

α-β range move, 52

α-β swap, 49

α-expansion, 49


adjacency matrix, 444

weighted, 444

adjunction, 147

affinities, 9

affinity, 124, 358

alpha matte, 237

alpha value, 237

anisotropic diffusion, 169, 188

applications of GED, 407

attraction, 133

attributed graph, 425

augmenting path algorithm, 99

autarky property, 41

automatic edit cost learning, 399


background, 112, 114

ball, 357, 359

bandwidth, 367, 368

basic energy model, 115

Bayesian, 367

belief Propagation, 490

boundaries, 3


catchment basin, 157

Cauchy function, 124

CCA, see component, 357, 359, 371, 374

centered, 355


double, 355, 356

matrix, 356, 364

centroid, 367

children, 307

clique, 4

closing, 149

cluster, 352, 353, 374

spectral clustering, 353

clustering, 431

CMMDS, see multidimensional scaling, 356361, 363, 365, 370, 371, 373

co-ranking matrix, 369

color line model, 243

colorization, 191

combinatorial maps, 330

combinatorial pyramid, 337

base level combinatorial map, 341

implicit encoding, 341

level, 339

state, 339

commute-time distance, 455

commute-time embedding, 456, 458

compact partitioning, 431


connected, 362, 365, 372

curvilinear, 353, 357, 359

principal, 353, 354

component tree, 152

composed of, 325

compositing Equation, 238

concentration, 374

conductance, 363

connecting paths, 333

constraint, 360364

containment, 133

contains, 325

context, 267

contraction, 326

contraction kernel, 334

convex function, 45

coordinate, 355, 356, 361, 366368

centered, 355

nonlinearly transformed, 363

coordinates, 365

cost, 36

cost function, 356, 357, 362, 364, 368, 369, 374

edge-based, 269

region-based, 270

covariance, 355

curse of dimensionality, 431

curvature, 127, 358

cut, 35, 99

minimum-cut, 99

cycle, 8


D3P, see Data-Driven Decimation Process


high-dimensional, 352

representation, 352, 369

set, 370

visualization, 353, 366, 367, 373

data term, 33

data-driven decimation process, 316

deblurring, 106

decimation ratio, 307, 311

decoding, 354

decorrelation, 355

degree, 3

inner, 3

outer, 3

denoising, 104


partial, 354, 362

diffusion, 363

Dijkstra, 359361

dilation, 147


curse of, 352

intrinsic, 371

reduction, 352354, 365, 369, 373, 374

linear, 353

nonlinear, 353

directed, 2

directed neighborhood, 321

direction, 125

discrete calculus, 6

discrete topology, 430

discretization, 427

dissimilarity, 352, 361, 373

distance, 124, 352, 353, 357, 358, 366, 368, 369, 374

commute time, 352, 363

commute-time, 363

concentration, 374

diffusion, 363

Euclidean, 356, 358361, 372

squared, 356, 359

geodesic, 352, 359, 360, 363, 372

graph, 358360, 373

infinite, 360, 366


dense, 363

squared, 356, 359

preservation, 356, 358360, 369, 374

weighted, 360

sorted, 369

distances, 9

distortion, 366

distribution, 366, 368, 370

support, 367

dot product, 353, 356, 363

doubly stochastic matrices, 470

DR, see dimensionality, 353, 360, 361, 367

linear, 353

dual, 114

dual graph, 328

dual graph pyramid, 336

duality, 147

dynamic, 425

dynamic programming, 509, 516


edge, 143

incident, 3

edge graph, 318

edges, 2

edit costs, 396

edit operations, 395

edit path, 395

eigenproblem, 355

eigenspectrum, 360

eigenvalue, 355, 359, 361, 373

multiplicity, 362, 363, 365

problem, 362

eigenvector, 355, 365

leading, 355

trailing, 362, 365

electric lines of force, 287

EM algorithm, 462

embedding, 352, 353, 359, 361, 364, 367

graph, 353, 358

locally linear, 358, 364

spiky, 373

empty self-loop, 329

encoding, 354

endpoint, 3

energy, 29, 33

equivalence class, 425

erosion, 147

error-tolerant graph matching, 393

exact graph matching, 387

exclusion, 133

expectation, 368

expectation-maximization, 367


analysis, 373

data analysis, 367

observation machine, 358, 368

extension, 155

extinction, 164


Fiedler value, 453

Fiedler vector, 453

filter, 149

flooding, 153

flow, 12

maximum, 13, 14

Floyd, 359361

force, 358


minimum spanning, 157

form, 426


source, 3

target, 3

fusion move, 51


Gaussian mixture model, 463

geodesic, 425

curve, 359

distance, see distance

geometric constraints, 133

Gibbs distribution, 476

global attributes, 426

gradient, 368

descent, 356

stochastic, 357, 368, 373, 374

Gram matrix, 353, 355, 359, 360, 363, 365, 454

graph, 2, 20, 143, 353, 357, 361, 373, 386

complete bipartite, 4

directed, 2

fully connected, 4

higher-order, 4

hypergraph, 4

partial graph, 4

adjacency, 6

bipartite, 4

complement, 3

complete, 4

connected, 8

construction, 358, 360, 366

digraph, 2

distance, 358

drawing, 367

edge, 363

embedding, 358, 365, 367

induced, 155

isomorphism, 4

layout, 367, 368

placement, 358

regular, 3

subgraph, 4

undirected, 2, 362, 366

unweighted, 2

vertex, 367

weighted, 2

graph cuts, 14, 26, 166, 266

graph edit distance, 395

graph edit distance computation, 401

graph embedding, 409

graph isomorphism, 388, 446

graph Laplacian, 208, 445

combinatorial, 445

normalized, 445

random-walk, 445

unnormalized, 445

combinatorial, 452, 453

graph search, 266

graphical model

factor graph, 481

factorization, 479

Potts model, 485

graphical models, 476

grid, 366

elasticity, 367

node, 366, 367


handwritten digit, 352, 370

Hausdorff metric, 427

hierarchical index, 430

hierarchy, 153

MSF, 162

hierarchy of parts, 426

higher-order energies, 43


joint, 369

histogram matching, 444, 462

Hoffman–Wielandt theorem, 447

honeycomb, 366

Hungarian algorithm, 451, 462


image denoising, 208

image segmentation, 266

independent set, 312

maximal, 312

maximum, 313

surviving elements, 312

indexing, 430

infimum, 143


context, 267

inpainting, 191

inside, 325

instabilities, 427

interpolation, 189

Isomap, 358361, 363

isometry, 359, 360

Isotop, 358, 367, 368, 371, 374

isotropic diffusion, 186


K-means, 366, 367

kernel, 363


labeling, 27

labelings, 26

Lagrange, 354

multiplier, 354

Lagrangian, 354, 362

landmark, 372


eigenmaps, 358, 362, 363, 365, 371, 374

matrix, 352, 353

normalized, 362, 363, 365

unnormalized, 362, 363

lattice, 15, 143

complete, 143


manifold, 353

rate, 367

likelihood, 367

LLE, 364, 365, 371, 374

local attributes, 426

local kernel, 504, 508, 511

locally linear, 363

LOGISMOS, 285290

cost function, 290

electric lines of force, 287

multiobject interaction, 288

graph construction, 286


multiobject, 287

presegmentation, 286


majorization, 357

manifold, 352, 353, 357, 358, 360, 366, 367

disconnected, 360

learning, 353

nonconvex, 360

smooth, 353, 359, 364

submanifold, 352

underlying, 371

unfolding, 358, 360, 361


self-organizing, 352, 358, 366, 367


nonlinear, 357, 359, 374

Sammon’s nonlinear mapping, 353

topographic, 367

topographic mapping, 352

Markov random field, 32

mass, 358, 367

matching, 318


p-Laplacian, 182

constitutive, 6

incidence, 6

Laplacian, 7

matting, 237

matting Laplacian, 244

maximal independent edge set

maximal matching, 318

maximal independent directed edge set, 321

maximal independent edge set, 318

maximal independent set, see independent set

maximal independent vertex set, 313

candidate, 314

maximal matching, 318

maximum common subgraph, 390

maximum flow, 36

maximum-flow, 99

breakpoint, 103

parametric, 101

MDS, 353, see multidimensional scaling, 360, 370

medial axis, 426

median graph, 412

median graph via embedding, 412

meet relationship, 324

meets_each, 325

meets_exists, 325

Mercer kernel, 363

mesh, 158

metric, 424

metric-based indexing, 431

MIDES, see Maximal Independent Directed Edge Set

MIES, see Maximal Independent Edge Set

min-cut, 363

minimum common supergraph, 390

minimum cut, 13, 36

minimum spanning tree, 157

MIVS, see Maximal Independent Vertex Set

MNIST, 370

Moore-Penrose, 365

move-making, 49

MSF, see forest, minimum spanning

multidimensional scaling, 353, 369


classical, 353, 355

multiple kernel learning, 520

MVU, see variance, 361, 362, 371


neighborhood, 358, 361, 370

K-ary, 352, 357, 359, 360, 364, 369, 372

ϵ-ball, 352, 357, 360, 364

graph, 360, 362365, 367, 368

radius, 367, 368

relationship, 357, 369


electrical, 363

neural, 353, 366

NLDR, 353, see dimensionality, 357, 364, 371

NLM, see Sammon, 357, 359, 371

nodes, 2

adjacent, 3

isolated, 3

nonlocal, 185

nonlocal image graph, 185, 208

nonoverlapping holed pyramid, 307

nonoverlapping pyramid without hole, 308


object, 112, 114

octree, 19

opening, 149

operator, 177

directional derivative, 178

weighted p-Laplace anisotropic operator, 181

weighted p-Laplace isotropic operator, 180

weighted gradient, 179

difference, 178

divergence, 179

opposing metrics method, 128

optimal GED algorithms, 401

optimization, 357, 373

constrained, 361

convex, 363

heuristic, 365368, 374

nonspectral, 374

pseudo-Newton, 374

spectral, 374

oriented, 2

origin, 3

orthogonal, 354, 355

orthogonal matrices, 460

overlapping pyramid, 308


P-brush, 116

parameter, 372

partial difference equations (PdE), 177

path, 8, 360, 361

augmenting, 14

shortest, 10, 359, 368, 373

PCA, 353, see component, 355, 356, 366, 373

kernel, 363


matrix, 369

pivot-based, 431

pixel, 370


force-directed, 358

graph, 358

point, 143

point cloud, 510

point registration, 447, 462

preselected edges, 321

primal, 114

principal component analysis, see component

prior term, 34

probabilistic graphical model, 512

projection, 357, 366


point, 94

splitting, 94, 104

proximity, 352, 358

proximity operator, 94, 104

pseudo-Boolean functions, 43

pseudo-inverse, 365


base, 307

level, 307

top, 307


quality, 369

assessment, 369, 372, 373

criterion, 369, 370

quantitative, 424

quantum, 424


RAG, 326

random walk, 352, 363

random walker, 166

rank, 352, 364, 369

ex aequo, 369

nonreflexive, 369

quality criteria, 352

receptive field, 307, 341

reconstruction, 354, 355, 366

coefficient, 364

geodesic, 154

reduction factor, see Decimation ratio

reduction function, 307

reduction window, 307, 311, 315

redundant double edge, 329

region adjacency graph, 19, 326, 333, 506

region quadtree, 17

regular pyramid, 307

regularization, 112, 134, 364

p-Laplacian, 185

removal, 326

removal kernel, 336


discrete, 359, 366

two-dimensional, 371

residual capacity, 99

residual graph, 99

resistance, 363


saliency map, 163

Sammon, see mapping, 357, 359, 369, 371, 374

scales, 426

scatterplot, 369

scribbles, 114

seeds, 114


cost function

edge-based, 269

region-based, 270


3-D, 266

knee joint, 294299

multiobject, 266

multisurface, 266

n-D, 266

optimal, 266

prostate, 291293

retinal layers, 290291

separation constraint, 269

smoothness constraint, 269

image, 266

LOGISMOS, 285290

optimal multiple surface, 275

optimal single surface, 270

shape prior, 267, 281

semi-supervised image clustering, 190

semi-supervised learning, 522

semidefinite programming, 361, 373

separation constraint, 269

shape, 426

shape cell, 427

shape fitting, 168

shape interior, 426

shape matching, 442, 443, 464

spectral, 458

shape prior, 267, 281


diagram, 369

shock-graph, 426

silhouette, 426

similarity, 352, 353, 358, 361, 362, 373, 374

matrix, 373

sparse, 358, 363, 364, 374

preservation, 374

similarity space, 424

simple graph, 326

simple graph pyramids, 332

singular value, 355

sink, 12

smoothing term, 34

smoothness constraint, 269

SOM, 366368, 371, 374

source, 3, 11


Euclidean, 359, 360

feature, 363

high-dimensional, 352, 358, 359, 365, 367370

latent, 357, 372

low-dimensional, 352

visualization, 370

sparse, 362364, 373, 374

sparsity, 358

spectral graph isomorphism, 447

spectral graph matching, 442, 451

spectral graph wavelet transform, 208

spiral, 357, 370

spring, 358, 367


static, 425


function, 367

size, 368

stereopsis, 483

STRAIN, 356, 357

STRESS, 356, 357

stress, 357, 369

squared, 357

structural, 424

structural change, 427

subgraph, 387

subgraph isomorphism, 388

sublinear search, 430

submodularity, 40

suboptimal GED algorithms, 403

subpath, 8

subspace, 354, 355

linear, 353, 356, 357, 366

nonlinear, 358, 366

superpixel, 19

supremum, 143


directed edge, 321

element, 312

undirected edge, 318

vertex, 314, 316, 319, 321

survivor, see surviving

Swiss roll, 357, 358, 370, 372


target, 3

target specification, 112, 134

targeted segmentation, 112

topology, 353

total variation, 94

co-area formula, 96

submodularity, 96

trail, 8

transitions, 427

tree, 10

minimal spanning, 11

component, 152

spanning, 11

tree-walk, 503, 511

trimap, 113, 239



manifold, 358

maximum variance, 358

uprooting, 163


variance, 373

maximum variance unfolding, 358, 360, 363

preservation, 355, 371

vector quantization, 366, 374

vertex, 143

vertices, 2

vicinity, 358

visualization, 353, 366, 370, 372, 373

space, 366


walk, 8, 503

closed, 8

open, 8


cut, 155

power, 166

ultrametric, 163

weight, 356, 360, 362, 363, 366

weighted graph matching, 450

weighted mean of a pair of graphs, 407

Welsch function, 124


XOM, 358, 368

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