Chapter 23. Wireless Embedded System Security

23.1. Wireless Technologies

Wireless applications essentially combine all of the reasons we need security for embedded systems with limited resources. By definition, many wireless devices will require limited resources, because they will be designed to run on batteries or in environments where available resources must be given to the communications hardware. In the world of inexpensive embedded systems (we exclude inexpensive consumer products from this category; we are referring more to industrial-type controllers), wireless technologies are only just starting to make inroads into the industry. Sure, cellular phones and PDAs have had wireless technologies built-in for some time, but those implementations are specialized and not widely available. For this reason, and the fact that many embedded wireless communications implementations are still jealously guarded by the companies that produce them, there are not a large number of available real-world embedded wireless devices to discuss. However, as wireless technologies decrease in cost and their implementations increase in number, we will begin to see more and more wireless devices available to smaller companies and hobbyists. Wireless is a radical change in the way devices communicate, so this infusion of technology will present some interesting challenges to embedded developers. In this chapter, we will look at a few of the most popular and up-and-coming wireless technologies and the security implications of changing our preferred communications medium from wires to the air.

As we discussed earlier, wired network hardware has dominated the Internet landscape for years. Wireless technologies predate the internet (think radio), but until recently, the technology had lagged behind wired technologies in providing the connectivity required by modern networked and Internet applications. Wi-Fi,[1] which follows the IEEE 802.11 standard protocols, has been around for a while, but the technology was typically reserved for consumer applications and PCs—the infrastructure and physical characteristics of the hardware just did not work with many embedded applications. We are just now seeing the 802.11 protocols make their way into the lowest reaches of the embedded realm, but Wi-Fi is by no means the only wireless technology available. In this chapter, we are going to discuss Wi-Fi, cellular technologies, ZigBee,[2] Bluetooth,[3] and other protocols that can be used for embedded applications. Before we get into the details, though, let’s take a brief look at some of the other technologies for wireless communications.

1 The term “Wi-Fi” is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance,

2 “ZigBee” is a trademark of the ZigBee Alliance,

3 “Bluetooth” is a trademark of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group,

While the Wi-Fi protocols dominate the computer industry, cellular communications is probably the most recognizable form of wireless technology. Cellular communications technologies have been around for a long time, and in some sense, cellular was one of the original “embedded” wireless protocols, since cell phones pretty much embody the principles of an embedded paradigm. Cellular communication is relatively old in the world of technology, but it was optimized for a single application—voice-based telecommunications. Recently, technologies such as GPRS have expanded cellular communications to more general data-driven applications, but it has been a little slow in coming, and any applications usually need to have the backing of one of the large cellular telecommunications companies. That being said, the cellular networking infrastructure is stable and ubiquitous and can be put to great use in applications where none of the other wireless protocols would be effective.

Cellular technology allows for devices to be connected to the global Internet from just about anywhere, but sometimes the scale (and cost) of cellular isn’t needed or even justifiable for an embedded application. In recent years, two technologies have risen to the forefront of wireless communications specifically for the embedded world. The first of these to make a name for itself was Bluetooth, which is the technology behind hands-free mobile phone headsets, PDA keyboards, and a host of other consumer devices. However, perhaps even more exciting than Bluetooth for the embedded systems industry is the rise of ZigBee. ZigBee is an 802 protocol, like Ethernet and Wi-Fi (802.15.4 to be exact). It was specifically designed for low-power embedded applications. Bluetooth has some of the same properties, but has found a different niche as a sort of wireless USB protocol, where ZigBee is more reminiscent of a wireless version of good old RS232 serial port. ZigBee is a relatively new protocol (the standard is still in the process of being finalized), but it is already being put to use in some exciting applications. In this chapter, we will look at both Bluetooth and ZigBee, and discuss the security features built right into both of these useful technologies.

Figure 23.1. Comparison of Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, and Cellular/GSM

23.1.1. Cellular Technologies

Cellular wireless technologies were created for mobile telephone communications but, like their wired counterparts, have diversified and evolved into general-purpose communications technologies. A few technologies are of interest when discussing the connection between cellular networks and digital communications, including GSM[4] (Global System for Mobile Communications, the base technology for a majority of cellular communications) and GPRS[5] (General Packet Radio Service), which adds data transfer capabilities to GSM and allows for services like text messaging and data communications. There are numerous other cellular wireless technologies, but we will keep our discussion to GPRS/GSM because of its widespread use.

4 Originally, GSM referred to “ Groupe Speciale Mobile ” , a European project for developing mobile technologies. Now it is managed and trademarked by The GSM Association (GSMA),

5 GPRS and GSM have been expanded into new technologies that provide higher data rates and other services, first EDGE and later 3GSM. We focus on GPRS, since the new technologies just expand its basic functionality.

One of the largest barriers to using cellular technologies for inexpensive wireless communications (in our case, for embedded control applications) is that cellular networks are difficult to get on to, usually requiring a partnership with the organization that owns the network. For a lot of applications, the cost of this may not be practical. However, there do exist companies that do that part for you, and you can buy GPRS/GSM modems that will allow your application to be connected to a cellular network (the modem vendor will usually have a partnership with at least one or two carriers).

The closed nature of cellular networks makes security a difficult problem. The GSM and GPRS technologies have security built into their specifications, but the methods used are not the best. Poor encryption algorithms and questionable security design considerations mean that cellular communications may not be as secure as they could be. If you are going to use GPRS/GSM as a communications medium, it is recommended that you use a higher-level security protocol (SSL is a good choice) on top of the communications channel.

Cellular networking allows for a couple of features that are interesting for embedded applications. The networks are available nearly everywhere, so a cellular-enabled device would have a network connection nearly anywhere, and cellular networks are very good at providing roaming connections, so devices can move around. However, for a large number of embedded control applications, cellular technology is probably overkill. If the embedded device is in a warehouse somewhere and does not move around too much, but needs wireless connectivity, since wires are difficult to run, cellular is probably too slow (dial-up modem speeds are normal) or expensive. For this reason, we leave our discussion of cellular technologies and look at some more practical wireless technologies for limited-resource applications (and as a bonus, they all happen to be generally easier to secure than GPRS/GSM).

23.1.2. 802.11 (Wi-Fi)

The wireless communications technologies usually referred to by the (trademarked) term “Wi-Fi” are those technologies based off of the IEEE 802.11 standards. Intended as a general wireless communications protocol (think of Ethernet without wires), 802.11 implementations are by far the most common form of wireless communication between PCs. Wi-Fi is characterized by having a medium range of communications capability (as compared to cellular) with a very large (relative) data rate.

802.11 wireless is a heavy-duty wireless protocol, supporting speeds that rival wired Ethernet (802.11b is capable of 11Mbits/second, and 802.11g is capable of 54Mbps). Its designers recognized the need for security early on and included a security protocol in the original specification: Wired Equivalent Privacy, or WEP. However, WEP was inherently flawed, due to the use of stream ciphers without accounting for some of the important issues inherent in using stream ciphers. One of the major issues was the use of short initialization vectors and infrequent changes of the master RC4 keys. Today, there are numerous implementations that show WEP can be broken in (literally) seconds on modern hardware. Despite this obvious flaw (which is basically a total lack of security), WEP will still stop eavesdroppers that don’t know the technical details (i.e., stupid criminals), but it will not stop anyone else, so it should really never be used. One problem, however, was that thousands of (or more) applications were developed for Wi-Fi systems that used and relied on WEP, often in hardware or difficult-to-update firmware. As a result, fixing WEP was not an easy proposition, so a compromise was developed, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).

WPA improved upon WEP by addressing the most grievous flaws exhibited by the original protocol, but retained a level of backward-compatibility that allowed WPA to easily be implemented for most systems that previously relied on WEP. One of the major improvements was to up the effective key size of 40 bits provided by WEP to a full 128 bits. Another major improvement was the use of automated dynamic key management to assure that the stream cipher keys (for RC4 in WEP) were changed on a regular basis to avoid the problem of key reuse (earlier we noted that if the same stream cipher key is used for two different messages, the plaintext was easily recoverable from the ciphertext without actually knowing the key). Authentication was also a problem with WEP, which used the WEP key itself, so WPA uses a separate authentication protocol (there are actually several protocols that can be used, as we will discuss).

WPA, though far superior to WEP (and still widely used), carries some of the concerns about WEP, since it provides backward-compatibility with WEP hardware. For this reason, follow on improvement to WPA was introduced by the Wi-Fi Alliance, creatively named WPA2,[6] which is based on the IEEE 802.11i standard. Both WPA and WPA2 improve security by moving to AES (and also supporting various key sizes larger than 128 bits as required by the US government), and differentiating between personal and enterprise networks, which have different requirements. WPA-Personal is designed for home networks, where authentication is not as important as for a business. WPA-Enterprise is basically the same for protecting data (uses AES), but it provides much stronger authentication using a centralized, managed authentication server. The additional management requirements for the centralized server make it too cumbersome for home use, hence the split.

6 WPA and WPA2 are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

23.1.3. WPA Key Management

WPA and WPA2 (both Personal and Enterprise) utilize a key management mechanism called the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol, or TKIP. TKIP provides the dynamic key management that addressed the key reuse problems in WEP. TKIP is primarily used for WPA-Personal now, since it is based on the RC4 cipher, rather than the (assumed) more secure AES. In order to make deployment easier, WPA-Personal supports what is called a Pre-Shared Key, or PSK. The terms WPA-TKIP or WPA-PSK are often used to refer to WPA-Personal or WPA-Personal. For WPA2-Enterprise, the preferred method is called the CBC-MAC[7] Protocol (CCMP), based upon AES. In order to be compliant, WPA implementations must support TKIP, and WPA2 implementations must support both TKIP (for Personal) and CCMP (for Enterprise).

7 Counter-Mode Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) with Message Authentication Code (MAC). CBC is a method of using the AES block cipher as a stream cipher.

23.1.4. WPA Authentication

Authentication in WPA (and WPA2) is utilized to prevent unauthorized connections to a network and to help mitigate threats from rogue access points (so-called “evil twins” that trick the client into believing it has connected to the correct network). For WPA-Personal, authentication is not strictly required because of the work required to manage an authentication server. For WPA-Personal, the PSK is usually considered enough for authenticating home wireless networks, but the stronger methods could be used if desired.

For Enterprise authentication, both WPA and WPA2 utilize the same basic framework: 802.1X/EAP. The 802.1X protocol (note that the “X” is really an X, not a placeholder for a number) is part of the IEEE standards for managing both wired and wireless networks, and defines a secure transport mechanism for EAP messages. EAP, the Extensible Authentication Protocol, provides the basis for authentication in both WPA and WPA2.

EAP was originally implemented for WPA2, and at the time the only EAP-variant required for Wi-Fi Alliance compliance (needed to use the trademarked Wi-Fi name and logo on a product) was called EAP-TLS, TLS being the Transport Layer Security protocol. However, the number of EAP variants has grown considerably, as various vendors have created their own mechanisms, all slightly different. Now, there are a total of 5 variants required to be compliant: EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2[8] (TTLS is simply “Tunnelled TLS”), PEAPv0/MSCHAPv2 (Protected EAP, which establishes a TLS connection over which EAP methods are used), PEAPv1/EAP-GTC (an EAP variant developed Cisco), and EAP-SIM which is essentially authentication using SIM cards for the telecom industry. In any case, Wi-Fi authentication is a dynamic and complex field and keeping up with it can be quite a challenge (by the time you are reading this it is likely that there have been a number of new protocols added and compliance requirements have changed). If you are interested in learning more about the wide array of authentication mechanisms for Wi-Fi, there are numerous online resources and there are even a few books on the subject. A good place to start is the Wi-Fi Alliance website itself: Figure 23.2 shows the relationships between the different authentication mechanisms used by Wi-Fi.

8 MSCHAP is a variant of the PPP CHAP protocol developed by Microsoft. MSCHAPv2 is described in RFC 2759.

Figure 23.2. Wi-Fi authentication mechanisms

23.1.5. Drowning in Acronyms

The alphabet soup of Wi-Fi authentication protocols begs one important question: What do we need to support? Well, like we have talked about before, we need to adapt the protocol to our application. If you are implementing the latest and greatest consumer gadget and you must be compliant with every wireless access point under the sun, you will likely need to implement most or all of the protocols and mechanisms (or more) described above (you probably want the Wi-Fi logo too, and you definitely need more information than this book provides). If you are working on a proprietary solution for a specific purpose and you can control what access points are used and just want to have some level of security for your embedded devices, then you can probably scale back to a lower level of authentication. In fact, for many embedded applications (especially those with strict budget limits), WPA-PSK may be sufficient. The full WPA-Enterprise authentication suite was designed for large organizations with numerous high-power devices such as laptops and expensive PDA’s that need to be continuously updated. The level of security provided by an authentication server is probably overkill for an application that monitors the output of an oil well (for example).

Another important point that has not been addressed is the fact that Wi-Fi is a high-throughput, and therefore high-power wireless protocol. It is very likely that if you are developing an application using a low-power inexpensive microcontroller (which is why you picked up this book, right?), the amount of power required for the 802.11 radio probably exceeds your requirements. In other words, if you are looking to add wireless connectivity to an inexpensive embedded device, you probably do not want Wi-Fi.

23.1.6. Do You Really Need 802.11?

The extensive requirements of Wi-Fi, both in software support and in power consumption, make Wi-Fi a less attractive option for limited-resource systems. We mention it because it is so prevalent and it forms a majority of digital wireless connectivity today. It is possible to implement 802.11 wireless for inexpensive systems, but the functionality will likely need to be reduced to meet the system specs. Fortunately, more than a few people recognized the need for wireless protocols that provide connectivity without the resource requirements of full Wi-Fi. Two protocols have risen in recent years that promise the level of connectivity needed by low-power and inexpensive devices without having to support numerous security protocols and without having the power consumption associated with the higher bandwidth 802.11-based protocols. The first of these is Bluetooth, a standard that has come to be a household word due to its widespread use in mobile telephone headsets and various other consumer devices. The second protocol is a relative newcomer, ZigBee. Where Bluetooth provides a medium level of throughput and is suited for consumer applications (think of it as a wireless USB port as we mentioned at the beginning of the chapter), ZigBee is tailored specifically for embedded industrial applications which often have radically different requirements than consumer applications. We will finish out the chapter by looking at both Bluetooth and ZigBee and how their inherent security properties can be put to use in embedded applications.

23.2. Bluetooth

Named after a relatively obscure Scandinavian king, Bluetooth was one of the first wireless protocols to address the power consumption issues that are inherent in battery-powered consumer devices. By reducing the bandwidth and range requirements, the Bluetooth protocol lends itself to battery-powered applications that require a moderate level of throughput, such as wireless headsets for mobile phones and input devices (such as keyboards and mice) for PDAs. Originally developed by a consortium of technology corporations, Bluetooth has been widely adapted by vendors of consumer gadgets. Driven by widespread use, the Bluetooth physical layer specification was adapted by the IEEE to develop the 802.15.1 standard.

The security of Bluetooth, as with all the wireless protocols we are discussing in this chapter, is designed right into the standard itself. The standard was developed and is controlled by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (, and the security is based on a 3-mode model, with an unsecured mode, a “service level” secured mode, and a link-level secured mode (the entire connection is secured). According to the Bluetooth SIG, all known attacks against the Bluetooth protocol are actually against specific implementations and the protocol itself is secure.

The security of Bluetooth uses the concept of two separate keys, an authentication key and an encryption key. The authentication key is the master key, and encryption keys are regenerated with each new session. A random number, generated for each transaction, adds additional security. The basic cipher for data protection and the authentication mechanism are described in detail in the Bluetooth specification, should you choose to implement it yourself. However, there are a large number of vendors that supply complete Bluetooth solutions on a single chip, some of which may implement the security in hardware (or the entire Bluetooth stack, as National Semiconductor does with their Simply Blue modules). Due to the availability of such hardware (the Simply Blue modules sell for less than $30 each at the time of this writing), there is very little need to understand the Bluetooth stack in any detail, unless you want to try to implement your own Bluetooth solution.

It should suffice for our discussion to say that there are no known serious attacks on the protocol itself, but various implementations may be vulnerable to a few attacks, referred to as “bluejacking,” “bluebugging,” and “bluesnarfing.”[9] All of these attacks relate to the ability of an attacker to connect to a Bluetooth device (in most instances a mobile phone with Bluetooth) without the knowledge of the device user. The bluejacking attack simply involves the sending of an unwanted message to the device user, which could be used to trick the user into providing sensitive information to the attacker (phishing). The other attacks involve the ability of an attacker to access the contents of a device, either being able to execute commands (bluebugging) or to download data from the device (bluesnarfing). In any case, these attacks require the attacker to be in close proximity (within a few meters) unless they have the equipment to boost the Bluetooth protocol’s range. Apparently these issues have been addressed in newer implementations of the protocol but as always, it is a good idea to keep up with current developments, as a devastating attack can always be right around the corner.

9 Terms and definitions for Bluetooth attacks adapted from the Bluetooth SIG overview of Bluetooth security (

Bluetooth provides a decent midrange protocol for embedded systems that need a moderate level of throughput, but it is a complex protocol (the specification is well over 1200 pages long), and the cost of a dedicated controller unit may be prohibitive depending on the application. In the next section, we will look at a relative newcomer to the wireless arena, the ZigBee protocol. Designed around the IEEE 802.15.4 low-power radio standard, ZigBee aims to be the go-to standard for industrial wireless communication where throughput is less of an issue, and flexibility, power consumption, and cost are primary concerns.

23.3. ZigBee

At the low end of the power-requirement spectrum for wireless devices, ZigBee[10] is the equivalent of a dripping faucet when compared to the garden hose of Bluetooth or the fire hose of 802.11 (in the case of 802.11g, a water cannon used for putting out aircraft fires), as seen in Figure 23.3. ZigBee is a relatively new standard developed and maintained by the ZigBee Alliance. Like the Wi-Fi Alliance and the Bluetooth SIG, the ZigBee Alliance is a consortium of corporations that all utilize the protocol. ZigBee, as of this writing, has not been widely deployed due to it being so new. However, all indications point to ZigBee making a large splash in the industrial controls arena, since it is specifically tailored to such applications. As we mentioned before, ZigBee is characterized by low power consumption (able to run on batteries for extended periods of time due to the low duty cycle of its radio), low system resource requirements, and low throughput. The bandwidth of ZigBee is comparable to that of a dial-up modem (up to 250KB/s), but for the applications it was designed for, this will not be an issue. At first glance, ZigBee may seem very similar to Bluetooth, and in some respects it is, but the target applications for each protocol have led to some significant design differences. Bluetooth, being designed for consumer applications, focuses on higher bandwidth and convenience. ZigBee, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with flexibility of the network (ZigBee supports several network topologies that increase reliability of the entire network—we will look at these in a minute) and conservation of resources, especially power consumption. Geared toward industrial automation (as opposed to consumer connectivity like Bluetooth), ZigBee is definitely an industrial standard.

10 Parts of the description of ZigBee in the section are adapted from the ZigBee Alliance ZigBee FAQ at

Figure 23.3. Throughput comparison

Like the other wireless protocols we have been discussing this chapter, ZigBee has security built into its specification. Some of the more interesting features of the security inherent in ZigBee have to do with self-healing mesh networks. ZigBee allows for thousands of nodes to be included in a single network, usually referred to as a Personal Area Network (PAN), which was coined to describe the networks specified in the IEEE 802.15 standards (ZigBee radios conform to 802.15.4). ZigBee actually supports several different network topologies, including mesh and clusters, as seen in Figure 23.4. The interesting thing about some of the topologies supported by ZigBee is that they are self-healing, in that the network is resilient and can deal with nodes coming in and out of the network, as would be expected in a noisy (RF noise) industrial environment. This self-healing property makes redundancy very easy to implement, and this can directly translate into a more secure application. Picture an attacker taking out nodes in a sensor network to prevent certain information to be collected. In a Wi-Fi network, once a node is dropped, it must reestablish the connection, including any authentication required. The attacker could take out a few key nodes and the entire network goes down. With a ZigBee network, there can be many more nodes (ZigBee is cheaper to implement) and if any nodes are dropped due to tampering, the network continues to function. The basic functionality of ZigBee is setup to use the radio as little as possible to conserve power, so the end result is that the nodes are usually “down” anyway. Without the need to keep close synchronization (as is the case with Wi-Fi, for example), ZigBee networks can deal with attacks inherently. Next we are going to look at some of the special needs of particular topologies and the security protocol built into the standard.

Figure 23.4. ZigBee topologies

The network topologies supported by ZigBee vary, but depending on the type of network being deployed there are varying security considerations. In some ZigBee topologies, all nodes are considered equal and the network is basically an ad hoc peer-to-peer configuration. In some of the other topologies (star and tree forms), there must be a coordinator that facilitates the network. In such a topology, the end-nodes can be of reduced functionality to save cost, but there is an inherent problem: If the coordinator is disabled, reduced-functionality end nodes cannot reestablish the network. One way to get around this is to provide redundant full-function nodes that can all serve as a coordinator (this is a good idea for reliability, not just security). ZigBee nodes can also function as routers, directing communications between nodes that may not be able to communicate directly (as would be the case if the distance between those nodes was too great, but the router node bisected the path between them). If a ZigBee node is acting as a router, it is important that any information being passed along cannot be compromised if the router node is compromised.

The ZigBee protocol provides low-level security for communications between individual nodes using AES and a message authentication code scheme, but this only protects the data between nodes, not on the nodes themselves. Normally this would be OK if the nodes in question were functioning as end-nodes, but if they are functioning as coordinators or routers, it may be desirable to use a higher-level security scheme to protect that data. This presents another interesting challenge due to the limited bandwidth of ZigBee and the extremely limited resources that are likely to be found on ZigBee devices. A full-blown security protocol like SSL will probably not work because of the extra overhead (especially when you consider running RSA on a ZigBee node). In fact, a number of protocols, like IPSEC, do not even make sense, since ZigBee networks are not based upon TCP/IP. What would make more sense would actually be to use a simple AES-based scheme similar to what is done later in the PIC case study. Authentication could be provided through a password or key that is passed in encrypted form to the end device.

ZigBee is an exciting new technology that promises to bring a level of connectivity never before seen. Depending on how it is deployed, it may also represent a security challenge unlike any we have ever seen. What will be important to remember as ZigBee devices are deployed in factories and homes around the world is that these devices will probably not support a level of security equal to that of full-blown networking. Due to the extremely limited resources, some devices may have no security at all, so it will be vital to keep a constant vigil on what information is being sent over these networks. For these reasons, ZigBee will likely have a place in developing sensor networks and monitoring technologies, but it remains to be seen whether it will be used for anything more.

23.4. Wireless Technologies and the Future

The future of embedded technology lies side by side with the future of wireless. As wireless technologies are improved and are reduced in cost to the point they are as cheap to add to a system as a PIC, we will start to see an explosion of new applications as literally everything is connected to the global Internet. Embedded wireless communications will eventually make science fiction into reality as “smart” paint for bridges and buildings give real-time data on structural conditions and swarms of wirelessly connected micro-sensors show us the internal structure of tornados and hurricanes. Along with this diffusion of technology into every niche of our existences, security takes on a whole new meaning.

It is likely that engineers and corporations will push wireless technology to its boundaries, and security will be of the utmost importance. The lesson to be learned here is that you should consider security when choosing a technology for your particular application. When it comes to security, it never hurts to err on the side of caution and use far more computing power than you need to be sure that you can support the security you need both at deployment and years down the road.

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