
imageSpecial Characters and Numerics

“.” shortcut, 87

+ (Plus Sign) button, 316, 476


accessibility, 7580

Assistive Touch feature for, 5354

AssistiveTouch feature, 7778

magnifying entire screen with Zoom feature, 7879

options for Notification Center, 67

setting Auto-Correction feature to speak aloud, 74

Speak Selection and Speak Auto-text features, 77

triple-click Home button options, 80

TTY for deaf people, 235

VoiceOver option, 7577

White on Black setting, 7980

accessories, charging from, 40

Account screen, 269

Action button, 471, 477478, 565

adapters, wall plug, 37

Add Event screen, 439

Add Playlist tab, 278

Airplane Mode setting, 146

Airplane Mode switch, 1112

AirPlay, 157167

devices compatible with iPhone, 157

Mirroring feature, 159, 548

playing videos using, 334335

setting up, 157159

volume controls and, 182

AirPlay icon, 158, 166

Alarm widget, 186


for photos, 471

viewing songs in, 280282, 288289

Albums icon, 277

Albums soft key, 8

Albums view, 280

Alert option, 441

alerts, 441

Allow Changes settings, 202

allowing changes, 202203

Angry Birds, 543

AP Mobile app, 24

App Store, 18, 22, 523539


categories of, 531

Details screen for, 527528

downloading, 534535

finding, 528533

Genius feature, 530531

maintaining and updating, 535537

news and reviews about, 524

searching for, 533

Top Charts soft key, 532

automatic downloads, 538

Home page, 525526

network connection and, 525

redeeming gift cards or iTunes codes, 535

settings, 538539

starting, 525

App Store app, 30

App Store icon, 170

App Switcher bar, 45, 8

Apple ID, 46

Apple knowledgebase, 123, 580

Apple TV, viewing photos on, 480481

Apply button, 465

appointments, 445447


deleting, 447

editing repeating, 446

switching to different calendar, 446

meeting invitations, 447

new, 438439

viewing and navigating, 433434


AP Mobile app, 24

App Store app, 30

baseball app, 547548

Calendar app, 20, 431458

appointments, 445447

copying and pasting between email and, 443445

day and date on Calendar icon, 433

events, 438443

lists, 456457

multiple calendars, 436437

options for, 448455

reminders, 431432, 455458

views, 434436

Camera app, 23, 460466

editing photos in, 465466

geo-tagging in, 461

options for, 463

switching cameras, 463464

using flash, 462

viewing pictures from, 464

zoom in, 462

categories of, 531

Contacts app, 20

Details screen for, 527528

downloading, 534535

e-reader apps, alternative, 313317

Evernote app, 26

FaceTime app, 20

Fast App Switcher tool, 179188

accessing with Home button, 56

apps, 180181

media controls and Portrait Orientation Lock feature, 181

Siri app, 182188

volume controls and AirPlay feature, 182

finding, 528533

viewing new apps, 529

with What's Hot button, 529

Folders app, 26

Genius feature, 530531

Based On label, 530

disabling, 531

removing app suggestions from, 531

GoodReader app, 26

connecting to Google Docs, 330

PDF files in, 328330

Hulu + app, 30

iBooks app, 22, 30

downloading, 302

downloading iBooks app, 302

iBooks store, 302305

reading, 307312

Search button, 305

syncing, 121122

iPod app, 8, 19, 22

iTunes app, 505521

customizing soft keys in, 507508

downloading content from, 513514

in iCloud, 101102

Info tab, 109

iPhone Summary tab, 107108

iTunes U section for educational content, 513

media in, 508513, 515517

navigating, 507

and network connection, 506

Ping social network, 521

podcasts in, 518520

purchasing ringtones from, 238239

redeeming codes in App Store, 535

redeeming gift cards for, 520521

searching, 514

setup with, 4849

starting, 506

syncing, 105, 114116, 118119, 121122

troubleshooting, 123125, 573574

updating iPhone operating system, 126127

jumping between, 180

killing from Fast App Switcher bar, 180181

Kindle app, 23

LinkedIn app, 25

LinkedIn social network, app for, 558560

Mail app, 21

maintaining and updating, 535537

Maps app, 21, 485503

changing views in, 486488

determining location, 486

Digital Compass feature, 503

getting directions with, 497502

options for, 490496, 502

searching, 488489

Marvel Comics app, 23

Messages app, 21, 243257

determining system currently in use, 244

iMessage service, 243245

MMS, 253257

text messages, 246252

multiple accounts, in Notes app, 424425

Music app, 276279

changing view in, 280

editing soft keys, 277

playlists, 278279

searching for music, 279

navigating inside, and settings screens, 55

New York Times app, 24, 322

news and reviews about, 524

Notes app, 26

NPR News app, 24

Pandora app, 22, 293299

adjusting settings for, 298299

main screen, 295296

menu, 297

new stations in, 297298

thumbs up or thumbs down, 296

Phone app, 20

Photos app, 23, 256

reference tables, 18

connecting and organizing, 2021

entertainment, 2223

information, 24

productivity, 26

social networking, 25

Reminders app, 431, 451, 456457

restrictions for, 200201

Rock Band app, 543

Safari app, 15, 20, 268

searching for, 533

Settings app, 9

settings screens, navigating inside apps and, 55

Siri app

capabilities of, 184186

changing names and setting up relationships for, 186187

enabling and configuring, 183

limitations of, 188

taking dictation, 188

Skype app, video calling with, 263271

chatting, 269270

on computer, 270271

downloading, 264

finding and adding contacts to Skype app, 265266

logging into Skype app, 265

receiving calls, 268269

Skype account, 264

starting, 8

switching, 5


managing, 115116

removing or reinstalling, 116

screen for, 114

Top Charts soft key, 532

Tweet Speaker app, 188

Twitter app, 25

Voice Control app, 20

Weather Channel app, 24

What's Hot button, finding apps with, 529

Wi-Fi option, Settings app, 12

Zinio app, 324325

Arrow icon, 141, 564

Artists soft key, 8

Ask to Join Networks switch

and Ask to Login switch on each network, 141

main, 140

Ask to Login switch, Ask to Join Networks switch and, on each network, 141

Assign to Contact button, 478

Assistive Touch feature, for accessibility, 5354

AssistiveTouch feature, 7778

attachments, 385391

auto-open, 386389

opening docs in other apps, 388

Quick Look mode, 386387

viewing video attachment, 389

detecting, 385

opening and viewing compressed .zip files, 389391

Audio Source, 164

audiobooks, finding in iTunes app, 512513

Audiobooks icon, 277

Authentication feature, and SSL feature, 403

auto-capitalization, auto-correction and, 381

Auto-Capitalization option, 86, 197

auto-correction, and auto-capitalization, 381

Auto-Correction feature, 7274, 197

setting to ON or OFF, 86

setting to speak aloud, 74

Auto-Enhance button, 465

Auto-Lock feature, adjusting or disabling, 58

Auto-Lock menu, Settings app, 9

Auto-Lock option, Settings app, 9

auto-open attachments, 386389

opening docs in other apps, 388

Quick Look mode, 386387

viewing video attachment, 389

AutoFill feature, 359360

enabling, 362363

entering usernames and passwords, 359360

for personal information, 360

automatic-joining feature, 140142

Ask to Join Networks switch

and Ask to Login switch on each network, 141

main, 140

Forget network option, 141142


backups, restoring from previous, 49

Barnes and Noble reader, 301

baseball app, 547548

Based On label, 530


life of, 4042

charging battery, 4142

expected, 4041

packs, cases with external, 51

BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) recipients, 377

blogs, as resource, 580581

Bluetooth devices, connecting to headsets or car stereos, 208

Bluetooth technology, 160


compatible with iPhone, 160

disconnecting or forgetting, 167

pairing with, 160163

headsets, 163164

Stereo Bluetooth, connecting to devices, 165166

bookmarks, 491492

accessing and editing, 492

in-page, 309310

new, 491

in Safari web browser, 350354

history and bookmarks, 351352

managing bookmarks, 352354

new bookmarks, 350351

Reading List bookmark, 354355

syncing, 114

books, 301317

alternative e-reader apps, 313317

downloading, 314

Kindle, 314316

Kobo, 317

downloading iBooks app, 302

iBooks store, 302305

moving and deleting, 313


iBooks, 307312

PDFs, 306

switching collections, 305306

Bookshelf view, 304

Bottom Dock, moving icons to, 170171

bottom icons, in YouTube, 340341


adjusting, 61

and fonts, customizing for iBooks, 307308

Brightness icon, 308

Brightness slider, 308

buttons, 4

Buy pre-pay credit button, 269


Calendar app, 20, 431458

appointments, 445447

events, 446447

meeting invitations, 447

viewing and navigating, 433434

copying and pasting between email and, 443445

day and date on Calendar icon, 433

events, 438443

availability, 442

calendars, 441443

new appointments, 438439

recurring, 440

second alert, 441


moving and deleting, 457

new, 456

multiple calendars, 436437

options for, 448455

adding notes to task, 455

changing default calendar, 449

changing lists, 451

reminders, 449451

setting due dates and locations, 451


completing, 455

editing, 456

options for, 457458

Siri assistant and, 431432

syncing and sharing your calendar and, 432

views, 434436

Calendar button, 442, 446

Calendar icon, day and date on, 433


adding notes to, 443

changing default, 449

choosing, 442

multiple, 436437

sharing reminders and, 432

switching events to different, 446

syncing, 112, 432

Calendars button, 436

Call button, 267

call details, contact information details and, 215

Call Forwarding setting, 231232

Call Waiting setting, 233

Caller ID, showing or blocking, 233

calling, video. See videos

Camera app, 23, 460466

editing photos in, 465466

geo-tagging in, 461

options for, 463

switching cameras, 463464

using flash, 462

viewing pictures from, 464

zoom in, 462

Camera icon, 564

Camera Roll album, 194

Camera Roll button, 272, 464

Camera Switch button, 271

cameras, quick access to, 5455

Cannot Get Mail error, fixing, 370

Caps Lock feature, 85

car stereos, connecting to Bluetooth headsets or, 208

Carbon Copy (CC) recipients, 377

Carrier Services button, 236

carriers, wireless, 235

cases, 50

with external battery packs, 51

hard plastic and metal, 52

leather and special, 52

rubber and silicone, 51

screen protectors, 52

waterproof, 52

where to buy, 51

Categories button, 303

categories, for videos, 332

Categories icon, 544

cautions, 31

CC (Carbon Copy) recipients, 377

cellular data networks, 142143

chapters, for videos, 336

charging, 3842

from accessories, 40

battery, 4142

extending life of, 42

getting more out of, 41

locations for, 42

from computer, 39

from power outlet, 3839

Charts button, 303

chatting, with Skype app, 269270

Checkmark icon, 136

Circle icon, 181, 457

closed captioning, for videos, 339

collections, switching, 305306

comic books, 325327

Compose button, in Twitter social network, 564

compressed files. See .zip files

computers, charging from, 39

conference calling, 228230

adding second caller, 228229

initiating, 228

merging calls, 229230

talking privately with or disconnecting from individuals, 230

Configure screen, 277

connections, 133156

Airplane Mode setting, 146

benefits of, 133134

cellular data network, 142143

international travel, 144150

avoiding large bill, 144

contacting phone company, 144145

data-intensive activities, 146

data roaming, 148149

international SIM card, 145147

local Wi-Fi networks, 149

resetting data usage, 147148

time zone, 147150

turning off special rate plan, 150

Personal Hotspot feature, 150153

connecting to, 153

contacting phone company, 151

enabling, 151152

setting up networking, 153

vs. tethering, 150

VPN, 153156

contacting help desk, 154

setting up, 154156

switching networks, 156

verifying connection, 156

Wi-Fi network, 134138

advanced options for, 138142

connecting to, 135138

Connections button, 560

Connectivity Status icons, reading, 1011

Constrain button, 466

contact information details, and call details, 215

Contact widget, 186


adding new, 408413

creating new fields, 412413

email addresses for, 411

from email message, 417418

phone numbers for, 410

ringtones for, 411

street address for, 412

web site addresses for, 411

adding photo to, 413414

assigning photos to, 478479

assigning unique ringtones to, 237

composing text messages from, 250

finding and adding to Skype app, 265266

Global Address List contacts

not showing up, 423

option for, 422

improving contact list, 408

linking to another app, 418

loading, 407

new from underlined phone number, 218

searching, 415416

sending email message to, 420

sending picture to, 419

showing addresses on map, 420421

sorting, 422

syncing, 110111

with Google contacts, 110

with Yahoo! address book, 111

troubleshooting, 422423

Contacts app, 20

Contacts list, 15

adding mapped locations to, 492

adding phone number from Recents list to, 215

browsing, when on call, 222

placing calls from, 215216

content, restrictions for, 204206


iPod, 8

in YouTube, 341342

Copy and Paste feature, 9094

App Switcher app and multitasking, 93

shaking to undo, 94


cutting or copying, 92

pasting, 93

selecting, 9092


and pasting from email, 395

photos, 477

saving and, text and graphics, 358

Cover Flow view, navigating albums with, 281282

Crop button, 466

cursors, placing, and editing text with Magnifying Glass trick, 81

custom fields, for contacts, 412413

customer reviews, in iTunes app, 516


data detectors, in notes, 429

data plans, texting plans and, 244

data roaming, 148149

data usage, resetting, 147148

Date and Time features, adjusting, 5960

Day view, 433434

deaf people, TTY for, 235

Default accounts, changing, 401

Default Calendar screen, 449

Default List screen, 458

definitions, in emails, 380

Delete Event button, 447


notes, 428

photos, 477481

videos, 339

Details page, 451, 456

Details screen

for apps, 527528


Bluetooth technology

disconnecting or forgetting, 167

pairing with, 160163

compatible with iPhone

AirPlay protocol, 157

Bluetooth technology, 160

pairing with

headsets, 161163

turning on Bluetooth, 161

Stereo Bluetooth, connecting to, 165166


from Contacts list, 215216

from Favorites list, 213

from keypad, 209

person who left voicemail, 227

from Recents list, 214

underlined phone numbers, 217

voice, with Siri assistant, 218

dictation, taking with Siri app, 188

dictionaries, built-in, 309

Digital Compass feature, 503

directions, getting with Maps app, 497502

driving, transit, and walking directions, 501

locations, 497499

routes, 501502

Done button, 277

double-tapping, 17, 473


automatic, 538

of photos, 482483

viewing, 519520

of wallpapers, 193194

drafts, saving to send later, 382

driving directions, and transit and walking directions, 501

due dates, setting locations and, 451


e-reader apps, alternative, 313317

downloading e-reader apps, 314

Kindle reader, 314316

Kobo reader, 317

Edit button, 277, 313, 436, 445, 456

editing notes, 427

educational content, iTunes U section for, 513

email, 32, 365405


entering passwords for, 366

new, 367370

syncing, 113

adding new contact from message, 417418

addresses, for contacts, 411

attachments, 385391

auto-open, 386389

detecting, 385

opening and viewing compressed .zip files, 389391

changing incoming server port, 404

cleaning up and organizing inbox, 393394

deleting, 393394

moving email to folder while viewing, 394

composing and sending, 375383

addressing messages, 376378

auto-correction and auto-capitalization, 381

changing email account, 378

checking sent messages, 383

keyboard options, 381

message, 379380

saving draft to send later, 382

subject, 379

copying and pasting between Calendar app and, 443445

copying and pasting from, 395


removing messages after, 403

from server, 403404

folders and mailboxes, 371373

Mailboxes screen, inboxes and accounts, 371


inbox, flagged and threaded, 373374

viewing individual, 374

network connections and, 365

reading, 383385

marking messages as unread or flagged, 384385

zooming, 385

replying, forwarding, and deleting, 391393

Forward button, 392393

Reply All option, 392

searching for messages, 396


from Contacts app, 420

notes, 429

photos, 476

web pages, 357

settings for, 397402

adjusting, 399400

automatically retrieving email with Fetch New Data option, 397398

changing Default account, 401

email signature, 400

toggling sounds for receiving and sending email, 402

SSL and Authentication features, 403

troubleshooting problems with, 404405

End location, Start location and, 498499

End Repeat button, 440

Enter Password screen, 136

entertainment, 2223

EQ (Equalization) setting, for sound, 290

events, 438443

adding new appointment, 438439

availability, 442


adding notes to, 443

alerts, 441

choosing, 442

deleting, 447

editing repeating, 446

recurring, 440

second alert, 441

switching to different calendar, 446

Evernote app, 26

Explicit option, 204


Facebook icon, 556557

Facebook social network, 551557

app for, 553555

communicating with friends, 554

navigating, 554

uploading pictures with, 555

connecting to, 552

downloading and installing app, 552

notifications, 556557

FaceTime app, 20

FaceTime feature, 29, 260262

FaceTime video calls, 223

factory defaults, resetting icon locations to, 174

Fast App Switcher tool, 179188

accessing with Home button, 56


jumping between, 180

killing from Fast App Switcher bar, 180181

media controls and Portrait Orientation Lock feature, 181

Siri app, 182

capabilities of, 184186

changing names and setting up relationships for, 186187

enabling and configuring, 183

limitations of, 188

taking dictation, 188

volume controls and AirPlay feature, 182

Fast Forward button, 181

fast-forwarding, videos, 333334

Favorites button, 564

Favorites list, 210213

adding new favorites to, 210212

organizing, 212213

Fetch New Data option, automatically retrieving email with, 397398

fields, custom, for contacts, 412413

first-person shooters (FPS), 543

flagged messages

inboxes, threaded messages and, 373374

overview, 384385

flash, in Camera app, 462

flicking, 14, 416

folders, 175176

and mailboxes, 371373

moving, 176

moving email to while viewing, 394

new, 175

Folders app, 26

Following button, 564

fonts, brightness and, 307308

Forget network option, 141142

Forget this Device button, 167

formatting text, in emails, 380

Forward button, 392393

four-digit passcode, passcodes, 197198

FPS (first-person shooters), 543

FREE button, 558


Game Center, restrictions for, 206

games, 541548

acquiring fun apps and, 543544

baseball app, 547548

online and wireless, 546

precautions when playing, 545

reviews for, 545

trial or Lite versions of, 545

two-player, 546

Games tab, 544

General button, Settings app, 9

General option, Settings app, 9

Genius feature, 530531

Based On label, 530

disabling, 531

removing app suggestions from, 531

Genius Playlist, 278, 289

Genres categories, 509

geo-tagging, in Camera app, 461

gestures, 13

Get a subscription button, 269

Get Skype for Mac button, 271

Get Skype for Windows button, 271

Get Skype link, 271

gift cards

for iTunes app, redeeming, 520521

redeeming in App Store, 535

Global Address List contacts

not showing up, 423

option for, 422

GoodReader app, 26

connecting to Google Docs, 330

PDF files in, 328330

Google contacts, syncing contacts with, 110

Google Docs, connecting to with GoodReader, 330

Google Maps, 489

graphics, text and, 358

greetings, voicemail, 226

Grid option, 463

Gripper icon, 457

Groups screen, 266

groups, searching contacts using, 416


hard-resetting iPhone, 570

headsets, 3637, 208

Bluetooth technology, 163164

options when on call, 164

pairing with, 161163

connecting to Bluetooth car stereos or, 208

Hide Sources, 163

highlighting, and notes, 310311


and bookmarks, in Safari web browser, 351352

in YouTube, 343

Hold button, 261

hold, putting caller on, 221

Home button, 35, 13, 1920, 5556

accessing Fast App Switcher with, 56

double-clicking for media controls, 285

starting Siri assistant with, 56

triple-click options for, 80

Home key, 172

Home page, for App Store, 525526

home screen, 5

adding web page icons to, 361

wallpapers for, 189193

Home Sharing, 291

hotspots, public Wi-Fi, connecting to network with web login, 135136

Hulu + app, 30


iBooks app, 22, 30

downloading, 302

downloading iBooks app, 302

iBooks store, 302305

reading, 307312

built-in dictionary, 309

customizing brightness and fonts, 307308

highlighting and notes, 310311

in-page bookmark, 309310

search feature, 312

Search button, 305

syncing, 121122

iBooks icon, 172

iCloud, 97

buying more storage, 101

on computer, 102103

iTunes in, 101102

managing, 99

restoring phone with, 4748

setting up, 9899

setup with, 4348

configuring options for, 47

free Apple ID, 46

as new iPhone, 45

restoring with, 4748

troubleshooting, syncing with, 574

icons, 169176

Connectivity Status, reading, 1011

deleting, 172173


to Bottom Dock, 170171

to different page, 171172

resetting locations to factory defaults, 174

web page, adding to Home screen, 361

I'm Reading button, 317

iMessage service

enabling and adjusting settings, 245

text messages and MMS vs., 243244

texting and data plans, 244

iMessages, 185

in-app notifications, 63

in-page bookmarks, 309310


cleaning up and organizing, 393394

deleting, 393394

moving email to folder while viewing, 394

and email accounts, 371

and flagged and threaded messages, 373374

incoming server ports, changing, 404

incoming servers, and outgoing servers, 368369

Infinity Blade game, 543

Info tab, in iTunes, 109

information, 24

Information icon, 548

international keyboards, 8790

international SIM cards, 145, 147

international travel, 144150

avoiding large bill, 144

contacting phone company, 144145

data-intensive activities, 146

data roaming, 148149

international SIM card, 145, 147

local Wi-Fi networks, 149

resetting data usage, 147148

time zone, correcting, 147150

turning off special rate plan, 150

Internet connections, and Safari web browser, 346

invitations, to meetings, 447

iPhone Summary tab, in iTunes, 107108

iPod app, 8, 19, 22

iPod controls, 8

iPod icon, 8

iTunes app, 505521

customizing soft keys in, 507508

downloading content from, 513514

in iCloud, 101102

Info tab, 109

iPhone Summary tab, 107108

iTunes U section for educational content, 513

media in, 508513, 515517

audiobooks, 512513

customer reviews, 516

music, 509

previewing, 515516

purchasing, 517

TV shows, 511

videos, 510

navigating, 507

and network connection, 506

Ping social network, 521

podcasts in, 518520

downloading, 518520

stopping and deleting, 519

purchasing ringtones from, 238239

redeeming codes in App Store, 535

redeeming gift cards for, 520521

searching, 514

setup with, 4849

starting, 506


apps, 114116

bookmarks, 114

calendar, 112

contacts, 110111

email accounts, 113

iBooks, 121122

movies, 118119

with multiple devices, 105

music, 117118

notes, 114

other options for, 105

photos, 122123

Podcasts, 120121

requirements, 104

ringtones, 117

tv shows, 119120

troubleshooting, 123125

iPhone not recognized, 573574

iTunes locked up and will not respond (Mac computer), 125

iTunes locked up and will not respond (Windows computer), 124

syncing with, 574

using Apple knowledgebase, 123

updating iPhone operating system, 126127


Join link, 270


keyboards, 8687

“.“ shortcut, 87

Auto-Capitalization option, 86

enabling Caps Lock feature, 87

international, 8790

options for, 197, 381

press and hold shortcut, 84

setting Auto-Correction feature to ON or OFF, 86


dialing from, 209

when on call, 220

keys, 4

Kindle app, 23

Kindle books, 22

Kindle reader, 301, 313316

Kobo reader, 301, 313314, 317


Landscape mode, 30

Large Text feature, 80, 294

leather cases, 52

letters, typing uppercase, 83

Library button, 303, 307

LinkedIn app, 25

LinkedIn icon, 559

LinkedIn social network, app for, 558560

communicating with connections, 560

downloading, 558560

logging in to, 559

navigating, 559

links, activating from web pages, 350

List button, 280281, 283, 435

List mode, music library, 14

List tab, 317


changing, 451, 458

moving and deleting, 457

new, 456

Lite versions, of games, 545

loading photos, onto iPhone, 466469

Location option, 202


determining, 486

directions from current, 497

mapped, adding to Contacts list, 492

setting due dates and, 451

Start and End, 498499

Lock screen

notifications on, 6263

wallpapers for, 189193

Lock Volume Limit button, 291


magazines, 323325

Magnifying Glass search icon, 560

Magnifying Glass trick, editing text and placing cursor with, 81

Mail app, 21

Mail icon, 560

mailboxes, folders and, 371373

Mailboxes screen, inboxes and accounts, 371

maintenance, 5052

cases, 50

with external battery packs, 51

hard plastic and metal, 52

leather and special, 52

rubber and silicone, 51

screen protectors, 52

waterproof, 52

where to buy, 51

cleaning screen, 50

Maps app, 21, 485503

changing views in, 486488

determining location, 486

Digital Compass feature, 503

getting directions with, 497502

driving, transit, and walking, 501

locations, 497499

routes, 499502

options for, 490496, 502

adding mapped location to Contacts list, 492

bookmarks, 491492

dropping pin, 494495

searching for nearby establishments, 493

Street View, 496

zooming, 494

searching, 488489

maps, showing contact addresses on, 420421

Marvel Comics app, 23



double-clicking Home button for, 285

and Portrait Orientation Lock feature, 181

showing when locked, 293

in iTunes app, 508513, 515517

audiobooks, 512513

customer reviews, 516

music, 509

previewing, 515516

purchasing, 517

TV shows, 511

videos, 510

quick access to, 5455

meetings, invitations to, 447

menus, 9

merging, conference calls, 229230

Message viewing screen, deleting email from, 393394

Messages app, 21, 243257

determining system currently in use, 244

iMessage service

enabling and adjusting settings, 245

text messages and MMS vs., 243244

texting and data plans, 244

MMS, 253257

text messages, 246252

composing, 246250

options after sending, 248249

replying to, 250

tone and sound options for, 252

viewing stored, 251

metal cases, hard plastic cases and, 52

Microphone icon, 184

MicroSIM, 147

Microsoft Exchange, troubleshooting, 574

MiniSIM, 147

Minus button, 316

mirroring, AirPlay Mirroring feature, 548

Mirroring feature, of AirPlay protocol, 159

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), 253257


choosing from Photos app to send via Messages app, 256

sending multiple, 257

sending video and, 253255

and text messages vs. iMessage service, 243244

Month button, 435, 451

Month view, 435, 451

More soft key, 8

More tab, 291

movies, syncing, 118119

Multimedia Messaging Service. See MMS

multiple accounts, in Notes app, 424425

multiple devices, syncing, 105


Fast App Switcher tool, 179188

apps, 180181

media controls and Portrait Orientation Lock feature, 181

Siri app, 182188

volume controls and AirPlay feature, 182

overview, 5

music, 275299

adjusting settings for, 289293

EQ for sound equalization, 290

Home Sharing, 291

showing media controls when locked, 293

Sound Check feature for auto volume adjust, 290

Volume Limit, 291

finding in iTunes app

Genres categories, 509

Top Tens categories, 509

Music app, 276279

changing view in, 280

editing soft keys, 277

playlists, 278279

searching for music, 279

Pandora app, 293299

adjusting settings for, 298299

main screen, 295296

menu, 297

new stations in, 297298

thumbs up or thumbs down, 296

playing, 275, 283289

adjusting volume, 284

double-clicking Home button for media controls, 285

Now Playing option, 288

pausing and, 283

Shuffle option, 287288

songs, 284289

previewing, 515

searching for, 279

syncing, 117118

viewing songs in album, 280282

Music app, 276279

changing view in, 280

editing soft keys, 277

playlists, 278279

searching for music, 279

Music Genome Project, 293

Music screen, 278

music videos, watching, 338

Mute button, 262

muting, when on call, 220


Name field, 175

navigating, newspapers, 323

network connections

and App Store, 525

email and, 365

iTunes app and, 506


Ask to Join Networks switch

and Ask to Login switch on each network, 141

main, 140

Ask to Login switch, Ask to Join Networks switch and, on each network, 141

cellular data networks, 142143

Compose button, in Twitter social network, 564

Facebook social network, 551557

app for, 553555

connecting to, 552

downloading and installing app, 552

notifications, 556557

Forget network option, 141142

hotspots, public Wi-Fi, connecting to network with web login, 135136

LinkedIn social network, app for, 558560

communicating with connections, 560

downloading, 558560

logging in to, 559

navigating, 559

network connections

and App Store, 525

email and, 365

iTunes app and, 506

Ping social network, 521

profiles, in Twitter social network, 564

social networking, 25

Social Networking category, 552

Twitter social network, 560565

Compose button, 564

profile in, 564

tweets, 563, 565

undiscoverable, 139

undiscoverable networks, 139

Virtual Private Networks. See VPNs

VPNs, 153156

contacting help desk, 154

setting up, 154156

switching networks, 156

verifying connection, 156

Wi-Fi networks, 134138

advanced options for, 138142

connecting to, 135138

local, 149

New and Notable section, 544

New Tweet screen, 564

New York Times app, 24, 322

newspapers, 321323

navigating, 323

New York Times app, 322

Newsstand folder, 319330

comic books, 325327

magazines, 323325

newspapers, 321323

navigating, 323

New York Times app, 322

overview, 319320

subscribing to periodicals, 320

Next Song arrow, 284

Next Song control, 285

Next Track button, 181

notes, 31, 423429

adding new, 426

data detectors in, 429

deleting, 428

editing, 427

emailing, 429

highlighting and, for iBooks, 310311

multiple accounts for, 424425

printing, 429

sorting of, 425

syncing, 114424

titles for, 426

viewing, 427

voice dictation for, 428

Notes app, 26

Notification Center, 6465

accessibility options for, 67

configuring, 6567

notifications, 6162

in Facebook social network, 556557

in-app, 63

on Lock screen, 6263

Now Playing icon, 288, 295

Now Playing option, 288

Now Playing screen, 288

NPR News app, 24


rapidly typing single, 83

typing symbols and, 8284

press and hold keyboard shortcut, 84

touch and slide trick, 83


online games, and wireless games, 546

Open Pages button, 349


for Camera app, 463

for Global Address List contacts, 422

for keyboard, 197

for passcodes, 199

for videos, 338339

closed captioning, 339

start playing option, 339


portrait, locking screens in, 58

Portrait Orientation Lock feature, 181

outgoing servers, incoming servers and, 368369


pairing, with Bluetooth technology devices

headsets, 161163

turning on Bluetooth, 161

Pandora app, 22, 293299

adjusting settings for, 298299

main screen, 295296

menu, 297

new stations in, 297298

thumbs up or thumbs down, 296

Paperclip icon, 565

Passcode Lock screen, 198

passcodes, 197199

complex password as, 198

four-digit passcode, 197198

options for, 199


changing for voicemail, 225

entering for email accounts, 366

entering for secure Wi-Fi network, 136

entering usernames and, for AutoFill feature, 359360

as passcodes, 198

pasting, and copying from email, 395

pausing, songs, 283

PDFs (Portable Document Format)

in GoodReader, 328330

reading, 306

period shortcut, 87

periodicals, subscribing to, 320

Personal Hotspot feature, 150153

connecting to, 153

contacting phone company, 151

enabling, 151152

setting up networking, 153

vs. tethering, 150


keyboard, 197

sounds, 195196


downloading through apps, 193194

for home screen, 189193

for lock screen, 189193

phone, 207241


contacting regarding international travel, 144145

contacting regarding Personal Hotspot feature, 151

conference calling, 228230

adding second caller, 228229

initiating, 228

merging calls, 229230

talking privately with or disconnecting from individuals, 230

features of, 207217

dialing from keypad, 209

Favorites list, 210213

headsets, 208

phone numbers, 207217

phone views, 210

placing calls from Contacts list, 215216

Recents list, 214215

functions while on call, 218223

browsing Contacts list, 222

FaceTime video call, 223

keypad, 220

muting, 220

putting caller on hold, 221

speakerphone, 221

new contact from underlined phone number, 218


adding to Contacts list from Recents list, 215

for contacts, 410

finding own, 207

underlined, 217218

options for, 231236

Call Forwarding setting, 231232

Call Waiting setting, 233

Carrier Services button, 236

security on SIM card, 233234

showing or blocking Caller ID, 233

switching between wireless carriers, 235

TTY for deaf people, 235


assigning unique to contacts, 237

custom, 239241

purchasing from iTunes app, 238239

sounds, vibration and, 237

voice dialing with Siri assistant, 218

voicemail, 223227

changing password for, 225

deleting messages, 227

playing, 226227

setting up, 224225

Phone app, 20

Phone icon, 560

phone voice, playback and, volume keys for, 57

Photo tab, 467

photos, 459483

adding to contacts, 413414

assigning to contact, 478479

Camera app, 460466

editing photos in, 465466

geo-tagging in, 461

options for, 463

switching cameras, 463464

using flash, 462

viewing pictures from, 464

zoom in, 462

choosing from Photos app to send via Messages app, 256

copying, 477

deleting, 477, 480481

downloading, 482483

emailing, 476

loading onto iPhone, 466469

moving between, 473

printing, 477


from Contacts app, 419

multiple, 257

video and, with Messages app, 253255

sharing, 477

shortcuts for taking, 459460

syncing, 122123

tweeting, 476

uploading with Facebook app, 555

viewing, 469471

albums, 471

from Photos icon, 470

slideshows, 475

viewing on Apple TV, 480481

wallpaper as, 476

zooming, 473474

by double-tapping, 473

by pinching, 474

Photos app, 23, 256

Photos icon, viewing photos from, 470

pictures. See photos

Pimp Your Screen icon, 193


overview, 17

zooming photos by, 474

Ping social network, 521

pins, dropping, 494495

plastic cases, and metal cases, 52

Play/Pause button, 284

playback, and phone voice, 57


Now Playing option, 288

Shuffle option, 287288

Shake to Shuffle feature, 287288


moving to another part of, 286

repeating, 286287

viewing others on album, 288289

videos, 332336

changing size of video, 334

fast-forwarding, 333334

rewinding, 333334

using AirPlay, 334335

using chapters, 336

using time scrubber bar, 334

in YouTube, 341

playlists, 278279

Playlists view, 278

Plus Sign (+) button, 316, 476

Podcasts, 518520


overview, 518519

viewing downloads, 519520

stopping and deleting, 519

syncing, 120121

watching, 337

Portable Document Format. See PDFs

Portrait Orientation Lock feature, media controls and, 181

portrait orientation, locking screens in, 58

Portrait Screen Rotation Lock, 8

Power button, 12

power cables, 37

power key, 19

power outlets, charging from, 3839

Power/Sleep button, 4, 19, 190

powering, and Sleep mode, 53

press and hold keyboard shortcut, 84

Previous Song button, 284

Previous Song control, 285

Previous Track button, 181

Price button, 304


notes, 429

photos, 477

web pages, 357

privacy options, for Safari web browser, 363

productivity, 26

profiles, in Twitter social network, 564

Purchases button, 303

Push Notifications warning message, 553

push options, advanced, 398


Quick Look mode, 386387

quick start guide, 31

QuickMix, 295

quoting text, in emails, 380


Raise to Speak option, 183184

Reader feature, 355


iBooks, 307312

built-in dictionary, 309

customizing brightness and fonts, 307308

highlighting and notes, 310311

in-page bookmark, 309310

search feature, 312

PDFs, 306

Reading List bookmark, 354355

Real Racing menu, 546

Recents list, 214215

adding phone number to Contacts list from, 215

call and contact information details, 215

clearing all, 214

placing call from, 214


CC or BCC, 377

deleting, 377

moving, 378


video, 271273

focusing, 272

sending, 273

trimming, 272273

Red-Eye button, 465

reference tables, 18

connecting and organizing, 2021

entertainment, 2223

information, 24

productivity, 26

social networking, 25


apps, in iTunes, 116

iPhone operating system, 575578

Reminder widget, 186

reminders, 449

completing, 455

details of, 451

editing, 456

new, 451

options for, 457458

recurring, 451

Siri assistant and, 431432

syncing and sharing your calendar and, 432

views, 450451

Reminders app, 431, 451, 456457

removing apps, in iTunes, 116

Repeat symbol, 287

Repeat tab, 440, 451

Reply All option, 392


Apple knowledgebase, 580

blogs, 580581

on-device user guide, 579


with iCloud service, 4748

from previous backup, 49

restrictions, 199206

allowing changes, 202203

for apps, 200201

for content, 204206

for Game Center, 206

Restrictions button, 200, 204, 206

Rewind button, 181

rewinding videos, 333334

ringers, volume keys for, 57


assigning unique to contacts, 237

for contacts, 411

custom, 239241

free approach to, 239241

syncing, 241

purchasing from iTunes app, 238239

sounds, vibration and, 237

syncing, 117

roaming, data, 148149

Rock Band app, 543

Rotate button, 465


looking at, 499500

reversing, 502

switching between, 501

rubber cases, and silicone cases, 51


Safari app, 15, 20, 268

Safari web browser, 345364

adding web page icon to Home screen, 361

adjusting settings for, 361364

changing search engines, 362

enabling AutoFill feature, 362363

privacy options, 363

security options, 364

AutoFill feature, 359360

entering usernames and passwords, 359360

for personal information, 360

bookmarks, 350354

history and, 351352

managing, 352354

new, 350351

Reading List, 354355

and Internet connections, 346

launching, 346347

Open Pages button, 349

Reader feature, 355

saving and copying text and graphics, 358

screen layout of, 347

typing web address, 348

watching videos in, 357358

web pages

activating links from, 350

emailing or tweeting, 357

jumping to top of, 356

moving through open, 348349

printing, 357

zooming in, 349350

saving, text and graphics, 358

screen protectors, 52

Screen Rotation Lock button, 8


cleaning, 50

locking, in portrait orientation, 58

Portrait Orientation Lock feature, 181

scrolling, 16

Search button, for iBooks store, 305

search engines, changing, 362

search feature, for iBooks, 312

Search window, 265, 558


for apps, 533

contacts, 415416

by flicking, 416

jumping to letter, 416

using groups, 416

iTunes app, 514

with Maps app, 488489

for nearby establishments, 493

Spotlight Search feature, 9496

activating, 95

customizing, 96

Search Web and Search Wikipedia options, 96

videos, 332333

YouTube, 340

Second Alert option, 441

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) feature, and Authentication feature, 403


passcodes, 197199

complex password, 198

four-digit passcode, 197198

options for, 199

restrictions, 199206

allowing changes, 202203

for apps, 200201

for content, 204206

for Game Center, 206

for Safari web browser, 364

on SIM card, 233234

server ports, changing incoming, 404

servers, deleting email from, 403404

Set Home Screen button, 191

Set Lock Screen button, 191

Settings app, 9

Settings button, 317

Settings icon, 12, 135, 137, 141, 143, 149, 151, 154, 156, 165

settings screens, navigating inside apps and, 55

setup, 43

determining need for, 43

with iCloud service, 4348

configuring options for, 47

free Apple ID, 46

as new iPhone, 45

restoring with, 4748

with iTunes app, 4849

from previous backup, 49

Shake to Shuffle feature, 287288

Shared tab, 291

sharing, photos, 477

Shelf view, 317

Shortcovers, 301, 314


for taking photos, 459460

typing quick phrases with, 71

Shuffle option, Shake to Shuffle feature, 287288

Sign In button, 265

Sign In link, 268

signatures, email, 380400

silicone cases, rubber cases and, 51

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards

international, 145, 147

removing or installing, 37

security on, 233234

Simple Passcode option, 198

Siri app, 182188

capabilities of, 184186

changing names and setting up relationships for, 186187

enabling and configuring, 183

limitations of, 188

taking dictation, 188

Siri assistant

and reminders, 431432

starting with Home button, 56

voice dialing with, 218

size of video, changing, 334

Skype app, video calling with, 263271

chatting, 269270

on computer, 270271

downloading, 264

finding and adding contacts to Skype app, 265266

logging into Skype app, 265

receiving calls, 268269

Skype account, 264

Skype Credits, or monthly subscription, 268269

Skype icon, 170171

Slacker Personal Radio, 294

Sleep mode, powering and, 53

Slide To Unlock screen, and quick camera and media access, 5455

Slideshow Play button, 475

slideshows, viewing, 475

SMS message, 179

social networking, 25

Social Networking category, 552

social networks, 551565

Facebook, 551557

app for, 553555

connecting to, 552

notifications, 556557

LinkedIn, 558560

Ping, 521

Twitter, 560565

Compose button, 564

profile in, 564

tweets, 563565

soft keys, 8

customizing, in iTunes app, 507508

editing, 277

soft-resetting iPhone, 570571


locating for free custom ringtones, 239241

moving to another part of, 286

playing previous or next, 284

repeating, 286287

viewing in album, 280282, 288289

Songs screen, 279


contacts, 422

notes, 425

Sound Check feature, for auto volume adjust, 290


changing, 195196

EQ setting for, 290

ringtones, vibration and, 237

toggling for receiving and sending email, 402

and tones for text messages, 252

Speak Auto-text feature, Speak Selection feature and, 77

Speak option, in emails, 380

Speak Selection feature, and Speak Auto-text feature, 77

Speaker icon, 163164

speakerphone, when on call, 221

speakers, playing voicemail through, 226

Spell Checker feature, 74

Spotify, 294

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) feature, and Authentication feature, 403

Stanza reader, 301

Start location, and End location, 498499

start playing option, for videos, 339

Stereo Bluetooth, 158, 160, 165166

storage, buying more for iCloud, 101

Store button, 302

street address, for contacts, 412, 420421

Street View, 496

subjects, email, 379

submenus, 9

Subscriber Identity Module cards. See SIM


monthly, to Skype app, 268269

to periodicals, 320

swapping icons, 171

swiping, 1517

double-tapping, 17

pinching, 17

scrolling, 16

Switch Camera button, 262, 464

switches, 49

switching apps, 5

switching cameras, 463464

symbols, typing numbers and, 8284

press and hold keyboard shortcut, 84

touch and slide trick, 83



managing, 115116

removing or reinstalling, 116

screen for, 114

bookmarks, 114

calendar, 112

contacts, 110111

with Google contacts, 110

with Yahoo! address book, 111

email accounts, 113

iBooks, 121122

movies, 118119

with multiple devices, 105

music, 117118

notes, 114424

other methods, 127131

setting up Exchange account, 128131

setting up Google account, 128131

other options for, 105

photos, 122123

Podcasts, 120121

requirements for, 104

ringtones, 117

troubleshooting, 123125, 574

iTunes locked up and will not respond (Mac computer), 125

iTunes locked up and will not respond (Windows computer), 124

using Apple knowledgebase, 123

using iCloud, 574

using iTunes, 574

using Microsoft Exchange, 574

tv shows, 119120


Table of Contents button, 307

Take Photo or Video button, 555

tapping, 14

tasks, adding notes to, 455

tethering, Personal Hotspot feature vs., 150


editing and placing cursor with Magnifying Glass trick, 81

formatting, in emails, 380

and graphics, saving and copying, 358

quickly selecting and deleting or changing, 85

quoting in emails, 380

text messages, 246252

composing, 246

from contacts, 250

from Messages app, 246248

and MMS vs. iMessage service, 243244

options after sending, 248249

replying to, 250

tone and sound options for, 252

viewing stored, 251

Text Telephone Devices (TTYs), for deaf people, 235

texting plans, and data plans, 244

threaded messages, inboxes, 373374

time scrubber bar, for videos, 334

time zones, correcting

on arrival, 147

when returning home, 150

Title Page button, 311

titles, for notes, 426

tones, and sound options for text messages, 252

Top Charts soft key, 532

Top status bar, 10

Top Tens categories, 509

touch and slide trick, 83

rapidly typing single number, 83

typing uppercase letters, 83

touch screen, gestures, 13

traffic, checking, 488

transit directions, and driving and walking directions, 501

Trash Can icon, 480481

trial versions, of games, 545

troubleshooting, 567581

cannot purchase from iTunes or app store, 573

contacts, 422423

hard-resetting iPhone, 570

iPhone stops responding, 567569

iTunes, 123125

iPhone not recognized, 573574

iTunes locked up and will not respond (Mac computer), 125

iTunes locked up and will not respond (Windows computer), 124

using Apple knowledgebase, 123

no sound, 571572

reinstalling iPhone operating system, 575578

resources for

Apple knowledgebase, 580

blogs, 580581

on-device user guide, 579

soft-resetting iPhone, 570571

syncing, 574

TTYs (Text Telephone Devices), for deaf people, 235

tv shows

finding in iTunes app, 511

previewing videos and, 516

syncing, 119120

watching, 336337

Tweet Speaker app, 188


options within, 565

photos, 476

refreshing list of, 563

web pages, 357

Twitter app, 25

Twitter social network, 560565

Compose button, 564

profile in, 564


options within, 565

refreshing list of, 563

two-player games, 546

typing, 6974

Auto-Correction feature, 7274

Caps Lock feature, 85

editing text and placing cursor with Magnifying Glass trick, 81

keyboards, 8687

“.” shortcut, 87

Auto-Capitalization option, 86

enabling Caps Lock feature, 87

international, 8790

setting Auto-Correction feature to ON or OFF, 86

numbers and symbols, 8284

press and hold keyboard shortcut, 84

touch and slide trick, 83

quick phrases with shortcuts, 71

on screen with two thumbs, 70

single number rapidly, 83

Spell Checker feature, 74

text, quickly selecting and deleting or changing, 85

uppercase letters, 83


underlined phone numbers

calling, 217

new contact from, 218

undiscoverable networks, 139

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), typing, 348

Universal Serial Bus (USB) to dock cables, 37

unread messages, 384385

Upload button, 555

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), typing, 348

USB (Universal Serial Bus) to dock cables, 37

user guide, on-device, 579

usernames, entering passwords and, 359360


vertical orientation, locking screens in, 58

vibration, sounds, ringtones and, 237

Video Call button, 267

Video Recorder icon, 271

videos, 259273, 331343


with FaceTime feature, 260262

with Skype app, 263271

categories for, 332

deleting, 339

finding in iTunes app, 510

loading onto iPhone, 332

music videos, 338

options for, 338339

closed captioning, 339

start playing option, 339

playing, 332336

changing size of video, 334

fast-forwarding, 333334

rewinding, 333334

using AirPlay, 334335

using chapters, 336

using time scrubber bar, 334

podcasts, 337

previewing TV shows and, 516

recording, 271273

focusing video, 272

sending video, 273

trimming video, 272273

searching, 332333

sending pictures and, with Messages app, 253255

tv shows, 336337

viewing attachments, 389

watching in Safari web browser, 357358

YouTube, 340343

bottom icons in, 340341

controls in, 341342

history in, 343

playing videos, 341

searching, 340


in Calendar app, 434436

changing in Music app, 280

on phone, 210

for reminders, 450451

Virtual Private Networks. See VPNs

Voice Control app, 20

voice dialing, with Siri assistant, 218

voice dictation, for notes, 428

voicemail, 223227

changing password for, 225

deleting messages, 227

playing, 226227

adjusting greeting, 226

calling back person who left voicemail, 227

through speaker, 226

setting up, 224225

VoiceOver option, 7577

volume, adjusting

Sound Check feature for auto volume adjust, 290

when playing music, 284

volume controls, and AirPlay feature, 182

volume keys, 5657

Volume Limit, 291

Volume slider bar, 283

Volume Slider control, 284

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), 153156

contacting help desk, 154

setting up, 154156

switching networks, 156

verifying connection, 156

imageW, X

walking directions, and driving and transit directions, 501

wall plug adapters, 37


downloading through apps, 193194

for home screen, 189193

for lock screen, 189193

using photo as, 476

waterproof cases, 52

Weather Channel app, 24

web addresses, typing, 348

web browser, Safari, 345364

adding web page icon to Home screen, 361

adjusting settings for, 361364

changing search engines, 362

enabling AutoFill feature, 362363

privacy options, 363

security options, 364

AutoFill feature, 359360

entering usernames and passwords, 359360

for personal information, 360

bookmarks, 350354

history and, 351352

managing, 352354

new, 350351

Reading List, 354355

and Internet connections, 346

launching, 346347

Open Pages button, 349

Reader feature, 355

saving and copying text and graphics, 358

screen layout of, 347

typing web address, 348

watching videos in, 357358

web pages

activating links from, 350

emailing or tweeting, 357

jumping to top of, 356

moving through open, 348349

printing, 357

zooming in, 349350

web page icons, adding to Home screen, 361

web pages

emailing or tweeting, 357

jumping to top of, 356

moving through open, 348349

printing, 357

web site addresses, for contacts, 411

Week view, 434, 436

What's Hot button, finding apps with, 529

White on Black setting, 7980

Wi-Fi networks, 134138

advanced options for, 138142

automatic-joining feature, 140142

undiscoverable networks, 139

connecting to

entering password for secure, 136

at public Wi-Fi hotspot with web login, 135136

switching to different, 137

verifying connection, 138

local, 149

Wi-Fi option, Settings app, 12

Wi-Fi switch, 12, 23

wireless carriers, switching between, 235

wireless games, online games and, 546


Yahoo! address book, syncing contacts with, 111

YouTube, 340343

bottom icons in, 340341

controls in, 341342

history in, 343

playing videos, 341

searching, 340


Zinio app, 324325

.zip files, opening and viewing compressed, 389391

Zoom feature, magnifying entire screen with, 7879


in Camera app, 462

email, 385

in Maps app, 494

photos, 473474

by double-tapping, 473

by pinching, 474

in web pages, 349350

by double-tapping, 349

by pinching, 349350

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