorithm typically implies thousands or millions of years (or more) of computing power is required for a brute force attack. The trick to RSA is that the private key (d) is derived from p and q such that exponentiation with modulus n will result in the retrieval of the plaintext message from the encrypted message (which was calculated by applying the public exponent e to the original message). All of the mathematics here basically leads to the result that RSA is slow, and something needs to be done if it is going to be utilized on a lower-performance system. As we mentioned, hardware assistance is really the only way to really speed up the algorithm, but there is a method that utilizes a property of the modular math used by RSA—it is based on an ancient concept called the Chinese Remainder Theorem, or CRT. CRT basically divides the RSA operation up using the prime factors p and q used to derive the public and private keys. Instead of calculating a full private exponent from p and q, the private key is divided amongst several CRT factors that allow the algorithm to be divided up into smaller operations. This doesn’t translate into much performance gain unless it is implemented on a parallel processor system, but any gain can be useful for a relatively slow, inexpensive embedded CPU.

3 This description of the RSA algorithm is derived from “PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard (June 14, 2002),” from RSA Security Inc. Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS),

Using CRT to speed up RSA is pretty much the only known software method for optimizing RSA—it is simply a CPU-cycle-eating algorithm. For this reason, hardware optimization is really the only choice. This was recognized early on, and in the early 1980s there was even work to design a chip dedicated to RSA operations. Today’s PCs are now fast enough to run RSA entirely in software at the same level of performance as the original hardware-based solutions. However, given that a large number of modern embedded processors possess similar resources and performance characteristics to computers in the 1980s, we still have to contend with a performance-stealing algorithm. RSA is the primary reason there are few implementations of SSL for inexpensive embedded platforms. The few that do support SSL stacks typically utilize some form of hardware assistance.

12.5. Tailoring Security for Your Application

Before we take a look at hardware-based security optimization, we will spend a little time talking about tailoring security to your application. Generally speaking, SSL/TLS is going to be your best bet for a general-purpose protocol, since it provides a combination of authentication, privacy, and integrity checking. For some applications, however, the security requirements do not include all three security features provided by SSL. For example, you may only need integrity checking, but not privacy (you don’t care that attackers can read what is going across the network, but you don’t want them to tamper with it either). In this case, hashing alone will probably be sufficient to provide the security you need. In other cases, authentication may be all that is needed, or some combination of privacy and integrity checking. However, if you think about the security provided by SSL, you will see that the three security properties it provides are intertwined, without some privacy in the form of encrypted messages, authentication can be difficult, and without authentication, integrity checking really only helps to prevent corruption of data, not directed attacks. For this reason, you will see that the properties embodied by the SSL and TLS protocols are inherent in any good secure application.

When implementing your own security solution around a cryptographic algorithm, instead of using a publicly available protocol, you should remember the lessons provided by SSL and look to implement privacy, authentication, and integrity checking as a sound engineering practice, even if it does not seem that they are all needed.

One last thing to consider when tailoring security to your particular application is the network in which the device will be deployed. If your application needs to communicate with existing systems, then you will need to know what protocols are provided on those systems and what you will need to implement. If your application is completely under your control, then implementing your own protocol may save a lot of space. Be careful, though, since you will be walking down a dangerous path. If you need a high level of security, rolling your own protocol is almost never a good idea.

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