
Book Description

Making Innovation Work presents a formal innovation process proven to work at HP, Microsoft, and Toyota to help ordinary managers drive top and bottom line growth from innovation. The authors have drawn on their unsurpassed innovation consulting experience -- as well as the most thorough review of innovation research ever performed. They'll show what works, what doesn't, and how to use management tools to dramatically increase the payoff from innovation investments. Learn how to define the right strategy for effective innovation, how to structure an organization to innovate best, how to implement management systems to assess ongoing innovation, how to incentivize teams to deliver, and much more. This book offers the first authoritative guide to using metrics at every step of the innovation process -- from idea creation and selection through prototyping and commercialization. This updated edition refreshes the examples used throughout the book and features a new introduction that gives currency to the principles covered throughout.


For years, Creating Breakthrough Products has offered an indispensable roadmap for uncovering new opportunities, identifying what customers really value, and building products and services that redefine markets -- or create entirely new markets. Now, the authors have thoroughly updated their classic book, adding brand-new chapters on service design and global innovation, plus new insights, best practices, and case studies from both U.S. and global companies. Their new second edition presents:

  • Revolutionary (Apple-style) and evolutionary (Disney-style) approaches to innovation: choosing between them, and making either one work

  • More coverage of Value Opportunity Analysis and ethnography

  • New case studies ranging from Navistar's latest long-haul truck to P+G's reinvention of Herbal Essences, plus updates to existing cases

  • New coverage of the emerging environment of product-service ecosystems

  • Additional visual maps and illustrations that make the book more intuitive and accessible

  • Readers will find new insights into identifying Product Opportunity Gaps that can lead to enormous success, navigating the "Fuzzy Front End" of product development, and leveraging contributions from diverse product teams -- while staying relentlessly focused on their customers' values and lifestyles, from strategy through execution.

    Table of Contents

    1. About This eBook
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright Page
    4. Contents
    5. Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It, and Profit from It, Updated Edition
      1. Copyright Page
      2. Praise for Making Innovation Work, First Edition
      3. Introduction to Updated Edition
        1. MIW’s Formula for Success
        2. New Perspectives Emerging from Recent Experience
        3. Conclusion
        4. Endnotes
      4. Introduction
        1. Objective of This Book
      5. 1. Driving Success: How You Innovate Determines What You Innovate
        1. Innovation Is the Power to Redefine the Industry
        2. The Innovation Imperative: Driving Long-Term Growth in Top and Bottom Lines
        3. How to Make Innovation Work: How You Innovate Determines What You Innovate
        4. The Rules of Innovation
        5. Summary: The Innovation Company
      6. 2. Mapping Innovation: What Is Innovation and How Do You Leverage It?
        1. A New Model of Strategic Innovation
        2. Business Model Change
        3. Technology Change
        4. Three Types of Innovation
        5. Innovation Model and the Innovation Rules
      7. 3. Choosing Your Destiny: How to Design a Winning Innovation Strategy
        1. Choosing the Right Strategy
        2. Play to Win and Play Not to Lose Strategies
        3. Too Much of a Good Thing
        4. Clearly Defined Innovation Strategy Drives Change
        5. Do You Select an Innovation Strategy?
        6. Risk Management and Innovation Strategy
        7. Innovation Strategy: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry
        8. Strategy and the Innovation Rules
      8. 4. Organizing for Innovation: How to Structure a Company for Innovation
        1. Organizing for Innovation
        2. Developing an Internal Marketplace for Innovation
        3. Outsourcing Innovation
        4. Integrating Innovation within the Organization
        5. The Leadership Role
        6. Organization and the Innovation Rules
      9. 5. Management Systems: Designing the Process of Innovation
        1. Systems and Processes Make Things Happen
        2. The Objectives of Well-Designed Innovation Systems
        3. Choosing and Designing Innovation Systems
        4. Management Systems Comparison
        5. Electronic Collaboration
        6. Management Systems and the Innovation Rules
      10. 6. Illuminating the Pathway: How to Measure Innovation
        1. To Measure or Not to Measure?
        2. A Balanced Scorecard for Measuring Innovation
        3. Designing and Implementing Innovation Measurement Systems
        4. The Barriers to Effective Performance Measurement
        5. Measurement and the Innovation Rules
      11. 7. Rewarding Innovation: How to Design Incentives to Support Innovation
        1. The Importance of Incentives and Rewards
        2. Motivation
        3. A Framework for Incentive Systems’ Design
        4. Setting Goals for Measuring Performance
        5. Performance Evaluation and Incentive Contracts
        6. Incentive Contracts
        7. Key Considerations in Designing Incentives Systems for Innovation
        8. Incentives and Rewards, and the Innovation Rules
      12. 8. Learning Innovation: How Do Organizations Become Better at Innovating?
        1. The Importance of Learning
        2. A Model of Learning
        3. Learning Systems for Innovation
        4. How to Make Learning Work in Your Organization
        5. The Dynamic Nature of Innovation Strategy
        6. Learning and the Innovation Rules
      13. 9. Cultivating Innovation: How to Design a Winning Culture
        1. How Culture Affects Innovation
        2. Is Innovation the New Religion?
        3. The Danger of Success
        4. Organizational Levers of an Innovative Culture
        5. Different Country Cultures Breed Different Innovation Cultures
        6. People and Innovation
        7. The Role of Senior Management
        8. Culture and the Innovation Rules
      14. 10. Conclusion: Applying the Innovation Rules to Your Organization
        1. Combining Creativity with Commercial Savvy
        2. Smart Execution
        3. The Role of Leadership
        4. Diagnostics and Action
        5. Organizing Initiatives
        6. Generating Innovation Value
      15. Endnotes
        1. Chapter 1
        2. Chapter 2
        3. Chapter 3
        4. Chapter 4
        5. Chapter 5
        6. Chapter 6
        7. Chapter 7
        8. Chapter 8
        9. Chapter 9
        10. Chapter 10
      16. Bibliography
      17. Additions to Bibliography for Updated Edition
      18. Index
    6. Creating Breakthrough Products: Revealing the Secrets that Drive Global Innovation
      1. Copyright Page
      2. Praise for Creating Breakthrough Products, Second Edition
      3. Dedication Page
      4. Foreword
      5. Acknowledgments
      6. About the Authors
      7. Preface
        1. What to Expect from This Book
        2. User’s Guide
        3. How to Use the Case Studies
      8. Glossary of Acronyms and Terms
      9. Part One: The Argument
        1. Chapter One. What Drives New Product Development
          1. Redefining the Bottom Line
          2. Identifying Product Opportunities: The SET Factors
          3. POG and SET Factor Case Studies
          4. Summary Points
          5. Notes
        2. Chapter Two. Moving to the Upper Right
          1. Integrating Style and Technology
          2. Style Versus Technology: A Brief History of the Evolution of Style and Technology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
          3. Positioning Map: Style Versus Technology
          4. Knockoffs and Rip-offs
          5. The Upper Right and Intellectual Property
          6. Revolutionary Versus Evolutionary Product Development
          7. Summary Points
          8. References
        3. Chapter Three. The Upper Right: The Value Quadrant
          1. The Sheer Cliff of Value: The Third Dimension
          2. Value Opportunities
          3. Value Opportunity Charts and Analysis
          4. The Time and Place for Value Opportunities
          5. VOs and Product Goals
          6. The Upper Right for Industrial Products
          7. The Upper Right of Commodity Products: Trading off Value among the Aluminum Can, the Plastic Bottle, and the Glass Bottle
          8. Summary Points
          9. References
        4. Chapter Four. The Core of a Successful Brand Strategy: Breakthrough Products and Services
          1. Brand Strategy and Product Strategy
          2. Corporate Commitment to Product and Brand
          3. Corporate Values and Customer Values
          4. Managing Product Brand
          5. Brand and the Value Opportunities
          6. Summary Points
          7. References
      10. Part Two: The Process
        1. Chapter Five. A Comprehensive Approach to User-Centered, Integrated New Product Development
          1. Clarifying the Fuzzy Front End of New Product Development
          2. User-Centered iNPD Process
          3. Resource Allocation
          4. Summary Points
          5. References
        2. Chapter Six. Integrating Disciplines and Managing Diverse Teams
          1. User-Centered iNPD Facilitates Customer Value
          2. Understanding Perceptual Gaps
          3. Team Functionality
          4. Part Differentiation Matrix
          5. Issues in Team Management: Team Empowerment
          6. iNPD Team Integration Effectiveness
          7. Summary Points
          8. References
        3. Chapter Seven. Understanding the User’s Needs, Wants, and Desires
          1. Overview: Usability and Desirability
          2. An Integrated Approach to a User-Driven Process
          3. Scenario Development (Part I)
          4. New Product Ethnography
          5. Lifestyle Reference and Trend Analysis
          6. Ergonomics: Interaction, Task Analysis, and Anthropometrics
          7. Scenarios and Stories
          8. Broadening the Focus
          9. Product Definition
          10. Summary Points
          11. References
          12. Research Acknowledgments
      11. Part Three: Further Evidence
        1. Chapter Eight. Service Innovation: Breakthrough Innovation on the Product–Service Ecosystem Continuum
          1. The Era of Interconnected Ecosystems: Product, Interface, and Service
          2. Umpqua: Designing a Bank Like a Product
          3. UPS Moves Beyond the Package Delivery Industry
          4. The Disney Renaissance: The Ultimate Entertainment Service
          5. Interaction Design
          6. Summary Points
          7. References
        2. Chapter Nine. Case Studies: The Power of the Upper Right
          1. Reinventing the Classroom with Upper Right Seating Systems: The IDEO and Steelcase Node
          2. Ball Parks Play in the Upper Right: The Dallas Stadium and PNC Park
          3. Innovation in Machining: Kennametal Beyond Blast Titanium Manufacturing
          4. Electric Vehicle Innovation: Bringing Upper Right Transportation to the Twenty-First Century
          5. Upper Right Open Innovation Partnerships between Companies and Universities
          6. Summary Points
          7. Endnotes
        3. Chapter Ten. Case Studies: The Global Power of the Upper Right
          1. The BRIC Countries
          2. DesignSingapore Council: The Third Component from the Little Country That Can
          3. Summary Points
          4. References
        4. Chapter Eleven. Where Are They Now?
          1. Changing SET Factors
          2. Summary Points
      12. Epilogue
        1. Future Innovators
        2. Have Faith in the Leap
        3. References
      13. Index
      14. FT Press