

Aaker, D. A., 102

ADHD management case study, 289

Aeron Chair case study, 351-352

aesthetics, as Value Opportunity, 75

affective interaction design, 207

aircraft manufacturing case study, 320-322

allocating resources, 156-157

financing, 158-159

scheduling, 157-158

team selection, 159-160

aluminum cans, VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis) of, 96-98

aluminum seating, Positioning Map of, 52

analysis of VOs (Value Opportunities), 81-84

BodyMedia FIT System, 86-87

Coca-Cola bottles/cans, 96-98

GE Adventure Series MRI, 89-90

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker, 84-85

Starbucks, 87-89

anthropometrics, 231-235


brand and product strategy integration, 101-102

VOs (Value Opportunities) and brand identity, 120

Apple iMac, 359

Arnold, Susan, 116

assessments, shifting from qualitative to quantitative, 279

AT&T telephone case study, 234-235

Athenian, Spartan versus, 197

auto industry case study, 357-360

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix) in, 187-188

SET Factors, 14


banking industry case study, 265-266

basketball coaching analogy, 194-195

Be Green case study, 330-332

benevolent coaching style, dictatorial style versus, 194-195

beverage containers, VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis) of, 96-98

Beyond Blast. See Kennametal Beyond Blast titanium machining case study, 296-300

The Biggest Loser (television show), 22

biomechanics, 233

Black & Decker Snakelight case study, 59, 356

Bluth, Don, 273

BodyMedia FIT System case study, 19-24

interaction design, 277

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 184-185

Positioning Map, 53-55

product goals, 91

strategic planning at startup, 107

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 86-87

Borroni-Bird, Chris, 304

brand, products and, 9

The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Distance Between Business Strategy and Design (Nuemeier), 105

brand identity

building versus maintaining, 114-119

in Upper Right products, 83-84

brand loyalty, 68

brand management, 206

brand strategy

building versus maintaining brand identity, 114

Cirque du Soleil case study, 114-115

Harley-Davidson case study, 118-119

P&G Herbal Essences case study, 115-117

corporate commitment to, 105-108

corporate values and, 108-109

product brand management, 109

company identity versus product identity, 111-114

for new products, 110-111

product strategy integration, 101-105

VOs (Value Opportunities) and, 120-122

Brazil, innovation in, 320

Embraer case study, 320-322

Positivo case study, 322-323

breakthrough products. See also new product development

defined, 3

positioning, 5-7

Breuer/Tornado Marathon Carpet Cleaner case study, 353-354

BRIC countries, 319

Brazil, 320

Embraer case study, 320-322

Positivo case study, 322-323

China, Haier case study, 323-325, 328

India, Design Impact case study, 328-330

Bryant, Kobe, 194

Buffett, Jimmy. See Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker

Building Better Global Economic BRICs (O’Neil), 319

building brand identity, maintaining brand versus, 114

Cirque du Soleil case study, 114-115

Harley-Davidson case study, 118-119

P&G Herbal Essences case study, 115-117

Built to Love (Boatwright and Cagan), 74

Burns, Lawrence, 304

Buyology (Lindstrom), 208


Calhoun, Jeff, 95

Calipari, John, 195

Campbell, Joseph, 238-239

Carnegie Mellon University, 306-311

case studies

ADHD management, 289

AT&T telephone, 234-235

Be Green, 330-332

Black & Decker Snakelight, 59, 356

BodyMedia FIT System, 19-24

interaction design, 277

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 184-185

Positioning Map, 53-55

product goals, 91

strategic planning at startup, 107

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 86-87

changing SET Factors in, 339-340

Cirque du Soleil, 114-115

Coca-Cola, 96-98

Crown Wave, 111, 346-348

Dallas Stadium, 291-295

Design Impact, 328-330

Disney, 272-276

educational products, 277-279

electric vehicles, 300-305

Embraer, 320-322

GE Healthcare Adventure MRI Series, 28-32

Positioning Map, 56-57

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 89-90

Haier, 323-325, 328

Harley-Davidson, 118-119

Include Fitness, 289-290

Kennametal Beyond Blast titanium machining, 296-300

Live Well Collaborative, 311-315

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker, 15-19

ethnography, 220-222

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 183-184

Positioning Map, 52-53

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 84-85

Navistar/Carnegie Mellon partnership, 307-311

OXO GoodGrips, 32, 340-346

brand identity, 112

knockoffs, 58

Universal Design, 78

P&G Herbal Essences

brand and product strategy integration, 104

epic storytelling, 238-239

redefining brand identity, 115-117

PNC Park, 294-295

Positivo, 322-323

Ritz-Carlton, 262

See Word, 277-279

SideWinder, 246-247

Singapore, 332-335

Starbucks, 25-28

flexible brand identity, 112

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 185-186

Positioning Map, 55-56

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 87-89

Steelcase Node, 283-289

Umbqua Bank, 265-266

updates on

auto industry, 357-360

Black & Decker Snakelight, 356

Breuer/Tornado Marathon Carpet Cleaner, 353-354

DynaMyte, 352-353

Freeplay Radio, 356-357

HeadBlade, 350

Herman Miller Aeron Chair, 351-352

Kodak Single Use Camera, 355

Motorola Talkabout, 348-349

Zip Drive, 351

UPS, 111, 267-272

VistaLab pipettes, 95-96

Casey, Jim, 267

The Centaur (Updike), 239

champions, team managers as, 198

changing SET Factors, 339-340

Chevy Volt case study, 302

China, innovation in, 323-325, 328

Chrysler PT Cruiser, 358

Cirque du Soleil case study, 114-115

classroom seating case study, 283-289

Clay Street, 178

Cloyd, Gil, 307

Coca-Cola case study, 96-98

cognitive dissonance, 226

collaboration of teams, 171-172. See also partnerships, 305-316

commodity products in Upper Right (in Positioning Map), 93-94

companies, partnerships with universities, 305-307, 315-316

LWC (Live Well Collaborative), 311-315

Navistar/Carnegie Mellon partnership, 307-311

company identity, product identity versus, 111-114

complexity (parts design), 181

computer manufacturing case study, 322-323

conceptualization of product opportunities, 133-135, 148-152

conflict management, 171-172, 188-190

conflict within teams, 151

constraints, balancing with variables, 193

consumer awareness, 45-46

consumer culture, growth of, 41-42

copyright. See intellectual property protection, 59-60, 155

Corcorran, Sean, 284, 289

core technology, as Value Opportunity, 80

corporate commitment to brand and product strategy, 105-108

corporate mission in team management, 192

corporate values in brand strategy, 108-109

cost-driven products, value-driven products versus, 72-73


financing, 158-159

value and, 66-67

Cradle to Cradle (McDonough and Braungart), 328-330

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 49, 227

Crown Wave case study, 111, 346-348

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 178

CT scanners. See GE Healthcare Adventure MRI Series case study

Curitiba (Brazil), innovation in, 320

customer research (UPS case study), 270

customer values, 46-47

corporate values and, 108-109

product connections with, 104

customers, role of

in brand strategy, 105

in product development, 7-10

customization, 208

Cyrus, Miley, 276


Dallas Stadium case study, 291-295

Davis, Ray, 265

Deadheads, 17

Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change (Papanek), 318, 328

Design Impact case study, 328-330

The Design of Things to Come (Cagan, Vogel, and Boatwright), 59

DesignSingapore Council case study, 332-335

desirable products, defined, 67

DeWalt, brand identity, 111

diagnostics in human factors research, 207

dictatorial coaching style, benevolent style versus, 194-195

Dietz, Doug, 28-29


integration of, 163-166, 199-200

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 190-191

perceptual gaps, 166-170

team collaboration, 171-172

team management, 191-199

team negotiation, 172-176

team performance, 176-180

for user-centered design, 210-212


Disney case study, 272-276

Disney, Roy, 273

Dreamworks, 364

Dreyfuss, Henry, 44, 231

Dunkin’ Donuts, 28

DynaMyte case study, 352-353


Eames, Charles and Ray, 328

Earl, Harley, 14, 42

economic factors in POGs (product opportunity gaps), 12

Eder, Ryan, 289-290

educational products case study, 277-279

Eisner, Michael, 273

electric vehicles case study, 300-305

Embraer case study, 320-322

emotion, as Value Opportunity, 74-75

empathic innovation, 30

empathy, logic versus, 260-261

empowerment of interdisciplinary teams, 191-199

entertainment industry case study, 272-276

environmental impact, as Value Opportunity, 79

epic storytelling, 238-241

ergonomics, 225

anthropometrics, 231-235

interaction, 225-227

task analysis, 228-230

as Value Opportunity, 77-79

ethnography, 206, 214-219

benefits of, 215-216

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker case study, 220-222

new product ethnography, 127

techniques of, 217

evolutionary product development, revolutionary development versus, 60-61

experience economy, 70-73


fantasy expectations, 71

Farber, Sam, 82, 340

filtering product opportunities, 139-140

financing, 158-159

FIT System. See BodyMedia FIT System case study

flexible identity, 112

Flow (Csikszentmihalyi), 178

focus groups, 152

Ford, Henry, 42

Ford, Ramsey, 328-329

Forlizzi, Jodi, 276

form models, 154

Freeplay Radio case study, 356-357

Friedman, Thomas, 318, 330

function models, 154

future innovators, 361-363

Fuzzy Front End, defined, 3. See also new product development


The Game-Changer: How You Can Drive Revenue and Profit Growth with Innovation (Lafley), 116

Gates, Bill, 258

Gauthier, Daniel, 114

GE Healthcare Adventure MRI Series case study, 28-32

Positioning Map, 56-57

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 89-90

Gilmore, James, 70

Gladwell, Malcolm, 238

glass bottles, VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis) of, 96-98

global economy, 46-47

GM (General Motors), SET Factors, 14

go/no-go decision point, 154

goals, VOs (Value Opportunities) and, 91-93

Grand Challenges (for society), 363

Grateful Dead, 17

Grow (Stengel), 363


Haier case study, 323-325, 328

Hansian, Kate, 328-329

Harley-Davidson case study, 118-119

HeadBlade case study, 350

Herbal Essences case study. See P&G Herbal Essences case study

Herman Miller Aeron Chair case study, 102, 351-352

hero’s journey, 240-241

HFES (Human Factors Ergonomics Society), 205-206


of human factors research, 205-206

of style and technology integration, 40-47

beginnings of, 40-41

consumer awareness, 45-46

customer value, mass customization, global economy, 46-47

growth of consumer culture, 41-42

mass marketing and middle class growth, 44-45

style and mass production, 42-44

Ho, Jeffrey, 333

Honda Insight, 304

Human Factors Ergonomics Society (HFES), 205-206

human factors research, 205. See also user-centered design, 210-212

advanced diagnostics, 207

affective interaction design, 207

brand management, 206

ergonomics, 225

anthropometrics, 231-235

interaction, 225-227

task analysis, 228-230

ethnography, 206, 214-219

benefits of, 215-216

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker case study, 220-222

techniques of, 217

history of, 205-206

interaction design, 207

lifestyle reference and trend analysis, 223-225

mass customer-zation, 208

product definition from, 244-245

SideWinder case study, 246-247

quantitative versus qualitative analysis, 208-210

scenario development, 212-214, 236-237

epic storytelling, 238-239

hero’s journey, 240-241

hybrid vehicles, 302


identification of product opportunities, 133, 136-143

IDEO Node case study, 283-289

iMac, 359

impact, as Value Opportunity, 76-79

Include Fitness case study, 289-290

India, innovation in, 328-330

industrial design services, 159

industrial products, in Upper Right (in Positioning Map), 93-94

Industrial Revolution, 40-41

innovation. See also interconnections between products and services; Upper Right (in Positioning Map)

Be Green case study, 330-332

in Brazil, 320

Embraer case study, 320-322

Positivo case study, 322-323

in China, Haier case study, 323-325, 328

Dallas Stadium case study, 291-295

electric vehicles case study, 300-305

future innovators, 361-363

in India, Design Impact case study, 328-330

Kennametal Beyond Blast titanium machining case study, 296-300

movie-making analogy, 363-364

partnerships between universities and companies, 305-307, 315-316

LWC (Live Well Collaborative), 311-315

Navistar/Carnegie Mellon partnership, 307-311

PNC Park case study, 294-295

in product and service interconnections, 258

Singapore case study, 332-335

Steelcase Node case study, 283-289

“innovention,” 289-290

iNPD (integrated new product development) process, 128-130

at Carnegie Mellon University, 306

conceptualization of product opportunities, 133-135, 148-152

focus of, 132-136

identification of product opportunities, 133, 136-143

integration of disciplines, 163-166, 199-200

realization of product opportunities, 135, 153-156

resource allocation, 156-157

financing, 158-159

scheduling, 157-158

team selection, 159-160

role in overall development process, 130-131

understanding of product opportunities, 133, 143-148

visualization in, 247-252

integration of disciplines, 163-166, 199-200

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix) and, 190-191

perceptual gaps, 166-170

team collaboration, 171-172

team management, 191-199

team negotiation, 172-176

team performance, 176-180

for user-centered design, 210-212

intellectual property protection, 59-60, 155

interaction, ergonomics of, 225-227

interaction design, 207, 276-279

interactive teaching tool case study, 277-279

interconnections between products and services, 257-260

Disney case study, 272-276

empathy versus logic, 260-261

traditional service design, 262-264

Umbqua Bank case study, 265-266

UPS case study, 267-272

interdisciplinary teams. See teams

interests-based negotiation, 173

interests-based team management, 196-198

interface opportunities (new product development), 128

interfaces with products and services, 258

interviews (in ethnography), 217


Jackson, Phil, 194

Jobs, Steve, 46, 258, 276

Johnson, Peter, 197

Jones, Jerry and Gene, 291

Jordan, Michael, 194

Justice, Lorraine, 327


Kamen, Dean, 304

Kanter, Rosabeth, 108

Kapur, Dee, xix-xx, 307

Kasabach, Chris, 22

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 273

Kennametal Beyond Blast titanium machining case study, 296-300

KhooTeckPuat Hospital (KTPH) case study, 333-335

Knight, Bobby, 194

knockoff products, 57-59

Kodak Single Use Camera case study, 355

Kornau, Matt, 328

Kotchka, Claudia, 178

Kramer, Valerie, 225

Krzyzewski, Mike, 194

KTPH (KhooTeckPuat Hospital) case study, 333-335

Kuehler, David, 178


Lafley, A. G., 116, 178

Laliberté, Guy, 114

Lasseter, John, 276

legal issues, intellectual property protection, 59-60

Lerner, Jaime, 320

lifestyle impact (parts design), 181

lifestyle reference, 223-225

Lindstrom, Martin, 208

Live Well Collaborative (LWC), 307, 311-315

logic, empathy versus, 260-261

LoneStar. See Navistar, 103, 307-311

Lower Left (in Positioning Map), 48-49

Lower Right (in Positioning Map), 49-50

Lucas, George, 238

Ludwig, James, 287

LWC (Live Well Collaborative), 307, 311-315


maintaining brand identity, building brand versus, 114

Cirque du Soleil case study, 114-115

Harley-Davidson case study, 118-119

P&G Herbal Essences case study, 115-117

management of interdisciplinary teams, 191-199

balance between upper management and team, 192-193

corporate mission, understanding, 192

dictatorial versus benevolent coaching styles, 194-195

expertise of team versus expertise of manager, 196

interests-based management, 196-198

personality of team, recognizing, 196

unbiased attitude, 193-194

visionaries and champions, 198

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker case study, 15-19

ethnography, 220-222

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 183-184

Positioning Map, 52-53

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 84-85

Marketing Aesthetics: The Strategic Management of Brands, Identity, and Image (Schmitt and Simonson), 155, 206

mass customer-zation, 208

mass customization, 46-47, 208

mass marketing, 44-46

mass production, 40-41

development of, 206

style and, 42-44

Matt, Brian, 17

Mazda Miata, 358

McDonalds, 28

McDonough, William, 332

McKee, Robert, 239

The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design (Dreyfuss), 231

Meeker, Shane, 238-239

Meyer, Ben, 278

middle class, growth of, 44-45

Mitchell, Bill, 304

mood boards, 224

Moore’s Law, 12

Moore, Geoffrey, 49, 227

Motorola Talkabout case study, 348-349

movie director analogy, 195

movie-making analogy (innovation), 363-364

MRI scanners. See GE Healthcare Adventure MRI Series case study

Muller, Tom, 300

multisensory interactive teaching tool case study, 277-279


Nader, Ralph, 45


brand and product strategy integration, 103

partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, 307-311

negotiation in design process, 172-176

new product development

challenges, 4-5

customer focus in, 7-10

Fuzzy Front End, defined, 3

human factors research. See human factors research

iNPD process, 128-130

at Carnegie Mellon University, 306

conceptualization of product opportunities, 133-135, 148-152

focus of, 132-136

identification of product opportunities, 133, 136-143

integration of discplines, 163-166, 199-200

realization of product opportunities, 135, 153-156

resource allocation, 156-160

role in overall development process, 130-131

understanding of product opportunities, 133, 143-148

visualization in, 247-252

for interface opportunities, 128

movie-making analogy, 363-364

parachuting analogy, 4

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 181-187

in auto industry, 187-188

BodyMedia FIT System case study, 184-185

integrated development and, 190-191

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker case study, 183-184

Starbucks case study, 185-186

team conflict and, 188-190

product definition, 244-247

revolutionary versus evolutionary development, 60-61

rock climbing analogy, 3-4

secondary stakeholders, 241-242

for service design, 128

stakeholders, influence of, 30

teams. See teams

new product ethnography, 127

niche marketing, 45

Nissan Leaf case study, 301-302

nonconsumer products, identifying users of, 243

Norman, Donald, 41

Noyes, Elliot, 45

Nuemeier, Marty, 105


O’Neal, Shaquille, 194

O’Neil, Jim, 319

observation (in ethnography), 217

ODAM (Organisation of Development Action and Maintenance), 329

open innovation. See innovation

orchestra conductor analogy, 195

Organisation of Development Action and Maintenance (ODAM), 329

Outliers: The Story of Success (Gladwell), 238

Overthun, Thomas, 286

OXO GoodGrips case study, 32, 340-346

brand identity, 112

knockoffs, 58

Universal Design, 78


P&G Clay Street, 178

P&G Herbal Essences case study

brand and product strategy integration, 104

epic storytelling, 238-239

redefining brand identity, 115-117

packaging case study (Be Green), 330-332

packaging system case study (Live Well Collaborative), 311-315

Papanek, Victor, 318, 328

Parrotheads. See Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker

Part Differentiation Matrix. See PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix)

partnerships between universities and companies, 305-307, 315-316

LWC (Live Well Collaborative), 311-315

Navistar/Carnegie Mellon partnership, 307-311

patents, benefits of, 155. See also intellectual property protection, 56-60, 155

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 181-187

BodyMedia FIT System case study, 184-185

in auto industry, 187-188

integrated development and, 190-191

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker case study, 183-184

Starbucks case study, 185-186

team conflict and, 188-190

UPS case study, 270

Peet’s Coffee, 27

Peet, Alfred, 27

perceptual gaps, 166-170

performance of teams, 176-180

Peña, Alejandro, 17

Pine, B. Joseph, 70

Pixar Studios, 276

plastic bottles, VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis) of, 96-98

PNC Park case study, 294-295

POGs (product opportunity gaps). See also product opportunities

case studies

BodyMedia FIT System, 19-24

Crown Wave, 348

Disney, 273

GE Healthcare Adventure MRI Series, 28-32

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker, 15-19

OXO GoodGrips, 32

Starbucks, 25-28

UPS, 269

identifying, 10-15

economic factors, 12

social factors, 11-12

technology factors, 12-13

VOs (Value Opportunities) and, 91

positioning breakthrough products, 5-7. See also Upper Right (in Positioning Map)

Positioning Map, 6-7

of aluminum seating, 52

of BodyMedia FIT System, 53-55

Dallas Stadium case study, 292

of GE Adventure Series, 56-57

Kennametal Beyond Blast titanium machining case study, 296-297

Lower Left, 48-49

Lower Right, 49-50

of Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker, 52-53

quadrants in, 47

Sheer Cliff of Value, 65-66

of Starbucks, 55-56

style and technology integration, 37-47

Upper Left, 50

Upper Right. See Upper Right (in Positioning Map)

OXO GoodGrips peeler case study, 341

Positivo case study, 322-323

postponement, 113

Pour Your Heart Into It (Schultz), 28

power-based negotiation, 173

Prichard, Paul, 300

product brand management, 109

building versus maintaining brand identity, 114

Cirque du Soleil case study, 114-115

Harley-Davidson case study, 118-119

P&G Herbal Essences case study, 115-117

company identity versus product identity, 111-114

for new products, 110-111

product definition, 244-247

product development. See new product development

product identity

company identity versus, 111-114

as Value Opportunity, 75-76

product opportunities

conceptualizing, 133-135, 148-152

identifying, 133, 136-141, 143

realizing, 135, 153-156

understanding, 133, 143-148

product opportunity gaps. See POGs (product opportunity gaps)

product strategy

brand strategy integration, 101-105

corporate commitment to, 105-108

product-service ecosystems, defined, 8


brand and, 9

connection with customer values, 104

cost-driven versus value-driven, 72-73

defined, 7-8

industrial/commodity products in Upper Right (in Positioning Map), 93-94

interaction design, 276-279

interconnection with services, 257-260

Disney case study, 272-276

empathy versus logic, 260-261

traditional service design, 262-264

Umbqua Bank case study, 265-266

UPS case study, 267-272

nonconsumer products, identifying users of, 243

services and

BodyMedia FIT System case study, 24

Starbucks case study, 25

successful products, factors in, 9


defined, 66-67

profit and, 67-69

qualities of products, 70-73

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 81-84

BodyMedia FIT System, 86-87

Coca-Cola bottles/cans, 96-98

GE Adventure Series MRI, 89-90

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker, 84-85

Starbucks, 87-89

VOs (Value Opportunities), 73-74

aesthetics, 75

core technology, 80

emotion, 74-75

ergonomics, 77-79

impact, 76-79

product goals and, 91-93

product identity, 75-76

quality, 80-81

time and place for, 90-91


in Upper Right products, 82-83

value and, 67-69

program planning, importance of, 106-107


financing for, 158-159

rapid prototyping, 148-150

rough prototyping, 145

psycheconometrics, 12, 72

PT Cruiser, 358

Pugh charts, 151

Pugh, Stuart, 151

Pyramid of Success (Wooden), 194


qualitative human factors analysis, 208-210

ethnography, 214-219

benefits of, 215-216

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker case study, 220-222

techniques of, 217

scenario development, 212-214

qualities (of products), value and, 70-73

quality, as Value Opportunity, 80-81

quantitative human factors analysis, 208-210


Rams, Dieter, 102

Rand, Paul, 45

rapid prototyping, 148-150

realization of product opportunities, 135, 153-156

recyclable packaging case study, 330-332

Reinventing the Automobile: Personal Urban Mobility for the 21st Century (Mitchell), 304

repetitive stress injury, 227

resource allocation, 156-157

financing, 158-159

scheduling, 157-158

team selection, 159-160

reverse engineering, 150

revolutionary product development, evolutionary development versus, 60-61

Reynolds, Robert, 289

Rider, Ed, 239

rights-based negotiation, 173

rip-off products, 57-59

Ritz-Carlton case study, 262

Roberts, Dexter, 323

rough prototyping, 145

Rowling, J. K., 239


scenarios, 208

development of, 212-214, 236-237

epic storytelling, 238-239

hero’s journey, 240-241

in identification of product opportunities, 142-143

understanding product opportunities, 145, 148

scheduling, 157-158

Schultz, Howard, 25, 28

Schulze, Horst, 262

Sears Coldspot Refrigerator, 43

secondary stakeholders, 136, 241-242

See Word case study, 277-279

Segway, 304

selecting teams, 159-160

SenseWear System case study. See BodyMedia FIT System case study

sensory perception, 75

service design (new product development), 128


defined, 8

interaction design, 276-279

interconnection with products, 257-260

BodyMedia FIT System case study, 24

Disney case study, 272-276

empathy versus logic, 260-261

Starbucks case study, 25

traditional service design, 262-264

Umbqua Bank case study, 265-266

UPS case study, 267-272

VOA for, 263

SET Factors, 10-15

case studies

BodyMedia FIT System, 19-24

classroom seating, 283

GE Healthcare Adventure MRI Series, 28-32

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker, 15-19

OXO GoodGrips, 32, 342

Starbucks, 25-28

changing, 339-340

economic factors, 12

in human factors research, 208

in product opportunity identification, 138

for Segway, 304

social factors, 11-12

technology factors, 12-13

VOs (Value Opportunities) and, 91

Seward, Reneé, 277

Sheer Cliff of Value (in Positioning Map), 6, 65-66. See also value

SideWinder case study, 246-247

Singapore case study, 332-335

Smith, Dave, 94, 193, 348

Snakelight. See Black & Decker Snakelight case study, 59, 356

social factors in POGs (product opportunity gaps), 11-12

social impact, as Value Opportunity, 78

social VO (Value Opportunity) for electric vehicles, 304

socially responsible design, 328

societal goals, 363

Spartan, Athenian versus, 197


influence of, 30

secondary stakeholders, 241-242

Starbucks case study, 25-28

flexible brand identity, 112

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix), 185-186

Positioning Map, 55-56

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 87-89

Steelcase Node case study, 283-289

Stengel, Jim, 363

storytelling, 238-241

Stumpf, Bill, 233


defined, 37

integration with technology, 37-40

history of, 40-47

mass production and, 42-44

in Positioning Map

Lower Left quadrant, 48-49

Lower Right quadrant, 49-50

Upper Left quadrant, 50

Upper Right quadrant, 50-51

successful products, factors in, 9

Super Size Me (film), 22

SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits, Growth, and Social Good (Kanter), 108


task analysis, 228-230

team conflict, PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix) and, 188-190


bias in, 129

collaboration, 171-172

conflict within, 151

elements of, 129

iNPD process. See iNPD process

integration of disciplines, 163-166, 199-200

PDM (Part Differentiation Matrix) and, 190-191

perceptual gaps, 166-170

team management, 191-199

for user-centered design, 210-212

negotiation, 172-176


performance, 176-180

selecting, 159-160


defined, 38

integration with style, 37-47

in Positioning Map

Lower Left quadrant, 48-49

Lower Right quadrant, 49-50

Upper Left quadrant, 50

Upper Right quadrant, 50-51

technology factors in POGs (product opportunity gaps), 12-13

telephone case study, 234-235

testing, shifting from qualitative to quantitative, 279

Tett, Gillian, 319

time, scheduling, 157-158

titanium machining case study, 296-300

Tolkien, J. R. R., 239

Toyota Prius, 302

trademarks. See intellectual property protection, 59-60, 155

traditional service design, 262-264

transgenerational products, 224

trend analysis, 223-225

Trubey, Bryan, 293

trucking case study. See Navistar, 103, 307-311

24 Hour Fitness, 23


Umbqua Bank case study, 265-266

understanding of product opportunities, 133, 143-148

Universal Design, 78

Universal Methods of Design (Martin and Hanington), 217

universities, partnerships with companies, 305-307, 315-316

LWC (Live Well Collaborative), 311-315

Navistar/Carnegie Mellon partnership, 307-311

updates on case studies

auto industry, 357-360

Black & Decker Snakelight, 356

Breuer/Tornado Marathon Carpet Cleaner, 353-354

DynaMyte, 352-353

Freeplay Radio, 356-357

HeadBlade, 350

Herman Miller Aeron Chair, 351-352

Kodak Single Use Camera, 355

Motorola Talkabout, 348-349

Zip Drive, 351

Updike, John, 239

Upper Left (in Positioning Map), 50

Upper Right (in Positioning Map), 6-7, 50-51

brand identity and, 83-84

Dallas Stadium case study, 292

experience economy, 71

increased profits and, 67-69

industrial/commodity products, 93-94

intellectual property protection, 59-60

knockoff products, 57-59

profit and, 82-83

revolutionary versus evolutionary product development, 60-61

Sheer Cliff of Value, 65-66

UPS case study, 111, 267-272

usable products, defined, 67

useful products, defined, 67

user research. See human factors research

user-centered design, interdisciplinary approach to, 210-212

user-centered iNPD process. See iNPD process

users of nonconsumer products, identifying, 243


value. See also VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis); VOs (Value Opportunities)

cost and, 66-67

customer value, 46-47

defined, 38, 66-67

in Positioning Map, 50-51, 65-66

price sensitivity, 40

profit and, 67-69

qualities of products, 70-73

Value Opportunities. See VOs

Value Opportunity Analysis. See VOA

value-driven products, cost-driven products versus, 72-73


corporate values in brand strategy, 108-109

customer values

corporate values and, 108-109

product connections with, 104

variables, balancing with constraints, 193

visionaries, team managers as, 198

VistaLab pipettes case study, 95-96

visual stories (in ethnography), 217

visualization in iNPD process, 247-252

VOA (Value Opportunity Analysis), 64, 81-84

BodyMedia FIT System case study, 86-87

Chevy Volt case study, 303

Coca-Cola bottles/cans case study, 96-98

Crown Wave case study, 348

Disney case study, 274-275

empathetic versus logical aspects, 261

GE Adventure Series MRI case study, 89-90

in interaction design, 277

Kennametal Beyond Blast titanium machining case study, 298

Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker case study, 84-85

Navistar truck case study, 308

Nissan Leaf case study, 302

OXO GoodGrips peeler case study, 343-344

for services, 263

Starbucks, 87-89

Steelcase Node case study, 287

Vogler, Christopher, 238-241

VOs (Value Opportunities), 73-74

aesthetics, 75

Be Green case study, 331

brand identity and, 120-122

core technology, 80

emotion, 74-75

ergonomics, 77-79

impact, 76-79

product goals and, 91-93

product identity, 75-76

quality, 80-81

time and place for, 90-91

in understanding product opportunities, 148

UPS case study, 271

VW Beetle, 359


Weedman, Jeff, 330

weighted matrix, 151

Weingart, Laurie, 173, 183

The Wisdom of Teams (Katzenbach and Smith), 176

Wooden, John, 194

The World Is Flat (Friedman), 330


Zhang Ruimin, 323-324

Ziba Design, 265-266

Zimpher, Nancy, 307

Zip Drive case study, 351

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